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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. I don't have any problem with the poll or the questions asked...seem appropriate to me. I am just looking forward to winning a few games this season (3-4 perhaps??? Up to 5 if we get some decent breaks) and shutting some folks up around the country...they are watching "around the country", right? GO MEAN GREEN!!!!
  2. Happy B'Day guys! I'll drink to that!
  3. Amazing how when something obviously good appears regarding the football team, there just has to be some folks who want to be certain that folks are not too pleased about the situation. I find it hard to believe that we could not just have a thread that sticks to the topic about what seems to be a decent commit for UNT. Lifer...100% correct with the post...danged iof you do and danged if you don't. SIGH!
  4. OK, never again do I want anyone here to rag on soccer for its players flopping and begging for fouls! In watching some of the NBA playoffs recently (yes, I really did) I have seen more flops by players...and I mean star players...than I did in the last World Cup! And, ouir guy Dirk seems to be right up there with the best of them. I even heard one announncer on the radio commenting on how the NBA stars seems to be "acting" much more these days. Go figure. Anyone else notice?
  5. OK, since no one else has asked...what in the heck was Dirk thinking? With all the $$$$ he makes...THAT was the best he could do???? Man, hide your watch...that lady can stop time! OUCH! maybe she has "other talents" we can't see??? I just do not get it AT ALL!!!! UGH! This will definitely make you believe that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", right? And, OK, Dirk is no Brad Pitt, but he is a pro athlete, a good one, seems to be a nice guy and has tons of cash...just saying.....
  6. Saw a great line attributed to today's democrat party...TRICKLE DOWN CORRUPTION! That pretty much hits the nail on the head! Names mentioned were such prominent folks as William Jefferson, William Spitzer, Charles Rangel, Christopher Dodd, Jack Murtha, John Edwards, Jesse Jackson, Jr. and Steven Rattner. The piece is in today's Dallas Morning News if you care to give it a read. It's by Jonah Goldberg. He says "Trickle Down Corruption" is the democrat's governing philosophy. Seems fairly appropriate to me. Interesting read...and, yes, Republicans have not shown themselves to be blameless when it comes to "corruption". Just doesn't seem to be the guiding philosohpy of the party as is indicated it is for the democrats by Mr. Goldberg.
  7. The Angry Dog has a great hamburger...and cold beer! Been there many times...they have a good Dog too! You make me want to go back to the Angry Dog, but I might just settle for Snuffer's in Highland Village...good burger, good dog and cold beer too...and those cheese fries...OK, it's not the Angry Dog but it "ain't bad"...
  8. Many thanks for adding the link. I hope a few folks will take a look.
  9. If you have a chance. Get a copy of today's (5/8) Wall Street Journal and read the opinion piece/op-ed by Debra Burligame regarding Obama and the 9/11 families. Debra Burlingame is a former attorney who now serves as the Director of the National September 11th Foundation and is the sister of the pilot of Flight 77 that was crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11. Sorry I can't provide a link. But, this little article should tell you a great deal about how our current President deal s with many issues. Amazing stuff, but no surprise to those who have been really watching this guy work. Yes, it's an op-ed, but read it and make your own conclusions.
  10. Just nice to see that the rest of the nation is waking up to that fact! FINALLY!
  11. You actually see Kansas as a destination???? Man, Kansas vs Oklahoma....a battle of the states...me, I don't see much difference. Why Kansas as opposed to Oklahoma? At least Oklahoma has Oklahoma State University and Stillwater. That, right there, makes for much better than thje whole state of Kansas!
  12. What, they have laws in Oklahoma??????
  13. Also...anyone who thinks FirefighterRick acts like a "jackass" in the stands is simply and totally out in "left field" and should be dismissed promptly. Of all the things to say. Good grief! Just saying!
  14. NIXON NOW!!!!! In fact, I still have an old campaign button that says that. I like to wear it around some of my wife's more "liberal" friends. Always makes for some interesting conversation. Most "younger" folks only know Nixon through Watergate (ugh, what a mess that was), but as SilverEagle so rightly pioints out, Nixon did some very good things internationally. In fact, he probably is one of the better presidents we have had when it comes to international affairs/policy (and I do not mean the Edwards or Clinton kind of affairs). Domestic policy, well, maybe not so much............
  15. Man, I thought this was common knowledge. Crow has been known to be the driving force behind the "anti-hotel" folks from the very start. As with lots of these things...follow the money. It will lead you to the leaders in both camps in most cases. Dallas seems to be such a dysfunctional city that it amazes me that anything gets done. I was born and "all but raised" to adulthood in Dallas, so I do love the city, but it's leadership is really dysfunctional. I think that image does more to hurt Dallas on a national and international stage than anything else. You can just count on a big "dust up" between factions (mostly framed along racial lines) when ever a significant school board or city council issue arises. I think Mayor Leppart is doing his part to try to get the city of Dallas (and the DISD) for that matter to move beyond it's petty bickering self, but it seems he is having a very challenging time of it. It's sort of like GMG.com...whenever things get a little sensitive, someone has to start throwing the name calling around. And, we all know where things go from there.
  16. Tough loss. I really thought they had a shot of winning a couple in the tourney. Still, decent season and one to build on for next year. Probably one of the better softball squads we have had at UNT in some time, and sounds like good recruits are on the way. GO MEAN GREEN!
