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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Amazing game! One for the ages...Walton is flat wrong, and that is not unusual for him. I don't think many people give him much credibility with comments like those about the Butler team and players. Yep, best NBA prospects were playing for Butler last night...as was said after the game, Butler didn't lose this game, Duke won it...or something like that. What a super game...you just got to love it. And, that is why the NCAA Basketball tournament is the best college sports tournament going. WOW...glad I was able to watch this one. Butler had a tough start and some "missed opportunities" early or it may well have been a different outcome. Duke played a great game as well...you have to hand it to the Blue Devils...they made a super run through the tourney and are a worthy champion. Well done DUKE...WELL DONE BUTLER!
  2. I am thinking that seven win thing as a "must" may have just been tossed with the QB change. I am now thinking 5 will do it...but 7 would certainly be nice as well...hey, how about UNT just runs the table? Yep, I like that idea....GO MEAN GREEN!
  3. Do I have all playing commitments, bios and T-shirt sizes???? I have the following firm playing commitments...if you do not see yourself here and want to play...please let me know, give me your T-shirt size and please post your playing bio...many thanks...did I tell you that we now have our own set of flags??? forevereagle FireFightnRick radiogreen UNT90 MrsGreenGoblin untcampbell UNTFlyer Hickoryhouse ForneyGreen Harry KingDL1 Laxtonto UNTFan23 unt88 Stebo (still don't have your t-shirt size, but assume you are playing since you are green team coach) Thant's 14 players and one referee...it would be great to have some more players (ladies...come on, you can play and make MrsGreenGoblin happy as well)...the more that play the fewer "old guy" soreness and the more fun it will be...
  4. WOW! Sorry to see this happen, but I am sure Coach Dodge and Riley are doing the right thing for both Riley and the team. Riley will be fine in the WR position, and I will look forward to seeing him develop and play. He's a great kid and has a great family to support his move to WR. It just has to be tough, but I will be willing to bet that you see no indication from Riley or Coach Dodge that he is anything but a team player and is looking forward to helping the team win. Like FFR, I look forward to seeing Riley in the slot position. His quickness and hands should be a real asset. Who knows, we may have just witnessed the "birth" of one of UNT's all-time great slot receivers...we'll see about that, but it will be interesting and exciting to watch. I do think UNT will be fine at the QB position with Tune and Thompson. It will be a good battle to see which of the two actually come out of spring and fall practice as the #1. Not sure UNT even needs to look at the Juco ranks for another QB. At this point I am thinking UNT is just fine "as is"...time will tell. This makes the spring game this Sunday even more exciting. I assume Riley will get some snaps at WR...we'll see how that goes. I am hopeful the Mean Green faithful give him a big "welcome" when he steps on the field. This just has to be tough for Riley, but I guessing you will never know that from his approach to his new position and from his public comments. Class kid...classy family! GO MEAN GREEN...good luck Riley and welcome to the WR corps!
  5. Just wanted to let the GMG.com faithful know of the Denton Chapter of the UNT Alumni Assoc. Mixer being held this THURSDAY (APRIL 8th) evening beginning at 6:00PM at Fox & Hounds in Lewisville. Just drop by after work or play. We will also have a special guest in attendance in none other than Mean Green Club Director, Jon Burkett. Jon has indicated that he would like to take a second to talk to the group briefly and to answer questions that anyone may have regarding the Mean Green Club. In addition, representatives from the UNT Alumni Association will be on hand with materials and information regarding the Alumni Association. Even if you know all you need to know about the Alumni Association and/or the Mean Green Club, come out and enjoy some time with other supporters and friends of UNT. All are welcome. I hope to see you there this Thursday...
  6. Way to go GreenP1...what time Sunday this fall may we watch you play? I'm thinking you recall those sacks much more than does current NFL QB Kevin Kolb. On the other hand, that's pretty cool, and 100% more of a memory than I have playing HS ball. I may have snapped the ball over my own punter's head once or twice. Does that count? Hey, I don't see you on the list for this year's GMG.com bowl on may 15th. Any possibility of your playing? We could use a big time player and all...you know with NFL QB sacking experience! GO GreenP1 ...
  7. That would have been a great idea...earlier...unless we can get someone to move just the bios to another thread, it seems that we have already placed them on this thread...so...greenstreet...where's your bio? Are you playing? Need t-shirt size as well.
  8. Silver...please do tell me how you know that? You state this as a fact...not as an opinion...I do believe this is nothing more than your opinion. The last time I knew, you had no official affiliation with FOX that would allow you to actually know what they would or would not do. You are, of couse, very much welcome to your opinion...
  9. Folks...just wanted to let you know that we now have our very own sets of flag belts for the game. I have them in my possession, and they were donated by an NT philanthropist, who wishes Andrew Smith was still with us. Our kind supporter has asked that he not be named, and I will honor that wish. However, I want to say what a very kind donation this is for us from one of our GMG.com members and a great fan of UNT. It will make it so much easier on everyone. I want to say "thanks so very much" to this most kind donation. How about getting those player bios in and providing those t-shirt sizes. Please do not "assume" everyone knows you will play and/or that everyone knows your bio and size....we do not. So, please take a moment and get it done as soon as possible. Many thanks. GO MEAN GREEN!!!!
  10. Phil; So very sorry to hear of your loss. You and your famile will be inmy thoughts and prayers...remember the good times with your Dad.
  11. It is April Fool's Day! Just sort of wondering who really "missed it"? Do you ever lighten up and reply without some middle-school name calling? Good Grief!
