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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. WOW...a bowling team! Seriously? This is good news...and being ranked #22 nationally is really great news. Good luck to all the UNT bowlers. I hope we see updates here on how the team is doing. KNOCK 'EM DOWN UNT.... GO MEAN GREEN!!!!
  2. Interesting, isn't it...the silence on the idea for "volunteers" to step up and organize something is deafening!
  3. So, let's see...if there were complete access for fans to each practice/scrimmage...how many would actually show up? Really, come on...be honest. From what I can tell...lots of comments abouit this, but when there was an open practice...what...5-6 of us showed up? Yes, there was some confusion over the "openess" of the practice, but once it was claerd up there was plenty of time for people in Denton and the surrounding area to get there in time. No, not probasbly from Grand P, Ft. Worth area, etc. but plenty of time for Denton, Lewisville, carrollton, Lake Dallas, Cornith, and some of our more northern neighbors to make it. So, how many would come and how often? No criticism intended and no "attitude" intended...just wondering if parctice were more "open" could UNT make something out of it to attract ticket sales/fans, etc.? Thoughts?
  4. Wow...Lonnie...way to go. You even made sense in this one and it wasn't 50,000 words long. OK< sorry...just having a little fun with ya! Post of the day so far...but, watch out, those "envirowhacjobs" you mention are sure to reply soon enough. :clapping:shocking:
  5. The "big deal" is that the essence of the PC has been changed...if you want to be a member of the PC going forward you must give "only" to the president's fund at a level of $1000 or greater! It does not effect that fact that you can now simply designate your dollars to various areas of the university on your own...which my wife and I will now do...and will increase our overall level of donations as we have done in the each of the proceeding several years. We try to increase our level of support each year. But, that's beside the point. We simply do not like being told where our donations will go. I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with Prez B making this change, as I have said in an earlier post, and I hope she gets millions of dollars for her personal distribution (as that is how it will be used plain and simple) as long as the funds do go to actual depts., student scholarships, etc. I would hate to think they could be used for such things as new furniture for her office, "conferences" that are more "party" than "conference", etc., etc. But discretionary funds are simply that...discretionary...in this case at Prez B's discretion. Not saying anything is wrong with that AT ALL or that funds will be used for anything other than real/solid university business/support. But, if so...why keep people from membership simply because they want to make sure that their donations go where they want them to go? That's the only problem I have with this change and it's a big enough change that we have decided to simply not renew our membership. No big deal I am sure as I did hear that Prez B thought the PC was too big/too many members at the $1000 min. level and that this may be a way to thin the numbers a bit to make it more of a "big dog/elite" group. Just a rumor...who cares...go for it! Besides, the parties are not nearly as enjoyable now as they were when President Pohl was at UNT. Too stiff for me...and now...they charge for admission to the PC's own parties. From where I sit...membership meant: 1) Support for UNT (we will still do that and increase our level in 2009); 2) "D" parking pass...who cares...no big deal; 3) PC Newsletter...another no biggie as the info wasn't really very general in nature; 4) PC parties....no biggie...but they were fun at one time and we met some great new memebrs of the Mean Green Nation...but, not worth the extra price of admission in MHO; and 5) Access to Prez B...Yea, right...if you are one of her "favorites" perhaps...last time I was "up close and personal" to her she didn't even acknowledge my existence all the while chatting it up with the guy I was talking with before she walked up! Did not even bother to say "hello", offer her hand, NADA...NOTHING...ZILCH...ZERO...chatted with my friend for over 2 min. and walked away....can you spell R-U-D-E!!!! But, still, this is no big deal as far as support for UNT goes as we see it. Prez. B has done some very good things, no doubt, and will continue to do so for UNT as it is in her best interests to do so. UNT is moving forward under her direction, and, I believe will continue to do so. That's a good thing. This change IN NO WAY effects my support for UNT now or in the future. I hope everyone else who is considering dropping their PC membership feels the same way about their continued support for UNT. I just wish more folks would support UNT with their talent and treasure. Too many people seem to "talk a good game" but "walk a different reality". For a university the size of UNT our alumni support is terribly small. Too many weak excuses as to why they don't support...too many "made up" slights and too many things way in the past...moving forward and up...Wherever you want to give your $$$$ and at what levl...JUST GIVE! It's important. I think a good study would be to see what the "giving level" is from those who received scholarships to attend UNT as compared to the "general population" of non-scholarship students. I wonder if receiving a fully paid/partially paid education has any effect on wanting to help others in the same situation. Is there a difference in "giving back" levels between need-based (financial need) scholarship students and academic/athletic performance-based scholarship students? Could be an interesting research project for UNT and other universities...say 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc, after graduation...what's the percentage og "givers". Would also like to see it done between academic departments....do A&S grads actually "give back" more than College of Business grads? What about the "artsy" crowd as some folks refer to them, the education majors, engineers, Science majors, etc., etc. Anyone else think that would be a good research study? I'll bet you could even get a grant from somewhere to study that. Just wondering. Good luck Prez B. I do hope you gets lots and lots of $$$$...all good for the Mean Green Nation. Just give, baby, GIVE to the Mean Green!
