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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Maybe you could get a new line.
  2. And, after starting it ... you watched all of it, why?????
  3. WOW. I can't believe I got 5 pages so far on this thread. Of course, many folks hijacked it to other topics. Anyone going to the TaxDay Tea Party in Denton? Should be fun. Maybe the anarchists will meet and form a group with by-laws and a constitution and come protest!
  4. So, anyone going to the Denton event or does everyone just want to keep it going here on GMG.COM? I'll be there...should be interesting to hear what they have to say about the Obama budget/taxes, etc. Good to see something being organized around this. Looks like it is growing too...I hear several new events have been scheduled in the last few days around the country. WOW, since when do conservities "take to the streets"??? I hope to see some fellow Mean Green nation members on the Denton Square on the 15th (6-7:30PM). Anyone planning on attending an event in a different location?
  5. Interesting and valid question. I have never worried or thought about the flags position within the context of the Olympic Games medal ceremony. So, as with every rule there seems to be exceptions. Probably could have made you point just as valid without the "F-Off" part. Just saying.
  6. I doubt that you will get many answers here...but, you know how women are treated so you probably have that answer. As far as the "law" goes, you did see the response to the recent stoning of a teenage girl, right? Yep, said it was all within the law and perfectly fine under Shari'ah law. Not that the Imam mentioned in the post was the one providing the answer. Don't mean that...don't know. It seems sad to me how a few radicals can corrupt one of the world's largest religious bases into something that it, for the mainstream believer, is certainly not. Sad. How so few can mess it up for so many...often that happens when the "many" turn a blind eye to the "radicals" and "reactionaries".
  7. If you think your taxes will not go up under this administration you are smoking some "funny weed". Ha! Just keep thinking that...sounds good. Hide and watch.
  8. Point is...in case you missed it...Obama promised, like the old "read my lips" from Daddy Bush....NO NEW TAXES! He lied! Tax increases hurt lots of people in unexpected ways. Just because one does not smoke is a sad excuse for "not caring" about this broken promise. I don't smoke either, but the people who will be hurt by this tax increase are the very folks least able to bear it from a financial standpoint, but since smokers are "shunned" by folks who think it "sucks to be them" they will not complain...so, the government sticks it to them. "Sin" taxes are the easiest for the government to impose...those being tobacco, alcohol, etc. Seems all a politician need do with some folks is promise to "tax someone else" and they'll get the votes...then they just turn around and tax everyone. President Obama has shown his hand early in his tenure on this one. Smoke or not...we are all going to see higher taxes. Hide and watch...I guess you thought that "extra bit of pay in your check recently" was really a tax decrease. Silly you!
  9. Great story. Did not know all of this. Great stuff and quite the hero all. However, the author is wrong in his statement taht there is not one hero today in all of this. I believe there are plenty, and they are the folks who have stayed to help "turn the ship around", who have scarificed their jobs so someone else could keep their's, they are the small factory owners and managers who have done everything they can to keep each and every employee on the payroll, they are the shop owners who have provided free or reduced items to people in need, they are the many folks who have donated their time and money to volunteer to help at food banks, placement centers, they are the corp. CEO's who have decided to hire in the face of lowering revenue, it is the SallieMae CEO who has made the decision to bring back 2000 + jobs from overseas, and I could go on and on. Just because these folks do naot have "names" in the papers, does not mean that they can not be called a hero. This great nation of ours will climb out of this recession, as it has every other recession, by the actions of its citizens and business leaders, not because the governament prints more and more money or tries to nationalize industry. This great nation of ours will climb out of the recession because of everyday people just like the band members of the Titanic doing all they can to "calm" the situation.
  10. I believe you have it correct, sir. The folks who think they just received a tax "decrease" will definitely get a wake up call come tax time for 2009. And, if taxes have not already been raised, what's up with that new tax on tabacco products? As a smoker, chewer, etc. if his taxes have gone up any after April 1st.
