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Composer Of "glory To The Green And White" Was...
KRAM1 replied to FirefightnRick's topic in Mean Green Football
I am in the "camp" who wishes the guy would have "thought a bit" before making that comment. I see nothing to be gained in an otherwise very positive interview regarding UNT from making that comment. I am sure the guy did not mean it to be disrespectful to UNT in any way, but it really was something he might should have re-considered. Unless he can point me to a quote from the author, I just wonder how he knows that she was "embarrassed" by being the author? Seems to me that one might take some sense of pride in writing the song that eventually becomes your university's Alma mater. Maybe that's just me. I guess my interest is in the fact that the guy, who has earned his living at the University for a very long time, thought that would be an appropriate statement? Goes to mindset I suppose. Too bad. The other interesting point is why UNT doesn't turn this into a real museum open to the public? They seem to have enough $$$$ to open an art gallery on the square...seems to me they could find the $$$ to open this up to the public as one of the best if not THE best and well stocked music library in the nation. Would be a great way to "display" the university and perhaps even raise some additional funding. -
Could be, but maybe TD and RV have a good idea who they want and are going about their business in a professional-like manner at their own pace. To think "no one might be interested" is simply another in the long line of "UNT isn't good enough" type of thinking. People talk here about acting and being "big time", but we have fans who often think of UNT as just the opposite. To be "big time" one needs to start the process of "thinking big time" too, and that goes for fans and supporters as well as department and university officials. One does not have to be a "rocket scientist" or antything close to it to realize that Coach Dodge may well be on a "short-leach" tenure-wise. That seesm to be a "known fact" around the program. Wouldn't one think that might also be "known" outside the walls of the university as well, and might that...just might that have some impact on applicants for the OC position? Just asking...I see no reason for alarm here in the timing or number of "known" interested parties given the facts of the matter as they exist today. Don't worry NT03, UNT will indeed have an OC soon enough. WE can all then start the debate regarding the "worthiness" of the selection. Hey, you have to have something to talk about in the off-season, right? Maybe we should start a list now of who will say "nice things" about the eventual selection and who will come out "blasting away". That might be an interesting topic because we all know there are "experts" here who will KNOW beyond any shadow of a doubt that who ever gets selected is the WRONG GUY!
What is it with UNT and that San Diego State connection? Hey, looks like the guy can coach. I am a bit surprised that UNT hired a male for the volleyball coach, but whatever works. Are male coaches common these days in women's volleyball? Don't follow it enough to know. This is a program that UNT could turn into a real winner or so it seems to me. Let's welcome our new coach and wish him well...seems like a good hire. WELCOME to the Mean Green.
Right, Emmitt, like he'd get tons of playing time at LSU! Hall could very well end up playing a great deal at UNT. Seems many here think Riley is injury prone and won't last a season, so even if Riley plays as #1 the next three years, would that give Hall lots of playing time if all the medical experts we have here on the board are correct about Riley's injury prospects????? Hall would do well to stay with UNT. I think he would be very happy at UNT. It's a great place to get an education and play some ball. GO MEAN GREEN! remember, it's that "LaLa time" just before signing day and these are kids we are talking about, and each one seem themselves at this point as a future NFL Hall of Fame-er. Hey, I hope they are....
I believe the article stated that another interview was expected this week and that a decision would likely be made within a week. So, what's wrong with that? Some reason to rush around just so you can interview 6-8 people? If you have an idea what you want, fine. I see no issue with the speed of this search. If I were TD and my head was on the "chopping block" as many seem to believe it is, then I would want "my guy" as the OC, not someone who a few posters who have no real "skin in the game" seem to want me to hire...or even interview. My neck, my pick and on my schedule. If it were you, wouldn't that be the way you wanted it? When I was the one doing the hiring I sure wanted the person I thought was right for the position and I think most folks would feel the same way. So, I'll get excited...or not...when the announcement is made. Until then, well, it's wait and see. I'll bet a new OC will be on staff before spring ball starts...how's that for a timetable? Ha!
Obama Bought And Paid For!
