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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Are you kidding me? England loses in the 92nd min. On an own goal! How disappointing is that for England? Wow....terrible result. Really feel bad for England. They actually played a pretty darn good game against the reigning World Cup champs. No way it should have ended this way. So, now the U.S. Gets a shot at redemption in the finals? USA! USA!
  2. Nope...only the English side will line up in a straight line right down the road and wear red while the US will get to wear whatever they want, and fire from behind trees, rocks and fence lines.
  3. Well well...pretty much a complete game by the U.S. against Germany yesterday. The U.S. Midfield pretty darn much owned Germany yesterday. After holding off Germany's first early charge and then doing the same during a second half surge from Germany, you could see it was pretty much the U.S.'s day. Pretty much done when Germany pulled a Wambach and went wide left on the PK. The U.S. Defense has been really really solid during the entire World Cup while patiently waiting for an anemic offense to do just enough to win or draw. German's looked shocked at how efficient the U.S. Squad played yesterday. Without a couple of great saves from the German keeper, this thing would have been a rout. Pretty much surprised me that the U.S. Seemed immune to the powerful German strikers and midfielders. Darn good players those Germans, but on this day, the U.S. Was clearly and decidedly the better side. Well done ladies. Just think...if England beats Japan in today's other semi-final we could have a re-enactment of the Revolutionary War! The second coming of Lexington and Concord! Come on England...get it done!
  4. Coach Kee signed a JUCO outfielder yesterday...two years of eligibility remain. Good stats and signed after this stuff was known. Looks like it isn't scaring off every player./
  5. Nice get Coach Mac and Company. Does this guy qualify as "local"?
  6. And, that was before OSU "grew up". One could only imagine the size difference now...sadly! On another note...saw that the Baylor Athletic Foundation raised $16,000,000 this year for the first time. Breaking the old record of $12,000,000. Saw also that Arkansas' Athletic Foundation...think Mean Green Club...raised over $24,000,000 this year...for another record this year. Growing up takes money and fans willing to commit.
  7. Really? By your definition if you end up on the losing side of a war then you are a murderer. Don't think so, but you are welcome to your thoughts. Me, I do not believe the Texans who fought for independence were murders, nor the American revolutionaries, nor those who fought for the Confederacy. Nor, do I believe that every German or Japenese who fought in WW II were murders.Were some who fought on every side in every armed conflict in history probably guilty of what we today, might consider murder? Sure...if you study military history you know that to be true. Because a few stepped over the line does in no way scar every soldier who fought with that label. I have relatives who have fought in every US conflict since the revolution and who fought on different sides during both the Civil War and the Revolution. None were murders then and none should in any way be considered murders now!
  8. In no way we're they murderers...technically or not! If you believe that, then every person who fought in the American Revolution on the side of what is now the United States were also murderers. Every Texan who fought in the war for Texas independence were murders. Wow! Seriously?
  9. So, perhaps this brings up another question with regards to the fracking question in Denton and Texas.....OK...bear with me here a second. Here we go...so, all the anti-drilling folks are crying long and loud about the loss of "local control" and claiming the state walked all over their vote and are now protesting this "over the top" grab of power by the state...you know, because they voted to override state laws and property rights regulations in Texas. So, are they now celebrating because the SC just over ruled the local vote by Texans that marriage is between one man and one woman? Hmmmmmm.....perhaps their angst regarding fracking and Texas' action might be re-thought in light of this SC decision? According to the SC the Texas marriage vote was unconstitutional....according to the Texas legislature the Denton vote was unconstitutional. Shouldn't there be dancing in the streets in glee by the anti-drilling folks over the Texas decision? This, I think demonstrates some irony in how folks say they believe something, but in reality it is really a situation by situation decision. One must be careful when trying to drive home a position as that same position may be brought into question with another decision or situation soon after. So....anti-drilling folks.....is it "local control" that has you so fired up or not? If it is....tell us how you feel about that SC decision as it over rode a local vote as well. the SC vote really has no effect on me or on my core beliefs, and I believed the vote was a done deal from the time the court decided to hear it in the first place. Just thought the "local" control and local vote thing was fairly interesting given all the angst over the anti-drilling thing. Just food for thought I guess.
  10. Have no problem at all with this statement...when and if all govt. subsidiaries disappear.
  11. It is even better on the inside.
  12. Well....US 2 - Columbia 0! That pretty much sums it up after another fairly uninspiring game by the U.S. women. But, they are doing enough so far, and, bottom line, that's fine. But the road gets tougher from here on out...win one more and the U.S. Probably faces Germany. Play this "kick and run" stuff against Germany and bye bye US ladies. I thought Rapione, Perry, Morgan had decent games while Wambach showed why this is definitely her last World Cup (and I am not talking about her terribly missed PK...she just leaned back on the kick and wide it went). Thought the yellow cards were pretty tacky and iffy on the U.S. And now Rapinoe sits for the next game. Hurts, but not that much in my opinion as the U.S. bench is pretty deep. By the way...I think Columbia deserves a pat on the back. They played well against the U.S. And U.S. An indication that women's soccer is gaining momentum in several nations other than the traditional women's power team nations. Good for them. They made the U.S. Play their game and defended pretty darn well. Good to get the win ladies...now, again, pick it up a notch or two...or be on your way home! Thought the England 1-0 win over Norway was a much more entertaining game. Also a bigger surprise...first time ever that England has won a game in the knockout rounds.
  13. guess he should have told her to go to UNT. Her loss. His money...bye bye money!
