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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. I'm thinking a great wheat beer...a hefeweizen perhaps...DRAFT, of course. Or maybe even a Marzen...both are great fall beers. I'll be there plenty early enough for you to bolt in time for the 7:30PM fundraiser.
  2. OK, Harry...that's just not fair...no way we get to +1 or -1 your posts!
  3. No problem as long as Quoner doesn't do the backwash sort of thing. That might might for an all time classic photo posted here on GMG.com.
  4. We definitely need strong recruiting in Texas and Florida whomever the HC is next season.
  5. I'll be there...and last time the Happy Hour was at BlackFinns, QUONER said we "almost" shared a beer together. Maybe he will show up this time and we really will share a beer together. See you this evening. Should be fun and there will be plenty to talk about...that's for certain!
  6. Well, just what I expected to hear from Riley...he's a class act just like his Dad. he was taught well and he learned what he was taught. I am very happy that Riley wants to stay and help UNT win. And, I expect him to be a big contributor to UNT's on-field and off-field success in the next two years. I would hope TD would come back and watch Riley and the team play. Most of these guys were recruited by TD and he probably feels a bit of loyalty to them as well. While he may be coaching on Saturdays next fall...there are always off-weeks and different game times, so hopefully we will see him at UNT on game day this season even or next. I will be there to shake his hand, welcome him back and thank him for what he did to try to help UNT succeed. GO MEAN GREEN!
  7. Well, the lawsuit is causing a pretty wide path of destruction at TT. The controversy over the player "abuse" allegation caused a pretty wide path of destruction at TT. The comments Leach has made after leaving and before filing the lawsuit has caused a pretty wide path of destruction at TT, and on and on. The TT situation has and had nothing to do with the situation at UNT, and to compare the two is well, uneducated, and I'll leave it at that. Yes, if this guy was ever hired at UNT I would support him 100%. And, no the supporters I know did not reduce their contributions to TT due to their dislike for what Leach was doing and no, their donations have not been reduced due to the current won/loss record at Tech...they are TT supporters first and foremost and they support because they love TT. This is something that many UNT "supporters" have yet learned to do. They support "conditionally". And, that is one of the major differences between OU, UT, TT, OSU, etc., etc. and UNT. The good news is that UNT is breaking out of its old habits in this regard...slowly yes, but surely still. My guess...and it is a guess...is that you would find overall donations at Tech are not down due to the won/loss record this season and that the fan base, while not happy with the losses so far, are more than willing to give the current coaching team time to bring the wins. Only time will tell if that happens or not. Personally, I am really happy OSU won for the first time in about 60 years in Lubbock! Ha! Sometimes, you do know the answer without asking. Look, no secret...I don't want Leach at UNT...others do...no problem, but surly even those that like Leach know HE AIN'T SHOWING UP AS UNT'S NEXT HEAD COACH! Time to move along.....
  8. Please let me know where you have read that. If you mean here on GMG.com you must remember that this is a small...but very vocal...number of people. Many of whom do not attend games or donate anything to the program for any number of reasons...some probably legit some simply excuses. Do not let what you read here frame your opinions regarding what is true and what is not with the overall fan base...and especially the more influential members of that fan base as they probably don't post or even know this site exists. Not to bash the site by any means...I love GMG.com, but many influential supporters do not take the time to read fan boards. So, being that I think you live out of state, just where are you hearing this other than GMG.com? The GMG coaching poll, the last time I looked, had Coach Fran even ahead of Leach in the voting. I would think that we have spent more time discussing this guy than RV has given that there is no way Leach in UNT's next head coach while that lawsuit is in play. Believe it!
  9. Be careful.........Those who think Leach is a viable candidate for the UNT job are fighting windmills. Delusional may be more like it, yet they persist in bringing the guys name up time and time again. I know, it's a chat board and the guy is just so lovable and alumni/media friendly as well. Leaving a path of destruction behind is not what I care to see at UNT. The program has simply struggled enough in recent years to get back to a winning program and to build financial donor support to bring someone here in the midst of a lawsuit against his prior university after said university fired the guy for what is purported to be player abuse. Excuse or not, he was fired and in the midst of a lawsuit that probably will not end very soon. I have friends who are donors (and not small ones) to the TT program that are more than pleased to see Leach go. There are probably just as many people and donors at Tech on the other side of that fence. That's fine, but that is not a situation I care to see duplicated or brought to UNT. EVERYONE at UNT needs to be behind the next head coach and the next head coach needs to be VERY media, alumni and fan friendly. Lots of work to do to "sell" the program. No one can deny that that sort of thing has never been a strong point for Mike Leach. If Leach is the only guy you would be happy to see as the next UNT head coach, well, you will more than likely be very disappointed. If you don't understand all this, well, you will also be very disappointed when the new head coach at UNT is named and it is not Mike Leach.
