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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. KRAM1


    I a m sure it will....not sure about that phone version. Lots of blue! We become Duke or something? ?
  2. KRAM1


    Well...at the moment. What the heck is going on?
  3. Great idea...but it was Mac that said it..I know reading skills are tough...but it was Mac. So, sure pin away that way you will know what goes on at these Caravans since you have missed Gainesville, Ft Worth, Dallas and Plano so far. It will be easy for you to remember what goes on at these things. Great idea Emmitt! I vote "yes". One left on Thursday in Denton. I know it might take a little effort but would love to see you there then so you can ask all those hard hitting questions. If not, we can pin the review of that one for you as well.
  4. Once again, Plano did not disappoint as a venture or a crowd. Very nice crowd even with the threat of storms. I am going to estimate about 80 in attendance "all in". Highlight for me was hearing from Coach Lama our head tennis coach. Always inspiring to hear from Coach Lama. And, by the way, he is from Nepal for those who who did not know, and has set up a website to help with relief for the citizens of Nepal suffering from the recent devastating earthquakes. If you wish to help, any amount even $1 or $2 would do so much to help, just go to: www.supportprojectnepal.com and make a donation in support. Along with our tennis head coach we heard from volleyball, swimming and diving, cross counter and, of course, football and both men's and women's basketball head coaches and RV. RV talked about baseball and mentioned that we will definitely have baseball and that the recent challenges that faced the University from a financial standpoint have now been resolved. As such, he indicated that work on bringing baseball to UNT could now continue. So, good news there. In addition, Coach Mac was pretty adament that we would never again as long as RV is AD or he is head coach have another five game home season. Others who were in attendance can verify for themselves that Coach Mac was pretty strong in those comments. Coach Mitchell is really a fun interview and speaker in my opinion. Had a couple of funny stories for us tonight. And, we found out that our cross country coach and swimming and diving assistant coach are both getting married in July and that our CC coach is getting married on campus in the Business Leadership Building. How about that for a wedding venue! Go Mean Green! It was pointed out that the athletic department GPA is about 3.1. Most coaches discussed their teams gpa's which were very good indeed. There seems to be a competition between several of the teams for the highest team GPA. Seems like tennis and swimming and volleyball are all above 3.5. Pretty outstanding. Food by Rudy's BBQ tonight, beer and wine plus tequila from Milagro. Very nice.. Others in attendance, please chime in with your comments. As usual, I enjoyed being with so many members of the Mean Green Nation and hearing from our coaches.
  5. Yep.....best answer right here!
  6. And, of course, the "best answer" has to be THAT one. Nicely done but not unexpected. Obviously not the venue for anything positive regarding UNT.
  7. Hey, History Channel.....how about a basic geography lesson! Geeeeeezzzzzzzz.....History Channel?
  8. u No problem at all. I have seen those stats as well, but was quoting Dr Smatresk who has said publicly on more than one occasion that it is 80% within three miles. Why say that if he did not have info to back it up? I don't know , of course, but the two do seem contradictory. I think I will go with Dr S for now and see if I can't get some resolution in the near future. Thanks Snowy.. For folks who don't know about that info source you might want to bookmark Smowy's link. It is a pretty reliable source if not in some cases slightly dated.
  9. It may surprise you to know that I am very much aware of this situation and happen to be a fan of Ribber Gloves. No not as a regular attendee as the music is not generally my type of thing, but of the small venue local band sort of thing. It might also surprise you that I understand the fight. Just before I retired I worked with the non-profit think tank IPI which holds the only Intellectual Property conference on the U.S. In D.C. each April. So, while this little RG dust up is not top of mind with me, this sort of thing is quite familiar. And, I am sympathetic to the artists and small studios. Both articles, while completely one-sided, of course, and filled with the emotions that these things usually are, were good reads. And, coming from the Dallad Observer one can expect both the language and the bias. Does interest me that these artists and venues try to make this fight a "F" you sort of thing instead of nationally doing the hard and time consuming work to join together to fight these guys. Instead they pound their chest and praise their independence all the while allowing the Bears to pick them off one by one. In addition, this isn't new. So every small venue and new band knows about it...or should... going in. Anyone who thinks the music industry is a bunch of old garage band guys grown up and will understand and ignore the newbies and small guys is sadly mistaken. It is one of the most money hungry, I got mine so too bad for you, deep pocketed, cutthroat industry in the land. You best know what you are getting into as it is not for the "I just want to play music and smoke weed" folks. RGS and everyone else can either band together to fight it (which I recommend), pay up or get out of the business. These folks play for keeps! It is a shame and on the surface appears very unfair, but it is a system the courts keep sadly upholding and a few "F you" nights will do ZERO to change it....only to poke the bear. It is going to be hard and you will need some big name music folks on your side and a voice or two in Congress to win, but you can. You need to find "that guy" who had the passion to lead your charge. It can be done...it will take time, energy and money, but "F You" nights are not it. So, yes, we definitely are pretty much in agreement here. But, working with Intellectual property rights had shown me a right way and a wrong way. On another note, The Dallas Observer used to be so much more than it is now. Used to actually stand for things, now it pretty much sells out for ad space. Another artsy venue that had to adopt, adapt and change or die. I know, shocking that KRAM would know anything about this stuff and shocking more the side of the fight he favors! Ha! This is truly a David and Goliath fight... But I remind you that David won!
