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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. While it is a poor decision by President Obama to not visit Arlington this memorial day, he is not the first president to skip the ceremony. He will be giving a speech commemorating the day at the Abe Lincoln cemetery near Chicago. The guy wanted to "go home" and take his family back to Chicago for the holiday. OK, I get that, and there will be veterans who think this is fine and veterans who think he is really disrespecting them and those who gave their lives for this great nation of ours. As a veteran myself and the father of a son currently serving in Iraq, I find it to be a bit of poor judgment and nothing more. When the US is engaged in a war on two fronts and is suffering the loss of some of its soldiers, I would think the "better call" would have been to send the family to Chicago, join them for a day or two and head back on Air Force One for the Memorial day ceremony at Arlington. But, he made the call he wanted to make. Does it say anything about his feelings for the military? I doubt it, but it does give an insight into his thought processes and what he considers important. The fact that he is paying tribute albeit not at Arlington, at least reflects that he is aware of the significance of the day. It's not that big a deal to most veterans, I would think, but it will "stay" in their minds. It is simply an "opportunity missed" by the President.
  2. I just have to say, that I do not agree with the sentiments regarding Albuquerque that some have posted. I have spent a considerable amount of time in the city and have not found it to be as described by some on this thread. I guess it is all in one's perspective and what you are looking for in a city. If you wanted to find less than pristine places, Denton, Dallas, Ft. Worth or Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Denver, etc., etc., etc. all have some areas that residents certainly are not overly proud to say are part of their home towns and need some work and development. If you look for "trash" you can find trash. If you look for the more beautiful and engaging parts of a city, you'll find that also. People tend to find what they seek, juts like some people tend to see the negatives in things more then the positive. It's all a matter of perspective. Anyway, while it may not be my favorite of all cities, but Albuquerque has a great deal to offer and some super people.
  3. Why not? Every player gets timed. Some folks on here have an inside track to dept. and player info, so you never know. And, I am sure Coach Chico and Coach Todd know. They are "anyone". And, I'll bet the players know. That's a few more "anyone's".
  4. I did say fastest back on the team. Not fastest player on the team. I think I noted my guess as Jaamal as being the fastest 40 on the team overall.
  5. Obvious answer is No. But, one does not "buy" traditions. And, just because some non-grad donated abunch of money does not mean that person gets to start a tradition. I find this line of thinking from you, Silver, quite odd. I think the largest donor in recent history to any program has been Boone Pickens at Oklahoma State. Boone has not asked that OSU's colors be changed. With your line of reasoning it would be OK for a graduate to donate and have the colors changed to pink? I really do not see the point you are trying to make with this example. Hey, maybe DD got a bunch of money from someone who wanted to change the uniforms to black???? Howdid that work out as a tradition? Just kiddin' you there, Silver, but you are going to have to come up with a better example of what you are trying to say. Point is...NO ONE creates a tradition because they throw a bunch of money at something unless it is a good idea in the first place and the students, faculty, staff, alumni, fans, etc. embrace it. Traditions are, I believe, by definition created and accepted over a period of time. "buying" a color change would not be starting a tradition, it would be buying a color change. If the change were accepted over time by the students, alums, fans, faculty, staff, etc., then and only then might it become a tradition. If someone had the idea to light the tower green after every victory and it "caught on", well after several years of doing so, that might become a tradition. If some big rich guy wanted to pay enough to have fireworks after every home game along with hot dogs and green soda pop for all the fans in attendance, well that might become a tradition after many many years. It's not that a rich guy paid for it in the first place, it's that the thing caught on and became part of what a UNT football home game is all about. Really, Silver, with all due respect, I think you are barking up the wrong tree here.
  6. Yep, I really do. I think Micah's 40 would be faster than Lance's 40. Have you actually ever seen Micah run?
  7. I guess you have never heard of baseball. It takes 3 plus hours to get a 1-0 game in baseball...at least soccer gets it done in 90 min.
  8. OK, I can't name 10 with expected speed...but, how about I start with two... Micah Mosley - I think he is the fastest back we have on the roster. Have you ever noticed how this kid can motor? In fact, I not sure UNT couldn't use him on some down field pass plays. Jaamal Jackson - my $$$ might just be on him to be the overall fastest UNT has in the 40. Come on...someone else surely has an opinion. I know this isn't conference realignment stuff, but hey, it's the off season with 100 days to go! Let's talk some UNT football! GO MEAN GREEN!
