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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Well, in a very direct way this will help provide BB scholarship money. Every dollar the athletic dept. does not have to spend on the Cheer Squad it has available for scholarship use...including the BB team. That goes for the Mean green Club money as well. I assume you are aware that 100% of the funds raised by the Mean Green Club goes to support athletic scholarships at UNT. The Mean Green Club is a primary scholarship fund-raising arm for the university. That is why UNT so badly needs more people to join the Mean Green Club, at any level...or at any amount...even $25 if that's what one can do. Now, as you have expressed some ideas regarding the proposed game, would you care to volunteer your time and talent to help organize and run the thing? I am always looking for folks with good ideas and the willingness to do more than suggest what other people should be doing to help with these projects. Your help would be VERY much welcome. If you are interested, send me a PM with some contact info and I'll get in touch with you and we'll go from there. Appreciate your interest and ideas...hope to hear from you soon. GO MEAN GREEN!
  2. There will definitely be an "after game" event at a local establishment where we can all consume large quantities of adult beverages to ward off the soreness that will surly come the next day. I doubt that UNT would like us drinking beer in the Rec Center of the old Pit....now, if the weather was great and we could play on an outdoor court somewhere....
  3. We are looking at a March date for the GMG.com basketball game, and "YES" the football game is definitely on for this year as well. I want to get the basketball game going before I focus too much time in setting up the football game. Besides, I MUST check the UNT graduation schedule first...you know the world stops if the game is set for the day of graduation. HeHe...I never can resist it when someone sets me up so well for that comment. I'm just kidding, of course, but I will probably stay with it until we get a date set for the next game. Back to the task at hand...looking for a March date. I know that no one cvan really commit at this time until the date is actually set, but I am just looking fior an indication of interest to see if enough people are even interested in moving forward. Glad to see you are possibly in...what about that talented brother of yours? I would imagine your bride will have other things going at that time that would keep her out of the line-up, but I'd bet she would show up to support you guys just the same.
  4. Why not? The game is open to anyone interested in playing (male or female) and who would like to help us provide a little support for the UNT Cheer Squad!
  5. Yes, I share your pain. I have the "honor" of being the only person who played (actually, played is in some doubt here) on a men's rec team for two years (yes, they kept me on the team for two years) while in grad school at Oklahoma State, and never scored a single point...not even from the free throw line. This after, in the last game of the two year stint, the plan was to feed me the ball as often as they could so I could score! Being shorter than everyone else and very non-basketball talented did not help. We were blessed with two ex-college players who pretty much made up for me lack of any noticeable skill. I had volunteered to coach/manage the team, but they were short of players and added me to the palyer list! I showed them! Actually I managed well, but never hit a shot as a player! That is what's NOT FAIR! Ha! I'll put you down as a admin help person along with myself! Thanks. Yes, it is also soccer season and I may have to miss a referee Saturday, but the cause is good and worthwhile.
  6. So, I just thought I'd float this out here to see if there are enough people interested in participating in such a game to make it "doable". No firm dates/times as yet but looking at a Saturday in March to give us enough time to sort out details, talk to UNT folks and dept. personnel, perhaps find a sponsor or two, get shirts designed and printed, book the courts, etc. With all that, and knowing that the proceeds would go to help support the UNT Cheer Squad...who wold have some interest in playing and/or participating on some level? I have about three (including me) interested in helping set it up and run the thing, but more folks are certainly welcome to volunteer in that area as well... Should it be a co-ed event? I know some ladies who could run circles around some guys I know who think they can play some ball...just saying.... OK, so if you have some interest...please post so we can see if we are to move forward...I vote to get this going, but "it ain't up to just me".
  7. Then maybe you should read the articles about UNT in the Ft. Worth Star Telegram and the Dallas Morning News or see all the great stuff Channel 4, 5, 8 & 11 have on the sports casts about UNT. I agree, that the Record-Chronicle seems to leave a bit to be desired at times, but it does the very best job of covering UNT and UNT sports of any of the Metroplex media outlets.
  8. Winning takes care of it all. Win and who cares what was predicted or by whom...lose and it still doesn't matter. It's just fun to read what these guys say. I wish I could find a way to make a living predicting stuff and then still have that job when all my predictions turn out to be "less than accurate". Don't get too fired up about what any of these "ex[perts" say...especially early in the conference season.
