well, my father is a teacher/coach. he was in the HS scene for 30 some odd years and is now coaching in JH. he is coaching in a prodominately low income hispanic area. in the two and a half years he has been their i have heard of knife fights, purses full of drugs, riots, and even death threats. the education system is going down the drains and it is just going to get worse. someone said earlier that "Kids today realize that there is little adults can do when they do things" this is very true, kids learn the system at a very early age and most of the time parents are the antagonist of the situations. the parents dont care what their children are doing in school or out of the house, just as long as they dont get in trouble in the house. some parents are so afraid that CPS is going to get called on them that they dont punish their kids. the line between punishment and abuse these days is so thin that it is practically none existant. My question is how do we fix the problem and what do the schools need to do to help the process?