  10. I simply do not understand the lack of knowledge about UNT from those on this board. I thought most posters were really UNT fans and alums and wonder where this lack of knowledge comes from? Please put this misconception to bed about UNT having only one winning head football coach. Good grief...time and time again this comes up. Amazing lack of understanding of UNT's history. Sorry for the short rant, but this sort of stuff does get to me.
  11. The only thing you need to fix you can find from looking in the mirror. However, from your posts and your constant knocking of me and my posts I can definitely understand why you would like Mike Leach for UNT's next head coach. Absolutely understandable.
  12. Mike Leach would be so wrong for UNT is so many different ways that he is not even worth a phone call or consideration. It is amazing to me that his name keeps coming up here as a possibility. Too many other possibilities to stoop so low as to even consider Leach.
  13. You are kidding....
  14. Even for you ... that is one stupid comment.
  15. Actually, if it is bad news (like the firing of a HC) you try to make the announcement at a time when the fewest people will notice. Have you not noticed that Washington likes to make press announcements of bad and controversial news on Friday afternoons? Why? Because the press is preoccupied and so are the citizens with the weekend's events. Seems like a great time to do the press conference in my opinion.
  16. I will not be "dancing in the streets", and I do consider myself a proud member of the Mean Green nation. I do not celebrate others misfortune. TD did what he thought was best to turn around the fortunes of the Mean green. It didn't work out. For that I am truly sorry, but I see no reason to "dance in the streets" over this situation. I'll be 100% behind Coach Canales and the next head coach of the Mean Green, but i will also thank Coach Dodge for his efforts and wish him well going forward. It is also time to wish Coach Canales well going forward. GO MEAN GREEN!
  17. Good luck to Coach Dodge and his family. I agree with the comment that Coach Dodge has been one of the classiest coaches since Coach Fry in the recent UNT past. This just had to be a very hard decision for RV and for Coach Dodge, but I am guessing that it was handled very professionally and that you will not hear anything negative from Coach Dodge. Thanks for all you did to try to turn the program around, and I am very sorry that it did not work out for you. I will always remember how open you were to talk with and how you really wanted UNT to succeed. I am sure we will see you as a D1 head coach again one of these days, and I wish you all the luck going forward. GO MEAN GREEN!
  18. Should this sort of reasoning be applied to the offensive and defensive coordinators as well?
  19. Anyone who thinks UNT's new stadium will have anything but a positive effect on UNT's recruiting is just delusional. That stadium is great and it will be beautiful when completed. The capacity will not be an issue...filling it up with fans and supporters will be the issue. If recruiters will use anything against UNT it will be the size of the fan base and turnout and the fact that historically, even the students, do not support athletics at UNT. Remember, it has been Fouts...that is something an opposing coach can use against UNT. That IS GONE! However, anyone who knows anything about UNT and has been on campus in the last 4-5 years knows that things are changing at UNT and changing for the better. I expect we will all see a growing fran base and a growing donor base...all in good part to the new stadium and all the other great things going on at UNT these days. GO MEAN GREEN!
  20. Maybe not, but you do know soccer! I cannot believe someone did not like my original post...Sigh...some folks just have no sense of humor or irony.
  21. OK, what happened? The guy gave up one walk...what the heck was he doing? Are we seeing the end of the greatness that is Cliff Lee??? Man, that guy is amazing. He is the one guy that I really believe can carry this team to the Series, and is the guy who makes me want to actually watch some baseball. Ever since Nolan Ryan and Bob Gibson retired I really have not seen a pitcher with the command Lee has over his pitches and every corner of the plate. To date in the playoffs I think the guy has 33 strike outs and ONE walk! Amazing...simply amazing. OK, here is a question for all the real baseball guys on this board...the announcers at one point last night indicated that Lee will be wearing Yankee pinstripes next season after mowing down the Yankee hitters like they were Little Leaguers. Really? Will the Rangers new ownership let this guy get away and would he rather pitch that far away from Arkansas than Texas for a few more bucks that the Yankees surly could throw his way over Texas? Really, how much is enough to keep Lee? One of the best things about Lee is that he works fast and makes the games fun to watch. I almost wish the Rangers hadn't gotten those 6 runs in the 8th so I could have watched Lee set a strikeout playoff record in the 9th! Man, this guy is greatness!
  22. Class act. Coach Dodge has been a great ambassador for the University from day 1. I do not recall him ever speaking poorly about UNT or the position he has found himself in as this season moves forward. I am proud to have Coach dodge associated with UNT, but wish that he had been able to bring more wins so he could remain as head coach. I appreciate his efforts, but, most of all, I appreciate the way he is handling this situation with the team and in public. I wish him nothing but the best going forward...class act as a head coach.
  23. I leave the football thread to get away from the same old...same old....."fire Dodge...hire this guy stuff" over and over and over again, and what do i get on this thread...a fire Wade Philips thread. Talk about yelling at clouds!
  24. But, a good many of the folks here on the board think the sky is falling over UNT! Someone needs to yell at the clouds to try to stop the sky from falling (as so many of the doom and gloomers think). It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. Now, bring something original out.....
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