  10. Student-athletes, Ben. That IS the big picture.
  11. Crazy intellectual property rights, right? Maybe the good citizens of Denton can set up another election to take these property rights away as well. Darn this pesky intellectual property rights legal mess! You know...all the cool kids have great fun stealing intellectual property. Why put a damper on all that cool harmless fun? Actually intellectual property laws protect the small music ventures and the musicians. Such property right laws prevent these artists from having the fruits of their labor stolen. Same for corporate logos and such. I get the t-shirt thing and I understand how it impacts stuff like this SMU t-shirt thing. But surely one of the many creative folks within the Mean Green Nation could easily come up with an original design that would get the point across and need no institutional approval. So...where are those creative minds?
  12. Yep...tell those golfers, soccer players and cross country folks that what they work so hard to accomplish is "irrelevant". Nice. Their accomplishments are in no way irrelevant and I, for one, appreciate their hard work and dedication to being the best they can be and in bringing positive recognition to UNT.
  13. Ha! I'm in!
  14. I don't know what they look like, but I would be happy to drop by the shop and buy for folks who want a pair of the socks from Denton Bicycle Center...could mail them to folks as well. I will try to drop by in the next day or two to get price info and take a photo to post here..give me a day or two and I'll get it done. You could PM me after that with your address for mailing or maybe a time we can meet up for personal delivery.
  15. Agree 100%... Well said. Let's always try to support those businesses and individuals who do support the Mean Green! Socks anyone?
  16. For soccer fans everywhere there is a very good book with the title "Staying Up". It focuses on the PL record run of Coventry City skirting relegation time and time again over a many year period. Very good read. May be out of print, but you can use Amazon's book search site to find one. If you like reading soccer related books. And, of course the Sky Blues stayed up....until they didn't. Once again proving that if you don't have the cash you really cannot play with the big boys.
  17. So, which player's parent or friend are you? Or, are you one of the players? First post ever and this is it? Interesting that Coach was at the Gainesville Caravan, but was not at either Ft Worth or Dallas. I so hope it is nothing more than kids and a HC butting heads regarding playing time and philosophy. Will keep all fingers and toes crossed that it is nothing more. A tough season can do that to a team. Please let it be nothing more.
  18. Ok...another fact check time.... 80% of UNT's 36,000+ students live within a 3-mile radius of the center of campus. Hardly a commuter school! Fact number 2: UNT even with the new dorm construction cannot house directly on campus the students wishing or being required to live on campus. Source: Dr Smatresk Plano Rotary Club talk. Facts are fun, huh? No commuter school this UNT. And lots of those who do commute are grad students or what might be called non-traditional students. Doubtful they are doing any poorer in the classroom than the general population. But, would be good to see the data on that. Am sure it is available somewhere.
