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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. I think not. What's ridiculous is the way Mr. Obama keeps acting as if the nation he represents is some second-class world citizen and should go on a tour apologizing for all the is America,. If that's what you want for your President, fine with me. I just happen to think he is the "ridiculous" one as a leader of this great nation of ours.
  2. Maybe you should now read his response as to why he can make the Tech game and not other weeknight games. And, while I am at it...why can only wealthy Dentonites who live 8 min. from the Super Pit make weekday games? Are all UNT students wealthy Dentonites? And, if that were the case...how is it I make it when I work out of Denton and am certainly not wealthy? You gross rationalizations and characterizations lead me to believe you have some sort of challenge.
  3. And, there you have it. The answer to my original post. I understand and agree. If it's a team one really wants to see UNT play, they will make special arrangements...a regular SBC team, well...not so much. Really has noting to do with being a weekday game in this case. Thanks for the reply. See you at the game. I am expecting it to be the largest crowd for the season. Should be great fun. GO MEAN GREEN...you will be cheering for the Mean green, right?
  4. Agree...however, one might hope for a President that is proud of the nation he was elected to represent.
  5. The king is dead...long live the king!
  6. My thoughts exactly...hey, didn't TD recruit this kid? I thought I've read here how TD doesn't recruit defensive players. Orr should, barring injury, develop into a top notch all-conference player for UNT. Should be fun to watch him develop.
  7. Always so positive.
  8. I am in 100% agreement with what Mr. Mosley has said regarding injuries and where this team would be this season if not for the injuries. I have seen no "give up" in this team and I do not expect to see any to the bitter end. These players play hard and they play like they know they can win. You have to give everyone...including TD and his staff...credit for that attitude. It is just too bad that injuries are such a part of the game and such a determining factor in the fate of Coach Dodge this season. I am expecting to see our first home win this season Saturday at Fouts. Why so optimistic? Simply because these players think they can win and will not quit on this coach, its fans or its school. I hope to see a large crowd Saturday that has not given up on its team! GO MEAN GREEN. See you at Fouts Saturday!
  9. Going overboard is one thing...acting like it didn't happen is another matter. Just another show of the President's slant on the nation he is supposed to represent. Sort of like all that apologizing and bowing. To not even recognize the help that American and American business gave that made this rescue possible in the first place is STUPID. Yes, of course, you give Chile their day in the sun and you certainly do not try to upstage the day...but, acknowledging the partnership and participation of a great number of Americans and American skill does nothing to "brag" or steal the show. Get over the fact that America is a great nation and one you should be proud of, and stop trying to apologize for everything. Acting as if America is some do-nothing, know-nothing nation is a crock! There is one nation the world always calls when trouble strikes...and that is America. Half the time the generosity of the American people and American businesses is not even acknowledged. Act like you have been there before...absolutely...sit back and be taken for granted (even by your own President)...NO WAY! Get over it and stop trying to apologize for the greatness that is the United States and its extremely generous people. I am truly sorry that it has become popular with some to think they need to apologize for this great nation of ours. I wonder how many that think that way have ever worn the uniform of this great nation? Just saying.......
  10. Agree 100%. However, the point was how can you make it for a Tech game on a weekday when you state you can't make games on weekdays? The logic escapes me there somehow. I think the point was not the weekday game but the fact that a "bigger name" was playing on a weekday. Seems the point was not the weekday, but the opponent as he clearly sates that he CAN make weekday games should he really want to do so...that's all. Nothing special. Just found the post a bit at "cross-purposes" with itself. I really didn't think my point was that difficult to comprehend. I certainly "get it" that bigger name teams bring more fans...gee we have been saying that about football for years now! Same goes for basketball...when you change a game to a noon start on a weekday due to the opposition being Henderson State...well, what does that tell you about expected attendance? Don't think I'd make that much effort to see that game if I were only driving from Dallas...I get it. Now, about the actual point of my post......
  11. And, how many national news outlets even mentioned this???? Our President did not even acknowledge the help and aid that the US sent to the people in Chile. I agree that Chile deserves to "moment", but as an American I am very proud to know that American free enterprise and business skill made this rescue possible. Mining accounts for 40% of the economy in Chile, yet Chile did not have the machinery or skills to make this rescue happen as fast as it did. The firm that manufactures that drill bit is a very small Pennsylvania firm. In addition, food sent to the miners was from NASA and our space program. American engineers and drillers were on site every day, etc. I am proud to know that when disaster strikes, American ingenuity and American businesses and corporations come to the aid of those in need. Chile gets their day, but it would not be Chile's Day without the help of American free enterprise. Did you read about the socks that were sent to the miners with special bacteria fighting agents? Probably not because they were American made and American engineered...the director of Mines for Chile is even quoted as saying that he didn't even know such things existed. All due to the American free enterprise system, thank you very much! CONGRATULATIONS to CHILE...well done. And thanks to America for providing the experience, equipment and knowledge to make it happen. Partnerships are great things when they work this well. By the way, our President couldn't even bring himself to mention the part America played in the rescue in his congratulatory comments to Chile yesterday. Nice!