  9. In case you missed it, Maj.Dick Winters of "Band of Brothers", E-Company (Easy Company) passed away of Jan. 2nd at the age of 92. If you read Stephen Ambrose's 1992 book or saw the movie "Band of Brothers" you are pretty much aware of what Maj Winters and Easy Co. did during the D-Day invasion and Battle of the Bulge during WWII. Maj Winters was a very private man in his life after the war and very few people even knew what he had done before the book and movie came out. He even requested that his passing not be announced until after his burial services. What a great American. We all owe Maj Winters and all our veterans and service members a debt of gratitude for the sacrifices they made and continue to make each and every day in the service to this great nation of ours. Thank you Maj. Winters...well done!
  10. I had heard it was going up to $25K, but was not sure when or if it had. $25K is probably much more appropriate when one thinks in terms of an endowment. Thanks for the update. Want to help with the GMG.com basketball game fund-raiser for the Cheer Squad? Send me a PM...
  11. Happy Birthday...young man! It's your day...make it a great one! Appreciate your support for the Mean Green! Happy B'Day!
  12. There is always a way to do something if folks really want to make it happen. PM me with some contact info and we can discuss. I am not certain I know what you mean by "the Alumni Association is based on scholarship contributions", but we can definitely chat and see if something might come of it through the Alumni Assoc. or even some other avenue. I think you can tell I am willing to volunteer to work on this project. GO MEAN GREEN!
  13. Don't know who the PM was was sent to, but we have discussed a GMG.com basketball game before and I think it might be a good "first step" before trying to do a full-blown 3 on 3 tourney. I would be looking for 2 or 3 volunteers who would work with me to make this happen. I anticipate it being held at the UNT Rec Center for sake of convenience and on a Saturday (time and date to be determined). The 3 or so volunteers could set the time/date...and work on the details. Now, if you are SERIOUS and willing to help...PM me. If I get at least 2 others willing to actually help, we'll get this set up...all proceeds to the Cheer Squad. I'll bet we might even get some Cheer Squad members to help publicize the thing... If interested...you know the next step. I'm willing to help get this thing off the ground...how about you? GO MEAN GREEN!
  14. Definitely will...thanks.! GO MEAN GREEN!
  15. Love the new Virtual Seat Site showing sight lines in the new stadium. Thanks RV and Company!

  16. I can tell you that I think you can still "buy" an endowed scholarship through the UNT Foundation for $10,000. However, a fund could be set up for an annual use for much less. We do that with the proceeds from the GMG.Com Bowl each year...it goes to the Andrew Smith memorial; scholarship fund. OK, how about we set up a GMG.com basketball game like the football game and designate proceeds from that little event to the Cheer Squad? Might start slow and small but could develop over time? What do folks think? If so, sure, I'll help get it going. And, I'll try not to set it for the same date as graduation...I promise!
  17. Great site...I am even more excited getting to now see some expected sightlines, etc. Thanks to RV and Company for getting this site up and going on Monday as promised! Super. I like! GO MEAN GREEN!
  18. While not a very PC comment, it could be the start of a very interesting debate. For me, I believe every nation has a right to self-government, but do understand when, at times, it is necessary for one nation to intercede in the affairs of another nation when it is necessary to protect legitimate self-interests. OK, we can debate that idea as well, couldn't we? But, for the sake of this discussion, and just for the sake of discussion (so let's not get our panties in a wad discussing it and start calling folks racists or any other such thing)....would certain countries have been better off in the long run to have remained under British rule? I can think of several nations who at one time had pretty decent infrastructure, educational systems and economies while under British rule that have not fared so well after "kicking the Brits out". Now, one could say, "sure, great if you were part of the British establishment or a member of the ruling class, but not so good for the local residents". I think that would be a fair statement indeed when you look back at colonial Africa and the colonial middle east. But, have the "locals" done a very good job in many of these places creating a "livable" nation with quality infrastructure, educational opportunities, jobs, etc., etc. in their own right? I guess one could look at Colonial France and the US for that matter as well. I realize it is all well and good to say that every nation should keep their noses out of any other nation's business, and in an ideal world that would be peachy. Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world...too bad. But, since many of these places scream bloody murder for more and more financial and military aid from Britain, France, the US, etc., etc., is it fair to say they are "independent nations" and should be left alone? What would happen if foreign aid were pulled from such places. Would these nations all be better off in the long run if the rest of the world just stood back and let the chips fall where they may? Would such a position lead to a lot of famine and bloodshed in the less developed new nations or would the world be surprised at what could develop given the nations were left alone to fend for themselves? There have been as many successes as failures with newly "crowned" nations as failures, but were the success because of or in spite of "help" from other nations? Deep stuff, and no way one figures it out here, but I think an interesting discussion if one could actually discuss such a thing without bringing emotions into the discussion. It is interesting and educational in my opinion to discuss such things with an open mind and not, perhaps, from one's "regular political/social" point of view. Is such a thing even possible?
