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Everything posted by EagleMBA

  1. He chatted with the putz for a day and a half and got on the stand to testify for the Defense, using his degree in Social Psychology to go along with his military credentials. The fix is in.
  2. Don't confuse that Major General with Patton...I researched his background. Probably never got his fingers dirty.
  3. Sometimes life can be a bitch, but I'll bet the young man will adapt and deal with it.
  4. Documented in the scientific literature, the term used to describe the crowd appeal of Benford-coached basketball is known as "The Benford Effect". It is illustrated below:
  5. I guess that makes us "Settlers".
  6. Especially the tail gunner on a Belfast bread truck!
  7. After observing the culture on Bonnie Brae, I have decided to change to a blend of Lactobacillus Plantarum 299v and Lactobacillus Rhamnosus Rosell-11ND. It makes the whole situation easier to absorb.
  8. Sorry. Forgot to add that the hookers were sheep (according to my source).
  9. Reportedly the equivalent of $33,653.85 per week. Let that sink in. Well done, Lance...well done!
  10. Rumor re: dead hookers. Source not vetted.
  11. I voted. We need to get on it because we're lagging behind. Pretend this is Chicago...vote early and often!
  12. YALE HESS!
  13. Even more interesting is the apparent lack of attention to taking the actions necessary to raise the revenue side of the equation. I have to make the assumption that even the most incompetent manager would attempt to control unnecessary spending. JMO.
  14. That is one of the best analyses I have ever seen! Whomever is being paid to "manage" or "promote" should be canned...oh, wait, we have been calling for this for a while now. This is manifest mismanagement and incompetence on display. JMHO.
  15. All of the above posts. Amen!
  16. The picture above is a good example of adman's quote. That there is a negligent discharge just fixin' to happen! Under the influence, finger inside the trigger guard, God knows what else! He needs a gun safety course.
  17. Seeing him strut to and from the courthouse on the news in full uniform made me want to puke. Somewhere along the way I wish him a happy reunion with his squad. Just a private little affair...perhaps a blanket party.
  18. I can't buy his bullshit when the scumbag packed up his shit and sent it home. Totally planned and premeditated acts. He is just throwing shit out to see what might stick.
  19. "The win came at a perfect time for UNT, which won’t play again until hosing Memphis on April 1. " Should definitely be the biggest home crowd of the season!
  20. There is always "holding".
  21. Mea culpa.
  22. Saw this article yesterday. There is a lot in here about the right and fair way to run a program with expectations and accountability. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/stanford-fires-coach-johnny-dawkins-eight-seasons-203548966--ncaab.html;_ylt=AwrXnCagYOhWGUgA5E1NbK5_;_ylu=X3oDMTByNzdqbzZjBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--
  23. I think I see your vision...RPI's over 225 a pre-requisite?
  24. I have two drawers full of gear and jackets and hoodies hanging in the closet. Sunk cost. Depending on the weather, I wear one or more pieces up to six times a year now. I laugh every day when I get my email pushing more gear. I'm tired of wearing it and putting up with the taunts.
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