KRAM1 replied to KRAM1's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
One of the challenges in debating this point is that people really do not have a handle on what the "financial industry" is...every time the "financial industry" gets blasted for being "evil" it generally boils down to the "housing and mortgage" side of the industry as one can see in some of the above postings. If you want to talk about that sector of the industry why not label it as such at first and take some of the confusion out of the discussion? When one says they work in the "financial industry" that could mean anything from a part-time bank teller at a local branch office to the CEO of Citibank. Some working in the "financial industry" have a very narrow view of the industry revolving around what they do on a day to day basis and that's great...others have the 24,000 foot view and that's great as well, but the differences in perspective are as different as night and day. Simply like they are in all other industries...if you are in manufacturing and work on the assembly line and are card carrying union member and proud of it...well, your view might just be a bit different than the CEO's or VP's. You think? To blame the "financial sector" for the mess is ridiculous on it's face. As has been pointed out here many times, there is lots of blame to go around from the industry, the government and the consumer. No one is blameless here and the sooner folks stop trying to place blame and really try to find a fix going forward, the sooner this all becomes a bad memory. Blame has never fixed anything. Hard work and cooperation does. It will get fixed through hard work and cooperation. On that you CAN hang your hat. -
Scott Brown Wins Mass Senate Seat
KRAM1 replied to UNT90's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
It's a great day! WOW! Even Kennedy's home town of Hyannis Port (spelling?) voted in the majority for Brown. This is a repudiation of the Obama, Pelosi, Reid health care plan plain and simple. BUT, if Republicans think this is their victory they have another think coming! This was the doing of the independent voter and the Republicans, if they want to make some big gains in the 2010 midterms, had darn well better take notice. Brown never mentioned the word "Republican" in his acceptance speech last evening and the only thing...the only thing he has promised is to vote against the health care bill as it now stands. The independent voter has left the Obama cause in droves and they carried the day in Mass...In MASS of all places. This is CHANGE I can believe in...and hope too...hope for the possibility that the 2010's get some more balance to the house and senate...THAT is what the independent voter wants. Obama promised openness and bi-partisanship and the independent voter believed him in a big way. What they got was secrecy and partisanship from day one and they are boiling mad that he lied to them and keeps shoving this stuff down their throats which the American public has clearly said they do not want. Health care rates 4th on the independent voters list of priorities behind jobs, the deficit and I believe the war on terror. FOURTH...and you would think it was the ONLY issue facing American today if you listen to Reid, Pelosi and Obama. The arrogance of this administration is beginning to make Cheney look like a humble man. Mass sent out a message that arrogance will not carry the day. Republicans had better not for one second think this was about them...it was NOT...but, if they can get their act together the Republican party stands to gain BIG TIME in the mid-terms. If they can't well..... On this note...Perry and Hutchison had better also take a look...the petty bickering that took place at the UNT debate between the two leaves the door wide open for Medina. Medina has already gained in the polls enough to be invited (at the onset) to the next debate. If Perry and Hutchison just want to act like two children and bicker, then Medina has a chance to be the "Brown" in Texas. Right now, I am personally thinking Medina is looking more and more like the candidate to vote for in the primary...Perry and Hutchison need to take note, grow up and start acting like adults! It's a great day in the neighborhood...who would have thought Ted Kennedy's seat would go Republican? Certainly not the lazy and appearing aloof Coakley! I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in the White House last evening as the returns started pouring in. Reid better seat this guy fast...no playing around...he seated the guy (can't recall his name right now) that took Obama's Illinois seat as fast as he could...Brown better get the same deal. I think the voters are actually watching! What do you think? GO BROWN!!!!!! -
The Vote In Mass
KRAM1 replied to KRAM1's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
You picked up on that, didn't you? Good job...others let it go and didn't even respond. I thought it might draw out a few...oh, well...there's always another post. -
The Vote In Mass
KRAM1 replied to KRAM1's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
For once...I hope you are 100% correct! -
The Vote In Mass
KRAM1 replied to KRAM1's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
Ever hear of the 10th amendment? That is what the folks are so mad about. Yes, they have a pretty well documented budget-busting state health care system in Mass. What they don't want is the federal gov't to come in and mandate a plan for them. Even in a lib state like Mass, many folks care about the 10th amendmant and badly want the federal gov't's hands out of their state business. "Moral victory" my rear end! If Brown wins in Mass (and the jury is still definitely out on that at this time) this will be so very much more than a "moral victory". But, go ahead a get the "spin" going if you want just in case Brown does win. "Moral victory"...if you think a Brown victory would not be a rebuke of Obama's policies you are smokin' something wacky! Interesting how the spin has already started and the winner hasn't even been declared as yet! The "moral victory" thought will come if Brown loses a very close election. That, given that it was Ted's seat for so many years, would indeed, be a moral victory of sorts. But, I hold out great hope for the victory of a more concrete kind in this election. We'll all know which it is in a few short hours. You never know, some "community group" may mobilize all those "registered dem voters" and push Coakley over the top! I hope not...I pray for a Brown victory! -
So, Emmitt, why don't you post a comment on the kid? However, your point is well made and is simply another indication of the way some folks feel about UNT and UNT athletics in general. Even GMG.com posters. Like the students and alums of UNT wearing hat, tees, hoodies, posting Avatars, etc. with other school colors and logos on them. Where's the UNT priority? Sort of interesting at times how it works, isn't it? I personally think this kid adds to a good class of recruits that Dodge and Co. are developing. Looks like he can play, and I do think UNT could use a couple of DB's in the class. Now, a few more big mean D and O-line guys wouldn't hurt at all either. Go get 'em Dodge & Co. Keep 'em coming. Amazing how kids still want to sign with UNT based on the opinions of some that the whole program is in shambles, has no coaching, no players, no leadership, etc., etc., etc. You just can't figure kids these days...darn their little hides! Ok, sarcasm these just in case you didn't get it!