  12. Nothing of it...who cares? You, however, did not say you could not make weekday games and then go on to say you are attending a weekday game. Just curious as to the difference...and felt it might have more to do with who UNT was playing than the fact it was a weekday game. I understand weekday games are tough for some folks to make and said so in my post...what of it?
  13. Great way to generate interest in the fan base...schedule the first game for noon on a Friday! Crack PR and promotions staff at work? I know, I know, probably something else involved and, still no official word on a time change. But, if this is true, I fail to see the logic in it. How many showed up for the last noon weekday game? Big crowd...OK...keep doing it...no turnout? Maybe a lesson learned, or at least you would think so. Hopefully, the game remains an evening tip-off. Heck, 5PM is probably too early for most fans. Students? Heck, they don't show up anyway...and 5PM on a Friday???? Maybe that's what the athletic dept. is thinking, so they want to try to bring in some "new" fans. I wish them luck...I can't make the noon time (still working), but will be there if it remains a 5PM tip-off (or even later, hopefully). Can't wait for some Mean Green Basketball...you gotta love JJ and the guys! On to the NCAA's for the MEAN GREEN!
  14. Just wondering...you can make it to Denton for a weekday game with Tech, but not for other weekday games. What? Why, do they close I-35 where you are for games other than Tech? What makes it that you can make a Tech game, but not others on a week night? Is what you are really saying is that you are not willing to come for a weeknight game UNLESS UNT is playing a "name"? I can understand that, but not that you can't make it Denton for weekday games, when you clearly indicate that you can. Not banging on you at all, just pointing out a bit of irony in your statement. I have no idea what it takes for you to make it to Denton during the week, I just know lots of folks who do live out of town who make it to most if not all home games. I'll also agree that fan attendance and effort to make weekday games would definitely improve if UNT played more "name" schools. But, to answer your question, I have no info on the mini-packages. But, I do tend to think it is a good idea as long as it doesn't detract from UNT's other season ticket sales. It is a shame that JJ has built such a quality program and even the students don't seem to have noticed. I read on this board's football thread about how winning will bring both the students and alums to the games...well, basketball is winning and still the students and alums do not come. UNT should be averaging 7500 or more per game with the way this team is playing. To average 2700-300 is insanely low for such a quality product. Sort of shoots a hole right in the middle of that tired old line regarding winning games, doesn't it? I hope the fans turn out this season because JJ and team have done about all they can to provide a quality product. Ticket prices are a bargain for the paying customer and free for students. So, "if you build it they will come"? Well, it's built for this season...hope lots of people come. GO MEAN GREEN!
  15. I understand your point. It could be tough, but I would do all I could to trade the tickets and follow-through on my commitment to friends/family. Sometimes it is really hard to do the right thing, but it says a good bit about one's character. I see a couple of options here; 1) Trade the tickets for game #2 (best option)- you might even call StubHub, etc. and see if they will just trade tickets with you...might happen...you won't know unless you try 2) Just bail on your own event (worst option) 3) Call everyone you invited and try to move the tailgate to the next home game (possible solution) and pay everyone back for the tickets they may have purchased for this game 4) Tell everyone you invited your dilemma and see if they want to go on with the UNT event (you can name a substitute leader) without you and drink your beer and eat your food 5) :lol:Run and hide... Bottom line...I'll bet you get a decent trade going and you can do both...and what a weekend it would be...a Mean Green and a Rangers victory with you witnessing both! Good luck... GO MEAN GREEN...Go Rangers
  16. Jason Ball. Enough said.... GO MEAN GREEN!
  17. Be careful...word is that there are plenty of counterfeit tickets being "sold and traded". Better know who you are trading with if you do the Craigslist thing. I hope you can make a swap as the Mean Green need your support. But, I do understand the dilemma as the Rangers...the long suffering Rangers and their fan base...are in uncharted waters and it really is a "first time" special event. Sometimes you just have to make the hard choice. No one would fault you if you ended up going to the Rangers game Saturday. The Mean Green nation knows you support the Mean Green. If you go to the Rangers game, ask your friends to go ahead and attend the Mean Green game and get your UNT tickets into the hands of someone who will attend. That's about the best you can do if you should have to miss...we'll drink a toast to your good fortune in having game 1 tickets, but hope you get to swap for game 2. GO MEAN GREEN!
