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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. OSU has been wanting to play in Dallas for a good bit of time now. Obviously, it is a BIG recruiting atrea for them, and they seems to have very good relationships with several of the bigger time HS programs in the area. It only makes sense that they would prefer to play in the Cotton Bowl or Jerry World as their main rival (OU) does every year. They were working hard at one time to get TTech to play them in Dallas at one or the other spots, but that feel through as we all know. Would OSU ever play in Denton at the new stadium? Well, I do think they would given the "right" circumstances. What might those be...a guarantee of a decent amount of cash, an easrly season game and a UNT squad that's a bit improved from the last couple of years. And, an assurance that UNT could do its part in getting rears in the stands for a COMPLETE SELLOUT of the stadium. That, the sellout part, is the easiest to accomplish and I think would be a "no brainer". With the new stadium in place, I think we will all see much higher teams wanting to play in Denton than we see now. Only makes sense to both parties. You watch TCU, Baylor, TTech, OSU, SMU, A&M, KST, Kan, Duke, Ky, etc., etc. look to come to Denton for early season out-of-conference games...not to mention the Navy, Army and Air Force bunch! GO MEAN GREEN!
  2. FOX SOCCER CHANNEL has MLS games as well as international. And, yes, FC Dallas is on a scoring draught at the moment. You think that's why they have only won 1 game so far this season????? Go figure! BTW...what's the average goals per game in NHL games...and does the scoring average go down or up during the Stanly Cup playoffs? How about the scoring avg. in the semi's through the finals? Just wondering...I know the fighting goes to all but nothing...would you call that a strategy change for the finals??? Just thinking.
  3. We are talking about MLB here. In soccer the goals per game go up in the "lower" levels too...but, we are talking MLS vs MLB. If baseball actually had a World Series pitching would be at an even higher premium. One reason MLB continues to score so many runs and have so many double digit games is that the quality of pitching is so far inferior to what it once was as there is need for so many more pitchers to staff the increased number of teams. The more spots there are for "major league" pitchers, the lower the overall quality becomes. It's simply a numbers game. Same can be said for the hitters...as witnessed by the decreasing batting averages of today's players vs. those of the 50-60's era. I dare say pitching ERA's are up and that is even as pitchers hardly ever thow complete games any longer...panty wastes that tey are these days. You can be an All-Star with a 12 win pitching record and you can be an All-Star with a batting avg. in the 230's. In the past if you didn't win 20+ games and average over 300 you were considerd average...not all-star material. So, runs go up as the quality of overall pitching decreases. In soccer, around the would where there actually IS a world championship, the quality of the professional player is much higher "overall" than it was in the 50-60's era and it continues to improve as more and more countries develop their players. By the way, I am not saying that MLB players are not great baseball players, so don't get going in that direction. And, regarding the World Cup. At the World Cup level, the strategy becomes VERY important as different nations play VERY different styles of soccer. As in several other sports the scoring actually does tend to decrease at the "world Cup" level and on the World Cup stage. A premium is placed on defense and "moving on" through your bracket to get to the quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals. If you actually followed soccer, you would know that strategy plays a bigger and bigger role as the championships get more and more important and as a team tries to survive the years long qualifying process. Teams do, in some circumstances, play to "not lose". While that can (and does) lower scoring it makes for some great defensive battles as the team needing the score to advance through qualifying pushes forward against what is hoped to be a very stout defensive wall. And, it in no way means the team trying to "not lose" is not looking for scoring opportunities. Some of the greatest goals scored each year are in such cirstances as the defending team gets a break-a-way chance or simply scores against the flow of the game. You follow the sport, you get to understand this more and more. Unlike in the minds of most under-educated American sports fans...it ain't always about scoring the higest number of points/goals. MLB is the highest level of baseball in the US and MLS is the highest level of scoccer in the US...comparison is legit! oldguystudent...it might make for some good research to find out what the difference is in World Cup avg. scoring (I assume you mean the actual and final World Cup after all the qualifying games are played) over the avg. say in the top professional leagues in England, germany, Italy, France, etc. Hmmmmm, might be a good research topic for some aspiring sports management major or something likie that...
  4. TFLF would continue to harp on Riley even if the team opened 6-0! Just understand that's where "lonnie" is coming from and you can put a bit of perspective in his continued negativity directed toward Riely. Fact is, no one really knows how good (or not) Riley will be as a D-1 QB. The kid hasn't had the chance as yet. We will all see how it goes soon enough. Unlike Lonnie, I think Riley will do fine...in fact more than fine, but like everyone else...that's an opinion. As for his size and injuries...again, who really knows? We'll see. I would just like a few folks to give the kid the chance before you write him off as I doubt anyone knows any more than TD and RD do about the possibilities of success this fall for Riley. Remember, if Riley is successful, there is an excellent chance the Mean Green will be successful. So, my support goes to Riley and TD, and so do my positive expectations. It is so much more fun to be positive in attitude because right this moment every team in the nation is 0-0! GO MEAN GREEN...let's get this season going. It is going to be great fun!