  6. They obviously have more money around than they know what to do with..."we wanted the kids to keep playing" is weak at beast, but, if you have the cash go for it. Unfortunatley, UNT does not seem to be in that position. And, i would think that "any extra cash sitting around" would be needede for the new football stadium, not sending our men's BB team to a third rate (at best) tournament that gets ZIPPO in real exposure on the national scene. Anyway...I am really happy for Virginia to be in such a posituion and truly hope UNT can be there one of these days in the near future. If and when UNT gets to that point..."PLAY ON...PLAY ON"!
  7. Just asking, but why would UNT want to play in this tournament? Seems to me that it might be better to simply start getting ready for next season...unless, this is a big recruiting plumb for prospective recruits, etc. I can't see that being the case, but why play in this tournament? Just wondering...some of you folks are much more into this sort of thing than I am. Just can't see much of an upside to playing.
  8. WOW! You go ladies!!!!! GO MEAN GREEN.
  9. So, here you go...Above comments are PRICELESS! Thank you Aztecskin! As for golf...that's a players game. Even folks who love to play it ca get bored watching on TV. And, try to explain to you non-glof playing wife why you think it is importantant to watch every second you can of the Master's and Open, etc. LOVE ABSOLUTELY LOVE the idea that baseball should only be three innings, but even in three innings you would have 90% Standing around"...you just wouldn't have to sit through it for 3 1/2 hours or so. OK, yes, the comment of soccer being "liberal" hurt...so wrong, but who cares! It is, however, amusing to watch old fat bald guys run around in baseball uniforms. Today's DMN says it's a "rule" dating back to when managers were often also players or something like that. Good grief...that is so "yesterday". Can we not change this rule for the sake of "eyesight" all over the US? Oh, yes, forgot...GREAT GAME against Puerto Rico yesterday, USA! Had to call in the "mercy rule"!
  10. I will say again...if you want a UNT float in the parade...get up and start organizing it! It wil not happen without many volunteers. Seems to me the Dallas Alums could and should take this project up and get it on for next year's parade. I live in Denton, but would volunteer to help all I can to make it happen. IT seems this great idea is like many others associated with UNT...good ideas are everywhere, but when you ask for volunteers to do the work...gee...SILENCE! Sure, it's a great idea as long as someone else does the work! Come on Dallas area alums...can you get this going? Like I said...I would help all I can...anyone else? My wife and I tried to go yesterday to the parade but couldn't get near the place, so we veered off and went to the Idle Rich and Black Friar's Pubs for some St. Pat's day spirits and food. Great fun anway...sorry we couldn't get near that parade. But, it was a fun pre-St. Pat's Day celebration anyway!!!!
  11. Coffee and TV...that's what I thought about you...so very nutty when it comes to politics...but, I do see your club of preference, so maybe that's the reason. Just waht makes you think conservatives can't be soccer fans? I'm a Coventry City fan as well as a Rangers fan...been to the World Cup...original FC Burn (FC Dallas) season ticket holder, Soccer Club President, Soccer tournament director as well as a referee...still ref evry weekend during season...have done college, HS, club, Men's and rec games. Lot's of fun. Being conservative or liberal has absolutely nothing to do with it! And, I will add...head out to Frisco this spring and summer for some great fun supporting FC Dallas! While some may see US pro soccer as second rate...it is definitely moving up in the eyes of the soccer playing world...and, absolutely agree that MLS will soon be on equal footing with the European 2nd tier. Have to get to that level before MLS can move on up to becoame a Tier 1 league. Which it definitely will.
