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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Man, was this thread ever hijacked. Nice jobs...
  2. Amazing stuff...if I quoted the whole rant it would sure look like you are the "mad liberal"...and you won! WOW! How would your rants be if your side had lost???? I shudder to imagine. Tax breaks to Wall Street? Hmmmmmmmmm...stimulus and bailouts to GM, the "big" banks, the brokerage houses...Hmmmm...most and certainly the largest dollar amounts on Mr. Obama's watch I believe. The taxpayer will be handling that massive give-a-way for generations to come. Also seems you have not read anything about the "oversight" given by some very prominent dems to Fannie and Freddie. Seems the same "oversight" was going on during the Clinton administration and ones that preceded him...and the pressure to give mortgages to people who could not pay for them did not come from the right side of the aisle. Your "mad" is very selective it seems. "Embrace Peace"...yep, that worked with 9/11, didn't it? Pakistan tried that recently in its "truce" with the Taliban...how'd that work out? You know, eeally, you accuse the "Republicans" for everything and miss the "other half of the story". OK, you are a passionate lib, I get that, but how is it the left can be passionate, but folks on the right cannot? What's up with that? As with giving "peace" a try, you might want to give civility a bit of a try. Just saying.... But, then again...football season is right around the corner and Republican or democrat matters not...It's the MEAN GREEN that's important! GO MEAN GREEN.
  3. Way to go guys...and, I believe, we will see more players on this list with the efforts Coach Dodge and his staff are making, and with the emphasis the entire athletic dept. is making in the academic arena. They are, after all, student athletes, and the student part is by far the most important to them in the long run. Very, very few will play professionally past the college level, so a solid academic showing is very important. I am proud of what UNT and the Athletic Dept. is doing in the academic arena... GOOD THINGS ARE HAPPENING IN HE ACADEMIC ARENA WITH UNT ATHLETES!!!!!
  4. Good point, however, Riley was not recruited to Texas to play QB. He was recruited as an "athlete". That being said, Mack would not "waste" a scholarship on a player he did not feel could contribute to the team's success. That, to me, says a lot about Riley's abilities to play D1 football and to saty as healthy as any other player. It's football...things happen. You can play "washers" in the parking lot before the game and be "injured" by a crazed bystander or drunk friend... Riley could play QB at Texas and might have seen a few snaps in certain sets, but would not see full time at QB...at UNT, he gets to play QB...and he will be a darn good one for the MEAN GREEN. I think he might even show Mack that maybe he should have recruited him as a QB. We'll all see sooon enough. GO MEAN GREEN!
  5. Anyone really suprised???? If so, why? All you have to do is check out the administration's agenda and several of its "other" appointments. Seems right in line with may of the "lines of thinking" emitting from this administration today. Oh, well.....2010 isn't that far off......
  6. Be careful what you ask for...this idiot's kid may be even worse!
  7. Either one...as long as the game is played with a cold beer in one hand! OK, if I had to vote for one or the other...washers!
  8. Actually, not bad...now if you can only keep this approach going.
  9. GOOD THINGS ARE HAPPENING WITH UNT FOOTBALL...and except for some of the "usual suspects" this thread is pretty darn positve in its belief that things will be improved in '09. O-Line, D-Line, Special Teams, Running back and secondary ... all should be improved from last season. That, in itself means some "w's" that were losses last season...I believe DeLoach will have the defense ready and I think Dodge is certainly set to "prove a few things" on offense this year. If you heard RV talk about "rebuilding" the team and getting the chemistry right in the locker room at the recent Mixer, you certainly do have reason to believe that '09 will eb a much better season for the Mean Green. I, for one, am ready for the season to begin...it has been way too long between football games! GO MEAN GREEN!
