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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Silver...you are so right! The folks who were not at the game really do not know how much fun that game was...even a pass and catch to a tight end. I almost had a heart attack! ha! I even compared the game to some I watched Fry coach. Even in a loss, it was fun to be at the game. There was absolutely no self-promotion involved unless you think letting everyone know how much you want to be the next head coach at UNT is self-promotion. If that be the case...bring me some more of that kind of self-promotion. UNT needs more of it. Nicely said, "young" Mr. Silver! GO MEAN GREEN!
  2. Agree 100%. GO MEAN GREEN!
  3. Due to a family commitment I did not arrive at the game until almost kick-off, so I was not lucky enough to get a "Lock the Gate" T-shirt, but Mrs. Canales was sitting in the section next to us, so I took it upon myself to go over, introduce myself and thank her and Coach Canales for what they were doing. The spirit in the tailgate area (for those that were there) was great, and Mrs. Canales did a good bit to help that out...in fact, i was told by a couple who did get the t-shirts that she would only give them to people who were actually going to attend the game! That's GREAT...way to go Mrs. Canales. Also, she was up until after 2AM Saturday morning burning CD's of the song that was recorded to go along with the "Lock the Gate" theme. I did score a couple of the CD's. This Coach and his wife REALLY REALLY want to be the next head coach at UNT. If you get Coach Chico....you also get Mrs. Canales...and from what have seen so far...that might indeed be a very good thing! I know I have not been "on board" with keeping Coach Canales as UNT's next head Coach, but after what I saw of the team last night and what I saw and heard of what Mrs. and Coach Canales were doing to pick up the enthusiasm, I am fast getting on board the Coach Canales bandwagon. This just may not be a bad move on RV's part to keep Coach Canales. I do think he has earned the right to some serious consideration. If you were at the game last evening, you saw a fired up team and a team that seemed to think they could and should win that game. Pretty darn exciting game. My bride and I really enjoyed ourselves. Too bad so few fans were there to see it! The team played their hearts out and Coach Canales was one dynamo on the sidelines. That in itself, was all but worth the price of admission. If you stayed home because you were "burned out of the team" you made a mistake and you missed a really great game! There are positive things happening....this will be fun to watch. GO MEAN GREEN!
  4. Brandon...I assume you have, but have you contacted the Alumni Association? They may be able to email or Facebook, etc. the DC area alumni base with the info and your contact numbers. You can get Rob McKinney at 940-565-3162 or 800-UNT-1153. Good luck...great idea! GO MEAN GREEN!
  5. Sad result. But, look at the bright side...one part of town was holding a victory party, and it probably made TWU's year! UGH...once is bad, twice is TERRIBLE! I was hopeful when Coach Stephens was hired that UNT would turn around the women's program after it pretty much going down the last few years before Coach Stephens was hired. Coach Slinker seemed to have pretty much checked out! But, man...be careful what you ask for it seems at UNT. Hopefully, this is a wake-up call or RV should start the search (privately of course) now for the next head women's coach. This is amazing. Yes, it's an exhibition game...but so were those "pre-season Cowboys games that everyone said not to worry about as it was not a real indication of how the team would do in the "regular" season...yea, right! I am keeping my fingers crossed that this will be a big wake-up call for the ladies and that we'll see some definite progress in the win column this season...well, one can hope, right?
  6. You need pills to be crazy????? Who knew?
  7. This is sad. If you can't beat TWU...well, it might just be another long year for the Lady Eagles and Coach Stephens. I really cannot believe that the Lady Eagles have not improved over the last few years under Coach Stephens. I, like a good number of UNT fans, had pretty high hopes for Coach Stephens when she arrived, but it has been a rocky road for her since the start. I wonder if she is in a bit over her head? Anyway, let's hope this was a wake-up call and that the ladies can get it going this season. They do look pretty small, and that might not work in their favor once the season really gets rolling. We'll see. But, lose to TWU two years in a row????? You have GOT to be kidding me! I guess that made the season for TWU. Big party across town perhaps.
  8. Got our tickets in the mail yesterday...nice looking. And, this season's basketball poster looks great! Saw one hanging up in the barber shop on Wednesday! That would be Unique Barber in beautiful downtown Denton. BTW...the owners are long-time season ticket holders and big supporters of the Mean Green. I love supporting our local small businesses (and big ones for that matter) that support the community and the MEAN GREEN! Way to go Wayne and Terissa! See you at the game Saturday! GO MEAN GREEN!