  19. See, Ryan. You lose credibility when you post speculation as fact. Dr. With's husband works for Burgess not Abbott. And, as you stated, the students voted in favor of the Union just as they did Apogee. Lots of folks oppose things but lose when the actual election comes around. UNT Daily hardly sways opinions nor does the SGA. They can favor or oppose, but the actual vote says how those who care actually feel about it. Last time I checked the vote was in favor of the Union. List your posts as opinion and I may not agree but they would not be jokes like you claim of speculation in connecting the invisible dots. You claim that I was employed by the Alumni Assoc. was also wrong...lacking any basis in fact. But, I make no apologies for my unbiased positive opinions of UNT and the fact that I express my opinions openly regarding those that do their best to put UNT down at every opportunity. If that bothers you are free to do as you wish. It is typical of such folks to withhold support for their University because they get butt hurt over someone's personal opinion stated on a message board. Very mature position of you. Should I withdraw my athletic support because I feel you are being very unprofessional and inaccurate in your posts and currently or once worked for the athletic dept? That would be very adult of me, wouldn't it? See, that's the difference. You should stop getting so butt hurt about opinions...they are a worth pretty much zero on a message board. It is a message board after all. If you are looking for agreement with your "all things are wrong at UNT" crap-ola these days, well, there is another board you can join. Sorry, I do not recall meeting you. Made a big impression did you? Ha! Just kidding. Next time we meet I will pay closer attention. I promise. And, you were in marketing? Some here think there is no marketing dept. funny, right? Still you won't say what your degrees are in. Why, you embarrassed about them as you seem to be everything UNT these days? You get fired or something? Since you actually worked for the Athletic dept. you know the challenges with funding faced and the non-support by the many so-called UNT fans. You know what increased levels of support would do for the program, yet you choose to side with those that bitch and moan and leave it to others. So, why turn on UNT and the department...unless, of course your feelings are hurt about a job promotion or lack of or maybe being canned. I hope not, but you are doing all you can to take over for UNT90's missing negativity. At least he stated that his posts were his opinions. I do remind you of the ignore button. If my posts hit too close to home for you, well, that's on you. I make no apologies for my openly positive support. If you take it personally, well, get over it. Or get used to it. No apologies for supporting UNT coming from me anytime soon. And..you can have the last word here again...I am tired of this line of stuff. I get your position. You are welcome to it. Hopefully you will be at the Pkano or Denton Caravans and I can apologize for not rembrring you. I wi try my best to remember. When I see you I am sure I will put the face with the name after all. Let me know if you are coming and I'll make the effort.
  20. You have got to be a joke, right? Students didn't want? Please discuss where you get all this stuff you post lately? I am thinking you are a certain person that was pretty much run off a while ago and has come back pretending to be someone else. You claim UNT degrees which you won't name, you talk nonsense about Dr. With and her husband and now you claim the new Union was not wanted by the students. Are you not really that fool who went nuts over Apogee and rallied the Denia folks to oppose it's construction at every opportunity. You know, that guy! Debt is at inconceivable levels? You are aware that only about 40% of UNT students graduate with any debt at all, right? And, If I recall Dr. Smatresk correctly, the average debt for the 40% who have any debt is around $21,000.00. Hardly "inconceivable" numbers, but then that would not fit your agenda, would it? Ain't facts fun? P.S. My post is not advocating for a raise in the student fee...just to be clear.
  21. Yep...it's a real bummer when the haters and complainers get hit right where it hurts. If you call yourself a Mean Green fan and all you do is make excuses for yourself and moan and let "other people do it", then my comments probably do hit a little close to home. All those who feel free to complain and moan about everything UNT and want to find every excuse "why not" just need to understand others are free to hold those they see as responsible to the fire as much as the haters, complainers kand moaners want to blame the ones they do. You darn right I hold these so-called fans responsible for the part they play. They want to talk BIG TIME, but they want all the effort to become big time placed squarely on the shoulders of others. Message board...my opinion...don't like them....feel free to use the ignore button. But, if not, be prepared for more if the same. You hold who you want responsible for doing what they can...I will hold those I see sitting on their hands and making excuses just as responsible. These message boards are fun things, right?
  22. Yep...we can always find some reason to not attend. Wrong time, wrong place, didn't know, don't like X Coach, don't like the AD, Coach Mac always complains about attendance, too far, not enough parking, bad weather, it was competing against X other more exciting event, and on and on. Fact remains....we have more fans who don't care and look for excuses than we have fans who make it a priority to support the program. Is what it is...only at North Texas!
  23. Fry didn't think Tennessee nor Texas were body bag games! But, you don't think Okie State wouldn't turn into a body bag game in the Cotton Bowl? Why folks want to schedule games against teams where UNT would be big underdogs and the stadium filled with visiting team fans turning it into a UNT home "away" game is just beyond me. I prefer the lines of Navy, Air Force! Army, SMU, Vanderbilt, New Mexico, etc. teams that folks know, but also teams that give UNT a fair shot at a win not a big time upset. Right now I might add Houston and Texas Tech in that group as well as Army, Navy, etc. But, different strokes for different folks. It's just when bowl time comes a win over SMU during the season helps much more than a loss to Okie State. Just me. If others prefer the odds be against UNT for home games, so be it.
  24. RV reported during the Dallas stop that UNT athletes provided (I believe he said) over 3000 hours of community service this last year. That isn't bad in my book. But, what we need to do is to get the media to take notice. The problem, to me, is not that UNT is not doing these things...it is the fact that UNT does not "toot its own horn" nearly enough. Not nearly enough. But, the good news is that this has already started to change. Pres. Smatresk has made it one of his priorities to "get the word out" about UNT and the results are already beginning to be seen. Hopefully, this trend will continue and we will stop being the area's "best kept secret".
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