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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. So, SUMG how closed minded can someone be? In your opinion then, American professional sports are absolutely perfect and should consider no ideas? OK, good enough. Anyone else?
  2. Tasty...does that mean you are willing to give Coach Dodge the same six years JJ got to turn his program around?
  3. I'll be there...good way to "jump start" the 2009 football season...man, I am ready for some football...and enjoy a cold beverage or two with other members of the MEAN GREEN NATION...and, of course enjoy the company of fellow GMG.Com posters. And, to answer a previous question...yes, I believe the Alumni Assoc. will ahve the info on its web-site.
  4. http://msn.foxsports.com/other/story/96731...eas-from-soccer Ok, yes, everyone knows I am a "soccer guy", but the article...see link above...did make some "interesting", if somewhat "out there" points regarding sport in the US. Forget your bias against everything soccer for a moment and take a look and see what you think. Could some of the ideas...in season tournaments, transfer rules, etc. work in the US? Might they be good for pro sport in the US? Who knows, but interesting to speculate upon none the less.
  5. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31246353/ I hope the link works to the article. This guy is something else. He has a mouth as big as big as Texas and he keeps spewing venom and hate. How in the world can this guy call himself a "man of God"? Gee, sort of makes you wonder why our president stayed a member of the congregation for so long and the real reason he "gave him up" for the campaign????? Mom always said, you can the true heart of a man by the company he keeps. Momma wasn't wrong very often!!!!! UGH! And, this coming after an idiot and racist shot up the Holocaust center in DC killing an innocent man and wounding others! Nice! Good luck with the link....
  6. PLease...not the WAC...makes about as much sense as joing the SBC...oh, wait, UNT is a member of the SBC...yawn! OK, just kidding around, but I like what the WAC does for the Mean Green about as much as I like what the SBC does...not much!
  7. Could we all bet Trilli wigs for the game?????? That would be a hoot. I have to assume the guy will make the road trip down. "Money game" as Vito said...interesting being on the "other side" of a money game, right?
  8. Inflation should surprise no one...you simply cannot spend and spend and print more and more money without inflation rearing it's head. A little inflation "isn't a bad thing" as one economist once told me, but too much inflation is a killer. A little inflation helps make people "feel good" was his reasoning. But, the way the government has been spending money it doesn't have in recent months will certainly lead to increases in the level of inflation. get ready...the train "is a commin'" and it's heading right for you and me!
  9. WOW, I'm sure the NCAA will really come down hard on what is begginning to look like a "serial cheater" in 'Bama. I am sure thehy'll be in line for the Death Penalty. Ha! What a joke the NCCA's enforcement policies have become...think "Bama and USC to mention just a couple...should we even attempt to name the other BIG TIME programs that only get "a wrist slap" now and again...As much as I don't care for SMU it sure is a truism that they got the royal shaft and the NCAA is a toothless tiger when it comes to the big money programs. Still, no surprise there at all I guess! Does anyone think that the NCAA really believes it is not biased in its enforcement actions when it comes to the "big money" schools???? You just gotta wonder.
  10. Why? Are you not excited about the season and the possibilities for UNT to get some TV exposure???? Seems positive to me, but then I'd rather see the glass as half full. It's so much more fun that way than "crying all the time"... 1) Step on peddle 2) Full Speed Ahead - GO MEAN GREEN!
  11. Movin' On Up! Hey, look at the bright side...no where to go but UP. And, that's where the Mean Green is heading in 2009. Look, these pre-season predicitions are not even worth the paper they are printed on, but it sure would be nice to see the Mean green rated a bit higher. But, if I were the coach, I'd have this thing plastered all over the team bulletin boards. If this sort of thing is not a motivator, I guess nothing would be. It will be great to kick-off the season and prove these so-called experts wrong...I'm ready...see you at Fouts! GO MEAN GREEN!
  12. Or...the "let's Still Blame Bush" forum. Seems that will go on for at least the next four years!
  13. It's beginning to look like Obama has a firm grasp of...well....NOTHING!
  14. And, people believed and voted for Obama based on his idea to "talk to these folks" and just all be friends again...after apologizing to everyone he could find, he still isn't "liked" by the terrorists of the world. Even North Korea is playing him for the inexperienced leader that he is. Gee, what a surprise!