  5. Just to be fair about it all...the Dallas Morning News sports section reports 17 box scores from Wed. and Late Tuesday games...the average time for all 17 games was 3 hours and 9 min. The longest...a whopping 4 hours and 45 min.. The shortest 2 hours and 20 min. Avg runs 12.43 per game (that seems high, but that's the fact for the reported period and includes one 24 run and one 26 run game) over 3 hours and 9 min. avg games. The time is right at twice waht a 90 mon. soccer game takes...so divide the runs in half to equal the time and the 5.23 goals per game for MLS is not that far off the 6.2 for MLB. And, you guys aid baseball was such a high scoring affair compared to soccer. Go figure! Score one more goal per game on avaerage and you match the scoring avg. of MLB! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  6. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL! I think FC Dallas has scored at least once this eason. Sad state of affairs out at Pizza Hut Park this season. It must be that college coach who stepped up to the professional ranks. Actual count for FC Dallas is: GF - 7 GA -15 1 win, 6 losses, 1 tie! OUCH! Avg. goals per game in FC Dallas contests this season 2.75. Avg goals per game in MLS this season so far: 5.23. I wonder how many runs will be scored on average in MLB this season per game? Do you think it will be THAT far off the 5.23 goals average, and how many goals additional would be scored if the games went on for 31/2 to 4 hrs. instead of 1.5 hours?????? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I wonder? What would the runs per game be if baseball was say 3-4 innings in length???? Gee, I wonder.
  7. That's the best non-invitation I have ever had....and what in the sam hill made you think I would have tuned in this show in the first place??????? You are definitely stating the obvious here and you do seem to have a very firm grasp of the obvious. Thanks again...always nice to hear from you.
  8. Is there a country song out there with the title..."Nothing But Broken Promises"? This guy is a train wreck, especially for the folks who thought they were actually voting for a guy wanting to "change" for the better. Seems he found that all that BIG TALK on the campaign trail is a bit harder to back up when you actually win the election. Go figure! Seems to me GITMO is still open, and will be for a bit longer, and, oh, those photos the ACLU were wanting exposed to the public so the enemy can use them for propaganda purposes within 30 seconds of their release, well, maybe not so fast there! You just can't make this stuff up. Now watch all the Obama-ites jump and claim this shows how he is willing to "reach across the aisle" or how he is willing to listen...too funny. What it really shows is the realities of the job. Don't worry though...he will find a way to blame BUSH and apologize some more while in Egypt soon. Take heed and comfort Obama-ites, he still has plenty of time to break more promises and to demean the United States at every opportunity. All you folks who think he's great, please write him a note and let him know that you are willing to house one of the GITMO prisoners at your house once he figures out that no other country in the world wants them....I am sure he will be happy to let you have them as nanny's for your kids or simply "play pals".....too funny. (Yes, I am using tons of sarcasm here....don't get your panties in a wad folks).
  9. So, win at all costs is the way to go with you guys. OK, I get where you are coming from. We know what you are, we're just haggling over the price, right? Let's see, winning the Super Bowl makes a guy with little class into a real "classy guy". All that...boy, how shameful it was to treat Landry the way they did stuff was all talk. Can we not combine winning with some class? I personally do not think the two are mutually exclusive, and again I point to Lamar Hunt as an example. Look, I am "on board" with the you bought it, you own it, you play with it the way you want to line of thought. Just seems to me that when your "toy" is such a public entity as the Mavs and/or Cowboys, etc., that you might, in public at least, want to present yourself and your team and the fans you represent with a bit of class. That's all I am saying. Cuban, Jones, etc. can certainly do/say whatever they want...perfectly legal, but come on.......
  10. Probably had issues with the coach wanting them to stay away from drugs and stuff like that!
  11. You know, what do these guys know who move from the pros to college? Man, when will colleges learn to hire an experienced college coach! Good grief.
  12. Yea, TD and his staff are sure just sitting around letting all the "other" local colleges pass UNT by..........NOT! You go TD and staff. Nice job. This is something on the "rare" side for UNT. In all my years of UNT "fandom" I do not recall many (any) commits of this quality this early. But, then, I have been known to "miss" some things...just ask my bride about that sometime! Anyway, "soft" and "early", yes, indeed, but it does reflect the efforts TD and his staff are making...even though they may not personally call some of the folks on this board who constantly accuse them of "doing noting" to give them a personal update. Gee, go figure. GO MEAN GREEN! Nice...good things are happening at UNT these days....
  13. Oh, by the way...I really don't know how to spell Alan Amache's name...I hope that is even close! Played for the Rams! The Los Angeles Rams!