  12. AMEN to that...lots of luck Coach Rike!!!
  13. I, too, received my letter regarding the changes being made to the President's Council. My wife and I have been a member for several years now after our good friend drex explained it to us and encouraged us to join. It was a great way to support UNT...and the areas of the university you felt strongest in supporting with both your talent and your treasure...but, now that Prez B wants to have all the dollars come to her for her sole use and descretion, I, like drex, will not be renewing my President's Council member ship when it expires. My wife and I will still give to UNT ahtletics and the other areas we support and have supported for many years, it will just not be through the President's Council. My point being...if you are discouraged, as we are, about this dollar grab by Prez B...and choose not to re-join the President's Council...PLEASE PLEASE do not reduce your giving to the university. Just give it to the Mean Green Club, your academic area, etc. on your own without going through the President's Council. PLEASE PLEASE do not "punish" the fine area's you have supported at UNT. This IS NOT the Mean Green Club, the A&S, The Scool of Business, Music, etc., etc's fault. This is a pure money grab...for want of a better word...on the part of Prez. B. BTW...I have absolutely no problem with Prez. B wanting a "slush fund"...many many colleges and universities have such funds...nor do I encourage anyone who wants to remain a member of the President's Council to leave....if you are in favor of the way this will be handled going forward, great for you and thanks for supporting UNT. But, as for my wife and I, we think we know better how to utilize the dollars we have worked hard to earn in support of UNT. We will continue to support the Mean Green Club, our academic areas of choice and other various programs such as the UNT Alumni Association that we have, just not through the President's Council. It was great while it lasted, but we'll let Prez. B "grab" someone else's hard earned dollars. I hope this "new" program leads to increased funding for UNT as UNT can use all the donations its alumni and friends can provide...as many good things are definitely happening at UNT. I do not see this as a "bad thing" at all...just a choice for how and where dollars are allocated. My wife and I are in no way "harmed" by this change...in fact...it could make it much easier for us to make sure our donations are placed properly and that the "timing" of the donations are too our liking. SO...just keep donating...this is nothing to get too upset about as you still can do whatever you wish with your donation dollars. In fact, I hope Prez. B get lots of new dollars...that way, she can use that money to send Emeral Scholars to Thailand if she wishes. Let's just hope UNT doesn't end up with a corporate jet and new presidential office furniture and gold palted bathroom fixtures! AS the old song says, "you don't know what you've got until its gone"... GO MEAN GREEN!
  14. Wow, how interesting... I am in no way surprised that would be the substance your reply. Just wanted to lay it out there for you. Your reply is simply a repeat of the same tired old negativity...anyone on the board NOT know UNT's record the last two years? OK, let's all together now, so Lonnie will know we all KNOW...UNT won 3 games in the last two years! Wow...that was a news flash! Anyway, I do enjoy what you say...between all the repititions of the same tired old lines.....
  15. BIGGEST two positives I see...scheduling-wise that is: 1) NO HOME GAME THANKSGIVING WEEKEND!!!!! 2) LAST HOME GAME IS ARRY...should assure great attendance for the last home game! As far as the halloween game goes...would help if it were a day game, but have attended other games on Halloween night and the half-times can be GREAT with a lttle creativity from the band, etc. Still plenty early enough for students tt party after the game...and since when has UNT be able to rely on student attendance at ANY athletic event? Hopefully, we'll see positive change in that arena too this year as well as MORE WINS!!!! GO MEAN GREEN!
  16. Lonnie...you are beginning to sound way too much like a broken record. I think everyone here knows your position on the head coach at UNT. Why not give us all a break and just find another topic for awhile. We can all just assume from this point on that anything positive said would be countered by a negative from you and anything that could be slanted to the negative (such as attending or not attending a coaching clinic) would be so slanted by you. OK? Can everyone here agree to that and let the lawyer get on to a new topic for at least until the season starts? Lonnie, you have some excellent points, but they are getting drowned out by all the same old tiring rethoric and negativity toward the program. Why not try a differerent line for awhile. I would love to read about something you like for awhile as you do seem to post some good stuff. Just asking..