  9. I'm not that worried about the QB spot. I think that will take care of itself. I am more concerned about recruiting some on defense and some big, fast O-Line guys. I hope to see a defensive coordinator who is a recruiter and will work hard to help bring quality defensive players to the Mean Green. If UNT can "upgrade" the defense and the O-line, the winning should start sooner than later. But, of course, i state the obvious. Love the fact that Canales is on the recruiting trail. GO MEAN GREEN!
  10. There is always a chance...some better odds than others, for certain, but a chance there is. I'll take that as a positive and go with it. Hey, this could just be the Saturday that the Mean Green show everyone that there is a bright future ahead. The weather looks to be great for the game, so I sure hope there is a good crowd for HC Canales' first home game, and that the fans reward the team and staff for a good victory last week at WKY. Let's get our Green on and cheer the MEAN GREEN this Saturday. Tailgating should be fantastic. It's fall, it's football, it's MEAN GREEN FOOTBALL! Be there... GO MEAN GREEN! Will they? Can they? YES!!!!!
  11. What is interesting to me is how little people in this country (and on this board) actually know about how government works in this great nation of ours. Some statements made that I hear on a regular basis arew just so outrageous that it doesn't even deserve a reply. I would wage that less than 10% of the peole in the nation who will vote in tomorrow's election have ever read the Constitution, have any idea how bills are actually created and moved through both houses. Let's not even mention economics and taxation. The think tank I work with just put on a "Policy Boot Camp" about a week ago and it was amazing to listen to some of the questions we got during the Q & A session, and this was from a group of "interested" and "educated" actual voters. We have become a "sound byte" nation of voters who appear to be more than willing to let the media through 30-sec. sound bytes frame our opinions of what we believe and how we should think. That should scare everyone. It doesn't matter which side one is on in this or ant election. What matters is that you are actualloy voting from an educated and thoughtful position. We all have a DUTY to not only vote but to be an nformed voter. Vote with your minds folks, not your emotions. Most of all vote...many people have fought and died for your right to do just that. Then...grab a copy of the Constitution and read it! You will be way ahead of most of our elected officials if you do that simple thing. OK, prediction time...the dems lose the House...retain the Senate, but lose seats in the Senate. It could swing back the other way if the Republicans do not produce actual and sustained economic and political "change". This election is, indeed, all about "CHANGE".
  12. It also helps when you play a team qith the talent level and success rate of WKU. GREAT WIN for the Mean Green...unfortunately I was not able to listen to or watch the game as am out of town, but the write up in this morning's paper was GREAT to read...such that it was in the Seattle paper. Any win for the Mean Green is a GREAT win. I am very proud of the ream and the coaching staff. They could have checked it in for the season, and they didn't. My hat is off to these guys and the staff. Nice to get the win...they EARNED IT!!!!! GO MEAN GREEN!
  13. Yes, I also saw the quote in speaking with his assistants Will Muschamp and Greg Davis today in the paper to be; "I told them if one of your guys is playing bad, I can change them, if three of your guys are playing bad, I can change you". THAT is how a CEO-type coach does it. Pick the best assistant's you can, let them do their job...if they don't hold them accountable. I like it!
  14. Greatness...very funny. But, does your frind know that you won't show up???? have fun at the game...GO RANGERS!
  15. Agree with Army of Dad here...I see the fix being more to hire a legit GM for the Cowboys and Jerry "retire" to being the owner...and acting like one. The Cowboys have been way overrated this season from the very beginning. Pre-season games may not count, but you could see something "not so good" in this year's Cowboys during the pre-season. No spirit, no fire...just a bunch of over-paid, over-hyped pros going through the motions. That attitude has a way of catching up to you...did the Cowboys this season. Good news is that they may end up with a great early pick in the draft. They need a bunch of new players in a bunch of spots. Sad...I feel sad for some on the team...others, not so much! Glad the Rangers can take away some of the attention for awhile...
  16. Point here...other than the "crap" part...is, if you want UNT gear to be sold and displayed...BUY IT! It's a business decision in most cases, sure some store managers are just clueless, but if you ask for it, they will sell it. Lots of great UNT gear being sold in the Tailgate area before home games and at the bookstore and Voertman's. Why not buy from those who do support UNT...such as those mentioned here and at the other merchants mentioned? The more we buy, the more we wear, the more we ask for Mean green gear the more will start showing up.
