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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. 6-5 With, by far, the biggest deal for me is to be competitive in the SMU game. An upset win (yes it would be an upset) would be the highlight of the year for me...no matter if or what happens in any potential bowl game. We simply must play SMU tough and show that we are the MEAN Green!
  2. Thank you, Sir, every bit helps. Good on you!
  3. There is a saying in sports that "if you have two starters, you have no starter"...or something like that. I think the coaches need to do their jobs, as hard as it might be right now, and name a starter. Now, that being said, using the HBU game as a final tune-up/test/competition for the actual starting role is perhaps a very good idea. This way the coaches, who did not get a spring or a full fall set of practices in to fully evaluate these guys, do get a "game experience" look at both. And, hey, so do the fans. But, this better be 100% settled before the SMU game.
  4. Allow me to answer my own question...I put the question out on Twitter as well and received a prompt reply from Hank. Looks like the answer is "YES"...shows are a go...7PM, Tuesday evenings...starting this coming Tuesday (9/1)..in person from Rudy's BBQ in Denton. Hank said Learfield was preparing to release the info on social media as early as tomorrow. Nice of Hank to reply...and great news that at least one part of this season will remain pretty much the same. Well, that and UNT games at Apogee. Good to get some positive news!
  5. And...In some ways it is not true. Ha! Ha!
  6. With tents no larger than 10x10 and only one of those allowed. No adding tents together is being allowed. How much fun is it going to be to tailgate staying 6 feet away from each other and wearing a mask???????? Just a real bummer, but blame this Coronavirus thingy....what can ya do?
  7. Less than that....depending upon location, years removed from graduation, etc.
  8. Just wondering if anyone has heard anything about the weekly Seth Littrell Radio Show for this season? Usually held at Rudy's BBQ in Denton on Tuesday nights during the season. With this Coronavirus plague upon us, I am wondering if it will just be "radio only" and broadcast only without fans in attendance and from some remote location? Anyone heard anything as yet? No Caravans, no open scrimmages, no open practices, no ticket pick-up event, no tailgating, no Green Brigade at halftime or before the games hearing the Cheer Team may not be allowed on the field.....geeezzzzz probably the least excited I have ever been about collage football season. But, I'll be there...cannot miss the Mean Green in action. Just not looking forward to all the necessary changes.
  9. I believe there is already a thread for ticket sales/exchanges here on GMG.Com, right? Absolutely a great place to unload tickets one might not be using...the folks here on GMG.Com are some of the most loyal and true fans we have. Give them first shot!
  10. Really happy to see this. Congrats to JJ!
  11. But ‘em! Pretty darn good deal and BB games have become great fun again.
  12. Yep...gonna tee it up and let it fly! Oh, what? Not so much you say? Not a problem at all as long as we can move the ball on the ground. We certainly seem to have the running backs and with a new inexperienced QB, probably the safer bet, but, like a lot of us I am wondering do we have the O-line to make this a successful strategy? Fingers crossed as I am good with whatever Coach Littrell thinks is best with this group. I just want to go to Mean Green football games! OK, one condition...no later years Darrell Dickey ball allowed! No running up the middle three straight times inside the 20...OK, good to go with everything else. Sic 'em Mean Green!
  13. I wish the young man well moving forward. Tough call, but when it is medical, it is the "safe play". All the best young Mean Green.
  14. Well...so much for that “highly placed source”. 🤔🤔🤔. Wren now saying families can “cook a burger”..... Not sure how that’s going to work out. People are asked to police themselves on numbers. Just don’t see that working out well. So, who in the athletic dept. will get to be the “tailgate police” and drive a golf cart around and count people? I think you either allow tailgating or you don’t. Going to be upset folks trying anything else.
  15. Tailgating is out...per a "highly placed source" in the Athletic Dept.
  16. Expect the PAC 12 to cancel next. So sad for all the players, coaches, fans and the universities. But, can you really blame them with all the uncertainty surrounding this virus and the uncertainty surrounding potential liability issues? Lots and lots of things to be sorted out now. And, call me skeptical, but all these schools saying they will try to play in the spring....not so much I think. Hope so, but the challenges would be massive in my opinion. Just my opinion. Bummer all the way around!
  17. ODU rumored to have cancelled football for the season as well. CUSA partners (at least some) will probably follow suit which might force the whole league to cancel fall football.
  18. Remember the life insurance program? That idea flamed out pretty quickly after a few of us signed up. Don't think we ever saw a penny from that program. Beat the motor boat donation idea, but not by much.
  19. Air Force Academy is in Colorado Springs...Colorado State is in Ft. Collins.
  20. Missed the whole point, but sure nothing like it. Agree. Just someone’s livelihood. Nothing to worry about at all. BTW...really happy your cousin and fellow Mean Green Nation member is doing better. Prayers for his continued recovery.
  21. But, it was a fine rant....
  22. You ever been in the situation to have to fire employees, lay off employees or reduce salaries....including your own? Much easier when you aren’t involved in the “cutting”. I have...very challenging. These folks know their decisions don’t effect their financial well being or their family’s financial well-being. Always easier when decisions effect only the “other guy”. And, in this case mostly “unknown names and faces”.
  23. So worried this might truly be the case. So many jobs will be lost, both full and part-time, if this does come to pass. Plus, so many firms doing contact work (printers, concession folks, food processors, clothing sales folks, travel planning folks, etc.) will have contracts cancelled which could lead to layoffs. Student workers will be without much needed jobs while their student loans remain. This is such a big deal and bigger than many realize I am afraid for so so many people other than players and coaches. Of course, this decision will ultimately be made by people who have not and will not miss one single paycheck. Imagine that!
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