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Everything posted by EagleMBA

  1. When you rob Peter to pay Paul, Peter gets sore. It's very difficult to function properly with a sore Peter. Just sayin'.
  2. Wrong joint! Minor's ass is grass.
  3. Postcard, 7" X 5". Nice desert highway picture on one side, all the vital info in a font so small you will need your magnifier on the other. I got two because I must be in their system twice...one was addressed to my full name and one to my nickname. I'm not bitching about this, just giving you a full report in answer to your question.
  4. Joe, I looked at mine (received today also) and have this to offer. Since there will be more than one Coach on this tour, Coaches' would seem to me to be the correct treatment of the possessive case in the context it was used on the card. Further affiant sayeth not.
  5. If we start winning some games, maybe Brett will be able to conduct his interviews from a permanent Gameday set...hey!...it could happen.
  6. Unfortunately that's not the case, but my first thought was it would make sense to be able to have camps anywhere within your own state. Apparently the NCAA and I are on different wavelengths.
  7. I will wager that only a "minute few" remember dancing to this tribute (mocking) to Mr. Lee when you were much younger. Count me as one of them...oh, and I second Rudy's emotion!
  8. Supplement Robert with a little Buddy Guy now and then, or mellow out with some Susan Tedeschi if you need to charm a lady. You will ride out the storms just fine! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU5xA6ty0a4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz_91rphtVo&nohtml5=False
  9. When the season rolls around I will have been on here for fourteen years. You and eagle-eye will survive...just batten down the hatches for the shit-storms that are sure to erupt periodically. As one of my favorite bluesmen, Robert Cray, sings: Coffee for my breakfast Shot of whiskey on the side It's a dark and dreary morning With the clouds covering up the sky The forecast calls for pain The forecast calls for pain My baby's turning cold And the forecast calls for pain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hz_ZLvIvYMc
  10. Wow! Very harsh...but deserved by the perps. Too bad the institution has to suffer so much. Where does the AD fit into this mess? It appears the current AD inherited him and replaced Tyndall when he took the job at Tennessee. Did the AD not have even an inkling? Did he not feel a disturbance in the Force?
  11. Special rule for camp at UNT Law...no footballs. Prospective quarterbacks have to demonstrate that they know how to throw the book at you.
  12. Is this rule effective IMMEDIATELY? Awfully short notice for camps already scheduled for this summer. Saves some expenses but will not be good for promotion of the program. If Michigan was the catalyst for this rule, would have been better to just restrict camps to your own state boundaries IMO.
  13. I must enjoy the moment...yet I am reminded that "The devil you know is sometimes better than the devil you don't know".
  14. It appears that Summitt's admonition to his team to "Take it to the hole!" was taken too seriously by at least one player.
  15. I'll be sure to hurry on over before it gets soft.
  16. Too early for a prediction as to how high UNT will climb...but we know where we're sitting at the moment.
  17. Signs are a "minute few" and are ignored.
  18. FIFY
  19. I'll likely be pushing up daisies by then...if so, I'll do my damnedest to intercede on our behalf.
  20. Definitely, and on an expense account. Justified because he is there on business. He's seeing how its done at that level so he can implement some of those things into his system. See below.
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