  9. Silver, I really not sure you actually believe this. All fans, students, faculty, staff, alumni, etc. helped to create the traditions that I witnessed and have enjoyed by having graduated from three different universities and having attended a fourth. Several schools I know have had BIG TIME traditions started by a member of the coaching staff, some have had faculty/staff input and, yes, some were 100% student driven. But, anyone who supports the Mean Green gets a hand in creating and maintaining traditions. Many traditions would die away if it were not for the fans (grads or not) who support "their" universities win, lose or draw. I, for one, am plenty happy to have folks like Army of Dad and Army of Mom who are not grads, but who support the Mean Green. In fact, one of the biggest local supports of the Mean Green attended, but never graduated from UNT. Should he not be involved in setting and maintaining traditions for the Mean Green? Also, many traditions just develop over time. They are not planned by anyone. While we often disagree on politics, we seldom disagree on support for the Mean Green. On this one, we will just have to "agree to disagree". GO MEAN GREEN!
  10. Lifer...I couldn't have said it better if I had posted it myself. Thanks. GO MEAN GREEN!
  11. OK, here's a question for the GMG.Com "family". Who do you think are the top 10 fastest guys on the team? Let's start a poll...give me their name and your estimated time in the 40.... Any takers????
  12. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DidLG6jh23yE&h=3adfa Well, get ready for some FOOTBALL!!!!! The World Cup in South Africa kicks off on June 11th and the U.S. Plays its first game against England on June 12th. This is going to so great. Once every four years we get to see the best in the world come together to play the "beautiful game". It will be interesting to see how the crowds are in South Africa and how well the European teams do in the South African climate. Southern hemispehere and all that weather-wise. U.S. looked pretty weak against an even weaker Czech Republic team last evening in a "friendly" losing 2-4. But, Coach bradley is still trying to sort out his players and sent five subs in at the start of the second half. Donocvan and McBride didn't see the pitch, so hope that the U.S. squad can advance is still in full swing. This is going to be GREAT! If the link I attached worksm, check out what Nike did with the looming World Cup. USA!!!! USA!!!! USA!!!! USA!!!! G-O-O-O-O-O--O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-A-L USA!!!!!!
  13. As Yogi Berra might say...it takes a full season to see how many games a coach can win in a full season! This whole concept of "fire Dodge" based on some hypothetical start to the season amuses me, but also tires me. It's like beating the same dead horse over and over. Any true fan of the Mean green is more than a little frustrated about the way the last few seasons have gone. And, I, like 99% of the other members of the Mean Green nation know Coach Dodge is in a "make or break" year with the Mean Green. Given that everyone knows the situation, let's just see how it plays out. I think the loyal fans will be treated to a great season and at least six wins. Every team out there is 0-0 for now heading into the new season. It is a time to get excited about college football and how the Mean Green will do this year. It is not the time to drag out the same old worn out topics. No offense meant to NT03 and I am not aiming these comments at him personally, just everyone who wants to play the "fire Dodge" game over and over and over given this or that record. We will all know how it turns out given time and the season's outcome. Sure, message boards are for whatever you want to say, so NT03 has every "right" to start the thread. However, as for me, I choose to look at the season in a positive light. I believe the Mean Green faithful are going to be rewarded for their support these past few down years. 2010 will see the Mean Green come storming back, and we'll be witness to the return of the "Mean" in the Mean Green! GO MEAN GREEN. I am so ready for some Mean Green football. Bring it on!!!!
  14. While I love nothing better than to get the best of SMU, TCU, UTA, etc., I hold no real ill-will for any of them. They are our rivals on the field and for the fan base of the Metroplex, but having strong programs in our backyard does nothing but help the Mean Green as it focuses more attention on schools in the area, gets the area more TV exposure, etc., etc. While SMU has a "not-so-kind" history of non-support for UNT in conference moves, I dare say UNT would have had the same opinion should the shoe have been on the other foot. As a UNT fan, I think it stinks. I know SMU fans who have a different opinion entirely. All I know is that I would love to play TCU and SMU on a regular basis home & home to help build a decent rivalry and to pack the stadiums of the home team for each game. Until that time, they are pretty much a "who cares" for me...no love lost one way or the other. Frankly, I find it a bit amusing that so many UNT fans "love to hate the Ponies". Short of any real on field rivalry, I guess the "I hate the rich-kid school" will have to do for some UNT fans. Maybe the pending conference re-alignments will get UNT into a conference where it can build some great rivalries of its own that the UNT faithful can really care about.
