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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Excellent...much needed defensive help.
  2. Yep...so correct. Just one more reason why people need to join the Mean Green Club, buy season tickets and donate to this program. For too many years that I do not want to count, I have been given excuse after excuse as to why someone will not or should not support the program. I should spell "excuse" with a "BIG E" as that's what they usually are...simply excuses why someone will not support their university with either their time, talent or dollars...at any level! You know, Mean Green Club membership levels start at $125...not too high for lots of people who currently do not donate at all...but, if it is...why not "join" for $100 or $50? Do something to be part of the solution. If you can't join for whatever reason (and there are so very good reasons why some cannot, at this time, join or donate anything) just keep supporting the Mean Green any way you can...that's good enough. But, when times change, make that donation. It really is long past time for the excuses to stop and for everyone to "get over" what ever or why it is that they are holding a grudge against UNT. Think about the students and the student-athletes you will be supporting. They are doing their very best to represent YOU well. GO MEAN GREEN!
  3. That is a great video! And, it says a good deal about the folks who run this factory and the company that employs these people. It is very obvious that this is a process that could very easily be moved overseas to Pakistan, China or Korea to lower labor costs a great deal and create a larger profit for the company. However, the company has chosen to stay in Ohio and employ these people. Every employee shown has been at that plant a very long time. That says to me that the employees are treated extremely well, and actually enjoy what they are doing...and also take a good deal of pride in what they are doing. They appear to want to be the best at what they do, and seem to be accomplishing just that. Great video and really interesting, but I took a good bit more away from watching that video than just how Wilson makes the NFL football. Looks like an American corporate success story to me. Thanks for staying "home" and for providing a great working atmosphere for a lot of citizens. I wonder if the NFL requires that the folks it contracts with for product all employ US based workers? Nike, maybe???? Hmmmmmmm.
  4. Just wanting to keep this on page one, so interested parties can get the info and we can begin final plans...still looking for players. What would you think about a guy, when asked about playing, says that he is getting married sometime around then and it might not be possible to play. What? Hen pecked already and not even married yet???? True story, but the "un-named party" will stay un-named as I would not want his reputation to be shattered. So, the wedding planning (I thought that usually went to the bride and her family, but maybe that was before the age of the "merse") would be so intense around that time that one could not spend maybe two hours away from it at a charity BB game? Man, that's some intense wedding planning. But, congrats to the un-named party. You are, indeed, a lucky fella...maybe a bit pre-wedding hen pecked, but still a lucky fella none the less. Yes, you know who you are!
  5. Really? Then what do you call that slide trombone sticking out of a "not to be mentioned" spot"?????
  6. I think this is good news. The Mean Green will play against the best QB that Houston has to offer and will BEAT UH with their best available at QB. No excuses! Plus, may be an added draw to get more UofH fans in the stands. Need to do all that can be done to make this a complete sell-out! GO MEAN GREEN... Will Tune get a 6th year? Well, I hope so if he really wants to play, but do the UNT's of the NCAA world ever get the breaks that other more "high profile" schools and high profile players get when it comes to this sort of thing?
  7. Simply because I do not see that happening again in 2011, and because UNT has some quality guys returning and committed and because, even with the injuries, UNT could have won several more games with the QB it had at the time if the D had simply done its part. That's all.
  8. No, that was when Flyer dropped trousers, turned around and passed wind at Thomas!
  9. Then maybe we should start threads about every other coach who has no connection to UNT and who has never coached here and who turned a program around. man, that would be a very long list of threads. Some folks here act like Leavitt was the only one to ever do that...can we move on please...as Dozer said, never coached here and was not going to coach here. Good coach? Sure IF past history can be any predictor of future success in such things.