  17. None taken....glad to know you see me as the "happy camper". Loking at the bright side of things never hurts, and just as some folks want to always see something "doom and gloom", I like to find the positives. Sure, a bit too Mr. "Good Things are Happening" at times, I'll give you that, but, heck, someone has to counter all the nay sayers and doom and gloomers on this board. Too many people want to find only the negatives...I'll stay with the positives, and recognize my bias in that regard, thank you very much!
  18. Look, you just have to accept it for what it is...I don't take it too seriously (you may not know that from some of my posts)...I mean the postings...politics I take very seriously...but, everyone is welcome to their opions. And, that's what 99% of this stuff is anyway...opinion. I work for a "policy think thank"..really, I do...used to be a banker....I don't "think" about policy...I'm the CFO guy.....but, what I can tell you since we spend so much time in Washington, DC is that the "normal" citizen out here in the hinterlands, has very little...very little first hand knowledge of what is actually going on...the news folks (both sides) feed you what you want, and people hear and read what they want to hear and read...just like they choose to be either positive or negative (funny how many of the negative folks tend to want to call themselves "realists"). Anyway, i think this section is good and should be allowed to saty...however, folks need to "play nice" or be banned from the sandbox. Keep it civil...don't call fellow posters bad names, etc. and it will continue to be a good place for political discussion. It's fun...that's all. And, while you are at it...Go ahead and FREE QUONER, TASTY and GREENP1....they have done their time! Maybe you can realease them and keep them on "parole" while they serve out the rest of their sentance! Hey, even that idiot of a mayor from Detroit got out! And, God forbid, he decided to come to the Dallas area! Good Grief. Maybe he can play football and Jerry wants him for the Cowboys!
  19. Boise State?????
  20. Once again...READ MY POST! I am not talking about WHO added the earmarks...I am talking about the BROKEN PROMISE OBAMA made to cut them out! He promised...he didn't. Change the conversation to anything you want, but the fact is...he screwed it! GET THIS...Earmarks are not good...doesn't matter who adds the darn things...if you say you are going to cut them out...CUT THE DARN THINGS OUT. Don't tell me one thing and then within a matter of two months do exactly the opposite. Anyone else need to re-read my original post to figure out what i was actually saying? Geeeezzzzzzzzz!
  21. Drill, baby, drill!!!! And, while you are at it...how about developing some new nuclear power plants? Did anyone else notice that Obama left nuclear power "out" while touting wind, solar, etc.? Wind and solar, while great programs can, in no way, generate enough power to off-set imported oil in any timeframe relatively appropraite. Got to drill for toady, and build nuclear facilities for the future while we develop comerivcally viable wind and solar programs. We must look at all sources...how about that oil sand in Canada? Tons of it. I have no problem importing from Canada, do you?
  22. GreenMachine...what makes you say so? Is this just another thread going nowhere? You tend to find what you are looking for in life...that includes how you look at places where you live. In my experience I have never found a place where I was living that I could not enjoy, and find the plusses to enjoy. And, I have lived in some large and small places...Denton, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Stillwater, Norman, Warrensburg (Missouri), Knob Noster (Missouri - you can't get much smaller than that), Lompoc (California), etc. Probably, every place in the world could "use a little scrubbing" especially if that's what you are looking for. Is Denton the prettiest place in the country, no...does it have it's issues with maintenance?, yep...but, all in all I have found it to be a great place to live and raise a family. Anyway, I do find that students tend to have a very different view of the city where their school is located than do people who have also lived in those cities for some time. People do tend to look at things from their own personal prespective...for good or bad, that's just the way it is...SO, whatever you wnat to say about denton, it is home to the GREAT MEAN GREEN NATION...so, call it what you want...just come and spend money and buy season tickets!
  23. Overrated, my Cowboys, overrated????? How dare you, sir!
  24. Observational evidence, sir, observational evidence including what I consider to be some quality improvements in the coaching staff. I doubt that we will see only cover1 and cover2 in the secondary this year...DB were playing much closer to the line at the open practice I saw and they were actually covering! DL is bigger...OL is bigger and more experienced. Wide-Outs look very good for 2009 with plenty of choices...Running back position will be fine and pretty deep. Riley knows what he is doing, and is doing it well and Tune is getting sharper every practice as he recovers from his medical challenge...seems to have recovered most of the lost weight. Observational, my dear Watson, observational. Trying to see the galss as half-full, not half-empty as so very many of my fellow GMG.Com posters seems to want to view the world these days.
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