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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. And...this is why one might want to think a bit harder before quiting a team due to perceived playing time! Gee, could that message have been sent to a few Mean Green players who decided to leave the team because they were not going to get enough playing time or they were not in a starting role, etc., etc. In football, as in many sports, one play and the whole landscape changes. Seems to me that if you quit the team your chances of playing really decrease! You think??????? Good luck to the Rice DT...hopefully he will get a medical waiver and be able to play next season. Certainly not what he was looking forward to, but I'll bet the kid doesn't quit on himself or his team. God speed for a fast a full recovery for this young man.
  2. yep, you know "old what's his name".... Would that be our one semester rent-a-player? Man, I hope he tears it up and has a great season and remembers UNT as the school that gave him the opportunity (and scholarship) to finish out his career in grand style. And, then when he becomes a multi-millionaire that he remembers UNT with some nice donations in thanks for giving him the scholarship and the opportunity.
  3. But, I didn't think DD was the coach any longer.
  4. You don't like HS football or you have no connection to either school other than your bride??????
  5. I like you better when you are wearing those spiked boots at the football games and not worrying about being the "writing police". Man, it would be tough around my house if I had the "writing police" living under tghe same roof.
  6. Could we just pin this thread as well, Harry???? Again, not trying to compete with the good folks at the Pourhose, but it seems to me that it's a good idea to have more than one location focusing on the Mean Green. I hate to have to keep searching for this and doing the "bump" thing. Any way to pin this thread as well as the Pourhose event?
  7. From one who has been there/done that and continues to "do it", I can tell you that it doesn't take that much time to call a couple of places and set something up. The Alumni Association would be more than willing to send you some "stuff" to display and the athletic dept. would probably be willing to do the same if you gave them a call. It took the Denton Chapter a couple of 2 or 3 tries to get things going again, but if you pick a place...stay with it...and establish a relationship with the manager, things seem to work pretty smoothly and with very little work required other than a few phone calls. The Alumni Assoc. will have Army watching parties and I think Houston is on the list, but check with Rob McKinney at the Alumni offices and he can tell you for certain if so and where. You might could then follow-up with that place and see if they would host a Clemson game party as well. One thing you will hear is that the place/time, etc. you selected is bad, in the wrong location, etc., etc. But, you have to just keep trying and keep letting people know that you would be more than willing for them to help make it better...ask them to volunteer. Some will, and that's a very good thing indeed...those that don't will often stop complaining about the effort you are trying to make when they aren't willing to help at all. Don't get discouraged, you will find it rewarding in getting to meet new UNT friends and in enjoying a time with other members of the Mean Green Nation. If you want any help from "afar", send me a PM and I'll do what I can to help. I wish you luck...STIX...don't give up!
  8. GO MEAN GREEN! GO EAGLES! I don't care what you call us, either will do, just call us for dinner! That is, just win, baby!!!!!
  9. Amazing stuff from folks who claim to be fans and supporters. Harry, I like your idea. Why the heck not? Also a Tune drop back and strike to the WR for about 20-30 yards would work for me as well. I'd just like to see something that would "surprise" Clemson when they expect a Dunbar dive off tackle. If we have to kick-off to start the game, I say on-sides kick! Keep 'em guessing! GO MEAN GREEN! It's going to great having Mean Green football again!
  10. I realize there is a watching party at the Pourhouse in Denton as well, and that's a very good thing. But, I do want to keep this thread near the top of page one so folks can have an option...especially those coming from south of the bridge over the lake and perhaps from the mid-cities area. Not trying to compete with the great folks at the Pourhouse,just want folks to know they have options as to location. The more places we have the Mean green seen and heard the better I would say.... Since this one is not "pinned", I'll have to keep trying to add info to keep it on page one...sorry! GO MEAN GREEN...GO ALUMNI!
  11. What was there to fix????
  12. Where do you get that little fact about the best academics in the Sunbelt? And, what makes their academic standards any higher than UNT's? Not arguing, just asking. You know, "GrayEagle", it "ain't your Father's" UNT admissions office and priogram these days. I have seen many prospective students be turned away due to current admissions standards. Heck, even in Denton there are students enrolled at TWU, a very good university in its own right, that could not meet UNT's academic standards. If you are comparing the UNT of yesterday to taday...look again.
  13. Bunch of nazis hiding out after the war or what? Just kiddin'...college football is fun!
  14. Excellent, and, yes, a great idea. I have been talking about "why" one should donate and help in any way they can, and that is because of the help it gives to UNT students (athletes and non-athletes). I am constantly amazed at the excuses I get when I ask folks to support something/anything from the Mean Green Club to our Alumni Scholarship Fundraisers, to the Alumni Association, to their academic department, or the GMG.com Bowl scholarship fund. You know, it really doesn't matter what the event or product is if you support UNT student athletes and students. It's the idea of supporting some great students and a great university. You may not need a mug, may not like the color or the slogan on the t-shirt, may not be available the day the GMG.com Bowl is played, etc., etc., but the point is..the cost is small and the benefit is great. Same goes with the Mean Green Club and the Alumni Association. These are all great ways to support the university and none of them cost that much. On a side note...this last Saturday the Denton Alumni Chapter was provided a table by the athletic dept. (thank you RV) from which we could sell our mugs, poster and t-shirts. We had a very positive response from a great many people which was very good to see. Just wanted to say "thanks again for the support". Glad to see the "faces of the athletes" in this video. It should bring it home to everyone who supports UNT. Great job! GO MEAN GREEN!