  17. Well, now that you asked...I do not see this happening. The Ball St. game could be a real "barn burner" of an affair with both teams being in it at the end. For me, that's progress. The "Bama game...well, let's not go there with any prediction...I just predict that UNT comes out of it alive! Ohio, well, we have them at home and yes, ball control could be a factor, but it could work in UNT's favor in keeping the score down while our offense puts a few points on the board. This is a real possible win for the Mean Green. Should be fun. And now Army...UNT wins this one. By the time Army gets to Fouts, the Mean Green will have a couple of wins in hand and will be looking for more. Army will be "beaten up" by this time and will, once more be losing. While you never count on an academy team to play at less than "full out", Army may be a bit tired and beaten down by now...all this, and some wins earlier by UNT adds up to another win for the Mean Green. If the "doom and gloomers" are correct, well, we'll just have to see about that, won't we? Fortunately, the "doom and gloomers" and the "sky is falling" crowd are usually too negative in their predictions of world-wide famine and pestilence.
  18. Some decent points made here from all views...admin., coaching and player responsibility. It really sits on the shoulders of all three. If progress is, indeed, being made we will see that progress in the next report. Many of the programs at UNT are well above "standard" and can be proud of their academic standing. Football and basketball seem to be the two toughest to handle when it comes to APR, and the men's BB team has done a good job of improving. From the reports I get from "academic insiders" at UNT, we should, indeed, see the promised APR improvement in the next report. In the meantime, we live with what we have. Get over it and get on with it. If you did not expect this level of APR report on the football team, well, you just simply have not been paying that much attention to what's going on academically with the team. Sort of like the "stress test" results just reported for our major banks...if you were paying attention at all, the results are no big surprise. Like the banks, the folks in charge of this have and are dealing with it, and improvements will be seen as promised and as reported. Of course, there will be those among us who choose to see only the grim, and like me, those who like to find the "silver linings". Sure, "we got issues" at UNT. Fine, fix 'em and move on. It's the off season and it's boring with no college football, so folks get all charged up over this stuff and see "no progress" and evil lurking around the UNT program. OK, fine, so be it. I'll just wait and see what positives develop on the field and in the classroom this year. Good things for both, I believe, but we'll see. If things are truly turning around, we should definitely see that this year. GO MEAN GREEN!
  19. There is no way to "humor" you, Emmitt.
  20. NCMeanGreen...oh, ye of little faith...not so fast there...I think we will definitely see big improvements on the field this season, and I think a few on this board will be very surprised at the number of wins for the Mean Green this season. I do think it is a tad bit early to be predicting scores, so I will pass on the opportunity to predict the Ball St. game score this early, but if I were going to predict I would think seriously about a possible Mean Green WIN! GO MEAN GREEN! All things are possible in college sports!
  21. You "ain't" seen nothing yet from this administration. Hold on to your rear ends and your pocketbooks, it has only just begun. This early "stuff" will seem like child's play when you get a load of the details behind things like say...national socialized healthcare. I wonder how many folks who voted for Obama are giving it a second or third guess right about now? My guess, plenty! A great lesson in being careful what you ask for since you might just get it! We got it and it's sticking in a privite part of our anatomy right now. Oh, well, at least it's fun to wait for Biden's next gaff, and that's at least one thing we can be certain of from this administration...that and "shoot from the hip" policies, higher taxes, more socialism, less personal freedom, etc., etc.
  22. ACORN is nothing more than a "strong arm" political group. They will do the administration's bidding because they will gleem even more "power" and influence over the administration. You will recall that prior to being elected ptesident, our current leader was a "community organizer"... see ACORN and all it stands for...what it stands for is itself. ACORN=Obama and Obama=ACORN. Go figure. Now we pay for these community activists to have GPS units to plot your address during the census. What? Why? Power, that's why. How nmuch are YOU paying for that little scam? Ever wonder why ACORN is getting the lion's share of the census work and hiring? Think Obama's administration. Lovely, just lovely.
  23. Man, you seem to have some serious personal issues here. What's up with the venom? Riley kick sand in your face when you were young and skinny or what? Todd cut you from the squad? How do you come by your comments such as "no one believes in him", "not even the kids who played for him in HS", "he is not about family" and "they have serious skeletons in the closet"? That's pretty tough stuff to be saying while hiding behind an alias here on GMG.com. Seriously, do you really have this kind of dislike for a football coach, his son and it seems his entire family? It just seems so personal. Sorry you feel this way and I certainly hope you can find a way to let some of this just go. It's not this serious, really, and there are so many other and bigger things to get this worked up about...you can certainly keep any personal opinion you have, fine with me, but can you lay out any real facts here to back up those "hot" comments you posted?
  24. I give the guy no more than 5-7 years and if he doesn't lose the weight he'll be dead. The guy can coach, tryue enough, but, man, he is a walking time bomb. He is in serious need of some help to get rid of the weight. You would think the guy would realize that. Shame, and it's his family that will suffer as he will be dead! It's really painful to watch this guy on the sidelines...doesn't move much, but you have to wonder how his body takes the abuse. I wish him well, but I also hope he qwakes up before it is too late.
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