  10. drex...super ideas and I agree 100%. Just remember, this was a Denton Chapter sponsored event. The Denton Chapter opened it to all who wanted to attend, but, as has always been the case, Denton Chapter events are "advertised" mainly in the Denton area. Flyer is correct that snail mail, etc. is going the way of newspapers...and, as you well recall, when we did mail out postcard invitations, the results were about the same, attendance-wise, as they were at this event. And, you draw the same number without the expense of printing and mailing postcards and the cost of an ad in the Daily which reaches the same students, faculty and staff who don't even care to attend the games when they get in on their ID's or at reduced prices. It would have been nice to get some help from the athletic dept about the event in the advertising realm on the athletic dept. web-site. I probably should have asked Jon with the Mean Green Club for some help there, and we, as a chapter, could probably have done a better job of "asking" the athletic dept. for help, and we'll discuss how the "national" association can/will help us in the future. BUT, I have heard all the same complaints for the last couple of years and in that time we have used mail, email, Facebook, athletic Dept. postings, and GMG.com postings all with lackluster attendance results. You may recall that we set up a spring picnic for members/alumni and friends last April (I believe it was April), had free soft drinks and beer, etc. and we had what...15 attendees (and this was the date we drew the winning names for our scholarship raffle). Yet, we press forward. Your ideas, drex, are spot on about multiple communication channels...we miss your input on the board after your move to the "hinterlands". If only the folks who RSVP'd for the event actually showed up, we would have done much better. What's up with that, anyway? I would say that Facebook is certainly not a reliable source for RSVP's...good for getting the word out...not so much for follow-through. Or, maybe that says something about the "younger crowd" and how they view such things these days...hope not...good manners never go out of style...or so my Mom told me. We'll have another Mixer in the near future, and hopefully, we'll find ways to better get the word out. Thanks again, drex, for the ideas. GO MEAN GREEN!
  11. Some points...if you read my firt post, RV said we would break ground on the stadium in January of 2010. Secondly...if you are a member of the Alumni Association and receive their notices and Facbook site, the Mixer was there and over 50 people RSVP'd for the Mixer through the Facebook site. One question...if you RSVP'd through facebook, why didn't you show up? I know some did, but many people there, like me, drex, Mort, etc., etc. are not on Facebook and we were there...so, why RSVP if you do not plan to come? About other cahpters...get in touch with the Alumni Association and ask how you can get a chapter started in your area...I know events have been held in Ft. Woth and dallas as well as Houston and Denton. The Denton activity you see is due to the efforts of the local "volunteers" who make up the Denton Chapter Board and give their time and energies to make things happen. If you want something to happen, it is often good to get involved and help make it happen. If you want to PM me, I can give you some contact info. I am 100% certain the RV and others in the athletic dept. would be more than willing to attend events with other active chapters...they have always been willing to work with us...one reason is because we work with them and see it as a partnership and teat it as such. It is a great way to be part of the MEAN GREEN NATION and meet a bunch of great fans and supporters of the Mean Green. As far as a monthly get together at the Pourhose...great idea, but we probably should look to spread the event around to other supporters of the Mean Green and UNT as well as the Pourhouse. The Pourhouse has the Coach Dodge and Johnny Jones shows, and there are other spots around the area that could be good hosts and get the benefit of their support of the mean green..Anyway, Flyer is correct...we will definitely have that on the agenda at our next board meeting. Appreciate the feedback...thanks. GO MEAN GREEN! GO ALUMNI...GO MEAN GREEN CLUB...and while you are at it...think about purchasing a "Tank Army" T-Shirt or two from the Denton Chapter in support of their scholarship fund efforts and think about a raffle ticket from Jon and the Mean Green Club...I bought my first at the mixer...goes to a good cause and you might win a trip to Hawaii. Folks are always asking how they can get involved...well there's a couple of easy and low cast ways to help fund scholarships and the athletic dept. efforts. Think about it.