UNT doesn't need a QB...but, like Silver said...some big mean D-Linemen, well, bring 'em on....if they are of good character that it!
So, are you watching the vote in Mass today to elect the candidate that will replace Teddy Kennedy in the Senate? This is a VERY BIG DEAL to both parties. It is amazing that Ted Kennedy's seat would be in doubt at all for the dems, but that is definitely the case. Brown (by the way...his daughter was an American Idol finalist....a little trivia for the day) may well defeat Coakly and tip the scales of the Senate so that the dems would no longer hold a filibuster-proof majority. The very fact that the dems are in trouble here...win or lose today...says a great deal. The citizens of Mass are very much opposed to Obama's health care plan and that is not helping to hold the seat. Plus the fact that Coakly is so very "out of touch"...going so far as to call Curt Schilling a Yankees fan...and not wanting to campaign on the streets of Mass....even young Joe Kennedy couldn't get her name right....is not helping her campaign at all. The dems may still hold this seat, but it is an amazing turn of events that the seat held by Ted Kennedy "forever" is even in play! I will keep my fingers crossed for a wonderful outcome! the possibilities simply warm my heart, but it will be interesting either way it goes.
The Great Abner Haynes This Morning In Fort Worth
KRAM1 replied to FirefightnRick's topic in Mean Green Football
Excellent, Rick...and, by the way, what you and your "kiddos" did also helped to spread the word about UNT and UNT football as well. I, as a very proud member of the Mean Green nation, am very happy to see others not "embarrassed" to display their pride for UNT. I have a football card autographed by Abner Haynes from back in the days he was with the Dallas Texans. How I loved, as a kid, to go to the Cotton Bowl and watch the Texans and Abner, and Len, E J, etc. play. Such fun. Wish I was there with you and the "kiddos" Saturday...great photo by the way. Thanks for posting. GO MEAN GREEN! -
Blatant envy is so unbecoming!
Don't need him...don't want him. Good luck to him in his pursuit of playing time. I hope he hooks on somewhere and gets to play. As for UNT, well, UNT has a good QB in starter Riley Dodge. I am looking forward to seeing how even better he plays after his "year under the gun" as the starter last season. Experience at the D1 level is a great teaching experience. The kid is definitely smart...he has learned and he will be even better. Looking forward to watching Riley and all the Mean Green play in 2010! GO MEAN GREEN!
Obama Bought And Paid For!
KRAM1 replied to KRAM1's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
Wow...still mad at J D Rockefeller and J P Morgan! I knew you had a few years on you, but I had no idea you can hold a grudge THAT long. Most dems only go back as far as Bush to place blame for everything. That certainly and conviently overlooks, of course, the role that more current dems (Dodd, etc.) played in the whole mess. You went way past that (of course you got around to Bush too, gee, so very surprising of you, and so original too) and went back to the days of JP and JD. You might want to consider writing speeches for Martha Cokely...better hurry though...using such "shilling" phrases as "their unfetterd industries kept the poor, poor and the rich, rich". You know sort of like..."only lottery winners would be able to buy houses" stuff. I can hear the music playing in the backround now...."Mine eyes have seen the glory..........". Please, give that Comedy Central thing a try. I do think you'd be a big hit! But, don't tell any of your dem and union buddies that you favor folks actually having to qualify for a mortgage before being granted one, have 20% down in cash and pass a credit check and actually make enough in the way of income to make the payments. Really radical right wing stuff like that that will "keep the poor, poor and out of homes and let the rich get richer" might get you thrown out of the "all emotion no thinking club". You are just too funny. Come on in to the 21st century at least. My kids and grandkids never worked in a factory "from dusk until dawn without any safety regulations", but if they had, they would probably would have found a way to find a better job...moved to Texas perhaps and start their own business, ranch or farm...oh, that's right...that's what my great granparents did when they got tired of "working for the man". You know, they took a little responsibility for their own well being and tried to do something about it. Not saying everyone could do that, but plenty of folks did and that's what helped create the great opportunities we have today to work for "the man" or work for ourselves. Tough days back in the days of the "industrial revolution" that's for sure, but the last time I looked...they were over here in the good ole U S of A. Haven't you noticed or have you just been too busy bashing Bush for everything? Too funny! -
Obama Bought And Paid For!
