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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. One really good thing that has been skipped in all the donations talk and State of the University talk is the increasing numbers of National Merit Scholars enrolled at UNT. Last year UNT had 5.... This year 15! That is a big jump, and a result of a concerted effort to attract these top scholars to UNT. Obviously, to attract such students, a university must not only have the quality academic programs and research facilities these students seek, but the scholarship funds to make it easier for them to attend. in the recent announcement by President Smatresk of the McNatt donation, it should also be noted that several others stepped up to add $500,000 to the scholarship pool used to attract National Merit Scholars. Those generous donors are: Jim McNatt - $160,000 Ernie Kuehne - $160,000 Kristin Farmer -$120,000 C. Dan Smith - $80,000 Don Lovelace - $80,000 What is also interesting to note is that at least four of those five donors are rather substantial donors to the UNT Athletics program as well. Jim McNatt was quoted as saying "I'm proud of the current administration and athletic leadership. They are dedicated to ensuring the university remains a quality institution, expands its outreach and grows its nationally ranked educational programs." Thanks to all these individuals who see the greatness that is UNT and who share the vision of an even great UNT going forward.
  2. Simply a sign of the times we live in. Nothing more...nothing less. I too, hope he gets into TAMS. He seems to be a TAMS sort of kid. But, your daughter has a very good point as well. The only bit of overreaction I see is the handcuffs and parading him down the hall for all to see. That was plain silly. Anyone here think a skinny unarmed 14 year old nerdy kid is going to be able to "escape" being detained by school officials in the office until it can all be sorted out? The rest....thanks for acting to protect the safety of all in that school, and here's hoping the backlash these folks are getting does not make them hesitant to act if, God forbid, some idiot has other thoughts in mind rather than a science project the next time. I dare say all parents hope school officials act to protect their students without thought of media and public backlash after the fact....arm chair quarterbacking is easy and done from the safety of ones home usually. Bottom line here.....lessons learned by all parties I suspect. Thankfully, all those lessons learned did not come after another disaster in one of our schools.
  3. Just asking the question, pal. You obviously have no answer, nor any kids attending school ever involved in such a situation. So, you pretty much are just following the crowd. No one said you can't have an opinion, but just because you do does not mean anyone has to agree with it. Get over yourself. Once you have kids or a spouse in such a situation as this, come back with your smart ass answer. I'll bet the answer is not so flip. Thankfully, neither did I ever have kids or a spouse in such a situation, but I have a friend who has....you have absolutely zero clue what that entails. So, carry on with your "oops, my bad crap", but get back with me should your kids...if you have any...be involved in such. Crazy mistake, stupid kid, over reaction or whatever....this is a serious situation for a bunch of parents and spouses and friends who all are breathing a sigh of relief and probably thankful that quick action was taken. Sure, it sucks, but it is a sign of the times. Some fool kids walks into my grandkids schools with something that looks like a bomb, and if I am anywhere near, you can bet your rear end I am going to act and fast. Feel free to sit it out should your kids ever be involved. But, be sure and come up with another cute meme or quip. That will help.
  4. Thank you. I will. It's always enjoyable to get under certain folks skins. And, easy too.
  5. Unquestionably the best bargain in college football today. I have often wondered why the donation level was not a per ticket per year requirement. Many of the "big time" programs folks want to emulate require a donation level per seat...not the same level for the guy who buys one Club seat as for for the guy buying eight. Don't know what donation per seat I would recommend, but seems a bit fairer to me across the board. If such were to happen, some annual donation required levels might drop, some remain the same while others increased. Don't know. Glad I am not the one who has to figure this stuff out. But, if I were, we would definitely have donations levels per seat, not per purchase regardless of number of seats purchased. And, yes, should such a change be made it might behoove folks to speak individually to Club Seat holders and explain the rationale behind such a move, and furthermore, it might behoove folks to wait on making such a move until a time when demand is outpacing supply.
  6. Well, he did say the Mean Green was going to win. Maybe he was just emphazing that thought while exercising his literary freedom of expression.
  7. Quiet you.....positive facts not welcome here! We only do graphs and charts in an attempt to discredit UNT. You will be banned soon if you keep this up.
  8. Any one here have any kids or grandkids attending that school? Or perhaps a spouse or parent working at the school? Didn't think so.
