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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. YEP...they have been consistently BAD all season. Does CUSA get all the rookies?
  2. JEREMY COMBS of the Mean Green...who the heck else?
  3. DING DING DING on the refinished floor thing......but wait for it...there are no lines for basketball any longer!!!! Surprise! Gonna be a street brawl! I am lobbying hard for them to allow us to use some court tape to indicate things like the free throw line, lane, out of bounds, mid-court, etc. But, the folks in facilities are being rather stubborn about their newly refinished floor. I am holding out hope for some tape. But, we have all played on a playground and that works...we will have fun and make this do whatever happens. It isn't the NCAA finals after all. Next year we will work on getting the old men's gym across from the Super Pit. There are some scheduling issues in that gym, but it is actually a basketball gym. OK, everyone take a deep breath and smile. Stuff happens and we found out too late to do anything about it for this year. Just think how long THOR can stay in the lane if we cannot put tape down? Also...the refs will have the final say on such things as lane violations, out of bounds, etc. Trash talking is allowed...yelling at our volunteer refs IS NOT! So, prepare for a fun time...let the GAME Begin. See everyone tomorrow...you are special people to step up and help provide some scholarship dollars for some of our hard working student-athletes!
  4. I don't care if concerts are ever held at Apogee. I did not make a stadium donation due to any talk of concerts one way or the other. And, as I recall, there was no time table given as to "when" no any indication of "who" when the discussion of concerts came up in conversations regarding the possibilities for Apogee. So, in my book, Reckless Kelly counts. But, like some others here, I did not recognize any of their songs...but I did enjoy the concert and, yes, it was held at Apogee. One cannot call someone a liar based on their own personal interpretation of who and when...when, of course, neither were discussed. I recall some of the very same folks here complaining and calling RV a liar about HS games being held at Apogee. Well, HS playoff games and regular season games have been held at Apogee. Perhaps they did not meat someone's personal timetable as to" when", nor perhaps did they meet someone's personal definition of "who", but HS games and playoff games HAVE definitely been help at Apogee. So, too, might I add, has the Kiwanis 4th of July fireworks show...and that's pretty cool. OI don't think Apogee is going to be replaced any time soon, so one never knows what make take place at Apogee. And, NO UNT90, I am not making excuses for RV...I am stating what I see as the facts of the matter IN MY OPINION. When you can show me that RV said Bruce Springsteen would play at Apogee on a certain date, then and only thern might I see that you have a point to be concerned about. I might also add that I had discussions with the Eli Young Band about playing Apogee as a UNT Alumni Association sponsored concert. They would love to play Apogee, but they said that when they are home they prefer to be AT HOME and not playing concerts. They prefer a bit of downtime with their families, BUT, they would be open to a date at Apogee IF schedules could be worked out. That was what the band told me when I spoke to them at Cowboy Stadium when they were opening for Kenny Chesney. So, there is this possibility I assume that would count as a "who" for most folks?
  5. Well....I got a surprise regarding the court on Wednesday. Going to be even more interesting. We shall carry on. May need a different court next year. I won't spoil the surprise here...just be prepared for changes. Andrew is going to love it! Ha!
  6. La Tech is going to be tough to beat at home. If the Mean Green play defense like they did in the last two home games and if Deckie is still hitting the three's and if free throws fall...well, there is a chance. But, that is a lot of "ifs". Going to be tough, but hope springs eternal. Go Mean Green!
  7. Not just vegetarian but vegan.h That's like a place for vegetarians on steroids! :-)
  8. Exactly why I chatted with him about it....thought he had a suite not Club Seats. He indicated that he was referring to another poster with his comments. I could not see him giving up his suite. Wrong again. I would love to see numbers released. My guess is that we would see pretty flat numbers in both the Club area and bowl. With new purchasers negating most losses. Not a good situation. We need to grow numbers, not keep them flat or decrease them. You do need to stop trying to figure out what I would like or not.....your record is not good.
  9. Problem is...you were accusing flyonthewall. You don't know him, yet you indicate that he was possibly lying to me. In the family I was raised in we call that unacceptable. And, I wasn't raised in a weird family. Why? Seems like a personal decision, and not one needing to be hidden. No crime in not renewing for whatever reason. Some don't like the new costs...so what? No crime in that and no reason to hide. Vito only tod me they were not wiling to go on record. I am fine with my decision...why not them? Yes, I was puzzled as well. I originally read it the same way you did...but he said he wasn't referring to his seats. I have no desire to go back and find it either.
