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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. My wife and I will be there...we'll be working the Tank Army sales area at the Alumni tailgate area...also will take a stroll around to see what's up through out the tailgate area...we'll head to the Army tent too wearing our Tank Army shirts to see what kind of reception we get compared to all the free beers the Navy folks offered us when we went by wearing our "Sink navy" shirts. I'm with you, BonfireBrian...I hope we have a great tailgate turnout and a great crowd...weather look great for Saturday...and Fouts is a bunch closer for most folks then Stillwater...just saying...... GO MEAN GREEN...BEAT ARMY!!!!
  2. It will have absolutely NO effect on recruiting. It is just so UNT these days to do something like this. It is amusing to me that the student government caved in to this thing and set it for a student vote in the first place, but that's UNT these days...and many other colleges and universities, by the way. It's really no big deal in the bigger scheme of things. The only thing that really bothers me are all the name calling going on by the supporters of the position against those who dare to oppose the proposition. Sad...I guess you can only be "open and welcoming" if you believe the same way they do...sad...but, typical of how things seem to go these days. Too bad.
  3. Glad to know some folks are having good fun with the shirts. Cannot tell you how we appreciate your support for both the team and i helping build $$$$ for UNT scholarships. GO MEAN GREEN...BEAT ARMY!!!!
  4. Just due to the fact that we have heard some very PC comments regarding the Tank Army (as well as our Sink Navy) t-shirts, I thought I would post the reply form a current West Point plebe who I sent a Tank Army T-shirt to this last week. She was going to come to the game, but you can see from her email that she is staying at West Point to work on some academics. Note that every cadet she has shown it to "loved it". That is exactly what I expected. I imagine that when we see her at Thanksgiving that she will return the shirt to me with some holes in it from target practice by a few of her fellow cadets. Ha! Just thought some might like to see the note I received. You just got to love all the Cadets and Midshipmen from all our service academies. They work hard at sports, the regimental side of the academy, other extracurricular activities and their academics. This isn't any college program for the weak of heart. Great young men and women all, and still they maintain a great sense of humor. Amazing, isn't it? Mr. Miller, I did receive the package yesterday and it made me laugh. I loved it. Thank you so much for sending that to me. It's a piece of home at the same time, its rivalry and I love how conflicting it is! Truly, it's awesome. It shows the diversity of my life I think and I really love it! Everyone laughed when I showed it to them and thought it was great! I regret to inform you though that I will not be home this weekend for the game. The Dean is giving me a hard time and I am working hard to beat him (in an academic frame of course). I hope you enjoy the game. I will still be home for Thanksgiving if you would like to get together then. I look forward to hearing from you! Very Respectfully, Cadet Fourth Class McGuire E1-GO VIKINGS! GO ARMY DRUMLINE!!
  5. Interesting thought...perhaps it works the same way for football. If fans don't show...how can UNT get the Baylor's, the SMU's, the TCU's, etc., etc. to play in Denton? Might just work the same way as basketball...I wonder. It is really a shame that even basketball gets very little fan support. I wonder what the excuse is for that from the student body and the local citizenry?????
  6. Two things here: 1) Welcome aboard "BeatNavy", but your Avatar name is just not right. Army is NOT going to beat Navy!!!! GO NAVY! OK, just had to add that to stoke the flames a little. and 2) This is the last chance for folks to purchase TANK ARMY T-Shirts for the game Saturday. The shirts...while supplies/sizes last....will be available at the Alumni tailgate area prior to the Army game Saturday. They go for $12/each or two for $20...and all proceeds go to support UNT students through Alumni scholarships. PLEASE come by and pick up a shirt or two or three. UNT students need your support and the green shirts will look great in Fouts on Saturday for SENIOR DAY! Come support the seniors, witness the new stadium groundbreaking, help raise scholarship $$$$ for UNT students and have a great time watching UNT beat Army. SEE YOU AT FOUTS ON SATURDAY!!!!! GO MEAN GREEN...Beat Army!!!!!!
  8. Thank you Mr. Mosley. Always nice to hear from a person so close to the program regarding what they see, hear and feel regarding the team. I too believe this team is being guided by some very fine men and that the team has more quality on its roster than it has in awhile. I am proud to be a member of the Mean Green Nation. As you say...and as I have tried to point out (often in vain), it isn't always about the wins and losses. I think this team CAN and WILL win with TD as its head coach. The team has come a long way and will only get better. I look forward to a great win on senior day. UNT needs more people around the program like the Mosley family! Amen to that my friends. GO MEAN GREEN!
  9. And, I do so share your pain! All that "congenital analgia" aside!
  10. Great photos...brings back some great memories of being on that campus. These cadets support their team win, lose or draw. They never give up on their team and the team never gives up on them. Just like all the service academies...West Point, Annapolis, Air Force, Merchant Marine and Coast Guard! This will be a great day for UNT. I am excited and pleased to be able to be part of it and I fully expect a great game...with the Mean Green winning, of course!
  11. Polls don't matter at all. But, they do give folks something to "discuss" in chat rooms and around the office water cooler....
