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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Nope...count me...I am with you on this. 👍
  2. You guys are funny. Let a transgender liberal be part of a UNT sponsored lecture series and paid for with student fees and university funds, and everyone is lovin' it like flies on dodo. Let a conservative speaker be part of a lecture series held off campus using 100% private funds and you would think ISIS just blew up Apogee! Amazing display of double standards. Me, I am just fine with both, either or none. They are speakers, go, learn something, keep an open mind...or not. All about choices folks. Personal choices. You make 'em, you live with 'em! Like all the Lecture Series speakers, I am most certain this will be another sell out crowd. Might be interesting to witness the security around AT&T stadium if nothing else.
  3. Perhaps it is Chelsea Clinton's life experiences one must compare this to when she went out on the speaking tour. I wondered the same thing...what the heck? If her name wasn't Clinton she wouldn't be speaking since she has no experience. So, I guess not that odd to see Presidents' kids on the speaking tour.
  4. Kuehne Series speakers have always been off campus. Usually at the Anatole. This one seems to be taking place at AT&T Stadium.
  5. 😢😢.
  6. Winner! 👍👍 Fill it up!
  7. Ben Gooding on his side?
  8. This just in....Oklahoma State U is holding its Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony tonight in Oklahoma City! That would be on a Monday night! Dang what will all those Stillwater people do? And Tulsa? And Waggoner? Man, if only they would hold this on a Saturday! Only "small time programs" hold stuff like this on weekdays! In other news...reported to be a sell out. Oh, well! 😢😢
  9. I did that commute from Denton to Dallas or Tarrant County for 40 years and still made the events important to me. Everyone's work situation is different. I had some schedule flexibility or would take personal or vacation time for those things important enough for me. Have no clue what your work situation might be these days. It is just a matter of priorities and priorities are personal...everyone is different.
  10. You adopting a player that is still in HS? Now that is getting a jump on the competition.
  11. Might just be me, but I don't think this tragedy is anything to make light of or to use for personal reasons. These neo-Nazi types are full of stinking thinking (a term originated by Zig Ziegler by the way) and anyone who cannot see that isn't looking. This type of situation is nothing to make light of in the hopes of getting a shot in at someone. These idiots are nuts and are creating a situation that can harm a lot of innocent people. It is nothing to be cute about or to use for personal reasons. These fools need to be handled by the legal authorities and procecuted in our courts of law. Sad day, sad situation and even more sad when someone makes light of it for personal reasons.
  12. I wonder if that Yahoo who used to come on here talking trash about Apogee was one of the shooters? Let's see....what might lower those property values more...Apogee or live ammo shootouts? What was that guy's name anyway? Wonder if he is still around?
  13. Sad situation...sad. Neither side is "innocent" in this stuff. Seems today that many people think freedom of speech is a one way street. Goes sort of like...."I am all for freedom of speech...as long as you agree with me." Both sides in this thing are very guilty of just this sort of stinking thinking. Sad. 😰😰
  14. Well, once again an example of "actions have consequences" Seems one ex-San Francisco QB is learning that same lesson. Let us hope Zeke learns from this whether his appeal is successful or not. So, remember boys and girls.... actions have consequences!
  15. True. However, if people do not see the many many changes the President has made since arriving...and that includes athletics...they just are not looking or refuse to see. This guy gets it and he is dead set in moving UNT forward.
  16. YEP...well stated.
  17. Did someone ring Froggy's chimes?
  18. Guess Jerry was just posturing when he said "nothing there"! Six game suspension for Zeke Elliot!!! Wow! Seems excessive unless there is really something there no one knows about. WOW! Edit: Mods...move this as you wish...just thought ids was big time breaking news.
  19. No problem with you stating your opinion...you have, however, been out of the Navy a good while, right? Like me saying I am an expert on Soviet Union/Russia nuclear missile systems because I was in the Air Force as a nuclear missile launch officer and privy to top secret briefings on the Ruskies each week. I understand, and have no problem at all with your opinions on NK. But, where I do draw the line is when you call out someone else's opinion and then start spewing anti-Trump stuff. Thus, derailing a decent thread. That's all. Do hope you can see the point. You lose credibility when you start name calling and Trump-bashing. And, don't think I stated an opinion on NK, but do sort of agree with your opinion by the way...that isn't the issue. Far as I am concerned, you can be our North Korean "expert" while Cerebus takes the role of Ukrainian expert.
  20. Really? You an analyst for the NSA? 👍👍👍. I had no idea. Or, is it just a hobby that you see making you an expert on the nation that not even our national security analysts can figure out? I'll stand by the "none of us are experts on North Korea" comment. Doesn't Mean you are not 100% correct in your opinion. But, why call out others for their as educated guess as your's? And, why turn it into a "hey, let me bash Trump" while I am at it detail? You ruin some excellent discussion points with all the other "stuff". That's all. Was a good discussion...until.
  21. Really, you just had to derail a decent thread with your "I don't like Trump" stuff. Geeeeez! When did any of us become experts on North Korea?
  22. Austin..check out USUHS. Son and daughter-in-law both graduated med school there. They, like all the students, got paid to attend and got their M.D.'S with zero debt and money in the bank! They did pick up a little service commitment, but it is an excellent med school. They use a rolling admissions selection process as well. Check it out: Uniformed Seevices University of the Health Sciences. Bethesda, MD.
  23. Oh no! Sucks! Get well quick Bryce English! 😳😳😥😥
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