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EagleMBA last won the day on November 20 2018

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About EagleMBA

  • Birthday 04/24/1945

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  • Home
    Richardson, TX
  • Interests
    Live music - Blues, Soul, Rock & Roll, CountryShiner beer, all flavorsAlso, ILBT (reference Joe Walsh)

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Community Answers

  1. How well do you think the "witches coven" (and the other members for that matter) are living up to this little thing below that they supposedly took seriously: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. How many of them recited the words and never heard them?
  2. Designer brain fart?
  3. Today marks the 243rd anniversary of our Declaration of Independence. Celebrate and reflect on this day and what it means to you. God Bless America!
  4. Very impressive story, both about the invention itself and the team that developed it. Congratulations to all!!
  5. Latin? Did somebody mention Latin? I SALUTE YOU!! His kid says, "The die is cast"...meaning he will defy his father and not eat Mexican. Instead he is taking the chariot, crossing the Rubicon, and getting some good Italian food.
  6. How does one go about sending a few bucks to your commissary account?
  7. What an inspiring story! This young lady is going to go far...her grit and determination are examples to all of us.
  8. If Yellock and Reffett think he will contribute, that is plenty good for me. Bring him on!!
  9. This concept is new to me. Does it really do anything to enhance the image and prestige of UNT? Are the other schools involved Harvard, Dartmouth, Michigan, Rice, Stanford, etc., or places like Lower Whaleshit Community College, Easyfield Community College, East Carjackastan University, etc.? Is this just another creative way to piss away university funds? How have employers reacted when presented with "certificates of completion" from this mode of academic pursuit? So many questions. I admit that I find the concept interesting, but only as a means to refresh/update certain areas of personal academic interest. ADDED AFTER SOME RESEARCH: I reacted somewhat harshly to the article, for which I apologize. I still have questions but I concede that this endeavor has more merit than I saw at first blush.
  10. The above song came running through my mind as I read wardly's post. That pretty much sums up my thoughts at this particular time.
  11. Wow! What an inspiring story...teared me up a little. May God continue to bless the Littrell family; it is obvious He has a plan for them all.
  12. They talk about breaking ground...all they do is break wind! Put up or shut up.
  13. As a long-time firearms user, I would reluctantly say NO. However, after reflecting on this question at length, I would take a noogie to the nuts in exchange for a Conference USA Championship and bowl win.
  14. I'm looking for volunteers to surveil and protect these coaches from contact with nasty P-5s. I have three so far but need more to step up:
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