  19. Or what an athlete can and cannot sell and still play in a bowl game....
  20. My bride and I recently made reservations at a place in Hot Springs for the SBC Tournament for the first time. We are looking forward to our first Hot Springs trip and hope to add to the Mean Green crowd at the tourney! All reports I have heard reflect a great time will be had by all who attend. So, does one buy tickets from the Athletic Dept. or wait until ones gets to Hot Springs? Unfortunately, I understand that the games usually do not sell out, but was wondering about discounted pricing for advanced ticket purchases or if UNT gets the credit for tickets bought through the UNT Athletic dept. ticket office? ROAD TRIP! YIPPEE!!!!! GO MEAN GREEN!
  21. One thing that just dawned on me that might could help this situation is for more people to join the Mean green Club and for those that are members to think about increasing your donation amount a bit...even 10% or so. A 10% increase may not get one to the next level, but it is an increase in support. Why do I say that Mean green Club support could possibly help the Cheer Squad? Well, every dollar that goes to the Mean green Club supports scholarships for our athletes, and it is one less dollar the department needs to use from its budget to support scholarships. So, if Mean Green Club donation levels were to increase enough to cover athletic scholarships (as such donations do in many D-I programs across the country), then more support could be provided the Cheer Squad from the general athletic budget. Make sense? Just trying to find an easy way without having to set up a special fund to help the Cheer Squad out. What do you think? It would seem to be a "win-win" situation if enough funds were to flow in to the Mean green Club. Another idea might be to simply designate donations to the UNT Foundation or Athletic Dept. for use by the Cheer Squad. These young men and women do deserve support as they work very hard to help promote the university. GO MEAN GREEN!
  22. I agree with the concept, and are happy the people of Southern Sudan are getting a chance to vote to establish their own country. But, it will be one of the poorest, if not the poorest, independent nation on earth should the vote pass. Very little, if any, infrastructure including roads. A very very small minority of the people can even read or write and education is all but non-existent in the area. All that to say, if the vote passes, this new "nation" will need a lot of support and help from other nations if it is going to survive and not become just another Sudan, Ivory Coast, Afghanistan, etc., etc. I wish them all the best and all the success in the world, but they are going to need more than "best wishes".
  23. Are the UNT Dancers in this same situation? I am finding this a bit hard to believe. I know for a fact that Cheer squad members at some other universities are awarded some scholarship monies and have full support from the university for what they do to help promote the university. These young men and women work extremely hard and are very talented. I need to give this some thought. How can we help? There are so very many areas that could use some support, and I am hopeful that our Alumni and fans will start looking for ways that they can provide some help and support in areas such as the very worthy cheer squad members. You folks are GREAT, and are very much appreciated for all you do. GO MEAN GREEN!
  24. Really great to see this. The Cheer squad does an excellent job at the games and at many other events...not just on the UNT campus. It is something else that the Mean Green nation can be very proud of and something that should be "noticed" by more people and supported in a bigger way by the administration if the postings here are anywhere near correct regarding support. These young men and women work very hard and some very long hours to help support UNT, and they deserve and have earned some solid administrative support form the university. Question...is scholarship money available for the Cheer Squad members just like it is for other UNT athletes? GO MEAN GREEN. Well done!
  25. Interesting...you say pretty much what I said in a previous/earlier post and I get hit with two "negative votes". Not that I care about the votes, just wondering...Where's the justice????
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