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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Interesting...sort of reminds me of plenty of folks here on GMG.com when it comes to discussing UNT and UNT coaches, staff, players (see Riley Dodge). Is not what is "good for the goose good for the gander", or does it not work that way when considering UNT "fans"? Why does the fact that UT, Michigan, LSU, OU all have fan bases that you say rag on their own coaches and players (which probably happens no more than it does within the Mean Green Nation) have anything at all to do with UNT????? Just wondering. That's all.
  2. Mixer starts at 6:00PM at Fox and Hounds in Lewisville. Come enjoy some after work refreshments with other members of the Mean Green Nation. This mixer is hosted by the Denton Chapter of the UNT Alumni Association, and the chapter welcomes all UNT Alums and UNT fans to come join in the fun and "mix" with UNT Alums and fans. It is a mixer open to all...including current students (21 or over to enjoy the adult refreshments, of course). Date is Jan. 20th...a Wednesday evening! There is additional information and a place to RSVP on the UNT Alumni Association web-site, but if you can't find the RSVP...never fear...just show up...we'd love to have you attend. Why not come and meet other GMG.com members as well....you just never know who might show up. A good time will be had by all. See you there! GO MEAN GREEN...GO UNT ALUMNI Any other GMG.com members thinking about attending?????? Hope so...I know Flyer will be there.
  3. '97 and '03...don't go....please.
  4. Smacks of a bunch of speculation to me. I was at that game you refer to and I agree, UNT got hosed...but, so did my Okie State boys in the Cotton Bowl. Refs make bad calls all the time. Instant replay would have "fixed" that call against UNT, but, alas, no replay at that time. I also recall many many calls in my time of support for UNT that went UNT's way in some critical games. Do you think there was some "deep seeded reason" for those "bad" calls as well? Ref make a bad call, so one "hates" UT for eternity! Nice reason. Texas was not alone in the "conspiracy" theory regarding UNT's lack of an invitation to join the old SWC. And, as far as Texas using it's "juice" to keep poor little ole UNT (and others) down, seems to me that UNT has recently been making some mighty good progress all around with an expanding campus and enrollment, new stadium, business building, etc., etc., law school, med school, engineering school, UNT at Dallas, etc., etc. If that's using "juices" to keep UNT down, I would say PLEASE keep the "juices" flowing. I do understand where you are coming from, but the "hate" expressed here for UT is a far cry from not getting "much love here". UT will never get "love" from me as I am not a UT fan, but it seems a bit inane to use up energy in hating a school you never attended and who may or may not have a better athletic record. But, if one wants to "hate", go for it...just save all your love for the Mean Green!
  5. Don't worry. The Global Warming folks will discount this as well, and continue to press their sad agenda. The Gore BS will never die down, but some folks seem to be actually waking up to the fact that the science of man made global warming may in itself be "man made". Lots of money in preaching this "man made" gospel, you might just want to follow the money. Remember, that hand in your pocket more than likely belongs to a democrat politician reaching for YOUR money to fund his/her pet project.
  6. OK, this comment is getting so "old" and trite. Can you please come up with a new hijack strategy? I know you are witty enough to do so, this one is just getting to be so lame.
  7. Well, you must say that based on early season expectations, this team is at the moment severely under performing. Still can win the Sunbelt, but they need to find a way to get in sync and find their game before it's too late. It is fast approaching "too late", but as you know...all one needs to do is make the tournament, catch a hot streak and win it, and it's off to the NCAA's. So, I am keeping my fingers crossed that this team "finds their game" and peaks at the right time in the tournament. Can happen...keep the faith! GO MEAN GREEN. See you at the game Saturday!