  15. Old news. If you are a member of the Mean Green nation you have heard and read this stuff time and time again. Nothing really new. Certainly nothing to get fired up about enough to puke. But, one thing is certain...the Mean Green need to get things turned around this season. Can they? YES. Will they? ABSOLUTELY! Can't wait for the season to kick-off! GO MEAN GREEN!
  16. No apologies needed or required. I figured you had been traveling. Send me a PM with an address and I'll mail it to you...it might get lost at the Pourhouse, but will drop it by there if you wish. Thanks. GreenN'walinsVet...you out there? Have I got that spelled correctly?
  17. Yep, that "graciousness" has worked really swell with Iran and North Korea. Get real. The guy's foreign policy is a joke! He slams are allies (Britain and Israel, etc.) while he kisses the hind side of folks who would like to do us plenty of harm. Yep, the guy is a real diplomat. I guess he is if you consider Neville Chamberlain as your guide for what makes a great diplomat.
  18. OK, where to start. Amazingly, some of what is said here is pretty fair, but this "Poor Me" stuff has got to stop! America is still the land of big dreams and still the place where dreams CAN and DO happen for the small businessman each and every day. Yes, tort reform needs to happen for the health care industry...this statement from you does surprise me a bit because it makes good sense and is a definite means to lower health care costs. Do you realize that the VAST majority of plaintiffs attorneys give BIG bucks to "your side of the aisle" to keep tort reform from happening? Banks did not force anyone to take out a loan. I recall loans rates well above where they are today...mortgage rates...my first home mortgage rate was 9.5% and that was a VA loan. Rates went above 14% on mortgages and small business loans were Prime+2% with prime well above 10%. Guess what, businesses were making it work at those rates! Doesn't mean high rates are good for business as they are not, but success can still take place for those who are prepared for the task (it is extremely hard and takes long long hours) both emotionally and financially. The rate on a loan is not what makes or breaks a small businessman. If you are paying 15% or more today, you must be using credit cards to finance a business...not a sound business idea at all and a possible reflection that other financial "challenges" exist with the business. Corporations are gouging the little guy? Please explain this comment? Which corporation is gouging the little guy? You really think corporations are sitting around figuring out how to gouge the little guy? So just how is it they gouge the little guy? Because he cannot buy in the bulk size to get the discount? Because he is on "cash terms" until he establishes a credit track record? Please explain further. A fair shake for the middle class? The fact that we have a middle class is a pretty darn fair shake when you look at the rest of the world! That says a great deal for the American system. The banks, health care system and oil companies are not what keeps anyone out of the middle class. There is mass transportation (subsidized by the taxpayer in almost any city of any size in the country). You can make it work without a car. Every heard of buses, trains, motorcycles (less gas than cars), bicycles (I have two friends who ride bicycles to work every day), your feet (walking is good for you I am told). A lot depends upon where you live and where you work. Want to live in Dallas and work in Denton or vice versa? That is not problem of big oil. Figure it out. Lots of people have found a way to be in the middle class without a car...even in Texas. You definitely have the political power to have a say in Washington. Ever hear of the Tea Party movement? They do seem to be having a say and that is a bunch of individuals tired of the way things are going in Washington. No, if you just sit around and don't make your feelings known, then, yep, you have no say. Get involved, write your representatives, go to meetings, serve on local boards, volunteer your time and you'll find you have much more say than you think. A truck driver and a waitress can make over $100,000/yr together in this great nation of ours. I dare say that is not squalor wages! I know a couple doing just about what you mention...he drives a truck for a company (company owned truck) and makes over $65,000/yr. His wife works for a local medical provider and she makes just over $40,000/yr. without a college degree. Can happen...does happen. BTW, they both work very hard and often long hours. Our money does fly out of this country way too often. Not sure what you mean by going to the elites. Can you explain that one? The reports I see do not show are aid dollars ending up in the elite's hands as a general rule. Sure graft and corruption exists in many oplaces and that hurts, but it doesn't mean that the majority of US aid dollars goes to some elite either in the US or in a foreign country. But, I agree that way too many US taxpayer dollars go out and more should remain here as there is much work to do at home these days. These sort of comments about the "poor middle class" and "big evil corporations" sadden me for so many reasons, not the least of which they often come from people who are very misguided in their beliefs of what is and what is not "fair". No one said it would be easy, and no one was promised a middle class existence. It takes a lot of hard work and the willingness to get an education and pay the price by working hard. People seem way too quick to blame everyone and everything for their situations except themselves. People make choices. Choices have consequences. If you want a better life, go get one, but be willing to make the hard choices to get what you want. Maybe it means eating beans and rice for three years and working 18 hour plus days to get that small business off the ground, maybe it means taking on a second and/or third job to tide the family over while things get better, maybe it means both husband and wife work, maybe it means moving to a different city or state and leaving friends and family behind, maybe it means the kids work to help pay for their educations, clothes, cars, etc. Anyway, you get my drift. I chose to work "for someone else" in my career as I did not want to start my own business as my Dad had done. My choice and I live with that choice. Could I have made more money working for myself? Maybe, but I wasn't willing to take that risk as my Dad had done and as my brother did. God bless all those who are willing to take that risk. It's a tough road, but a road still open to anyone in the U.S. willing to work hard enough to make it happen. OK, you can tun off the patriotic background music now and I'll get off my soapbox. I am just saddened to see people who have bought into the "I can't do something because other people won't let me and the system is stacked against me" mindset. Go talk to every successful small business owner in Denton as there are plenty and you will find it can happen and does happen, but it takes a plan, it takes, guts and it takes sacrifice!