  15. In addition, it was great to see so many of the Volleyball ladies out at the Kick-Off Cookout this last Saturday. I don't think the various teams at UNT do enough to support their fellow athletes. This was really good to see. It's like at the basketball game when the scholar athletes are recognized at halftime. The vast majority of the athletes being recognized march in just before halftime and leave right after the presentation at half. What's up with that? Can't they stay and support their fellow athletes? I applaud the volleyball team for showing the support and helping out at the Kick-Off Cookout. I don't know how it turned out that they did, but I thanked as many as I saw for being there Saturday. Maybe the new coach had something to do with it...GO VOLLEYBALL. GO MEAN GREEN!
  16. Just musing about the fact that anyone in the pros would call anyone else "greedy". Not comparing it to college ball, not trying to say anything about any other occupation or field....just laughing over the fact that the word "greed" is even used to describe pro athletes and owners these days. I have thought that was a "given" for years. I don't begrudge them for getting every red cent they can as it is private enterprise and people can either pay or not pay as they wish...no government mandate in this area (YET!), I just think the folks that "pay" them through buying all that overpriced professional gear, tickets, parking, concessions are simply enablers for all this craziness...that's all. College ball and the costs and salaries involved? Well, that a different discussion for a different thread.
  17. Yep, that explains all the U of Texas and OU coverage that gets into the Star on a regular basis. They are so close to Ft. Worth and tarrant County and all. Sorry, I still do not understand the lack of coverage UNT gets from both the areas "main" print. It's just one of the things that seem a bit out of line to me, but UNT fans and alums are not known for letting their voices be heard to such businesses, so I guess it is what it is...at least for now!
  18. Agree 100%. If you knew him well enough to call him "brother" can you shed any light on why he would be messed up in something like this in the first place? It always puzzles me when i read stuff like this and then hear the young person "had a bright soul and a bright future" indicating that the situation was out of the ordinary for the person involved. Why do they get into this stuff in the first place when they do seem to have such a bright future? I am really saddened by this sort of thing and look for answers as to "why"...which, of course, are rarely apparent.
  19. Oh, sorry...I rarely look at the reader comments for just the reason you state. Thanks.
  20. Agree...what a waste. ABSOLUTELY nothing good comes from messing around with drugs. Sad, really sad, but a scene replayed way too many times in way to many communities across this great land of ours.
  21. Read that story with a smile on my face the entire time. I recall the event when it was first reported, and was really pleased to see an update and to learn how positive the event has been for so many people. It just doesn't take much effort to make a positive difference. Great story. Great real-life success story! Thanks for posting it here GreenBat, i did not think to do so.
  22. Agree with the "good pub" comment, but I fail to see the negative you are talking about. Is the full article seen through the link? If so, where is the negative?
  23. Greedy???? That's laughable on the face of it. You are talking about professional sports, the epicenter of greediness. I thought I read recently that the players get 60% of the revenue as it is and they complain about the "greedy" owners, and the "greedy" owners complain about the players not being willing to give more and so it goes while the fans keeping buying overpriced tickets, paying outlandish parking fees and concession prices, and are even willing to shell out for seat licenses just to have the right to buy the overpriced tickets. That's funny stuff right there. When a career back-up like Sam Hurd can make $1.8million a year sitting on the bench, well, I don't think either side has any room to call the other "greedy". Too funny. This is business, let the games begin. The best seat in the house in pro football soon just might be the one after the season when the collective bargaining agreement is being re-negotiated. I am looking for a lock-out by the owners for the 2011 season. What a shame that would be, but never underestimate the stupidity of two parties at the bargaining table when one side is represented by a union and the other is a bunch of rich guys who have a very expensive toy on their hands. Get your front row seats now. Greedy...that's really funny...guys making close to $10 million a year are boycotting training camp because they think they are underpaid and owners are giving unproven rookies $18million cash bonuses just to sign and then HOPE they can play in the NFL. The sad part is that the fans think all this is serious stuff. To paraphrase Shakespeare...the world is a circus and we are all clowns! Bring on the clowns. It's the NFL folks and unless you make your living somehow related to the NFL, it's just entertainment plain and simple. I do love that entertainment, however...but not nearly as much as college ball. GO MEAN GREEN! OK, Go COWBOYS TOO!
  24. This could be said about many discussions held here on GMG.com. Tasty just speaking the obvious truth...so, get over it folks and let's move along as it's a new day for the Mean Green and a new season is about to kick-off. How can that be anything but positive? GO MEAN GREEN!!!
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