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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Yep...that is ughly. I do hope they don't actually use this design when they "suit up". I would at least use the orange as the more dominant color to spice it up a bit...that design is simply UGLY! May or may noy the the "ugliest" design and color use in college football, but it has to rank in the top 10! But, I am sure Lonnie has already orderd a mini so he can proudly display his new most favorite team at home or the office...oh, wait, maybe it's on the rear shelf of his car for all to see.
  2. And, just what part of Denton do your friends "visit"...FRY STREET? To call Denton "dirty and grungy" is just plain ignorant and shows a lack of any real knowledge about the city. Sorry, your "frinds" are simply wrong. Too bad they "missed out" on 99% of Denton.
  3. So what? The Republicans have shown to be "spenders" in the last few years...why do you think they LOST the House and the Presidency???? The point is...OBAMA promised to cut them out if they were inserted in the budget...they were inserted...who cares by which party as both parties are guilty...OBAMA PROMISED TO CUT THEM OUT OF THE BILL. HE DIDIN'T...point is...he has already shown on more than one accasion that his promises are NOT GOING TO BE KEPT. So, try to get the point of my post, please and thank you!
  4. PETA folks are simply part of the lunitic fringe...much like many of the Green Peace folks and the Neo-Nazi crowd. Many have "no clue" and are socially inept folks simply looking for a community they can belong to to have some sort of identity. They have no qualms about destroying other people's property or trampling on other people's civil rights in the name of their "cause", but man, don't you be "guilty" of being opposed to any of their crackpot ideas! Goopd grief. There has always been and always will be this sort of group around...heck, the SDS has seen a re-birth on the UNT campus of late. Go figure!
  5. Just another campaign promise already broken. How many recall Mr. Obama pledging to go over the budget line by line and cut out the earmakrs???? Was great to see that campaign speech replayed on national news last evening...not Fox either....He is now making up excuse after excuse "why" he has broken his campaign promises....this isn't the first (can you spell the timetable for removing troops from Iraq?) and will not be the last. Typical politician. Promise anything, get the "sheep" we have as voters to vote for you, and then break every promise you made. GREAT job Prez...that's the "real" change we knew you would bring to Washington...NONE!!!! Same old cr4ap...only worse!
  6. Congrats to Josh...great job. Josh did seem to come on strong at the end of the season. maybe that wrist injury was more of a hamper to his play that many folks thought...a healthy Josh White can be nothing but good news for UNT going into the 2009/2010 season...and bad news for the opposing teams! GO JOSH WHITE...GO MEAN GREEN!
  7. CarribbeanGreen and NT80...well said, and I agree with your thoughts on Denton. One just needs to realize that Denton has this "cool jazz/other music/art, etc." reputation and that a good base of the town is employed by either UNT or TWU. UNT and TWU profs and many administrators certainly have the reputation of not supporting athletics for one reason or another...OK, I get that. But, there are still many businesses in and around Denton who support UNT. Denton, due to its "coolness image and those who want to retain that feel, may not be able to reach the "outward" levl of support that is displayed by other college towns we have named her, but I do think folks should do a better job of spending their dollars with the businesses that DO support the program. Is there something we could do as a group to help that happen?
  8. Come on folks...enough alreday...get a bit of perspective here...Rily will be fine at QB...if not Tune can definitely handle the job for us. This team, 2009 edition, is much improved over the last two years from a coaching and player standpoint. No, in case you haven't figured it out yet, UNT will not win the National Championship in 2009. There, I said it first...happy? But, even Vito (who some say is very UNT "challenged" in his reporting) is saying that the team looks improved. I recommend you get to the next open practice and see for yourself. It is the spring season and "hope does spring eternal", but there is definitely an attitude with the team that says to me they are going to be much improved in 2009. Look out OHIO U....the Meanm Green is coming for you!!!! GO MEAN GREEN!
  9. I went with UConn/Ohio U also...I want to see what Ohio U has on the field before UNT gets a crack at them the next week. And, because I have seen way to much of ZERO U!!! GO MEAN GREEN!
  10. I like "20 wins and UNT" in the same sentance. I hope that becomes the "rule" and not the exception in the years to follow. The men's team is looking good for next year and I think we'll see a much improved women's squad. GO MEAN GREEN!
  11. I am most certain you will be 100% welcomed on the UT-SA message board. I'm happy you have found a team to be positive about. Amazing, no team in sight at UT-SA and our "fans" are all over them in a positive way, while continuing to "knock" the home team. Is it any wonder why UNT gets so little respect these days? Geeeeezzzzzz. Enjoy that orange and blue jersey.
  12. Please tell us why you think this is so. I assume you live in denton and frequent "most businesses" in town...especially the locally owned one, right? So, since you spend a good bit of your dollars in denton and know "most businesses" please do share. I am not saying you are wrong, but the "local" businesses my wife and I spend our time and dollars with definitely DO seem to care and do suppoet UNT athletics or UNT in some significant way or the other. We seek out these businesses, so my view may be differeent than yours. And, yes, I wish Denton would "turn out" in support of UNT like some of the other Universities I have attended...Oklahoma State (Stillwater goes all out for OSU athletics), University of Central Missouri (smaller town, 2nd largest U in Missouri ... I believe with very nice support) and U. of Missouri (Columbia turns out in support in a big way). So, yes, denton does have a way to go to step up to that level of support...but, many local businesses do support UNT athletics. If you don't live here...(I have since 1965) and spend your money with the local establishments you may not be aware of just what support is there. That is part of the problem...many seem to be "stealth supporters" in that there is no outward display at the place of business...perhaps we should start a thread about businesses who do support UNT Athletics so everyone on GMG.Com could spend their $$$$ there and thasnk them for their support. That would be a positive thing, wouldn't it? Rewarding those that do support UNT instead of ragging on those that don't? What an interesting approach.