  12. Did anyone go? Any news to report????
  13. I would have to say...not a bad plan. But, I do think you will see TD here next season.
  14. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. I hope you do feel well enough to attend the game, but, your health does come first...get well, so you can enjoy the winning seasons to come in the new stadium....Your brown paper bag will also be welcome...will it count as two seats??????
  15. No where have I ever said or wrote that fans do not have the right to be upset with the program. That's what "fans" actually have the right to be IF they are really fans and attend games, buy tickets, etc., etc. But, bandwagon fans are the ones who come and support the team as long as things are going great...just check out the TCU crowds and the "new" SMU fans these days. It's no secret what the definition of "bandwagon fans" are. I do not hold myself above any fan of the program...some folks on the board seem to think so when the comments might hit a bit close to home. Choosing not to be content with a program is great...I am right there with you. I am definitely not content with the shape of the program right now. OK, that's fins for all of us, but I choose to continue to support the program with my attendance, through buying season tickets and through donating what and when I can. Everyone can support or not support as they please, but just as some continue to trash Dodge, I choose to continue to support the team and its coaching staff as long as they are here because they ARE the Mean Green. Stopping game attendance and stopping support because the team is losing and returning when the wins come, is, simply, my definition of a bandwagon fan. And, like you, I will welcome each and every one to the Mean Green Nation when they show up, or, in some cases, when they return. Sort of like...if the shoe fits thing....Also...you are 100% correct...most on the GMG board don't fit into that category as they'll be in the stands whenever possible to support the Mean Green. I definitely understand frustration as well as the next guy, and I "feel your pain", but the team "needs me" and every other Mean Green nation member it can get in the stands for the Army game and senior day. Do not confuse my support for the program with being content with the current state of the program. Two VERY different things, two very different things, indeed. GO MEAN GREEN...BEAT ARMY!!!!
  16. For those who are able to attend the Coach Dodge show today at the Pourhouse...could you PLEASE provide those of us who cannot attend with a bit of an update? SUMG, you going?????
  17. Of couse it can...BUT, that was a peretty "interesting" play call...even I don't get it. I don't think I would have imagined that in 100 years...even from what i have seen of playcalling this season. However, you make it work...well...good call, right? Well, NO, not really...even if it worked, not a good call!!!!! GO MEAN GREEN!
  18. Because we have Tank Army shirts!!!!
  19. And, why is this even worth a mention? Just because Ft. Worth is considering a change in their HR policy....WHO cares if the "person" is a man or a woman? It's a who cares...
  20. Would that be our crack SID or promotions department on top of this sort of media stuff????
  21. Emmitt01...don't you work for the Dallas Police? Sounds like you guys ARE only writing tickets to stationary vehicles these days...how many Dallas Cops have stopped writing tickets because they are looking at being a little serious about cops who write "bad tickets"...hey, I don't know, but seems I read where Dallas doesn't even investigate some robberies and break-ins to keep the crime rate "down". Hmmmmmmm. Look, I think the Dallas cops do a great job in a very difficult environment. Every one is a hero in my book, but when you live in a glass hose, you might want to be careful about throwing rocks. So, what year will the Dallas Police start investigating every crime reported to them??? And, when will they go back to writing those tickets to folks who actually break the law???? How long out of the police academy for that? By the way, will you be throwing your hat in the ring for the Top Cop job that just came open in Dallas? Now, that guy gets "evaluated" every day in the press and by those wonderful police unions, etc., etc. I wonder what the "DallasCops.com" blog site is syaing about him these days?????
  22. Now, that's a statement I can agree with 100%!
  23. Bandwagon folks are always "iffy".... it will be interesting to see the same folks basking in the glow of a winning season as if they had supported the team through think and thin. What do you expect from pseudo-fans?????
  24. Is the Pope Catholic? Of course I will be there with my bride, and I am bringing a friend and meeting three others who will be attending their first Mean Green home game. How can anyone who claims to be a Mean Green fan and/or alum NOT come to support the seniors on this team AND the cadets of Army who have made a commitment to "serve and defend" this great nation of ours. For those of you who have decided not to attend because you are unhappy, sad, disillusioned, etc., etc., etc., with the season or don't like TD or any other number of "reasons" why you will not be attending...PLEASE RECONSIDER your position for the sake of the seniors and the Cadtes of Army. This game and your support is "bigger" than any personal grievance you may have against the program, etc. You will have the entire off-season to decide how you will support or not support your school's athletic program going forward. PLEASE PLEASE re-consider for the ARMY game...it is "bigger" than just one's personal disappointment. At least it seems so to me... And, heck, why miss the MEAN GREEN VIOCTORY?
  25. Maybe a lack of interest for you, but not for me. I know you are interested too, but your prediction is sad, you are correct. I hope you are wrong...and I know you hope that too. It will be OK as the Mean Green come home with the "Win" and get ready to make it two in a row against the Cadets of Army on the 21st. So, If it will make you feel any better... UNT: 28 Army: 17 How's that for getting it started early? GO MEAN GREEN!
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