  14. I remember when Abner played there! Really, I do...saw him play at Fouts...I also saw the very first Dallas Cowboy game in the Cotton Bowl...the Salesmanship game...I was part of a Quaker State TV commercial that was filed there before the game starring Alan Amache! Do you remember him? Got his autograph on a dollar bill...one one side of the bill is Doak Walker's autograph and on the other is Alana Amache's! Really!
  15. WOW...super program. I did not know about this program. I guess the question is why not? You certainly hear about the Modonna's of the world and the Angelina's heading to some far corner of the world to adopt a kid. Plenty of kids here in the US need adopting. This is a great program. I'll look into it and see if I can't learn a bit more about it and its success. Thanks for sharing.
  16. I agree with SUMG...the guy used to give me what was then called a "razor cut" when he had his shop over by UNT. Great fan of UNT and big community supporter. Good move by the school board.
  17. Old enough! I am old enough where when the birthday comes around we don't celebrate the age any longer...just the date! Still "young enough" to get in trouble, but old enough to know better than try in some cases!
  18. Soccer does not take 31/2 - 4 hours to play...so it was clearly basball...boreball as it is...that I was referring to, and you knew that UNT90...I know you did.
  19. Yes, in fact I did because I have been told I am notorious for typos on GMG.com. I am a big St. Louis Cardinals fan (well "big" for a non-baseball fan that is), so I can spell the name. Guy broke my heart with the 'roid thing! When I was a kid, the Cardinals were the closet team to Dallas, and Stan The Man was "THE GUY". Big debate at the time with "us kids" was who was better Ted Williams or Stan the Man. Of course I took Stan being a Cardinal's guy! Come on forevereagle...sometimes you have to admit, it's fun the be the one doing the "got ya's!...sice I have been on the other side of plenty of them!
  20. NOPE...just suggesting Cuban get a clue of how to act like an adult! BTW...I am a charter member of the free enterprise club...they can't throw me out!!
  21. NOW...and what are you saying...that you are clueless? I had graduate accounting classes at UNT when I was working on my MBA...it ain't THAT hard...get out and live a little. Even accountants are allowed a bit of fun "out" once and awhile. Take that green hat shade off, stop the bah humbugging and get with it! The hermit thing just doesn't do much for your tan! Besides the one mile walk to Pizza Hut park will do you good as would learning a little about a sport you claim to know nothing about...but like many others on this board are quick to talk about it from a point of absolutely no knowledge. OK, just pulling your cain a little...having a bit of fun...don't go postal on me after being inside so long and not having a life!
  22. Having adopted a "special needs child" myself, I can tell you that the social security system can be of some help. My wife had adopted two kids (one with special needs) prior to our marriage...she did receive some help from the MHMR folks and social security. But, please believe me...I am not saying you can get full medical/health care for special needs kids from these agencies. We have two "adopted kiddos...(fully grown now) and one we had the "regular way", I can tell you...no difference. My wife had the two by herslf for six years before we got married...not that is a saint in my book...you take in two foster kids (one with special needs) as a single parent and handle it all completely by yourself for six years while you are in your mid-late 20's! WOW....so, yep, we have a bit of experience here and we are "none the worse for wear" either. The reports of the lack of healthcare for kids is a bit overblown in my opinion. We all can understand the need to take care of those kids...as a sociaety it is the right thing to do...but, to say there is no healthcare available is a myth. No emergency county hospital emergency room can turn them away, and there are other clinics and health-care facilities willing to help. BUT, you have to have parents sober and intelligent enough (and legal enough) to work to find the care available. Is it perfect...nope...can it be better...yep...BUT you do not implement a socialized system of medical care for this reason...or any reason for that matter in my book! oldguystudent...may god bless that familiy that took in five kids! You know, if all these idiot movie stars and other celebs would adopt kids from the US we might have a few less kids here needing care or going without care. Oh, that's right...you get more headlines by adopting a kid from Africa or someplace. Sorry, I lost my head there for a moment!
  23. K-State would be great to open the new stadium, but I am sort of with greenjoe here...I would really like to open the stadium with a win...OK, so that means UNT just beats K-State to open the stadium. Now, that, Mean Green fans is what dreams are made of...right there! BEAT K-STATE...BEAT K-STATE!!!!! In 2011 that is...in the NEW STADIUM. DONE DEAL! GO MEAN GREEN!
  24. 4 wins, sure! And, with 4 wins Dodge gets a clear shot at another year. I think he gets another year...wait for it....no matter the win number, IF, decent improvement is seen on the field. Meaning what? Well, a win or two or so and UNT is "in the game" at the end. OK, maybe I am being optimistic here, but since I am never too optimistic (right?) I wanted to go ahead and let the sun shine! Can't wait for football season to get here. It is really going to be fun to see the improvement this season...it will be great to be at Fouts for the season...GO MEAN GREEN!
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