  14. You dig this one back out of the "been there done that pile"? Yes, it's the off season, but brining up all these old threads is even worse than uniform threads. Just sayin...... I have been blaming Harry for trolling his own board just to up the hit count, but could it be others?
  15. Pretty well said and lots I can find agreement with, however, get back to me in about 8-10 years on that concept of "rather struggling financially". Life has a way of changing ones perspective over time and as responsibility and interests grow. I see lots of education majors teaching for a couple of years and then leaving the profession because they "cannot make a living" doing what they love...same for several liberal arts, music, art, theater, design, etc. undergrad majors I know. Many now have second bachelor's degrees or master's degrees in areas where they feel they can make a decent living and provide for their families' futures. They all, however, retain their love for the arts, music, education, etc. and, they all seem to be quite happy and satisfied in their now business, technical or professional fields of endeavor. I know very few...very few liberal arts majors working in the field of their undergrad degrees. Many are working in areas far removed from their degree major. Which, brings up another point...once one graduates and gets their "foot in the door", it is pretty much up to them individually and not their degree in determining career success. Enterprise Car Rental hires lots of liberal arts majors right out of college. Few stay long term with Enterprise, but they get great business training, customer service trying and life skills trying and can move on from Enterprise to successful and satisfying careers...far afield from their majors. while many liberal arts majors return to college for degrees in new fields I rarely see this from business and STEM type majors. If these folks return it is often for advanced degrees in their undergraduate or a closely related field of study. Hey, I have enough degrees in different fields to have a pretty decent point of reference in this area....while I never earned a cent in the field of geography, I retain my interest and love for that discipline to this day. But, my career success is owed to my MBA in banking and finance...a career field I very very much enjoyed and still dabble in to this day.
  16. I was at the Ticket office Thursday....was told the following...one can call in and reserve their SMU tickets now. The actual tickets will be distributed at a later date with seat location being determined by Priority Points. Yes, that is what I was told by the guy at the ticket counter. So, if you want to sit together as a group...figure out who in the group has the highest level of priority points and let that person order and pay for the tickets...$35/each. Then, others can pay that person back for their seats. just a "head's up" on what I was told...not saying it is the gospel...just saying that is what I was told in person about 1pm on Thursday, June 18th by the guy manning the ticket counter at the time.
  17. Plan for a tailgate is in the works for the SMU game.
  18. For many of us "older" timers on here, myself included, who remember Bill Vogel, I am saddened to report that Bill passed away on June 18th. Bill was a member of the Mean Green family for a long time. He even worked for UNT Athletics as "Promotions Director" for several years and could always been seen driving his Mean Green Machine van all over the place and wearing his bright green...Hayden Fry green...jacket! Bill supported UNT and TWU both, but was a true Mean Greener who never met a stranger. Bill was a super nice guy, and many of us....drex, Silver, etc. could probably share with you many Bill Vogel stories. In my opinion, if you knew Bill, you liked Bill. Condolences go out to his family...especially to his wife, Ruth, of 69 years and to his children and grandchildren. The Mean Green Nation lost a good guy! RIP, Bill.
  19. Our son was a goalkeeper in college and played on turf from time to time during his college career. He said the ball came off that turf in completely different ways than it did on grass and the spin and bounce were very different. Said he had to be "quicker", no so much "faster" on turf surfaces. But, he did like that the goal boxes were not all chewed up due to bad weather and that he did not have to slosh around in mud at times! He always wore long pants and long sleeve jerseys on turf to keep down the ever present turf burns!
  20. Agree with you. Bad decision, but really a stretch to call it sexist. They are saying it is sexist because it would never have even been a consideration to have the men play on turf. OK, so that's a bit of a stretch, but is what it is. They all just need to remember that all the teams are playing on the same surface. I personally don't like it. Soccer is to be played on grass...period! That being said. The U.S. Beat Nigeria tonight 1-0 to win Group D. Not too surprising. What is surprising is that Australia tied Sweden to place second in the group. Sweden came in as the #5 ranked team in the world...spent too much time talking and not enough time playing up to their ranking. Sweden will now have to wait to see if they make it to the knockout rounds. But, U.S. Is in and should have a pretty good draw. Thought the ladies played better tonight. Created lots of chances, just didn't convert. Passed much better, but still turned the ball over way too many times. Will need to step it up a notch from here on out. USA! USA!
  21. But, if you think the history is anywhere near correct...you don't know Texas history. The history part, in my opinion, is a disgrace. But, I certainly agree with you that it is also a" terribly written and acted show". In my case, I could forgive the writing and acting IF the history was anywhere near correct. Just my opinion.
  22. Be my guest. Set it up....should be fun.
  23. Thought the U.S. Women played a pretty uninspired game yesterday against Sweden. Their passing was very suspect. First pass would be good then the second or third a total mess and waste. Gave the ball up over and over again. And the offensive attack did seem to be pass it long and hope it hits someone's head in the box. Got a point out of it and still lead their group, but sure need to play better against Nigeria next week. In no way looked like the #2 women's team in the world yesterday. To anyone who loves the game and understands it, this had to be a pretty disappointing outing for the U.S. Still in the group stage, but could have locked up their group with a win yesterday. Yes, Sweden is a very good team, and they seemed to take the U.S. Out of its game with some rough play...fair for the most part but rough. So be it Ladies, this is the World Cup and no one is going to lay down for you because of your number two ranking. I suspect the U.S. Will beat Nigeria and win its group. So, it will be interesting to see the strategy going forward. USA! USA! USA!
  24. This series is a total embarrassment. No person interested in history at any level should watch this without several Shiners to help dull the pain created by this fantasy tail. The History Channel should be totally ashamed of itself.
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