  9. Now I see your problem......
  10. What has not been pointed out here is that Mr. McNatt's gift to the University is actually $2.6 million. On top of the athletic donation he is providing funds for academics and research including the Center for Logistics Education and Research, for research at the Kristin Farmer Autism Center and for the highly successful UNT Kuehne Speaker Series. This is a great donation from a long time successful Denton businessman and community member. And, it is by far his largest donation. I do find it a bit amazing and callous that some here, in the face of this outstanding news for the University, can find a way to be negative. The people who worked toward this donation deserve all the credit in the world. While Mr. McNatt has been a long term supporter, it took foresight and effort to approach him for such a sizable level of donation. Through what small amounts of fundraising I do for this university, I have learned it is not easy and takes effort. The excuses one hears are at times laughable and one knows they are simply excuses. It is often those who don't give who poo poo the efforts of those trying to help raise needed scholarship and research dollars for UNT. Funny how that works, huh? If you think approaching folks for any level of donation is easy, I would encourage you to try it sometime. It might just open your eyes a little. If not, it will certainly provide you with some comic relief at times. As UNT90 says....it is usually "crickets" from the usual suspects. And, to expand further on the efforts of those working with Mr. McNatt, the original level suggested by Mr. McNatt was $500,000. Obviously, the folks working with Mr. McNatt and Mr. McNatt himself changed that vision as talks progressed and he saw both the athletic and academic need that he could fulfill. That did not just happen.
  11. I believe the ties and scarfs are for sale at the UNT bookstore on campus. You might check the Apogee store on Saturday as well, but am not sure about that location having them as yet. And, I see no yellow in the pattern. Light green, yes, but I see no yellow in my tie!
  12. All, it is North Texas Giving Day, and the UNT Foundation is on the list of organizations approved to accept donations. It is a great way to help build scholarship support for UNT students, and it is easy! Just make sure you go to the North Texas area site and click on or add Denton as the area you want to search for available/approved organizations...under education. I could only find UNT Dallas when I went to the wrong North Texas Giving Day Site. Just Google North Texas Giving Day organizations in Denton, Tx and you will probably find the right site. Or, if someone more knowledgeable in finding links and posting them here might be able to post the correct link for Denton and Denton County it would be very helpful I am most certain...hint...hint. Anyway, this is a national day of giving and any size donation works from a dollar up...just pick your favorite non-profit from the approved list and make a donation. Last year millions of dollars were raised from a great many small donations across the nation and several thousands of dollars were raised for Denton County organizations...even more in Dallas, Tarrant and Collin counties! if you would like to help raise scholarship dollars as I did this morning, just click on the UNT Foundation link and give what ever amount you wish. You can give to any number of organizations that you choose, so please consider making the UNT Foundation one of your choices. Go Mean Green! Beat Rice! admins...if this needs to be moved to another thread, please feel free to do so. Just wanted to get the most "exposure" here for this as possible.
  13. I have to agree a little with Ben here. I am on campus quite often at all different times of the day. I can park where many students can and do park, and I can always find a place to park...always! Sure, sometimes I have to walk a block or two...Boo Hoo! Now, it is definitely a fact that parking IS a challenge on the UNT campus, and it must and IS being reviewed with a look at easing some of the challenges. But, every large campus has parking challenges. Students who live off campus cannot expect to roll up ten min. Or even 30 before a class and expect to find a "front door" parking space. Plan better folks, get to campus earlier, check out alternatives, as Ben says, move closer to campus if you can, find a friend and car pool, etc., etc. I started as an undergrad in the fall of 1966 and parking was a challenge THEN. I had to get my rear to the campus much earlier than I expected, and guess what? I arranged my class schedule to help with my parking challenges. Adjust people adjust...it isn't that hard. Be creative...take responsibility....do something. But, let's be clear...parking is a challenge on and around the UNT campus and it is being researched for relief at the highest levels. How long will it take? What will the solution be? New on campus housing? Multi-level garages? More surface parking? Who knows? We will see when we see I guess.
  14. Not only was the State of the University talk excellent and enlightening regarding where we're are great and where we have work to do, but the Corridor of Years event was also excellent. Several students were dressed in period dress and stationed near photos and memorabilia from that UNT era. Looking at the memorabilia and remembering my time as a UNT undergrad was really fun. And, it was sort of like the Oprah or Elken Show...everyone in attendance got a great UNT gift...men got a tie made from the new UNT Tartan pattern and the ladies received a UNT Tartan scarf. Way cool. I will wear my tie with pride, Thank you Dr. Smatresk, and my wife will proudly wear her tartan scarf. It was a great way to celebrate our University's 125th birthday.