  12. OK, so we still paly May 15th at 3PM on the campus somewhere...field site to be determined...GOOD as it is time to move forward...T-Shirt Sizes please...player Bios please. I'll keep everyone posted on the location...so...time to "tee it up"... GO MEAN GREEN!
  13. Houston...we have a problem! OK, well this morning I am notified that the UNT Campus police have nixed our use of Fouts on the 15th due to commencement. And, guess what...each Saturday after that for several weeks comes High School graduations at Fouts. If you have been around Denton, you will know that those HS graduations go back to back one after the other and parking gets to be a nightmare. My guess, the cops nix those Saturdays too... So, I have a thought...let's still play on May 15th, but use the soccer complex off Bonnie Brae instead of Fouts for this game. We could then "tour" the new stadium complex after the game...at least those who wanted to could walk over and get as up close and personal as possible. I think this option is better than trying to find a new date and start all over...what do you think? The athletic dept. is checking to see about the use of that field...if you have seen it, it is very nice...and I'd bet we could tailgate without any problem, parking would be a breeze, etc. I know the Fouts mystique is big, but this seems like a good move to me...what do you think? Let me know and I'll work with the ath dept. on this possibility. Also...still need player bios and player "playing commitments"...as mrsgreengoblin said...we could use some more ladies wanting to play.... I need bios and T-shirt sizes...and we do not need belts from the rec center folks...we will have our very own set of belts we can use for the game and going forward next year, etc. YEA!!!!! PLEAAE...PLEASE help me here with your sizes, bios and thoughts on moving the game to the soccer complex. Thanks...GO MEAN GREEN!
  14. Just one of the many "loony birds" in DC these days...and he of the party in power who get to pass such wonderful legislation as the recently signed health care bill. Like we all know...dumb is as dumb does. I wonder if this will hit the mainstream media's 5:30PM news darlings? I am sure Jay Leno and David Letterman will make some noise with this...perhaps Tin Fey can do a routine. Oh, I forgot...this guy is a democrat. never mind.
  15. Interesting that folks get excited about an electric car and how it will help save the planet and lessen our dependence on foreign oil, etc. Then they "wake up" and recall how electricity is produced, the costs involved in replacing the car batteries when that becomes necessary, the costs of hooking up a home charging station, the effects on the environment of both building and disposing of the batteries, etc., etc. And, when those power rates climb in the summer and winters and years to come, how will that make the "cost" model work? I have no problem with anyone who wants to buy and drive an electric or hybrid automobile. It is another choice that our free enterprise and capitalistic system has provided for us. So, if you want one, great buy one and enjoy the ride. Just don't try to convince me that it is any help at all in lowering our dependence on foreign oil, reducing "green house gases", improving the quality of our landfills, etc. In fact, it may end up creating a bunch of junk cars that no one wants when the battery life begins to drain and folks try to dump them on some unsuspecting buyer before they have to replace the batteries. I wonder what the resale value will be after about four years on these "wonder cars"? BTW, there is plenty of oil in Alaska to power this nation for many many years. Want to rid the nation of foreign oil? Build some nuclear power plants and drill baby drill for domestic oil. Seems simple enough for me.
  16. April 11th...a Sunday...hope for great weather...will be lots of fun.
  17. OK, but we do know who holds "ultimate sway" in the greengoblin household, so do your best...you have bargaining power as well....
  18. Unfortunately, perhaps I should remind the parks board folks that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is not over as yet. My bride and I have a son in Iraq at this time. We hope and pray for his safe return...along with all the others currently and in the future stationed in the war zones. Again, I would prefer that the park be named as a memorial to all who served. I think the board will make a good decision either way....and I am sure all the citizens of Denton will be pleased whichever way the final decision goes.
  19. Thanks, CBL, glad to see you survived that frontal lobotomy. Hey, for those heading to the City during the weekend with Army find the TRAILER PARK LOUNGE. It's a funky and fun place later in the evening...you might, if you are lucky, get to see Elvis sing in person. Really, it's a real interesting and funky and fun place. Even my bride loved the place...they even have mac 'n cheese with Spam...and other such stuff...I think they still serve Pabst beer! Hey...it's the Trailer Park Lounge after all....Have fun!
  20. Nice that you feel two weeks is enough time to get the bios in...apprecaite that...but then the coaches have to pick their teams...and then I need time to get the t-shirts printed and lettered with names, etc., etc. Since no one has "volunteered" to help with any of this logistical stuff, I do need as much time as I can get to get it all handled...unfortunately, I am not retired and do work a full-time...sometimes paying job and have somewhat of a life on the weekends as well. Ha! So, it would be swell and paechy keen if those folks that know they are playing could just go ahead and post bios and get t-shirt sizes to me. Procrastination is great, unless you are the one trying to "herd the cats". By the way...is there a Mr. Greengobblin that might be playing as well??????
  21. Sure will be a great time for all able to go. I have been to West Point and just setting foot on the place is a great feeling. Sure wish my bride and I could go...alas, we cannot. Have a great time if you can go...and I would encourage anyone who is thinking about it to GO! You will not be disappointed.
  22. I would favor it being a memorial to all the Iraq/Afghanistan war vets. To name it after one person would be fine, but why not honor all the conflict's soldiers from the area who paid the ultimate sacrifice and/or were injured in the war? You can say that by naming it after one person it honors all, but I am not sure that's they way it would be seen in "reality". The great thing about this is that people aren't "rioting in the streets" because Denton is considering this naming and honoring of our soldiers from the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars. If this had been brought up during "my time" (Viet Nam) there would be rioting in the streets and major protests at City Hall for certain. My how times do change...and in this situation...100% for the better. May God bless all our military personnel and their families!
  23. I like...nice. GO MEAN GREEN!
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