KRAM1 replied to KRAM1's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
You crack me up. You really should be a star performer at Comedy Central. I'll make no apologies for believing that people hold personal responsibility for their own actions, that the smaller the federal government the better and that it is private and free enterprise not the government that built this great nation of ours. Sorry those ideas offend you so much. We will simply continue to agree to disagree. -
Obama Bought And Paid For!
KRAM1 replied to KRAM1's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
I mentioned there were 4 boxes....1 phone line...no premium channels...I do pay about $4.95/mo. for Verizon's security suite for the Internet....but by the time all the taxes and fees and extra box charges (2 HD boxes and 2 non-HD boxes), and extra line charges get added, it's the amount indicated. Nothing special in this set up. I changed to Verizon FIOS to get rid of Charter who kept raising fees every month or so it seemed and to get the phone, TV and Internet all on one bill...the total now is about what it was before with Charter doing the Internet and cable and Verizon handling the land line phone. But, service and quality is much better, so, all in all, I am OK with it...but seems like a bit of a rip to me. Can't wait to see what they do after my two-year $99/mo. "deal" wears off!
Obama Bought And Paid For!
KRAM1 replied to KRAM1's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
A "shill for the rich"...now that's laughable. Just where do you come up with this stuff? Comedy Central perhaps????? BTW...the banks were all for your idea, but then that pesky Community Reinvestment Act I mentioned was enacted. You can trace the "risky" loans and housing lending practices right back to that legislation. AS "good" of intentions as it might have had in its conception, the reality and its use became something much different in reality. Much of government regulation turns this way...check out that masterpiece called Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 that folks were so quick to pass after Enron, etc. Nice in theory, but in reality has cost lots of jobs, increased prices for the consumer and put lots of folks "at risk" for jail time who are far removed from any real decision making. Interestingly enough, Congress is looking at a repeal/revision of this ill-conceived and ill-executed regulation. There Congress goes again, in Silver's definition, "shilling for the rich". Never mind that all these bad "rich folks" (man, how I do wish I was actually in that catagory) pay the vast majority of taxes in this country and employ the vast majority of workers...shame on them for working hard and actually hiring folks...Shame, shame... -
Yep, I like Verizon FIOS as well...but, to my surprise, after signing up for a $99/mo. deal for phone, cable and Internet, by the time all was said and done, the bill is actually over $170/mo. Those extra boxes and extra fees can add up mighty quickly. This fee includes NO premium channels by the way...4 TV boxes, however. Oh, well......
Obama Bought And Paid For!
KRAM1 replied to KRAM1's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
Revisionist history at its best. Ever heard of CRA? Community banks were, indeed, "forced" to make loans to less than "quality" borrowers in less than desirable areas if they had any hopes of getting new charters approved for new bank locations and/or expanding their branch network. In my 30+ year banking career I had many many standoffs with "community groups" including ACORN and the now defunct "Texas State Employees Assoc." (anyone recall that group? The former leader is either still in jail or recently out) who tried to extort concessions for their personal groups. We either played along with their demands or they protested, called out the bank regulators, called upon their membership to protest our expansion (and at times expansion of our bank network into well "under-served areas"). In addition to this direct extortion, it caused banks to make some pretty unsound loans going in...knowing there was a big chance of loss just to be able to place the appropriate check mark on their annual CRA report to the regulators. Also, banks started making bigger and bigger contributions to such "community action" groups in the hopes that they would not "protest" every time the bank wanted to expand its operations. You won't get many current bankers to admit to all this as it is still happening, but talk to any number of community bankers that have been around before and after the adoption of the "Community Reinvestment Act" and you'll see what I am talking about. Silver, you can call it what you want, but "been there done that" little routine. This is not the entire problem, by any means, but it certainly didn't/doesn't help the situation. -
Remember, it's this Wednesday evening. Hope lots of GMG.com folks and Alums and friends can make it out. This is open to all who support the Mean Green.