  10. This has not so much to do with this kid as it does to a question of "why does UNT need another QB prospect?" I tend to think UNT is doing fine with its current crew and QB commits. What I think UNT needs is some defensive help in a big way and an all out effort might be considered to get some defensive help into Denton. UNT would have won several games last season if the defense could have made just one stop at the critical time. I guess you could say that about just about every team, but in UNT's case, the offense put up enough points in almost every game to win if only the defense could have stepped up a bit. I am a firm believer that this new coaching staff will get tons more out of the players it currently has on the defensive side of the ball as UNT is not devoid of talented athletes on the D-side. I think fans will see some surprises as to how well some of our current defensive guys will play next year...so much so that questions will asked such as "where did that guy come from? and is that the same guy we saw last season?...based on the ability of this new staff to actually coach these kids and instill a new positive attitude on the defensive side. BUT, that still does not negate the fact that I believe UNT's first and primary focus this off-season should be on the recruitment of as many players as possible for the defense. Before anyone jumps here, I am not advocating that UNT completely ignore the offense in this recruiting class, but simply to focus on the defense. How many QB's does one need?
  11. As many of us expected and discussed last evening after seeing him sit! Thanks for the confirmation. I hope he got the point as he is a valuable contributor to the team (understatement, perhaps?).
  12. I think CBL has a point when the quote is "if it puts butts in the Pit". For one, I would definitely try to play it up in the media...it is what it is and could be used very positively as a bit of a campaign. to try to increase attendance. Even the home winning streak is not being used (to my knowledge) in any way to help draw attendance. It's as if folks are supposed to just magically show up. I am not sure why UNT never seems to find a way to create positive opportunities to create buzz and "ticket sales" from such things as this. Drex does know a thing or two about such matters having worked in the Athletic Dept. for several years back in his "younger days". All in all, and with the given lack of any discernible promotion, the attendance has been pretty darn good. The Mean Green fan base should be proud of that, but I just wonder what might could be given how good this team has been playing at home this season, the home win streak, last year's NCAA appearance and SBC tournament win, etc. with even a little promo? Can't wait to see the student turnout next Saturday with classes back in full force and with a chance to extend the home win streak. Be there...wear Green and Be LOUD AND PROUD! GO MEAN GREEN!
  13. Thanks for the offer to help out. I don't think we will need to "prepare food" for the event. At least at the current times, plans are to "retire" after the game to some local watering hole for the post-game awards and food/adult beverages, etc. But, that could change...just concerned about possible weather problems if we try to hold an outside tailgate that time of the year. Now, if anyone knows of an indoor site nearby that would be available and allow us to bring our own food/drink, etc. that might be way cool as well. Planning proceeding.
  14. I, too, was in attendance for both the DePaul game and the triple overtime game with Texas. Thanks for bringing back some great UNT BB memories! Good win last evening...what was up with the "late" entry of Tristen Thompson? Was he being "disciplined" for something? The team seemed "off their game" at first without him on the floor...when he can in late in the first half, it seemed to turn the tide and the whole team stepped up. Was it just me, or did it seem that way to anyone else? Plus...it did seem to take the whole crowd a few minutes to get into the game. Got to hand it to the students. Pretty decent turn out when school is still out. GO MEAN GREEN! Nice win! Keep 'em coming.
  15. What do you mean "we"? It takes all sides to create that match up and rivalry. UNT may be willing, but if SMU and TCU, etc. are not or have some "problems" doing home and away games with the three, then try as one might...it's not going to happen. You make this sound like a one-way street where UNT headed the wrong way and everyone else was willing. I dare say that is not the case. If, by "WE" you mean all three I am in 100% agreement with you. The challenges and problems making this happen go way back and much further back than just an A/C that may or may not have been working the last time TCU played at Fouts. If that was all it was, there could certainly have been an agreement that it would be working as well as it would be in the home locker room for the "next game". Too many folks have too many "reasons" for all this, but the bottom line is...as you so clearly stated...opportunity missed for all three schools to create a great metroplex rivalry where the fans from all three schools could easily travel and enjoy the games. Alas...what might have been if all three were willing to work together. I think the "blame" might be able to be spread across all three...with our "good friends" in Dallas shouldering perhaps more than a third. Just sayin.....Now, I think the fine folks in Ft. Worth see themselves as far and away the better of other two (well, being #2 in the nation might just do that to a fan base and a program for good reason-congrats to the Frogs). Might be hard to get this on with the Frogs and Ponies these days, but that new stadium will be a draw and do more than anything that could have been done in the last few years to make it happen. Enjoy the ride, Frog fans...you have earned it, but the high altitude might prove fleeting if you don't watch out and the fall to grace is much less fun that then rise to fame. Would love to see this metroplex rivalry get going....one can only wish.
