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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. I am really disappointed for our players and coaches today. I know they played and coached their hearts out last night in an attempt to bring a win to the Mean Green nation. I, for one, thought they had it when they went up in the 4th quarter, but it simply was not to be. Big loss was when Nathan went down with the dislocated hip. man, that had to hurt. Yes, it is early in the season, but I do hope this "so very close" loss doesn't have a negative impact on the morale of this team. These guys played from the first to last whistle. Were mistakes made? ABSOLUTELY...especiall on special teams. For the life of mer, I cannot understand why the Mean green does not have a FULL time special teams coach. It is an obvious area of need. How does a team keep making the same mistakes on special teams over and over again? This loss will pass, and hopefully, when the Mean green take on and eat Army next week, everyone Will feel so very much better...mostly for the guys and coaches as they must feel very badly about this loss. I was very proud of the crowd and the spirit of that crowd last night. hats off to the students for showing up and STAYING! Sure looked great from across the way last night...well done. Let's keep the faith and be in the stands for the next home game! Go Mean green.. I'll be there and as proud as always to be a member of the Mean Green Nation. Victory will be so very sweet when it comes...and it will!
  2. And I got negative points for pointing out that someone would post about people who give their tickets away when they have extra or when they can't make a game...it happened...I guess some folks just "can't handle the truth". Me, I think it's great that people help other Mean Green Nation and GMG.com members who need extra tickets. Like Emmitt said, if you are just an on-going mooch, well, not so much, but you definitely know who you are and so do your friends! Giving your tickets away when you can't be there makes it certain that your seats will be used and the folks who use them may come to the next game and buy tickets or become season ticket holders. UNT needs "rears in the seats" for its games, and this assures that seats are filled. I agree that folks who just mooch all the time should be "cut off" and made to buy their own tickets, but when you can help someone out, that makes great sense to me. Anyway, let's fill Fouts for the Rice game tomorrow! Be there and let's help the Mean Green win #1 in 2010! GO MEAN GREEN!
  3. Man, I hope that is no longer the case. The band is good, it has been great, but let's hope the "music school" thing is waning as UNT is so very much more than just a great music school these days. But, if one wants to buy tickets, see the band perform and leave, the team just needs to make it worth their while to stay! I think that just might be the case this Saturday! FILL FOUTS and BEAT RICE! Go Mean Green.
  4. Well, first, there is no thing as "alumni tickets", but I am sad to say that it is VERY easy to purchase tickets on game day at the stadium. I hope for the day when it will impossible to by tickets on game day! One can sit on either side of the stadium, but students and visiting fans generally sit on one side with fans, alums, friends, etc. on the other...tradition just has seen the press box side called the "alumni side"....pick your seats, either side...just come. Welcome!
  5. wait for it...wait....wait...someone will come on here and talk about how you shopuldn't give your ticekts away because UNT needs to sell all thwe tickets they can....No good deed goes unpunished on GMG.com! OK, it's a post done in jest and based on actual historical, verifiable fact, so don't go all "postal" on me here....
  6. DONE! Everyone on GMG.Com should vote in thios poll...UNT players need your support. GO MEAN GREEN...and, I agree that QB selections suck as do the punter and placekicker selections...can't one write-in a candidate???? Too bad. Scott Hall and Jason Ball are OBVIOUS omits!
  7. Pretty amazing statements from Comrade Castro. I wonder if other folks who think a centralized socialistic government is the "best thing since sliced bread" are listening????? You think?
  8. Hey, congrats on your pending graduation. Well done! hard to talk "job openings" as you don't say what your major is or what field/s yo are wanting to pursue. As to the ring...it, in my opinion, is 100% a personal choice. It doesn't matter what other grads may or may not be talking about. It comes down to whether you feel that it is something that will display your pride in and your accomplishments at UNT. I didn't have the funds to even consider a class ring when I graduated from UNT as an undergrad, so it wasn't a choice for me. It comes down to personal choice. Personally, I love the newer class rings UNT has, so would tend to lean toward "yes", on the other hand it costs. Again, congrats on your pending graduation...and, don't forget to join the Alumni Association (ring or no ring)!
  9. They aren't allowed in the stadium...please don't tell me you are one of those who come to enjoy the tailgate festivities and then leave and never make it into the stadium to support the team and UNT. Bad...bad...bad doggie!