  8. Looks to me like the team is supporting Adam James. Good for them.
  9. Anyone who thinks that game would not have been "different" if McCoy had stayed in the game is just not thinking straight. Not saying Texas would have won, because we will never know, but the game plan would not have been "watered down", it's a good chance that shovel pass interception would not have happened and I am thinking that last QB hit and fumble probably would not have happened. The Texas D-line and O-lines were doing a great job as were the Texas D-backs. I just wonder how much "spirit" was drained when McCoy went down from the whole team. Will never know, and hats off to Alabama for the win, but man what a "nothing" game plan they had...Are they at all confident in McElroy??? Seems they dummied down the game plan for him as Texas did after McCoy left, but McElroy is Alabama's starter! Couldn't believe the Alabama attack...hey, it did win the game, so boring can certainly win. I was most impressed with McCoy's comments after the game. He gave credit to Alabama for the win and then stood there and composed himself before never a whine for not being in the game...great description of his arm/shoulder injury as well. Ingram's comments after the game, while a bit more self-centered, were also very good. Two pretty good kids it seems to me. I also give the Texas coaching staff from Mack Brown down credit for not trying to play McCoy. Good for them even when they probably knew the game was all but lost at that point due to the inexperience of Gilbert and him being thrust into the "big game". He didn't get a lot of reps during the season in games, so this was a real baptism under fire for him. Looks like Texas will have a good replacement for McCoy in Gilbert. I was NOT impressed by Saban going in for that final TD. No need for that. Alabama had the game won and could have easily run the clock out. A bit of difference reflected here between Texas and Alabama. I am not a Texas fan, I am a Mean Green and Okie State fan, but, I too, wonder why all the Texas hate flows from this board? I wonder what Texas has ever done to our more prominent Texas haters on this board. I've been to UNT games in Austin and I've been to OSU games in Austin and in Stillwater and I do not find the Texas fans any different than any others toward the opposing team and, in fact, my experience has been just the opposite. UT fans have always treated me very well. I see no reason to "hate" a team just because they have a winning tradition and may have "whacked your team" around a bit on the gridiron. But, if that's your thing, no problem. Hate away! But, I am pretty sure the Texas fans could drag up some lame reason for disliking UNT as well, if UNT meant that much to them. My hope is that someday UNT will mean that much to UT. GO MEAN GREEN. Congrats to Alabama on the win and congrats to McCoy and Mack Brown and staff for the class they showed. Saban and staff might want to re-think how he played out the last few minuets of the game. Great thing about college football...there is always next year, and as a member of the proud Mean Green Nation, I know very well how to look forward to "next year"! GO MEAN GREEN.
  10. Harsh, perhaps...TRUE..ABSOLUTELY! Mid-term elections cannot get here fast enough. Seems several more dems are thinking about taking a step toward "retirement" so as to not have to face the voters in 2010. May get very interesting before it's all said and done with the 2010 elections. I am just happy to see some folks are remembering all the "promises" made during the campaign, and how those promises are really being "honored" once elected and in office. TREM LIMITS...we got 'em...it's called the 2010 mid-term elections.
  11. WOW...this little thread is taking on a new life all it's own...and "you know who" had nothing to do with it! Go Figure.
  12. While I am very disappointed in the play by the women, i think it is too early to give up on SS and call her a bust. You really do need to go back and check JJ's early years record..really not much better than SS. My concerns seem to center on the fact that the program is having tons of player and staff turnover without seeing anything change on court. IF SS wants her players and her coaches, as all head coaches do, they do need to perform a bit better for her. It is pretty painful to watch the UNT women play right now, and I was so hopeful that the women could get it going sooner than this. But, too early to pull the plug on the head coach. The history and tradition of the women's program is not overly stellar at UNT...it may just take a few years to get it headed in the right direction. I do like that "94 feet of heat" thing...maybe it will come to pass. We'll see...GO MEAN GREEN!
  13. This is exactly my challenge with the Ticket these days. WAY too much shtick and way too little sports when I have a chance to listen. I like the Ticket as a station and like many of their personalities. And, I do agree that if you want folks on that station to support the Mean Green more, you certainly do not go about that by blasting them constantly here on GMG.com or any other venue for that matter. As you can see from the postings of "Green Guy Bass", folks on that station do take a look-see at GMG.com from time to time. If I saw all the rants about me on here and I was a personality on that station it certainly would not bring me any closer to the Mean Green Nation. That all being said, I do wish the Ticket would stop so much of the shtick and get back to sports. It's a great station that seems, in my opinion, to have lost its way in some cases and at some times of the day.
  14. A TD is when the refs and replay officials say it is a TD! Hey, I didn't like the missed off-sides call in the Cotton Bowl either...some of the calls the refs have made during the bowl games have been pretty questionable (and I am being kind with that statement). It's like when I ref soccer...if I say it's offsides, it's offsides...if I say it's a goal...well, it's a goal. I have 50% of the crowd agreeing with me all the time!
  15. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the 1% chance you can make the game bstnsports....it's really not a game unless you are in with the Pit Crew in that green wig of yours!!!!! Hope to see you at the game...come on 1%!!!!
  16. Interesting pick, but not a surprise for those who follow UM's program...even a little bit. It will be interesting to see how this businessman and entrepreneur handles the "subtleties" of university life and all the "political correctness" that goes along with it. I wish him well and all the luck in the world. UM has a proud history in athletics and has not been "up to its own standard" in recent years. This should be interesting...the guy might implode under all the hoops he will have to jump through or he might just be what UM needed. I guess we will all see soon enough. Maybe he really shattered the Pepperoni ceiling...