  12. FFR...many thanks for the cooments. It was great to see you there and talk a little Mean Green stadium and football. I feel for those who could not attend as the comments from RV were "spot on", and I loved the "fire" with which he made the comments. The stadium update was just what I was looking forward to hearing and I do not think RV disappointed anyone present with the comments. I am now more convinced than ever that the stadium will be built and the dirt will turn in January! I know "things" beyond anyone's control can push that date back, but RV seems determined to get the dirt turning. Great to hear that such progress has been made in lining up the buyers for the club level and boxes. And, on top of that, more than one possibility exists for stadium naming rights with negotiations on-going at some pretty impressive amounts. It was striking to me to hear RV talk about "cleaning up the program" and how Coach Dodge has moved the program forward. For me, it was telling that RV spent so much time in one-on-one and in small group settings talkining about the stadium, the football program, the current state of media relations, the program as a whole, etc., etc. I doubt that many programs fans in general (not the big boys and girls, of course) get this sort of one-on-one with their AD's and such candid and "from the heart" comments. Great evening...We were not aware that Coach Dodge would attend...we had not asked for his attendance as we felt he would be too busy after the camps, etc. However, he showed up, and even spoke to the group and answered any questions asked. GREAT GUY...and Mrs,. RV and Mrs. Dodge were in attendance too. Now, how about THAT MERAN GREEN FANS??? Really great. My only concern was with the sparse attendance...I counted (roughly) 45 people including athletic dept and Alumni staff. That is too bad...a lot of effort and time goes into setting these mixers up...I was told we had well over 50 RSVP's from the Alumni facebook site and I know of several others...so, what happened? RV even mentioned that there should be double or triple that amount when the event is right in Denton...or the metroplex...I promise you that if the Oklahoma State Alumni put on a mixer in Stillwater last evening with the AD and Head Coach the attendance would be in the hundreds. How can we "fuss" about lack of communication and lack of access and lack of "customer service" when it is really there for the taking and fans do not even bother to show up? Well, we will keep trying...youcan count on that, and hopefully fans will take advantage of these opportunities. If you came...my many thanks to you..your attendance and support is very much appreciated...if you missed it...well, give it some thought for next time...UNT needs your support. I would love to see "hundreds" show up for UNT juast like they do for the OSU's of the world...you want to be in the big time? Well, you can help get UNT there...Thanks to all who helped put this event on and to the Pourhouse staff for being so great...and thanks again to Rick V and to Coach Dodge for their comments. Makes me glad to be a member of the Mean Green Nation. Can't wait for kick-off...as Coach Dodge said...UNT will be "first up" on ESPN...to that I added UNT will record the first victory of the 2009 season!!!! GO MEAN GREEN!
  13. I confirmed with the Athletic Dept. this morning that RV is both scheduled and planning to attend the Mixer.
  14. I am thinking that all the complaining by halftime will be done by the Ball State faithful! GO MEAN GREEN!
  15. The event is advertised as a mixer...it will not be a "come and listen to RV" the whole time event. We are hopeful that he will speak for a few minuets and then "mix" with those present. There is also scheduled to be a short "talk" about the stadium by someone else in the dept....maybe Chris Cannon or Stan Walker...not 100% certain on that. It is not be be a "Coach Dodge Show" type event where everyone just sits and listens and gets a chance for a question or two. It's a Mixer so folks can meet, greet, chat and hear a word or two from RV and others. It's is meant to be a fun and relaxing after work event. I too hope someone will be able to fill those in who cannot attend. Sorry you cannot make it to the event. Hopefully a real computer whiz can update others who couldn't make it along with you...that "whiz", however, would certainly not be me. I, for one, appreciate your intent to make the drive...sorry you have to work. Thanks for the effort. maybe next time. GO MEAN GREEN!
