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Everything posted by hickoryhouse

  1. It is going to happen, I don't know when but i truly believe it will hapen. I just choose to to believe that it will happen sooner rather than later. The more positive support this thing has the better the chances are that it will actually happen
  2. the dude has been right before... maybe it isnt bad getting a little heads up
  3. Thanks ya'll. It is good to hear updates!!! Build the darn stadium!!!!!! Then other things are going to be possible, before that, it all is just lip service...
  4. UNT 68 Troy 51 blowout
  5. That is fantacstic. Kinda creepy, but very innovative. And, like you said, those are the cream of the crop, he picked a good campus to be a creep. He could just go to the bars like the rest of us do/did when we were in school, you can get lots of pictures and have a little more fun that way anyway.
  6. I really want to start attending these events. As a recent grad I think it is important to stay involved with the University! I unfortuanetly am going to be at work all day, so I can't make it. But the good thing is, I know those of us that cannot attend can count on any pertinant news to be relayed to us here via the Gomeangreen.com faithful. Thank you guys.
  7. Let me apologize for my spelling error, and probable numerous other errors involved with my typing in my posts. Obviously they are the direct result of a failed education by an inferior university... But I still think we can be friends!
  8. You know, maybe Parcells sees something in Cobbs, he saw him play while he was here...
  9. I can only speak for two areas, well maybe three.. but if you wanna ssay we fall behind in all areas you are selling the brilliance of this university short. Who else in Texas, hell the rest of the country, has a better Music school? I know most of us didn't experience or care about it, but it is a huge deal to alot of the "big money" alums! maybe Don Henly, i don't think he greaduated though... What about the Education program hear, that is a top notch program in the state, and well respected throughout the country, or the Hospitality program... same as the education program, great in the state and well respected nation wide. Low price and high quantity of students doesn't create an inferior education institution, although i understand your atempt at educational logic. UNT is able to provide a high quality education for thousands that can't afford the ut's the a$m's or the smuts.... are you upset that because we don'e have as much money as the smu folks we are in some way inferior? Funny I have read the same things over on ponyfans.... Have some pride, be proud of your school and give credit where credit is due. Maybe some other people on this board can elaborate, but to say that we fall behind in my opinion, is just naysaying. Something this school can do without. We have enough of that. lets move past your inferiority complex... it'll be good for you.
  10. DeLoach was a secondary coach was he not? I doubt as the DC he will let to many things get past him in regards to the new coach. Besides it appears as if both Todge and Deloach like him, then I do too. At least at this point
  11. You know... That is something else that makes me happy, seeing us get great pl;ayers from schools that have a "bigger name" or a "better conference"... bleh! I love taking recruits from those guys. It is a good day in Mean Green Country!
  12. I bet we have disucssed this before but I am curious as to which of these new recruts has you guys the most excited? I am pumped over Horton! All the things that I read about him from his high schol days are amazing, the fact that Auburn wanted him, and had him, tells you something too! 4.5 40 at 260?!?! those QB's better look out! That and i really think that our DL need significant help. Nothingg helps a defensive backfield like consistant pressure on the passer, Just look at the recent super bowl.... WHat do you guys think?
  13. Glad to have Horton here! He was the one I was holding my breath about
  14. Hunches are good. Sounds good to me
  15. All I know is that i can't wait o check this board tomorrow constantly to see the recruits come in. We keep saying that it isn't a class till they sign on the dotted line, well this time tomorrow, it will be a class and that is going to be awesome!!!!!! GO MEAN GREEN
  16. It is funny, I lived with hardcore music performance majors all through college, that was a wierd and fun house that we lived in by the way.... But anyway, freshman year I was the only one that went to any football games, sophmore year we started winning, we won the belt, and myself and two of the three musicians were there with me tearing down the goalposts! not the most mature thing but one of my favorite memories of college was carrying part of that goalpost through campus, stopping at the admin building to sing the fight song and the alma mata, and the continuing to fry st! Lou was awesome that day! My point is that even though this is concidered a Music School by many outsiders, even though many here at this wonderful school think that we can't be a school in the normal college sense of the word.... when we were winning, i got the musicians, those that make the reputation that we all think is overblown...... i got the musicians to go to the game, and they carried those goal posts with me...with us...and they were proud. and i was proud! I am proud. Winning will create school spirit, it asways does. everyone loves being part of a winner.
  17. I'm sure thqt I am not the only one to ask this, but if this is going forward the way the request for qualifications says it will, then one would have to logically assume that there is some sort of funding in place to "substantially complete" the stadium by 10, 2010. But then what does logic have to do with this school.... by the way, and a complete aside, 10 in 2010 is a great song by the wonderful band... anybody?
  18. i love the fact that that arrogant ass got beat! good for the giants!!!!! It was great to see this, what an upset. This was a fantastic nigh and a great end to an awesome season!
  19. me too. that is a good prospect, lets wait to celebrate until we ar ecertain he isn't going to sign someplace else
  20. awesome win! How was attendance?
  21. Trying to convince the girlfriend to like basketball.... It is a challenge but maybe i can convince her... wish me luck
  22. What do other SBC schools pay for their Defensive coordinators? I for some reason think that if aTm pays 300... then for a school of our athletic caliber.... 100 is not that bad... Then as we win would compensation go up?
  23. I feel so much better now.... for some strange reason i though that SMU might have been jumping up to catch aTm.... But we all know that's not po$$ible.
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