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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Another case of "overkill" by some zealous folks in "authority". Too bad...if people really do want to "solve" these really petty local issues than why not just make a call first and explain the matter and see where it goes? If I got a call from the county saying that there were "issues" with cars blocking the street in from/around my home I would try to work that out without further issue with the folks attending the function. Why did they send the troops out???? Or, maybe the "troops" just got a little "pushy" using all that lovely "authority" they have...or maybe they were really nice and tried to explain but the homeowner was the one who got all "postal" about it and made the "mountain out of a molehill". I doubt the county is really anti-God or anti-prayer group. I do however think that often folks with real or preceived "authority" can be a little intimidating to folks at times and less than "user-friendly". Also, on the other hand...the "accused" party often goes way off the deep end in response. Would be nice to have the whole story here. Answer probably lies somewhere in the middle. Good grief...everyone is looking for a fight these days it seems and going way overboard in the "you hurt my feelings or you dis-respected me" area. get real...chill out and work it out without making it a "federal case" and giving some media whore food for fodder!
  2. California...the land of sun, sea and NUTS! Seems to me that all the "la-la land" stuff is coming home to roost for California. That is really too bad because from what i can tell the whole state gets a bad rap from the minority of the population (Holloywood elite, Bay area...Nancy Pelosi, etc), environmental whack-o's, etc, etc. that seem to weild way more power than they should. There are plenty of folks in California that are just as emabarrased about what is going on in their state than anyone else, but they seem to be "outnumbered" and out "organized" by the whack-o's that dominate the news, etc. Too bad. California was once a state to be envied...no longer.
  3. Rats do seem to like to leave sinking ships...just saying. BTW...is calipari a "she"????? Last time I looked I thought he was a guy??? Sex change going on perhaps????
  4. And, once more you ignore the issue. This was an "on record" comment...the better question is...has she changed? I doubt it very much. Heck, I say things every day that might be embarrassing simply because they do not fall in the realm of what is considered PC today, but I am not the one nominated for the Supreme Court.
  5. Back on topic...I quote judge Sotomayor; "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion (as a judge) than a white male who hasn't lived that life". OK, now invert the placement of "Latina woman" and "white male" and let a conservative say it. CAREER OVER! Where is the same treatment for this racist statement? This quote alone should be enough to derail this nomination. Come on folks..if it "ain't" OK for a conservative or "white guy" to say, then why should Judge Sotomayor get a "free pass"? There are other highly qualifed candidates who will work to interpret the law, not set policy from the bench. Obama uises the word "emphaty" to describe Sotomayor as a new code word for "liberal activism" as he knows the truth could help derail the nomination. Again, she will be confirmed and Republicans will treat her so very much nicer than democrats did in their grillings of Roberts and Alieto. What about the way the democrats treated Miguel Estrada when Pres. G. W. Bush nominated him to the federasl bench? You think republicans could get away with doing the same to Sotomayor? You live in a liberal dream world if you think so.
  6. So that special nurse in Dallas will make $173,741.00???? Where do i sign up?
  7. NOW THAT IS SOMETHING I CAN AGREE WITH 100%! Nice job SilverEagle!!!!
  8. SHOCKED! Simply shocked! A basketball program at a major program is suspected of wrongdoing! SHOCKED! What is this world coming to these days? Is this really a story at all? Have we not come to expect this sort of thing will be "discovered" 4-5 times a year at different "major" (and perhaps not so major" programs? And, how sad is that when you "expect" this will happen and don't get too worked up about it?
  9. Good things are happening for Truman Spencer. GO MEAN GREEN!
  10. It's California...that's all you need to know. Everyone needs an example of how not to run a state. California is just being a good example of incompetence...hey, it gave us Nancy Pelosi too. See, California is just trying to keep up its standars of being the best at being the bad example. Too bad because i think the Texas Legislature has been trying to copy California.
  11. The lady said the size of the flag was never mentioned. She claims it was the flag itself. I was'nt there, so I don't know for sure, but the idea that the flag was a point of contention at all is a mystery to me. Since when is displaying the American flag, in America, an issue? Only in America today are folks so "afraid" of offending someone that they will give up their country to be PC. Nice. Interesting how fast, once the media got the story, that the flag was allowed back up. Gee, why's that if it was right to take it down in the first place. Perhaps this is nothing more than STUPIDITY and cowardness on the part of the hospital management to actually stand up for the lady and the flag. You know, probably could have been handled easily with a private meeting and a discussion over the size of the flag and an offet to get a smaller one for permanant display. But, no...cave in to the foreign national, go PC on everyone and make a big deal out of it. Go figure. Nope not a "liberal" thing, but certainly a PC thing and an example of plain and simply STUPIDITY.