  17. Here is how far coaching has come in Texas...yes, I did play HS ball in the 60's...64-66 to be exact...AND, in a 2 hour practice we were not allowed even one water break! That was every practice...during the summer workouts...which would run over 2 hours for each two-a-day drill...we had one water break every practice. Ninety percent of the practices in the summer two-a-days were in full pads and helmets! And, our school was no different than any other we played...just the way it was...and we had ZERO heat exhaustion or heat stroke problems. I have no real clue why, other than the fact that we were outside in the heat all the time-all summer. Many homes only had window unit A/C's or what they called evaporative coolers. So, maybe we were more used to the heat...who knows. Look it was just different. And, yes, our coaches grabbed our face masks on a fairly regular basis (Most had face masks in the mid-60's, but not too many in HS had the full cage type...I played deep snapper and linebacker with a single bar one season. We thought absolutely nothing of it. There was some butt kicking as well...all in good fun...except if you were the one getting kicked because it might mean you wouldn't be playing Friday unless you shaped up. Again, it was just different then. No parent ever thought of suing or complaining to the athletic director or principal. Heck, we would be major league embarrassed if they did, and our team members would kill us if our parents complained about a little display of discipline from the coach. Did they try to hurt us in any way...never, but discipline and "coaching moments" took on a whole different meaning than it does today. Not better, not worse...just they way it was...kids today are in much better "football shape" and have much...MUCH...better equipment and facilities and are definitely handled much more carefully than in the "dark ages", but that does not mean they are "wusses" by any means. Heck, you know how it goes...it's hard to even cut a kid these days. In the "dark ages" you were selected or cut on a regular basis depending on what the coaches thought and that was the end of it! Today...everyone makes the team...one team or another...and at the younger ages everyone gets a ribbon or a trophy. It's hard to compare the two because things are just different in so many ways. Both sides here have made some good points and maybe "missed" in a few areas...so what? Some like Bobby Knight ... some like Tony Dungey...both are good depending upon your perspective. Both have had a great deal of success and both have players who are very loyal to them. I'd let my kid make the decision as to where he/she wanted to play for a Knight or a Dungey type coach. Frankly, from what I know about both (and it isn't that much) I'd be OK with either as both stressed academics, sportsmanship on the field and life after college sports.
  18. Good news for the Baylor fans...Bowl eligible.
  19. Are you saying that bribery works? I am all for it!
  20. Hindsight is always 20/20. Sit in RV's seat awhile and try the best you can to make the right call for UNT. It is no easy job and you have lots of "experts" looking over your shoulder. Check out some stats from some reported great hires out of the Big East that were reported in today's Wall Street Journal if you think it is easy "making the right hire". Coach/Big East School Next Job Record at New Job Mark Dantonio/Cinn Mich. St. 30-17 Paul Hackett/Pitt USC 19-18 Walt Harris/Pitt Stanford 6-17 Brian Kelly/Cinn N. Dame 4-4 Bobby Petrino/Louisville Ark 18-14 Rich Rodriquez/ W. VA Mich 13-18 The jury is still out on some of these guys like Kelly and Petrino, but this does point to the fact that "getting it right" in hiring a HC is not and exact science and hiring a big time name does not "guarantee" any level of success or how fast that success may or may not come at the next school. Always easy to evaluate a decision after the fact...getting it right in the first place is a much harder proposition.
  21. Really...just asking...WHY??????
  22. Character always...ALWAYS...matters. It is 100% possible to win with character. If yoiu can't do that, please do not darken the doorstep at UNT. It is very sad to me to even have something like this in anyone's thought process. If it has come to this, well, it is a sad day indeed. I am 100% behind the fact that UNT must start winning some football games or the idea of moving this program forward will, indeed, be lost. Folks, there are plenty...plenty of HC candidates with the ability to build a winning program at UNT WITH character. I know NCMeanGreen is not ayoudvocating that UNT ignore "character" in its next HC hire, but rather stressing the need to start winning. Without positives in the "character" department, any "winning" program is being built on a foundation of quicksand and will be fleeting at best.
  23. Really, one article and everyone goes gaga over Mike Leach? What changed in one day? Sorry, just my opinion...Mike Leach would be bad for UNT's next head coach. It's an opinion, and one shared by others, but I know from this board that there are Leach supporters as well. Let the hiring process begin! How many millions was Leach being paid at Tech? How much did Dodge make? Simple math question...how much of a difference?
  24. HAPPY BIRTHDAY...OLD Man! Don't know why it isn't showing on my home page...But, maybe it is a stealth birthday because you are "undercover". Have a great day...it's your day...you own it. make it a great one!
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