  15. Unfortunately the Republican Party has no real leader at this time...a very important time to be united. The Palin/Griengrich (how do you spell that guy's name?) mess at the latest fundraiser is proof enough that the party is struggling to find a leader that can unite it in its fight against the "socialization of America". Never has a nation needed the "other side" more than the U.S. does today!
  16. Desparate for ratings perhaps? Who knows, but the "Top 10" list referencing Palin was "way over the top". I guess personal attacks on Republican presidential and vice presidential candidates atre OK, but not so OK to stage personal attacks on democratic presidential and vp candidates families/children. Hmmmmmmmmmm..interesting how the game is played. You know, all those heartless and rich Republicans who "trash real everyday people" all the time and have no "feelings".... Sad...the election is over...why can't these folks realize that? You won...get over it!
  17. This is just great! A win on National TV will set up UNT's 2009 season in a very positive way. Plus, UNT will get some exposure to possible out-of-area recruits. It will be a good day to watch the MEAN GREEN in action. WOW! Now, if UNT could only show up a couple of more times on TV this season.... GO MEAN GREEN!!!! Get your popcorn ready!
  18. Before you completely jump his case, you might want to check your facts a bit. Boone Pickens gives large sums of money now and has for some time to many different causes. In fact there is a local children's home (I think called Happy Hill Farm) that has seen a good bit of his generosity. He does not have "Bill Gates or Warren Buffet Money" , but he sure gives a ton more away than what is reported to be given away by many of our more wealthy political "leaders", athletes and actors, actresses. Whether you like the guy or not...or like OSU for that matter or not...he does a good bit of "good things" with his money that many folks have no clue about. Not ragging on your comment in a personal way, nana21, just letting folks know a bit more of the "facts" about the generosity of Mr. Boone Pickens. OK, full disclosure time again, yes, I am also a grad of Oklahoma State U along with UNT. GO MEAN GREEN!
  19. One report I read said that Garrett (AD) wanted him out anyway and that they had actually directed some recruits away from Floyd. Interesting stuff...seems his real crime was being the 13th most important coach at USC...that is 13th behind carroll and his 11 assistants.*** ***Great line about being 13th. I wish it was original with me...it's not! Just wanted full disclosure here.
  20. Just voted...Johnny is holding on to second place...VOTE EARLY...VOTE OFTEN...the voter ID bill did not pass, so you can vote as often as you like! GO JOHNNY....GO MEAN GREEN!
  21. WOW! A coach was caught paying a player to sign. I'ver never seen that before. What is this world coming to?????
  22. And the sheep just keep falling in line and falling for the "smoke and mirrors" Obama gives them. Baaaaaaaaaa Bush would have been BLASTED for this in the press! Why not Obama??? Do tell...Baaaaaaaaaaaa
  23. Oh, but did you see that she has a book out...or about to be out? You think that might have just a little bit to do with why this moroon turned back up in public? This fool is not only ignorant, but she has now turned it into a "profit center". You do have to wonder who is bank rolling all this crap for her? MoveOn.org perhaps???? Get a life woman...and get a job! Do something positive for a change...like maybe start a foundation in your son's name to help other families who have lost loved one's in Iraq/Afghanistan. So many ways this idiot could have been a catalyst for good and a help to many others, instead she turns to this stuff and ends up as a "profit center" for herself. Nice. I also hear she wants to run for Congress from california...only in California would she have a chance. The land of LaLa!!! To quote the immortal Charlie Brown..."Good Grief".
  24. Some Philly politician has his/her hand in the middle of this one...I would bet. This stuff just drives me crazy. These hand-out programs go on all the time and for the life of me, I cannot see much "value" returned for the money spent. Are there not better places to spend these funds than to simply hand them out to folks for little if any real benefit? Oh, well, we seem to be in for many more years of this with the current administration...and, seems that prior administrations were not so very "innocent" of wasting dollars on such "nothing programs" either. Just seem so much greater a disaster with this current administration.
  25. Welcome back...you were missed in your "original form".
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