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About hickoryhouse

  • Birthday 12/20/1981

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  1. Reese and Kai?! what a squad!
  2. Watching Seth on the sidelines every week you can tell that it’s emotionally very difficult for him to do this. It’s frustrating, he gets very annoyed and I think that he was tearing up the other day too. It’s difficult to watch, and I know we all want better for him.
  3. I don’t know .. but let’s win that thing for the third time this year and go into a new conference as a contender to start!
  4. Wren knows what he is doing…. But it ain’t over till it’s over and the ink hasn’t dried yet so I am still hopefully and cautiously optimistic. a new season with a new coach and a new conference would be incredible and changes everything.
  5. 2 things here... first, I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with Javior all season and this is the first time it made sense. Drez doesn't command attention yet like Mo did leaving all that pressure on Hamlet. AGW, that was a great point and makes so much sense to me now. I know that there is more to it than that, butwhat a puzzle piece I was missing. Second.... My old man played BBall at OU... He is absolutely stoked about Mo and gives me Sh*t about it constantly. I am happy for the young man and hope nothing but the best for him! I wasn't mad at Woolridge, in fact I still follow and am stoked his career is still going. I fee the same about Mo.
  6. Loved the comment by Ruder at the end... Going to come to North Texas and win a lot of football games the next few years... Heck yea
  7. Welcome aboard!!!! North Texas State on the card......
  8. Then Monday is the day... I hope he stays and gets some additional schooling and another year of mean green football...
  9. I saw the qbs play last year and combine we had one ok player... I don’t know anything specific about Gilmore but I know I was high on him as a transfer with a lot of eligibility left. what we saw last year was not good, Gilmore looks to me like he could shake it up a bit!
  10. Unless I’m an idiot and Novil has already made his section and I missed it.... then it’s Gilmore I am stoked about.
  11. There are two players above all others that have me holding my breath going into 2021. The Kentucky transfer qb Amani Gilmore and Dion Novil... assuming he decides to ply another year. I can’t deal with another year of the Mean Green Bean and Gilmore looks like he could be a huge upgrade. Novil has a chance to be a monster with a good coach and a chip on his shoulder.
  12. the anticipation is killing me! This has been a great day!
  13. if I had to pick one... I think I miss this guy...
  14. Could see some fun to be had with this.....
  15. Ah ha.... I suppose Its time to lock the gate
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