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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Good news...shouldn't have closed in the first place.
  2. Are you sure about that? Photos perhaps? There is a symbol in native American Indian culture that looks very much like a swastika, but is not. I am told it is actually drawn "backwards" from the swastika folks are much more aware of these days. Too bad for that. I do not know this to be a fact, as was 'told" this by an amateur historian. So, if anyone knows for certain, it might make for some good facts here. Perhaps the symbol has significance for various other cultures around the globe. Anyone know? I just know it, or a similar version, was around long before it was corrupted by the Nazi party. CBL, was this the swastika you were referring to in your post as opposed to the Nazi version?
  3. Charlie nt73 makes some good points. Kids come and go, and we should wish Kyle all the best and thank him for his time at UNT. It is too bad that we have lost some kids in the last couple of years, but it seems to me to be better to be shed of those that do not have their hearts and minds 100% focused on helping UNT get better and win games. Coaches, that some would consider the very best in the nation, lose kids each year for one reason or the other. I do see this as a challenge for Dodge and his staff in recruiting the "right" players with the "right fit" for UNT. Perhaps some of these guys from SLC came to UNT thinking it would be SLC "all over again" and they found out that college football is different and that even Coach Dodge is different on the college level than he was at the HS level. Who knows, but the fact is Kyle Russo is gone. I wish him well. Now, let's focus on the guys who really do want to make UNT into a winning program once again. GO MEAN GREEN!!!
  4. Nothing, but if it did, it would be Bush's fault!
  5. What's a "good kid" who has "never been in trouble before" doing walking around town with a gun in his pocket?
  6. Note current occupant of the White House.
  7. If you like how all the various governmental bodies are handlining this flu non-epidemic then you will love nationalized health care.
  8. I like peaches.
  9. Yep, ain't it great? And, all of that will be over before the end of the 4th inning in most baseball games!
  10. I don't hate the "great game"...it's just often very boring to watch for 3+ hours as pitchers and batters scratch themselves and throw lobs to first base and change pitchers endlessly (since when did major league pitchers become such weenies that they can't pitch complete games???)...when something actually does happen, it is fun to watch. Just take the 60 sec. of actuall action in a 3-hour game and put it on a tape...
  11. Sorry about that, drex...lost my head there for a moment...GO MEAN GREEN!
  12. Seems pretty lame at this point...big over reaction. Your BIG GOVERNMENT nanny state at work. You know of course, that local representatives are not capable of making proper decisions...we must have central governmental bodies do it for us. Way to go comrade! This swine flu may turn into a real problem, but it doesn't seem to warrant this type of "panic" at this point. You think it's a ploy to cut back on travel and budget expenses?????? Hmmmmmmm...conspirancy at work here perhaps...nope, just your government over reaching yet again into the realm of local decision making! Good grief!
  13. John Hedlund, women's soccer head coach, has been named the first Coach of the Year at UNT. Coach Hedlund and his lady eagles have recorded 14 consecutive winning seasons, and Coach Hedlund has a 72% overall winning percentage. Way to go, and congratulations to coach Hedlund and the lady eage soccer teams...he couldn't have done it without the the great players! GO MEAN GREEN! Go SOCCER TEAM!!!!
  14. Fire up that 18-wheeler that sits at times in the Fouts parking lot!
  15. I won't take that bet. Hold onto your hats folks, you haven't seen anything yet from this administration. The turn to the left will get harder and harder and your taxes will go up and up along with tons of "stupid" rule and regulations that will make it tougher and tougher on any citizen who actually works for a living and for those trying to run a business. The "good news" is that "this too shall pass"...just give it time.
  16. Sure it does...I refereed a game just last night that ended in a 6-4 score! OK, let's not talk about what age the players were...
  17. Is anyone still awake after a baseball game to hear Diamond Talk?
  18. Let's also count the number of times he blames everything on "prior administrations". This should be a real "look at me, I am wonderful", "Look at me, look at me", speech this evening. It will be fun seeing Spector sitting with the dems. You think the prez will say anything specific about him in his "I am the greatest" (with all due respect to Ali) speech this evening? At least he will have his trusted teleprompter along for the ride so he will sound his "campaign" best this evening. Should be fun...best comedy hour on TV this evening!
  19. OK, folks, don't kill the messenger...here is a scorecard I found in the Dallas Morning News this morning regarding Obama's first 100 Days. $3.6 TRILLION- Spending in proposed federal budget for 2010 $1.75 TRILLION - Projected deficit under proposed 2010 budget $787 BILLION - Cost of tax cuts and new spending in eco. stimulus package $558.4 BILLION - Increase in the public debt from Jan. 20th through April 24th $235 BILLION - Tax money spent to bail out failing financial institutions from Jan. 20th to April 20th 2MILLION - jobs lost, January to March 908,666 - Housing foreclosures, Jan. 20th through April 20th 27 - bank failures 15 - bills signed into law 11 - states visited 9 - Foreign countries visited There you have the first 100 days. I will leave the grade for this stuff up to you. I certainly know what grade I give the guy. And, this is just in the first 100 days. Hold on - it looks like a long tough ride.
  20. Why not? He's done his time and it is pro football after all...this would be a non-headline in the scheme of pro football. So, who cares? Let's see how he does and where he ends up...you know, he just might turn out to be a "solid citizen" after this little "time out". We'll see.
  21. Yep, but lately...not so much. Specter has been a democrat except for name for some time. He knew he could not win a Republican primary, so in a move to save his own skin he changed parties. This is about saving his own political hide, and not so much about philosophy. Take a hike, Arlen! You may or may not recall the time many democrats switched to the republican on Reagan's coat tails. This isn't the first, nor will it be the last such switch. Both sides do it, and they do it to preserve their own rear ends...plain and simple. Good night Arlen wherever you are!
  22. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! I would not recommend such a thing. I trhink you have me confused with a fiscal liberal! Ha!
  23. It's all about the money with this guy...or so it seems. Hey, since he invented the internet, he should be rich, right? And, who said "going green" wasn't going to be good for the pocketbook? WOW. I'll bet he gave a bunch to charity like he always did while in office, right? Opps, forgot...he a dem politician, they don't pay taxes or give to charities...the GOVERNMENT will do it for them! Got it. No north pole in 5 years...Man! Better start building that Arc. Al Gore has been right so much of the time...YAWN!
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