  17. I originally posted the "Hitler YouTube" video...before I knew it was already in its own thread...sorry.
  18. If there is one place that Mike Leach SHOULD be the head coach it would be for the Oakland Raiders...yes, indeed, a marriage made in heaven. But, if he thinks working for the Tech Admin is tough, just wait until he gets a feel for Al Davis leadership style. Maybe good ole Al has mellowed a bit in his old age, but this seems perfect for Leach if true! Cannot wait to see how this would work out...the press conferences will, indeed, be so very much fun to watch. Man, I so hope this comes to pass...Leach in Oakland...be still my heart! Too funny to imagine...only in the world of Al Davis (or maybe Jerry Jones) could this even be mentioned....
  19. OK, if you check our Brett's DCR blog for today you will see it appears that the game time for Saturday is being "considered" for change...looks like it will be changed according to Brett...stay tuned and get your Mean Green Gear on...thanks to Brett for alerting me to the blog entry. I had not gotten around to opening it up as yet this morning. See, you never know which member of the great Mean Green Nation may just be lurking the GMG.com site! GO MEAN GREEN...see you Saturday at the game...when ever the tip off is set to be!
  20. This stuff is pretty funny...the merry go round of off season posts continues. Just when you think a topic is dead, back it comes... As to the TCU-BS game...not very good! How do you leave the middle THAT wide open on a punt? Good call by the BS staff, bad defense for the Frogs. Cost them the game, but how about all those "weak" armed throws from the TCU QB? I thought he had a strong arm? He couldn't hit the broad side of a barn last night. Tough game for the Frogs. Too bad. I was sure hoping they would go undefeated. Better to see a metroplex team get to 13-0 than Boise St. But, congrats to Boise St. Good call on the fake punt. Congrats on the season.
  21. OK, here's the deal...if the Cowboys win, well, there will be another game to watch. If the Cowboys lose and I had stayed home from the UNT game to watch it I would be mad that I saw a loss AND missed the UNT game at the same time...so, I will be at the BB game with my bride and will hope the Cowboys win so I can watch the next round game. Looking at it this way, made the decision really pretty easy for me! I'll be in my seat as will the bride...to watch the Mean Green do battle and enjoy the company of some great members of the Mean green Nation! But, if they wanted to move the start time...well, that would be OK too, but I really don't see a need. GO MEAN GREEN!!!!!
  22. No clue how to do links...check out the Seattle paper if you think I mis-quoted anything. Seems that not all players support Leach. Sorry, it's just a fact. Now, as for me...;I really dopn't care one way or the other...I just think Leach screwed up BIG TIME and now his much publicized ego has gotten in the way, and the thing is going to explode before it's over...not good for anyone. I am sorry for the TT fans, but personally could care less. It has NO IMPACT on the Mean Green, and that's what's important to me. GO MEAN GREEN!
  23. I am just hearing this from some folks who are very close to this situation. Hutchinson is having ore challenges than expected in raising $$$$ to fight the Perry camp and the fact that Texas has done well during the current recession...even coming through it with a budget surplus under Perry and the fact that some of her votes in DC have started to hurt her chances with the more conservative element in Texas these days. Her "out" is that she thinks she needs to stay in the Senate to help Texas fight the Obama initiatives. This being said, it is all speculation at the moment...nothing more than that, but am hearing it more and more from "insiders" and folks who watch this stuff for a living these days. We'll see...certainly not anywhere near a "done deal"...we'll all just have to see where it goes, but it would not be THAT big of a surprise to see her step away to avoid a bit cat and dog primary fight and spend republican dollars that could be better spent fighting democrats. We'll see....
  24. I am in the Seattle area for the holidays...I cannot believe you have not heard the stories from the players...one was quoted as saying that all was calm and happy at the bowl practices BECAUSE LEACH WAS NOT THERE...In the Seattle paper today I quote wide receiver Tramain Swindall..."I do agree and I am supporting Adam and what he's doing because it's the right thing to do." The paper states that Swindall went on to say that Leach was at times out of line in how he treated players...they then quote him again as saying..."It wasn't all about Adam. It was always a negative vibe". Sorry you haven't kept up with all this and that you need others to find you the player quotes...I didn't know I needed to keep the papers to help you with the current news...just kidding a bit KingDL, but if you think all the players are siding with Leach and think James is a cry baby, you simply have not been keeping up with the news. Hang in there and keep reading, there were other player comments yesterday and the day before in the Seattle area news and on ESPN broadcasts. I would image the Dallas News has the quotes as well...let me tell you The Dallas Morning News sports coverage is 1000% better than the Seattle Times. The news makes the Seattle Times look like the Denton Record Chronicle. Ha! GO MEAN GREEN....sorry for all the TT fans and players, but this is going to get messy as Leach's ego seems out of control...had a chance to keep his job and stay as TT head coach, but lost it all when he decided to sue the university and take the insubordination route. STUPID MOVE on his part...in my opinion.
  25. I am wondering if Hutchinson will even still be in the race by the scheduled time of this debate. I am thinking she will withdraw her candidacy one of these days in the not so distant future...we'll see.
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