  12. OK, yes, good read and it should be read. Why are liberals all for "free speech" until someone writes something they disagree with? Go figure. Look, the nominee is an activist judge...like it or not...that's the truth. Her ruling in the NJ case is terrible and clearly shows she is willing to do as she says...make policy from the bench. If this is what you want your judes to do...even though it is not what the Constitution intends judges to do...then so be it, but at least admit that fact and get on with it. The old saying "a stuck pig squeals" does seem to fit some of these responses to Coulter from time to time. It always seems to get down to attacking the individual with the liberal crowd. Go back and read our "liberal friends" responses to anything posted from Coulter and you will find the liberal crowd generally goes after her on a personal basis. Why is that? Nothing to say of consequence to refute her position? I don't know...really, don't care, but it is interesting to watch the liberal side always degenerate into personal attacks on Coulter. Does anyone here think she cares what liberals think of her? Same could be said for what conservatives think of the few liberal writers that seem to make the national stage. Anyone think Huffington cares what, say, Coulter thinks of her? I think not. This nomination will go through. Why? Because I do not think the Republicans have the backbone to withstand all the name calling and racist darts that will be thrown at them if they try to stop it...which they certainly should, but with no backbone...well...approval certain! I doubt it will move the court any further to the left...she will just be another "minority" opinion in most cases. She has been overturned so many times in her rulings that she has to put shoes on her hands.
  13. I have one hanging in my home at this very moment...I have a son and a daughter-in-law serving in the Navy and a nephew serving his THIRD tour to either Iraq or Afghanistan. This time Afghanistan. God Bless and protect all those who serve and protect.
  14. She is an activist judge who believes that the court sets policy. That is enough to do everything possible to stop the confirmation of this nominee. That belief and attitude is absolutely wrong in so many ways. Her rulings and her comments may well stall this nomination, but I would imagine she eventually will be seated on the supreme court. The repbulicans just don't seem to have the "backbone" to stand up and really fight this left-wing nomination. This is absolutely no surprise. Obama and his supporters seek two options: 1) retention and expansion of their own power; and 2) a new society that suits their personal tastes...everything else is an incidental. (by the way...these two "options" come from a quote by a gentleman named Joseph Sullivan. Just wanted to give credit where credit is do...it puts things in perspective regarding the current administration quite well) It's too bad that any opposition will be branded "raciest", and that the process will not be about actual qualifications. This is all about one more "grandstand play" by Obama and his crew, and one more "soldier" to march to his far left agenda. Too bad!
  15. And, Oklahoma State no where to be found! What's up with the Cowboys? They "used" to be a power in the Big XII...sigh! If we can't have men's soccer...oops...I mean baseball at UNT, I guess I'll just have to keep pulling for the Cowboys. So, is Texas going to win the whole thing?
  16. Hmmmm, not Wednesday yet, but Monday's "test" against the Yankees gets a "F". Let's hope Tues. and Wed. make for a better "grade". 11-1...OUCH and with a sellout crowd on hand...so much for that day's "home field advantage". But, win 2 of 3 and you take another series...could happen.
  17. Do you like Civil War history...I am currently reading "The Last Lincoln Conspirator" by Andrew C. A. Jampoler. If you like that era check it out.
  18. And, I would say...AMEN to that! GREAT THINGS, indeed. GO MEAN GREEN! Now, everyone buy those season tickets, join the Mean Green Club. join the Alumni Association amd make that stadium donation...we gotta help keep the GREAT THINGS GOING for UNT ATHLETICS!!!! Oldschoollefty...great comment...couldn't have said it any better myself!!!!
  19. Always good to see the "open minded" among us support "free speech" and the Constitution.
  20. Just didn't want to be the first to "go public" with the info...I am still having too much fun with it! Always good to have the planets in alighment.
  21. Legalize it and tax the heck out of it. Just don't increase the tax on my Beer! However, until it is legalized (and as much as I hate to say it...it will eventually be legalized if the dems hold sway in Washington long enough), stay away from the stuff.
  22. YES! OK, I'll bite...what does this mean? A jab (maybe...can't really tell) and there I was being kind to the Rangers! Just no respect...no respect at all. I need to go back to knocking the Rangers if this continues when I "play nice" about baseball!
  23. Why don't we get some CFL games on TV around here? They used to have a few on each year and the Grey Cup was always televised when I was growing up as a kid/teenager. I know the ratings were not real hight (thus why no longer aired perhaps) but neither can the ratings be high on major league lacross, some winter sports broadcasts, etc, etc....and yes, that's why there are not too many pro soccer games televised except of the special cable soccer channels (thank God for those!). Let's start a letter writing campain to someone/some network to show a few CFL games so we might can catch Jonny!!!! GO JQ!!!!
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