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Everything posted by hickoryhouse

  1. It is going to take a long time to fix..... That is exactly right and no one on this board could have said it better. And if that is the case, it is going to take a long time to achieve a solution that works for the masses, then why is the current government in power trying to shove a socialized care system down our throat without debate? We have all agreed that there is no easy solution, why does our current government think there is?
  2. My Girlfriend comes from a country with a national health care system in europe. She grew up in that country under communsitic reign. It is incredibly interesting to me to hear her speak about the US from her European point of view. I hear a good deal from her, and many other places, about the "negative foreign perspective" that the US has to a large part of the world, I hear about the disagreements that Europe has against us as a whole on foreign policy, taxes, investments, etc. The one thing, over these past three years that we have been together, that strikes me the most odd.... is that she felt the same way as all of the America haters across the pond, until SHE GOT HERE!!! There is a marked difference in her opinion of America now vs the way that she and the majority of the youth of Europe felt when she first got here. She doesn't hate us now that she knows us, she isn't as frustrated about our foreign policy decisions anymore as she learns more about the history of foreign policy of this country and as she learns more about the United States tradition of foreign aid that is unequaled anywhere in the world... She does however miss government run dentistry... Not so much the rest of Government run Health care.... As a young girl she was the victim of a horrible truck vs. bike accident. In Europe with that form of government run health care she was submitted to relatively rudimentary emergency care and substandard, by American standards, post trauma and cosmetic care after the accident. Her family is by no means rich, but could afford a much higher level of care had she been here in the states. She was forced to go to that doctor thanks to government regulations and due to that substandard level of government run health care, she still suffers from an accident that happened more than ten years ago. I understand the desire to have affordable health care for the masses, the government is not the body to do that. I have a personal example of this wake up next to me every morning. I do not see any reason why there is such a push for the government to take control of this industry, no one has been able to give me a good reason or a decent example of where this has worked or why it will work here. The truth is that we all agree there is a need for health care reform, we just don't agree on how to do it. The government should be ashamed of themselves for trying to force a major change in regards to our health care on us without a significant debate. Lets fix whats wrong, but at least let us talk about how to do it.
  3. well probably, but this is a pandemic and could wipe out the whole world. The newspapers and the radio say we should be scared... so lets all be scared.
  4. If we were to nationalize health care how many jobs would we lose? Insurance companies, private practice dr's and nurses, etc?
  5. I yelled.. what a five batter stretch, David Murphy pinch hits and draws a walk to put the go ahead run at the plate, then Ian gets ROBBED by Sweeny! Then in the ninth Marlon gets robbed on a double by a great catch, then Michael Young gets nailed on his way to third..... That was some hard baseball to watch... At least there was a homer to watch, but it wasn't enough... Crap
  6. annoying game so far. left the bases loaded two innings in a row!
  7. Hate his show, love the book. I am about half way through it at the moment, he is angry for sure but his "cleverness" that he portrays on his show does not make an appearance in this book. The guy is very intelligent and makes some fantastic points on the history of the Constitution and degradation of the intent of that same document.
  8. It was a good game too. I am beginning to think that Millwood only comes alive during contract years...
  9. I am not going to lie, I love me some Diamond Talk...
  10. HE has paid his debt to society and I think that some team will definately give him a shot. However, there is something to be said about hiring quality people. Look at what the cowboys did this offseason, they got rid of pacman, tank, t o and brought in a bunch of character guys, I think that is the way to go. Besides whoever hires him is going to endure a media circus unlike anything ever seen. He, in my opinion, is a bad person. I don't know the man and there is always a chance to change my mind... but I think that anyone who does that sort of thing, or condones it, is a bad person and that is going to show up when someone, or some team hires him.
  11. Im sorry, but if i decide that I do not want to have my tonsils anymore because they annoy me.... I am going to have my tonsils out and I am going to pay for it and it is not the government's job to say if I am allowed to do that or not.
  12. That is an interesting point, how is something like this STIMULUS?
  13. Guns, Bailouts, socialism......... wow... I do believe that it was the democrat controlled congress that started the whole thing... Bush didn't have to sign it of course...
  14. Best wishes and your father and family are in my prayers
  15. The complete lack of debate is what is surprising me, I am not upset with OBama as much as I am with Congress. I find it sad and embarrassing that congress is so afraid of the public lack of support for Govt run Health Care that they essentially tuck it in to the budget and shove it down the people throats with no possiblility of public debate, They know that their ideas are lacking the suport of the public but they want it anyway. Additionally with the way this is being done the Republicans do not even have the opportunity to filibuster, that is even more unbelievable. Te majority in congress is so afraid of the public lack of support and the possibility of an intelligent debate that the take filibuster off the table, and aren't the Democrats the party that seemed to be filibustering every other month during the Bush administration. I am all for changing our HC system if that is what the public wants to do, but lets talk about it, debate and have intelligent policy discussions. Don't hide behind shady politics and hidden agendas. What I don't understand is why Congress thinks this is ok to do?
  16. For some strange reason the UN doesn't want it either... "The council statement said a nuclear test would "jeopardize peace, stability and security in the region and beyond" and "bring universal condemnation by the international community." " Not that I think the UN is the greatest organization but.... Oh yeah, I also think that Kim Jong-il is insane
  17. Not that I do not believe this, but I would like to see some sort of referance to that point. However I do feel that NK haveing nuclear weapons of any sort is a orrible horrible idea and pretty frightening.
  18. I don't know about soft... I just don't like the player
  19. I woul say that all cars are designed with "planned obsolescence". That is part of the process, make a car.... sell a car... make a better one. The only cars that aren't obsolete are the brand new ones, the exotics and the classics.... What part of a honda isn't going to be obsolete soon?
  20. I don't care what race religion gender etc a person is and I do agree that as a nation we have got to be better than the extremist that we are currently at war with. We do not practice the same type of "torture" that the terrorists and al queda do. My question still stands, since we cannot engage in torture, and I am assuming that you feel waterboarding is torture, how do you suggest we gather the information from enemy combatants that are captured which could prevent another attack and save American lives?
  21. They Do it is chrysler who doesnt... All kidding aside it isn't the product that is killing the american car company, it is monitarily destructive contracts and decisions that they have made, the history of crappy cars over the past twenty years or so doesn't help the reputation much but when your profit margins are razor thin at best and you are saddled with oppressive UAW contracts that to much for people who are not productive it makes it hard to make any money. But i digress..
  22. The government is going to utilize some means to get information from prisoners. Usualy they are not going to give up information voluntarily (sp). I am not advocating, nor am I vilifying waterboarding I am only saying that techniques that are less than wholesome are going to be used. I would like to know what the people who are to voraciously against waterboarding as "torture" suggest that we do instead. Do you feel that gathering the information that prisoners have is important? How do we go about getting that info?
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