  18. Why not just "cool your jets" and see how it plays out? Fun to speculate, for certain, but I really do not think most on this board (including me) have any real idea how much in the way of $$$$ RV will have or who might be on his "wish list". There is no name that anyone on this board can mention that RV has not probably thought of or considered. If you don't think that calls and resumes from coaches are already piling up I would think you are sadly mistaken. RV is probably being "recruited" as much as any 4-star running back in HS is being recruited. Head coaches are talking up their assistants, unemployed coaches are calling and other possible candidates are probably making some inquiries as well. It's all a matter of time and it will play out in the normal course of business. In the meantime, there is a season still underway that needs our attention and the attention of all members of the Mean green nation. There is a game this Saturday and the Mean green need everyone to be there in support for the current players and coaching staff and for THEIR UNIVERSITY. GO MEAN GREEN...see you Saturday at Fouts.
  19. WOW...what a game 5 and what a gem from Cliff Lee. The guy just left the Rays standing there when he needed to and they all looked shell-shocked throughout the game. What control and what speed...amazing stuff. But, to me, the great part was to see how the Rangers manufactured runs all evening. Yes, the Kinsler homer sealed the deal from an offensive standpoint, but the base running and heads up play in getting the first couple of runs really set the tone and seemed to me to seal the fate for the Rays. The Cliff Lee nod to Washington after the 8th in letting Washington know he had the game and would take the mound in the 9th is things that baseball lore is made from...what a game. Being pretty much a non-baseball guy, I did not watch the game from start to finish...I was actually refereeing soccer, but got in on the majority of it and am very happy I did. These guys are for real, and what fun they seem to be having. Great team chemistry. Super game 5! Now BEAT THE YANKEES!!!!!! Wow...just Wow...this just may be the magic year for the Rangers.
  20. No, it's an indication of a stupid decision by more than one person. First, the homeowner should have paid the fee like everyone else...second, they should have worked to put the fire out and then bill them for the full costs as they had not paid the fee. DUMB has nothing to do with privatization or public. DUMB has to do with people making stupid decisions. The homeowners said they could pay the fee but just had not. Stupid. The fire dept. should never have stood around and watched the home burn. Stupid. Trying to make this into a political discussion when it is simply people making stupid decisions is not much smarter. One can point to plenty of mistakes by both public and private entities. Neither has a perfect track record. But, one can understand why entities are having to add on such fees in today's economic climate. The fee was really quite small and reasonable as I recall. less than $100 and maybe $75...pretty inexpensive insurance to get a fire dept. to come try to put out a fire at your home.
  21. It really is a shame that some people still think the legislation that was passed was a "good deal" for the citizens of the US. All the while they have not read it and really have no clue what's in it or the repercussions it will have for businesses and their employees. Some of the biggest firms in the nation (think AT&T) are currently reassessing their positions with regard to carrying the coverages that they currently do and are seriously considering dropping coverage for retirees. Also, there are little items in the bill that was signed that have absolutely NOTHING to do with health care that will add thousands and thousands of dollars in costs to doing business going forward. Just whom do you think will pay these costs in the long run? So very few people...including those in DC who voted for or against the bill...have even read the thing. I currently have friends working for small companies that have been told they will no longer have health care as a benefit when their plans renew. We are a small think tank and will drop all company payments for dependent coverage after this plan year. We used to pay the employee cost and 75% of dependent coast. This year we will pay for the employee and 25% of dependent coverage...next year the employee and ZERO of the dependent coverage. All due to the increased costs we are already seeing under the new health care plan. Again...that is not a political comment...it is plain fact of life. Change has come in this area, and it is a change we simply cannot afford and remain a viable business entity. It is what it is...and, all costs are not even known as yet. I shudder to think what we (and other firms) may have to do when all the costs kick in. I can tell you that we are having SERIOUS thoughts of dropping coverage altogether and just having our employees go on the market and find their own coverage AT THEIR OWN COSTS. It is getting THAT serious for small groups such as ours.
  22. Looking forward to the game Saturday. Nothing better tha college football on a fall Saturday! GO MEAN GREEN!

  23. Probably because you know enough to know it will cost businesses dearly. Already is with having to cover dependents for several more years. Our coverage went up for that reason alone according to our carrier and our rep. We will not be adding any staff this next year due 100% to the cost of health care coverage under the new laws and what that MIGHT mean once everything is in play. In fact, one of our employees was looking to try to reduce costs by taking dependents off her coverage here at the office. Wanted to sign them up with Blue Cross/Blue Shield for individual coverage. Was told that Blue Cross/Blue Shield was not taking any new individual coverage until they know what the new bill will actually contain and what the costs might be to cover what is required. That is just a fact...not preaching one side or the other, but from where I sit and for our small group, the changes we have seen already in play have done one thing...Increased the cost of our coverage several...several...percentage points. How do i know? Well, the plan year for us begins October 1...so we have seen our renewal costs already. facts...hard to dispute...costs are going up for LESS coverage...get used to the "change".
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