  16. Amazing...UNT gets a two game deal with Iowa and folks find stuff to be "PO'ed" about. Yea, like Alabama, OU, K State, LSU (seems we played them "away" recently) are going to sign a contarct to come to Denton BEFORE they see the new stadium UP or even ground broken. I really don't think so...and, who knows, the second game may well be changed to a game in Denton once Iowa sees how great the new stadium is. But, remember, some of you still don't think UNT will even build the stadium in your lifetime. Some teams may well sign a home and away deal based on the possibility of the new stadium being open by a cartain date, but watch those contarcts get "blown away" if anything happens to the timing of the stadium opening...OK, so maybe the Iowa dates are far enough out that it shouldn't be an issue...maybe so, but it's still a "good thing" for UNT to have Iowa on the schedule. I cannot recall seing UNT play a Big Ten team...anybody????? UNT will be able to schedule some higher profile teams based on the new stadium...that's for certain, but I doubt that anyone on this board knows the "whys and hows" that went into the Iowa series. For, me...I am glad to see Iowa on the schedule and I appreciate the effort made to get the deal done. GO MEAN GREEN! and, let the complaining begin! I guess that's really the "off season" sport at UNT these days...complaining about EVERYTHING that is UNT. Sad, but no big deal as the football season is getting closer every day! GO MEAN GREEN!
  17. You are/were obviously dating the wrong women. Try to find one that has a bit more education than a HS dropout and you might have better luck. Just thinking! You know, you can meet women who do not work in strip clubs, right?
  18. NT80...well said. Yes, too bad it took so long to set these games up...I too hope Coach Fry could be there to toss the coin. I will hope and pray that it is so. What memories it will bring back seeing Coach Fry on the field with both UNT and Iowa. What a coach and better still...what a guy! UNT should also consider something as a tribute to Coach Fry in connection with the new stadium. Perhaps the Fry-Mitchell Concourse or something like that? I am sure there are folks "out there" much more creative than i am who can think up a good tribute. GO MEAN GREEN!
  19. Your glass seems to always be "half-empty"..too bad! The reference to the "call" was because I was not, at first, 100% sure who GTBG actually was and I had a very nice call with a newer member of the athletic dept. yesterday about the stadium and getting things lined up for the Denton Alumni Mixer. So sorry to have "confused" you with that comment. And, sorry you missed the point, but so it goes. Folks who call themselves "realistic" are often simply trying to justify a negative approach and have a poor/misguided idea of what "realism" really entails. That I found to be a truism during my 30+ years of managing people in the banking industry. There is a difference between realism and negativism. So, SilverEagle, if you are, indeed, a realist and I will certainly trust and take you at your word for that, it will be good to see the positive side come forward from time to time. And for the sake of full-disclosure: Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines "REALISM" as "concern for fact and rejection of the impractical and visionary". There you have it...
  20. Interesting trivia...sort of puts "money game" into perspective, doesn't it?
  21. No...shirt's printed and going on sale. In fact, I have "cleared" this with both a West Point cadet (he thinks it's funny and likes the graphics...he mentioned what Navy and Air Force do when they play each other...said we are pretty "calm") and a current Naval officer who liked the Sink navy shirts...(in fact he liked the original version with the ship too). BTW...it's a football game...just in case you were wondering. And to our good Mean Green friend CBL...you just don't get out much do you?
  22. To me, the prospects and commits are looking good...we definitely will know the overall strength and quality when names are actually attached to pieces of paper later this year. A bit early to tell the "final results", wouldn't you say? Point is, UNT is getting commitments from some good players in some areas of need. Some on this board think recruiting will suffer due to any number of so-called reasons. Looks to me like UNT is having a very nice recruiting year, and it seems to be getting better...again, we'll see how many actually sign with the Mean Green. Just like every other D-1 school in the nation. GO MEAN GREEN!
  23. AND, they are former due to UNT's ranking in the Director's Cup list???????? That may well be the ultimate definition of a "fair weather fan".
  24. Come to the Denton Alumni Mixer this Thursdat evening...I am told that the Athletic Dept. folks will be bringing some "stuff". 6:30PM...THURSDAY - Pourhouse - Denton
  25. And yet, Brandin Byrd and Brelan Chancellor commit to UNT in spite of the fact of the Director's Cup standings. This in spite of the fact that "fans, recruits and parents" may have seen the report. GO MEAN GREEN!!!
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