  13. Yet another of the really positive Mean Green fans that seem to populate this board. Your Avatar says "LoveMG". I hope so...me, I think UNT will be light years ahead of UT-SA in "about 4 years". UT-SA may not even have a team on the field in 4-years in spite of all the hype and, if they do, they will proabably be getting beat by 1-AA schools by a wide margin. In 4 years UT-SA...if it does field a team in the two years it says it will take would have a bunch of Ju-Co and 1st and 2nd year freshman and sophomores on the field. Again, who cares about these guys? Let's get them on the schedule and see if we can't build an in-state "thing" with them. If so, then...I will definitely care. Until then, I'll focus on the Mean Green, thank you. GO MEAN GREEN!
  14. s do I...good luck Coach Mendoza.
  15. Where's a cop when you need one? Probably working another accident where some idiot didn't take road conditions into consideration. I am constantly amazed at the way people, normally sane and level-headed folks, act when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle. I commute to and from work on 35-E each day and have for over 30 years. The stories I could tell about what I have seen going on in other vehicles would fill a textbook of "what not to do's". I have also taken my fair share of "one finger waves" from folks who cut me off or for whatever reason thought going the speed limit and staying in the middle or right hand lane was just bad driving! Go figure. Scares me these days, as you never know when the next idiot is going to do something really...really stupid. Be careful out there MEAN GREEN NATION...we need all the season ticket buyers we can get!
  16. OOPS...that's pretty funny...that's a typo anyone can love! Sorry, of course that was meant to be "BURGERS"...I quit eating "bugers" at about the age of one ....I think!
  17. I'm with Dozer here...why so much time about UT-San Antonio. Who the heck cares? I CARE about Mean Green Football. Lots of progress there too if one cares to look. OK, if you want to keep talking about UT-SA go ahead...free country, but really...who the heck cares?
  18. Still looking and hoping for that, Rick.
  19. ONLY TEN?????? The guy is being kind.
  20. Probably DONE for the year! But, let's hope not. Interesting article about stagged fights in the NHL in today's DMN sports section. Looks like the NHL is closer to pro wrestling than anyone thought.
  21. Define "spotty support" for me...please. I think I see where you are coming from with this, but do you have some specific examples in mind? Are we talking salaries here? What?
  22. My guess is that Coach Dodge gives very little thought to what Brett Vito writes, and that posters on GMG.COM give WAY TOO MUCH thought to what he writes. He is a beat writer in a small town newspaper who, due to the paper's ownership, gets picked up in the DMN from time to time (OK, fairly often). The writing he does surely doesn't merit all the ink and comment given to it on this board. I personally think he does a decent job of covering the sports scene at UNT and am pretty happy that UNT at least HAS a beat writer. What do you think would happen if the Denton RC "closed shop"? You think the DMN and the FW Star wuld pay much attention to UNT? I seriously doubt it. So, if you go by the adage that all press is "good press" Vito does a big service to UNT by simply writing what he does. More should probably be done by the fans of UNT to see that the DRC keeps publishing. That's one reason I subscribe to the DRC's daily and weekend editions. So, love the guy or not, I think it is very good that UNT has Brett Vito around and, all in all, he is pretty "fair" in his reporting....everyone can go "off the reservation" from time to time or get a bit of a "thing" on for one program or another. It happens...check out Dale Hansen and the Cowboys as an example. Anyway, we here on GMG.Com probably pay way more attention to Brett's work that Coach Dodge or anyone associated with the program when it comes to what and how he writes his stories/reports. I agree that it is hard to see much difference between Brett the blogger and Brett the reporter. GO MEAN GREEN! BUY SEASON TICKETS!!!! ATTEND THE GMG.COM BOWL on April 11th and have a great time and make a scholarship donation!!!!!
  23. Need that true center to "muck up the lane" for UNT. With that, UNT wins the 'Belt and headfs to the NCAA's...no question! GO MEAN GREEN!
  24. Some atre "stealth supporters". They don't display the MEAN GREEN "stuff", but they definitely support the school. Some are afraid that with two colleges in town (TWU is a real college, right? ) they shouldn't be too partial for the sake of business. Especially those nearer TWU and some in the downtown area. By the way...another local business who really supports UNT is UNIQUE BARBER just off the square in downtown. Wayne and Terissa are season ticket holders and you can always talk UNT sports when you visit! Just FYI!
  25. You can usually find my bride and me at Sweetwater every Friday after work enjoying bugers (or something else) and COLD BEER! By the way...if you are looking for a caterer for a private function...these guys do great work. We had them cater our son and daughter-in-laws engagement party at our home a few years ago. People who attended are STILL telling us how good the food was. Also...if you are lazy like us, you can order your thanksgiving "stuff" from Sweetwater...we did this year and it was GREAT! But, don't forget the other great establishments around town that support the MEAN GREEN. I am not at all surprised to hear you had a good experience with the crew at Sweetwater! GO MEAN GREEN!
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