  16. Excellent news...good luck Coach Dodge. Pitt will be all the better because you are there to help develop the QB's.
  17. Thanks to all...the admins for the game and I are now checking on a firm date and place. Please keep the thoughts flowing...want to make this a fun event for all while we raise a few bucks for the Cheer Squad. Anyone have any business connections where we might could get a bit of corporate sponsorship like we did for the GMG.com football game? I will lay out a sponsor package list soon...hope to get a shirt sponsor...would put the sponsor logo on the game shirts, name in program, and would pass out literature from the firm in goody bags to attendees, players, etc. Also looking for "good-bag" items....anyone have any laying around the office? I hope to make this a really fun day for all...still need players...
  18. I am finding this "O-fer" on defense to be a bit hard to understand. I know, I know it's early, and I am truly not at the point of being in any way worried about it all, but I am just wondering if these guys ever really gave UNT real thought? Has the coaching change meant that much with the "late start" our new coaches are getting? I have to assume the effort is being made by the coaching staff, so I'll just wait and see, but a "success" would be nice...SOON! I do think we will all see some current players step up and improve under this new staff...even to the point of surprising the good majority of us. That will definitely help the situation, but some new signings and commits on defense would be a welcome bit of news. GO MEAN GREEN!
  19. Excellent...thanks...got ya down!
  20. Just a small edit on the start time...2:30PM with a presentation by members of the UNT Alumni Association on the new UNT ALUMNI PAVILION being built at the new football stadium. Photos, drawings, etc. and a question/anser session on how you can be involved in this great project. See you there...all are welcome. Alumni or Mean green fan...be there and bring a friend. Let's be GREEN AND LOUD!!!! GO ALUMNI...GO MEAN GREEN!
  21. See, I just posted in another thread that this was a possibility and BING there it is... Make this event an early Valentine for your sweetie! Come be a part of this Alumni gathering...all alums and Mean green fans are welcome to attend. In addition to the game there will be a presentation on the UNT ALUMNI PAVILION being built at the new stadium. Come see what's up and how you can be a part of this great Alumni project. BTW...another rumor is that the event will start at 2:30PM ...not 3:000PM as Flyer posted to have plenty of time for the presentation and question session before the game tips off. See you there on the 12th. Happy Valentine's day...and Go Mean Green.
  22. Just FYI...rumor has it that the Denton Chapter of the UNT Alumni Assoc. will host a "watch party" for the televised WKY game on Feb. 12th at Fox and Hounds in Lewisville. Stand by for details and confirmation. All Mean Green Alumni and fans welcome to attend. We'll be back with you with details and confirmation. GO ALUMNI...GO MEAN GREEN! Come on...give your valentine and early gift by taking them to the Alumni Watch Party. What more could they want???????
  23. My bride and I will be in our "usual" seats at the Super Pit. All local fans ned to be watching the game at the Super Pit. The team has earned the support and UNT needs a good crowd for TV. Come on folks, be there...in the Super Pit...to cheer on the Mean green. Would be great if there were an extra effort around campus to help guarantee a bigger than usual student turnout as well. Be there Mean Green fans...be there in person to cheer on the Mean Green.
  24. Fantastic...I've got you down and will let you know at the appropriate time...many many thanks. These young men and women work very hard and represent our university well.
  25. Hey, Lifer, that's great...many thanks. I will put you down as a contributor and get back with you when I have the details regarding how everyone should make out donation checks and/or registration checks. I really appreciate your kind response and offer of help early in the process. Perhaps it will "spur" others to consider helping by either playing or donating. I'll keep you posted. Thanks. Much appreciated. GO MEAN GREEN!
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