I promised myself not to post on here as long as I knew players in uniform. I recently graduated in May, and in my previous 3 years at UNT I spend a majority of my time working as a tutor for the athletic department. I am proud to say I had the pleasure of working with many of the young men and women we cheer on every day. I got to know many of the players personally, and I gladly to say I support the Mean Green.
I’ve always loved reading post on the website; I loved to hear the common excitement for a new season, new coach, and new stadium. I used to have the pleasure of driving by the stadium almost every day as I went to work at a job I loved. However recently, I’ve started graduate school in San Antonio and I have yet to see the stadium and the team in person since. Still that hasn’t veered my support for my alma mater. Even during tough times and losses I still support my school; players, coaches, athletic trainers, managers and everyone else involved with representing UNT.
Many of you however, find these tough times to an opportunity publicly call out the young gentlemen on the field. Do you know who they are, do you know what they go through day to day, were you ever in their place, and do you really even care?
I’ll give you a little inside from what I saw. A lot of these guys committed to a program that was 5-31 with Dodge and usually close to bottom of all the FBS. They came here to win and that’s the reason they are still here. They don’t like losing any more than a fan likes seeing a loss. They go to a school where much of the student body doesn’t care about them, and when times get rough either do alums. Do you think calling them out publicly motivates them? It doesn’t, and it sure doesn’t help their attitude or confidence. Do you really wonder why no we haven’t had a solid junior or senior quarterback, or why we have players quit or transfer?
These players give it their all every Saturday for a fan base and school that seems to not care. They have yet to quit on each other and yet to quit on their coach. Never in the game yesterday did I see a player quit on a play. Yes, sometimes they got out played and weaknesses were exposed but they never quit.
Finally who are you to question the coaching staff? Aren’t these they guys you praised about a few months ago. Have you ever been on a top 25 coaching staff or won a BCS Championship? I bet not, but I do believe these guys know what they are doing.
Many of you say you’ve given up on this season and won’t even try to make it to anymore games. Give me your tickets, I would love to go. Beats watching it online. I may just be a kid to some of you, but many of you are acting like a child to me. Finally, please shut your mouth about football or any other sport unless it is in support for the team. And most importantly GO MEAN GREEN.