  19. Bump...anyone personally know either GreenNightmare (I think he travels a bit for work so he may be out of town) or GreenN'walinsVet and who would be willing to get a message to them for me? Just asking the GMG.Com nation for a tad bit of help in getting the GMG.com Bowl 7 T-shirts to their rightful owners. Thanks in advance for the help.
  20. OK, thought I'd make one last attempt to contact you guys, so I can get your GMG.Com Bowl 7 T-shirts to you. Have tried email and PM's to no avail, so thought I give it one more try this way. Please PM me and let me know how I can get the T's to you. I would be happy to mail them to you at no cost to you or meet you somewhere convenient to hand them to you. Happy Hour somewhere, perhaps???? To everyone else, sorry to use up board space on this...but, will provide some addt'l info that might make up for the personal message in "public". The GMG.com Bowl & raised in excess of $1400 for the Andrew Smith Memorial Scholarship fund. Many many thanks to all for making that happen. Plans are already in the works for next year's game, and we are going to try to make it even more special and bigger. So, stand-by and get those secret game plans going for next year! I was asked to find out some info on the scholarship and how it worked. What I have been able to determine is (and I paraphrase and summarize here): 1. It is an "annual" scholarship that can be used in its entirety each year. That is, the funds can or may not be spent in full each year. 2. The AD's office determines each recipient 3. The student must meet the minimum standards set for enrollment and continued enrollment at the university; 4. The student must be a full-time student 5. The student must have a 2.5 min. GPA for the two prior semesters or maintain an overall 3.0 GPA 6. The student must be a walk-on or scholarship NCAA athlete participating in football at UNT. Thanks to all who helped make the game a success...
  21. The part of this statement that concerns me is the part that reads, "he is just doing what he can as Chief Diplomat to keep the rest of the world from hating us". Seems trying to make the rest of the world "like us" by bending over backwards to show that you believe the country you lead as President is somehow wrong and needs to be punished by the rest of the world is a very strange way to go about trying to be "liked". Trying to be "liked" is getting the U.S. into a bit of a pickle it seems to me. Being liked is not always the proper approach. Ask any parent who made a few questionable choices regarding their own kids just so the kids will "like" them. Perhaps Mr. Obama should go back to believing that the U.S. is the best nation in the world and not try to show the world how "sorry" the U.S. is for each and every ill that is seen in the world today. The nations of the world "hate us" until they want help from us. Their "hating" us has never kept them from begging at our doorstep for a handout, aid or relief. Time to start supporting our Allies and to stop playing "oh, I'm so sorry, I'll back off that stance" with our not-so friendly world partners. President Obama can help the rest of the world "like us" by standing beside our allies in their times of need and working to strengthen the U.S. economy and military.
  22. Nuclear power has been shown to be an efficient and safe means of producing power. To deny the possibility of developing new nuclear power plants is simply unthinking and unreasonable.
  23. Excellent news! Way to go to each and every one of these fine scholars and athletes. They represent themselves, their families and UNT very well indeed. Glad to see this announcement. GO MEAN GREEN!
  24. Agree. This will be VERY interesting to watch and will have far reaching consequences for every scholarship sport as well as women's soccer at SMU. If there is a "smoking gun" of some sort that could stand up in court there will be more of these lawsuits hit the courts across the country. My guess at this point is that this thing gets settled within the SMU family before it gets anywhere near a courthouse. I would not be buying a new house in Dallas if I were the SMU women's head coach.
  25. It's also somewhat amazing and amusing how folks cannot come up with something original to post and keep dragging out the same old worn out stuff.
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