  15. Folks...Stephen West aka ScreamingEagleFan and President of the Timolean Group would like to invite folks to his tailgate prior to the Rice game this Saturday. The tailgate will involve several tents and be located in the Red/Blue lot...well, that's how he described the location to me. Maybe he can pin that down a bit more...but, there will be BBQ sliders and other tailgate delicious goodies along with cold beverages. So....find the spot and enjoy some food, drink and Mean Green fellowship! Thanks for the invite Stephen.
  16. Sorry I can't be there. You are an incredibly talented artist. Folks need to see your work up close and personal to appreciate it. i wish you nothing but the best of luck in both these shows. May the comic gods shine upon you.
  17. Joe Jamail...story is he cannot stand the AD. When Joe Jamail speaks, the University of Texas listens! And, again...not one red cent of that $5-6 million from the Athletic Dept. budget. Exactly the same situation as UNT as Fly points out. It is not UT's bucket from which the funds will come.
  18. And, not one cent of that money would come from the athletic budget. Entirely new funds from donors raised in about an hour of phone calls.
  19. Like it would be any better at a live radio show? And, why must it be a "verbal confrontation"? Do you have such poor interpersonal skills that you cannot get your points across in a one-on-one conversation in a professional and calm manner....listening as much as speaking? I guess I gave you too much credit.
  20. Yes, a very good idea. You wouldn't have asked anyway...you never do when you have the chance...like last Saturday. When you are within 10 feet of these folks and don't ask, then, yes, it is a very good thing you did not drive across four counties to not ask. Great decision on your part.
  21. Anyone who has been coming to the shows or listening consistently would know that "open mic" time has been gone for some time...long before Gpeorge turned it over to Dave. Why? I don't know, but I am guessing because very very few questions ever came from the audience and they had the Facebook with Poppi question thing. Questions still being sent in...I think 3-4 were read and answered during tonight's show.
  22. I do think you are correct about those majors, Ben. Thanks for fixing that one. And, I started to mention that Florida Championship comment and just forgot...The guy next to me was counting them...we looked at each other and grinned with that Florida reference fully expecting several more...never came. Hey, that's something, right?
  23. First, much better crowd than I expected this evening. Several first time attendees who when asked said they are season ticket holders and MGC members and said they got an email and just decided to attend. Not included in the "better crowd" we're the members of the Athletic Dept.'s Student Athletic Council (2 from each sport) in attendance. Nice to congratulate the soccer players on their great win over TCU and the Cross Country team on their recent win (men) and better than expected (women) finishes recently. And, for those inquiring souls, Andrew was in attendance. But, no open mic, so anyone with those hard hitting questions will have to send them in ahead of time for any chance of being asked/answered. Nothing new...no open mic for some time, but even when available no one with those questions ever showed up to ask them. So, no matter if there is a mic or not it seems. Overall standard format with Dave, Mac and Hank running the show with two players sitting in for a few minutes. Tonight we had Blake Bean and Jordan Murray who will get his first start against Rice this Saturday. Always great to hear from our student-athletes. Factoid here....Murray's mom is also a student enrolled at UNT and from time to time they are able to catch up for lunch. Pretty cool. Both in engineering programs...yes, you heard that correctly...engineering. Blake Bean btw was a high school state wrestling champion out of Stillwater, OK HS. Pretty stiff wrestling competition in Oklahoma. Nothing much new from Mac. You know exactly what you are going to get with Mac. On the field and at the Show. I was sorry to hear about Kenny Buyers season ending back injury, but happy to hear that the surgery went well, and he is expected to return for his 5th season next year. Mac said 100% he gets a fifth year...medical redshirt. Mac talked about the great crowd and how great it was to see that as the team took the field, and he thanked the fans who were at the game. Obviously he appreciated the nice turnout for the radio show as well. As I said, better crowd than I expected. And, RV, John Nitardy, Mike Smith, Reggie Johnson, Hank and other athletic dept personnel were in attendance should you wished to have asked them some direct questions face to face. Missed opportunity ask those questions I guess. Talked about Rice a bit and reviewed the SMU game as well. Talked about missed assignments and how that's on the coaches. I did have to grin a bit when Mac was talking about our home record and the guy sitting next to me leaned over and whispered something to the effect of "someone needs to remind Mac that football includes road games as well"! Tough keeping a straight face after hearing that one. Remember folks...kickoff is at 1:30 pm Saturday. Be there! First home game. Oh, you know.
  24. @Harris Miers. You should do a mass +1 for everyone who has posted here. Some really funny stuff. I can see that the numbing pain of that SMU loss is beginning to wear off some folks.
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