  11. Buy cutting taxes and cutting government spending.
  12. And, most of those folks are the same folks who say the same things about the university time and time again. Ever read the letters page in the DRC? It's the same folks who post the same "stuff" over and over again. Lots of folks who live in Denton see TWU and UNT as "outsiders", and I cannot say I blame them that much. Having lived in Denton since 1965, I have seen the "Town and Gown" gap grow and prosper. I can tell you with 100% confidence that it is a two-way street. Plenty of blame to go around on both sides. UNT & TWU both need to do a better job of reaching out to the community (and, I believe they are doing that very thing currently) and the city needs a big-time change in attitude and realize what a real treasure they have in both TWU and UNT and reach out to the university. That is beginning to happen too. When both sides see the other as a "partner" they will both realize how much benefit they can be to each other. And, if you are a citizen of Denton and seem to think the universities run the city, well, get up off your lazy you-know-what and run for a city office or volunteer to serve on a city board. Maybe university folks get on the boards and get elected because they volunteer their time to do so. Being on a city board pays ZERO and being on the council is not much/if any better in the way of pay. Why is it that the people who always complain the loudest are the ones who never seem to "have the time" to get involved? Busy people get involved and try to make a difference...lazy people seem to complain that they have no time to volunteer. Odd, they seem to have plenty of time to complain. The GOOD NEWS here is that, from where I sit, I see the problems of the past between the city and UNT and TWU growing less and less every day. Took lots of years to get to be a problem, it will take a few to "fix" that problem. The stadium will be great for both UNT and the City of Denton. Just as the majority of students at UNT who voted for the stadium "get it", so do the majority of the citizens of the City of Denton.
  13. We're you there? Did you attend the stadium tailgate event? Did you pick up one of the brochures regarding the new stadium? I would say that was done quite well indeed. The game itself is always "iffy" because it is the spring game and it "is what it is"...a spring game. Check out what others are saying about other university's spring games. Now, that being said...I do think that UNT could do a much better job of trying to turn the spring game into an event. As a "marketing opportunity" it could be developed into a real "event" centered around the spring game. Anyway, I know that very few schools seem to do that with their spring games, but seems like a real possible "tradition in the making" if developed in an event-type atmosphere. I'm thinking tailgating, player intros, coach speak, music (perhaps a concert to help keep and involve students, ticket sales, UNT gear sales, food, beer, Scrappy, cheerleaders, band...you get the idea. Could work...maybe. It was a great day anyway, but, yes, could be built into a bigger deal. Problem is, it seems every time the school tries something like that just want to complain that it could have been better instead of enjoying the effort and helping it get better over the years and grow into something of a possible "can't miss UNT fan event". Oh, well....
  14. And, what were the Rangers attendance numbers in late July and August for home games? I really don't know because a baseball game was on TV and I feel asleep! This really is too much fun. You just have to know what's coming next and from whom....yes, I do like to play this game! It was, however, good to see the Rangers win a game...an opening day game no less...1st opening day win in what, nine years I believe. Like I said apocolypse is upon us for sure with Millwood going that deep into the game. So, how many more starts before Millwood is on the DL? So, baseball fans, don't get too excited...there is always another game in a long string of some 162 games in the Rangers season...Rangers probably out of it by mid-late May...as usual. I do so hope not, as the professional sports scene in Dallas needs at least one of its teams to do something except come in well below expectations. What's with the Dallas pro teams these days?
  15. Folks like Coffee and Tea will never get it...if you want to increase tax revenues you LOWER TAXES! Lower taxes work to create jobs and investment in research that leads to more jobs...more jobs equal more folks paying taxes and buying "stuff"...ie: more tax revenue. BTW...the recent raise in the tax on tobacco by the Obama Administration is just one more broken promise from this administration. Anyone recall his promise that, what? 95% of the people will see NO increase in their taxes and would actually see a decrease? Hmmmmmm...a rise in the tax on tobacco will indeed be a raise in taxes for a lot of the folks who believed this guy's campaign promise of no new taxes for the majority of the citizens...and, just which folks do you think this little tax play will hurt the most...those that can least afford to pay more taxes...the poor and working poor of this nation. Nice job thiere Mr. O looking for ways to help those that can least afford to pay taxes (or so you said anyway). Slashing all those military equipment plans and creating a lot more layoffs at defense contractor firms is a great way to get folks back to work too. Nice job! I think it will be interesting to see how many of the cuts Gates announced yesterday will actually come to pass. I would imagine that there will be lots of "crossing the aisle" on this one when dems and republicans alike start hearing from the "home folks" who will be losing jobs and revenue in the home districts. Oh, hey, the laid off defense industry workers can just join AmericaCorps...or is that AmeikaCorps? Anyone going to attend the Denton County Tax day Tea Party event? My bride and I will be there...anyone else?