  10. Just wondering why you say that? Basketball related or politics related?
  11. Agree...I saw that report from Newy and it made my blood boil. The guy obviously did not do his homework and knew absolutely NOTHING about that game. How in the world that report focused on what it did is beyond belief! I liked Newy and watched his reports fairly often...not so sure any longer. That report SUCKED and Newy came across as having an agenda. Why not show UNT scoring as they did SMU...who also lost in case Newy forgot. I think I need to let Newy know he blew it this time. I'm sure he won't care, but it just sucks! UNT EARNED a better report and some effort on Newy's part. Shame on Channel 5 for this one!
  12. Where you been, GreenBat? I've missed you on the board lately. Hope all is well and that you were just taking a GMG.com "mini-break". Good to see you back!
  13. +1...excellent comments from Emmitt here folks. I certainly understand Radiogreen's point, but things like Pearl Harbor Day, D-Day, 9-11, etc. hold special places in the hearts and minds of the nation. I am extremely proud to be a citizen of this the greatest nation on the face of the earth EVERY DAY, but I do believe some days just deserve a bit of "extra" acknowledgement. September 11th is just one of those days for me!
  14. Yep, heard that comment from Mark Davis this morning. Really thought it was great and some wonderful PR for UNT. Mark has a BIG following and has some "sway" with his listeners. maybe another listener or two or three will come to watch the game due to mark Davis' so very nice plug this morning! If you can, send Mark a nice email reply thanking him for the plug and for coming to the game Saturday.
  15. Just remember...and play like you do. Score early and often and SHUT UP! Time to let the play of the Mean green speak for itself. My concern here is that when UNT goes up on Rice there may be a bit of "unsportsmanlike" talking and gesturing that might just "motivate" Rice and bring some unwanted referee attention to the Mean green. The penalty at Clemson may turn out to be a great lesson and a super coaching opportunity for this week's contest. Time for some payback by the Mean green, but only on the field and scoreboard. Beat 'em with class! GO MEAN GREEN!
  16. +1 EXACTLY! May we all never forget!
  17. OK, just voted. All the ladies are beautiful and Morgan is obviously a beautiful woman...no arguing that, but do not tell me that this list of finalists are the most beautiful women in the Dallas area. I can walk across the UNT campus and count many who could rival any of the list presented. We are blessed with some of the most beautiful co-eds and ladies in the world right here in the DFW area. How you could pick a top ten and not leave out hundreds is beyond me. Sure would be fun being in on the initial screening. I wish Morgan the best of luck. Would be super to see her win...gotta love those UNT co-eds and one working on her MBA while handling all that other "stuff"...WOW...beauty and brains. What's not to like! You go, Morgan!
  18. I guess we will all find out soon enough.
  19. When "X" is............?????? Let's see what you are really thinking here!
  20. I do not think Riley will be "left on the sidelines" this season. The kid can play, and play several positions. I tend to agree with the line of thinking that the game plan we saw against Clemson will not be the one we see against Rice on Saturday or for much of the season. Riley is much too valuable an athlete to not have opportunities throughout each game going forward. I, for one, look forward to seeing him play in his new "roles" for the Mean green. From every report I have heard and from multiple sources, the kid is handling this situation like a leader and a team player should. I think we will see Riley make a difference for the Mean green this year in several games.
  21. If that's the best they have to offer in Arkansas then it will be a long dry spell for the Hogs if they recruit in-state. I did read where Shiloh is actually a class 3 or 4 program in a state with 7 classifications (or something close to that) which would make it a much smaller school than Trinity. However, one program had them rated as the #1 team in the nation...in the nation no less! Had to be a Shiloh "homer"! Felt a bit sorry for the kids as the train continued to run over them all dat. Trinity averaged 14+ yards per play! Trinity's O-line is probably bigger than many college teams this season...those are some "big boys" up front for Trinity!!!
  22. Comments, anyone, on the play of Santiago?
  23. OK, I'll play...everyone knows how good Iam at this, right? UNT- 31 Rice - 20
  24. Felt bad for Navy, but that last play did not lose the game for them. Their inability to get the ball in the end zone due to turnovers, etc. is what did it for the Midshipmen this time. The Navy QB had a pretty bad day overall for a so-called Heisman candidate. He's a good QB and will re-bound and Navy will have a decent season, but I sure hated to see them actually give this one away to a not-so-good Maryland team. Navy will run all over Army again this year! Count on it! BEAT ARMY!
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