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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. ????????? Would that be Tasty or me that you are so graciously referring to? If me, so sorry...did not mean to "steal" any one's thunder...always nice to hear from you as you are always so very positive. Did you have to yell? Was it really that bad???? Man, take a pill or something. Or, better yet, write something so very Quoner-ish. Oh, wait, you did. But, nice to see you think you need to defend FFR's postings.....
  2. Sorry...really didn't mean to do that! But, that is a stupid pumpkin...not you, the pumpkin!
  3. Maybe I was the only one to notice, but the announced attendance for Troy's home game against UNT was 20,032. That for the SBC leading Troy team while UNT's announced attendance for its last home game was 23,000+. Looks like something is going "right" at UNT these days. Does Dodge get any credit at all for the improved attendance? I thank each and every Mean Green Alum, student and fan who continues to attend and support the Mean Green while they get the "ship turned around". Can you imagine what the attendance would be if UNT was leading the SBC???? Might be a bit challenging to get a decent ticket to the games. There is good news... GO MEAN GREEN!
  5. That's what I like to see...so-called Mean Green fans! Yep, give up on your school and your team just when they need you the most. That's the ticket...and some folks wonder why UNT just never seems to get "over the hump" when it comes to fan support, donations, etc. At least you folks are honest about being "fair weather supporters". I'll hand that to you and applaud your honesty. UNT is not like the UT's, OU's, OSU's, etc. of the world. EACH and EVERY supporter is so very important. The "big guys" can lose some disgruntled fans...yes, they have them too, and there are 10 others waiting in line for their tickets...not so with UNT at this point. But, guess what? UNT will survive and probably the better for it, once the "bandwagon crowd" jumps off...it's too bad, however, as UNT needs all the support it can get. I have a hard time figuring out why one's support for "their" school is contingent upon wins and losses. A mystery that will remain unsolved...I suppose. You will be missed, but UNT will "carry on"...I guess we'll see you when the bandwagon rolls up with a few wins...don't worry, you'll find a seat with your name on it! See you then...in the meantime GO MEAN GREEN...I look forward to seeing a great crowd for the win over W Ky this Saturday. GO MEAN GREEN!
  6. Ole Green Guts...why let the "usual suspects" dampen your enthusiasm for the Mean green??? You need to do your own thinking and not let the ever-unhappy folks make decisions for you about what you feel regarding the status of the program. Some of these same folks were saying they just wanted to be competitive this season...and now that the Mean green is much more competitive, it's like that was never mentioned. Coach Dodge has a contract and he deserves another year. If one can't see any progress in this program, then, well, they aren't looking very hard. Interesting how Coach DeLoach has not come under the same "fire" that Coach Dodge has...the defense has not exactly shined in the last two games, yet folks who dislike Dodge say what great progress the defense has made this season. I agree, the defense is much better, but I'd swear that Mendoza was back coaching the last two games for the defense. Does that mean we fire DeLoach too? No way...progress does not always come in giant leaps, but, as a society, we have become so needful of "instant gratification" that some feel the Mean Green should be SBC champs this year! It hurts...badly...the see the program at the level it is at the moment, but that will make it even sweeter when the wins start to come...and they will...and they will under Coach Dodge. I am 100% fine with another year for Coach Dodge. I think that will "tell the tale" as to where this program is going under Coach Dodge. I hope you will bring a big group with you to the Army game...by the way...have you bought you "Tank Army" T-shirt as yet??? If not, and if you will not be attending the W KY or ULL games ahead of the Army game, let me know...I'll mail then to you and I'll cover the cost of the mailing! GO MEAN GREEN!!!!!
  7. I think Coach Dodge could win out and Emmitt would still be calling for his head and making comments like the ones above. I would imagine that every head football coach in the country...at every level...has heard from folks like Emmitt who claim they can't coach. This criticism, of course, from someone with absolutely no head coaching experience. I think Dodge should start criticizing all the troopers in Texas...you know how they don't know what they are doing because there are so many unsolved crimes out there....just saying. You know, there might just be more to this "turn around" at UNT than meets the eye...but, at least we know where Emmitt is coming from in every post. I'm OK with that...just keep supporting the Mean Green!
  8. Yep, that put a cap on a "not so great" weekend for the Mean Green...BUT, ladies can still win the title, so we'll just have to keep the faith and support the ladies as they come back from this tough loss. GO MEAN GREEN!
  9. You might add "our Alumni and fan base" in also......at least from what I read here on GMG.com.
  10. I like that 27-3 prediction. Positive vibes...let's keep it going with: UNT - 33 Troy - 21 One can dream the dream, right? Don't say it can't happen....you know it can....... GO MEAN GREEN!
  11. If only for the day................
  12. We have a tradition....so-called Mean Green fans complaining about every thing that goes on!!!! Other "so-called" big names school's fans also complain...long and loudly...just check out the Ohio State and OU fan boards these days...but, come game time, the stands are full. That, is a big difference between "big time" school's fan bases and UNT's. When that changes, and when FANS turn out to support the team...win, lose or draw, then UNT will have entered the "big time", and tradition will be based on fan support, donation dollars, improved team play across the board, etc., etc. Here's an idea for a new tradition....FUL:L HOUSE AT FOUTS and the SUPER PIT for Mean Green games...how about we start that one? Just saying............. GO MEAN GREEN!