  10. Do you know the man? I do. He has never lied to me.
  11. Nope...the photo I see is of one of the signs posted at the parking garage...not Apogee.
  12. I talked to fly...he is renewing. He said I read his post incorrectly...if so, you did as well.
  13. He tried to get people who had decided to nor renew to go on the record for this article...none he talked to would. So, he at least tried. Too bad those he talked to who were not renewing would not allow him to quote them. They seem pretty vocal here. Oh, but you would have to make a new stadium donation. Not a real good idea. Pretty much need to keep them and pay the freight or walk away. Renewing was easy for me as I already give to the Mean Green Club at a level well above the minimum required. And, I increased my donation level again this year.
  14. Excellent! Looks like she got some players in who wanted to put in the hard work she was requiring. And, it appears that the hard work is paying off. Now, let's see how UNT does in conference play. Here's hoping they continue to play hard and surprise folks.
  15. Do you donate to other areas of the university where scholarships will not be provided unless people donate?
  16. Yet you continue to pound away with your broken record. Once more you miss the point, but that is fairly common for you these days. I was not discussing the person's negativity, but rather the lack of balance from the reporter in this article. If he was going to seek the negative ex-donor, might he have also quoted one of our more current donors to balance it out a bit? That was the point, Mike. Sorry you completely missed its. And, one must wonder how a reporter for a college paper in Denton wound up quoting a disgruntled ex-donor in San Antonio. Really, not much wonder about it I guess. Seems pretty obvious really.
  17. Nice, but not surprising, that they quote only one "fan", and that one fan being a very disgruntled one. Fair and balanced it is not, but no sugar coating the low attendance numbers. Not good and needs attention...serious attention.
  18. Finally done! Had my "conversation" with the Mean Green Club folks and have now renewed my season tickets. Easy! Done deal. Even though I was already over the new required minimum Mean Green Club donation, I upped it to the next level. Just seemed like with a new coach and attitude around the program that it was a good time to step up to that next level. NOW...come on football!
  19. Did you say winning or whining?
  20. This is just dumb pissing up a rope. The players got to wear their black uniforms and, yes, quite a few folks wore black. Who gives a rat's ass about how many did or did not wear black? These things take a much more engaged fan base than we have at the moment to be successful. We are not there yet as a fan base. Look at the student turnout. Honestly, it pretty much sucks, and it is the students who lead in this sort of promotion. A good many students were wearing black, but not nearly enough to make a difference. But, since those doing the bitching were not in attendance, it does smack of a bit of sour grapes and hypocrisy to jump on those who actually were there and who were wearing black and suggest that because they don't see this as a major "sky is falling" event in spite of the fact that the Mean Green actually won the game that they are doing so only in support of the AD. Pure crap-ola from folks just looking to find some bogus reason to ignore a nice win and find some new reason to knock the AD. You guys need to get a life or find something that makes you happy. This pissing up a rope thing is getting old.
  21. The softball ladies beating Baylor is getting to be a habit. A very good habit. Looks like Coach has found a bunch that wants to win and is willing to put in the hard work required to establish a winning mindset. Great job ladies. You make the Mean Green nation proud.
  22. You will note that RV was definitely wearing black...were you and GMG24? My wife and I were, but, you know, this sort of thing is a suggestion and in no way mandatory. Instead of a critique on people's game day attire, I prefer to be appreciative that they showed up in person to watch the game and cheer for the Mean Green. There is no satisfying folks who simply look for something to bitch about. If UNT doesn't try stuff like this, folks bitch they don't do anything. If they do stuff like this people bitch that they didn't do it correctly. No win situation....butchers gonna bitch. It's the nature of their personality I suppose. You also noted that the Mean Green won, right? Or, did you and a few others miss that fact while looking dutifully for something to bitch about? Just wondering. You were not wearing black either as I observed. Folks, it is a choice. Who cares? At least Andrew showed up.
  23. You have no idea how incredibly insulting your comment is.
  24. I think we have discussed all this on more than one occasion.
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