  16. I thought I did that in my original post. Sorry.
  17. Just in case you were not aware of it...there is a growing event taking place nation-wide on April 15th in protest of the rising taxes we will all be experiencing under the current administration. If you are in the Denton area...come join in on April 15th from 6:00 to 7:30PM on the Denton County Courthouse Square. Good speakers, good info. You can find more information on the Tax Day Tea Party movement across the country at www.ipi.org or at www.taxdayteaparty.com. Come down to the Denton Square on the 15th for the protest rally...should be fun and educational!
  18. Absolutely....I have no problem with that if it is true...BUT, why all the crap going Palin's way? The party and its supporters paid for her's...why the diffrerent press coverage? Would like to see the press at least mention they are comp'd if they are. Like I said...I have no problem with that. Smart on the manufacturer's part...hopefully all US designers and manufacturers. That's free enterprise, and it isn't on the backs of the taxpayer. But, let's see the facts. What you and I might think is one thing...facts, well...let's see! OK, oops...big mistake there on my part thinking the press could write facts these days and not opinion pieces when it comes to politics. Sorry...Ha!
  19. GO RANGERS! The fact that Millwood has gone into the 7th is a sure sign that apocolypse is upon us!
  20. Yes, your absence was noted...performing weddings perhaps, Judge? We missed you!
  21. OK, I'll ask the question...who is paying for all the change of clothes Michelle Obama is wearing these days at all the events she seems to be attending? And, glad to see the taxpayers had to spend the extra bucks to send her back to DC before the Prez ended his international tour. Couldn't they have flown home together on Air Force One? Seems that Palin was beat up pretty bad about her wardrobe...I wonder whio is covering the cost for all of Mrs Obama's change of clothes these days? I really don't know. Does the first lady get a clothing allowance? If so, it better be a big one on the taxpayer's dime for all the designer gowns/dresses she is wearing. Pretty nice clothes she had on digging in that White House garden too. Interesting that the press is not jumping on her like they did Palin for this stuff. Not saying it's bad...just wondering about the difference. I realize this is no biggie at all...neither were the dresses Palin wore by the way...in the scheme of things, but I think it just points out how the press swoons over these two as if they were the "second coming" as a couple. The Today show this weekend even went on and on how Michelle is so much more that Jackie K was...smarter, stronger personality, etc., etc. BTWE...my bride likes the Today show...me, not so much.
  22. Oops...sorry. Didn't quite make the squeeze. Too bad...Dallas pro sports could use a lift. Looks like the Mavs will "squeeze" in as an 8 seed...but, will probably bow out in the first round. Rangers probably done by mid-late May once again. Too bad...OK, yes, FC Dallas is 0-3 and not looking good on defense at all. Way too many balls getting over the top and through that should not...but, they did hire a HS coach, right? Just wanted to add that for all the Dodge bashers we have on this board.
  23. For me, I do not think the President of the US should bow to any other world political leader. Just like the US flag should NEVER be flown lower than any other national flag...NEVER! The guy is trying way too hard to show the world that he has brought "change" to the US. Way too hard. And, in doing so is showing himself to be both naive and weak as a president. I do not believe the president needs to be "superior" to other world leaders, but NEVER subserviant as a bow implies in this case. Amazing what this president will do to try to be "liked" and popular at home and abroad. Sort of like the parents who want to be their child's friend. Seldom works out very well when the time for discipline, teaching and leadership comes up in the relationship. Just because the national and international press swoon every time you appear does not make you an effective world leader. That remains very much in doubt at this point with this president...we'll see where it leads. I wish him the greatest of successes, but, the jury is definitely out so far!
  24. I didn't read this as Gringrich, Will and Mccain were folks he was willing to listen too and "consider"...I saw this as him blowing them off as being "on the other end of the political spectrum". If he is saying he has an open mind...well, I guess everyone gets to define "open mind" for themselves. I take a fraud as one who does not believe what they are saying and does it for personal gain only, etc. Keyes, Coulter and Stossel seem to me to belive what they say. How does that make them frauds? I don't think Franken is a fraud as he probably does believe the crap he puts out...I just think he is an idiot. That does not, however, make him a fraud. If he said Keyes, Coulter and Stossel qwere, in his opuinion, idiots, well, that's his opinion. Maybe splitting hairs a bit I guess. I'll leave this one at that.
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