  13. What time was it? Nice to be "retired"...how about some practice details, SUMG???? Thanks from those of us stuck at work....UGH!!!!!
  14. Non-issue...players only meetings are not rare when teams are struggling to find their identity. These guys are competitive and there is a bunch of them...bound to be some "issues". The players will handle it just fine. Like I said...no big deal and not an issue. GO MEAN GREEN!
  15. You need help spelling "crazy"???? Ok, I'll get someone to lead you back to the Alzheimer's unit this afternoon. I can always count on SilverEagle. Nice there, sparky. GO MEAN GREEN!
  16. A noon game on a Wednesday???? Wow, that's good news for attendance. I didn't think the current economy had everyone unemployed and/or retired so they can attend noon games on a week day!!!!! Interesting.....must be something up, right?
  17. Not THAT cold...but, I will say I was Chilly and I had a lightweight jacket. I think the breeze had something to do with it...my bride left early and took a nap in the car...buggers to her for that.....I agree with the post about folks not being properly prepared for the drop in temps from the afternoon to the evening. But, still...it's football in the fall in Texas...it is supposed to be a bit chilly. Bring a coat next time...just in case. Leave it in the car and go get it if you need it. Problem solved! But, to all the beautiful co-eds...don't "cover up" until you really have too..... GO MEAN GREEN!
  18. Nope...no "waning interest" here. You can jump off the Mean Green wagon if you want...Not me. I hope folks will still turn out to support the MEAN GREEN in person. When times are tough one generally finds out the true character of ones friends and allies. I think the Mean green can use all the support it can muster these days...I want to be there to do what I can to show the true spirit of the fans of the Mean Green. That being said, I can certainly understand why some folks are getting a bit "tired" and may be somewhat less enthusiastic about attending games at the moment. Call me crazy, but the outcome of the game...well, it is just a game....is only a part of the reason that i support...and will continue to support the Mean Green. Just me..... GO MEAN GREEN>>>>>thanks to all who support the Mean Green...waning or not...I know you love the Mean Green!
  19. Amazing stuff here....the who idea behind this thread amazes me....where do folks come up with this stuff? Comedy Central perhaps? GO MEAN GREEN!
  20. The defense is vastly improved, but the effort against FAU made me think Mendoza was back...looked like his defenses...couldn't cover a pass...hard to do so when you play so far off the line...and couldn't stop a fullback...a fullback no less...from running wild right up the gut! OUCH! This FAU game effort is one to forget. I think DeLoach should get out of the press box and back on the sidelines where he belongs. I see this last game as a "one game" set-back and blip on an otherwise vastly improved defense. If it continues, well, that would be another matter altogether. I am confident it will not. GO MEAN GREEN!
  21. Nice analysis...agree with your thoughts...UNT needs to win out to get the #1 seed...and they do have a real shot at doing just that. This team has surprised me a bit this season. After watching some of the early season games, I was concerned that the team was just not "jelling", the defense was shaky (youth and new personnel playing a roll) and the offense looked anemic...but, they really have come together nicely to make a great run. I see some very good things ahead for this team not only with the rest of this season but for the next few years....nice job ladies! GO MEAN GREEN!
  22. Once more...you can look at this from a negative point of view or a positive point of view...your choice. To me the stands...both sides looked pretty darn good from an attendance standpoint. I really liked the size of the student attendance BEFORE half-time...after that many seemed to leave and then a few trickled back in during the third quarter. Many on the alumni side left at half-time due to the coolness of the night...why were they not listening to the weather reports before the game and dressing properly???? Who knows? Also, the deck is a popular spot for many to spend the entire game.... Tailgaters who don't come to the games...well, yes, I wish they would come into the stadium, but I see them getting closer and closer with each game. A few years ago they would have been in Dallas "partying" with the TX-OU crowds and/or at some other place watching the TX-OU game. Now they are at the stadium doing the tailgate thing. Next, they will start trickling into the game and then they will, in the majority, enter the stadium for the game. Give it some time...it will happen, just as the wins will start coming. The two will work nicely together to raise attendance numbers...BUT, good grief...a 1-5 team and we get an announced crowd of over 23K and some folks are complaining! Wow, good news all around. The more students tailgate, the more beautiful co-eds will come and the more co-eds that come, the more guys will come, etc., etc. OK, put a win or two in the mix and BINGO...full-house. Seems to me that being around the campus on football weekends is coming back into vogue for UNT students. I see that as a real "good thing". GO MEAN GREEN...see you at the nexy home game vs. W. Ky on 10/31. BE THERE to see the WIN!!!!
  23. I don't think so...the alumni area was in pretty good shape...props to the students who left at half-time, but did seem to filter back in for the 3rd Qtr. But, lots of open spaces on BOTH sides and the end-zones...time to fill the place up.....
  24. SUMG and Huff...I understand what you are saying...just do keep coming to the games. It's hard sometimes to be a Mean Green fan, but fans who still come to the games through these sort of periods will be all that more satisfied when the w's do come. The "on and off" again fan, well, he will never know what the true Mean green fan feels. Thanks for the support...hope to see you at the next game. I'll be there! GO MEAN GREEN!
  25. Iwant to be in charge of pep talks!!!!!
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