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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. WOW! What a collapse last evening by the Mavs. I have to say that Jason Kidd losing the ball to a turnover with the Mavs trying to hang on late, sure reminded me of Josh White's late turnover in the SBC Tourney Championship. My bride, who rarely remembers anything like this, was the one to point it out to me...man, she was in the "dog house" all evening after that comment, but it was eerily similar and came at a very crucial time. I simply cannot believe a professional team...any professional team...in the playoffs would blow a 23 point lead like the Mavs did last night. So, question...are the Mavs done? And are they on the verge of another one and done in playoffs? What's up with these guys when the playoffs come around? OUCH! Painful...very painful.
  2. Interesting concept...abdicate the role of parent and let the kid decide. I think I understand what you are saying, and there is some validity to it, but let me ask. Do you have any kids? If so, what age? This is no small decision, and often involves a financial decision as well. There should ALWAYS be parental input into such decisions regardless of who is "paying the freight". I am in no way advocating that a parent make the decision for the kid, but just saying that there should always be parental input into such decisions. One problem we have as a society today is that too many parents are abdicating their responsibilities as parents and letting the kid make too many decisions alone without the benefit of the experience and wisdom parents can often interject. This is a serious decision and should not be taken lightly...parents, kids, guidance counselors, etc. should all provide input.. Not saying you are abdicating anything here, and I really don't think you mean to let the kid just say, I want to go "here" and that's all it is to the matter, but just wanted to point out the need for parental input for young people trying to make such decisions. They need help...even if they don't think they do.
  3. Well, having "been there done that" it is a valid question. What most will find when they do have kids of the age to make this sort of question/answer a reality ( I see lots of answers from folks without kids or with very young kids on this thread), that the answer really does "depend". And, it depends upon a lot of things. Our youngest wanted to attend a military academy (he did), but he also came back to UNT after the academy to pick up some pre-med classes as he worked to get in med school (he did). So, where your son or daughter attend s very much "depends" on may things. We all want the very best for our kids, and UNT definitely fits that bill as a college choice. Your grad will make what they will out of the degree they earn from what ever school they attend. An Ivy League or Standford degree is a great thing, but if you don't do something with it, it's worth the price of the paper it is printed on...nothing more except braggin' rights at the unemployment office. I would have had absolutely NO reservations about sending my kid to UNT. NONE...ZERO...NADA....My wife and I have done just fine with our UNT degrees, but, again, it is what you do that counts after you get the degree. Will a "Yale" degree open some doors for you? Sure...with other Eli's or perhaps "ivy league" grads, but might not do that much for you elsewise...once you land the job, it's your to do what you will with it. No one in their right mind is going to keep you employed just because you have a degree from Harvard or Yale or Stanford, or...etc. Once you do have kids and they are old enough to start making college plans, you'll know how to help them decide based on so many more issues than we could even dream of in this thread. BOTTOM LINE...YEP...would be proud to have a kid or grandkid of mine attend UNT. You know, I have a friend who graduated from Yale who says he would NEVER send his kid to an ivy league school. He has his reasons, but the guy is a Yale grad and has fond memories of his time there, but just sees them as very overrated at this time...in his opinion VERY OVERRATED and continuing to fall behind. Just his opinion, but I mention it to show that not everyone would "walk over burning coals" to get their kids in such institutions. Lots and lots of things to consider...but, you do realize that kids have a way of figuring out these sort of things as they grow up and grow toward that decision, right/ Just wait...it's a great and fun ride this parent thing.
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY...Youngster!
  5. PLAYER DRAFT DATE & TIME ANNOUNCED: Out two captains for the game, Green Street and FirefightinRick will lead the player draft for the 8th Annual GoMeanGreen.Com Bowl on SUNDAY, MAY 22nd beginning at 1:00PM. A Chat Room will be set up for the draft by Harry so all can follow the draft and see comments and have some fun as players are drafted. Who cares about the NFL draft...this is the one you really do not want to miss. Mark your calendars now and be on hand to witness history as FireFightinRick and Green Street go head to head in the Bowl Game draft. This is going to be great...be there for all the action on the 22nd of May beginning at 1:00PM (CST).
  6. Silver...agree 100%
  7. #1: We are talking pro sports here; #2: If you are going to change my statements, please note the fact that you have done so. Some may think, based on your post that I actually wrote the part about NCAA football, and #3: If we were talking about college sports, I could probably agree with you on the bowl game thing.
  8. Really hope you can play this time around. The drop dead date for sign-ups is 5:00PM on FRIDAY, MAY 20th. The player draft will be held on Sunday, May 22nd between our two captains...GREEN STREET and FirefightinRick...hopefully, through GMG.Com so all can watch the draft and comment.
  9. This is such great stuff. It is going to do wonders for the attendance at UNT home games and should build support for a new generation of UNT students to look forward to attending games. All our coaches need to be doing this sort of work, and I hope it builds and isn't just a "first year-new HC" sort of thing. I don't think it is, but we'll see about that going forward. For now, this is fantastic. If Coach Mac's efforts are not rewarded with increased attendance it would be very sad and make quite a statement about UNT. Winning and this type of effort will turn the tide for UNT. You have to start with this sort of effort both on and off the field. So far, so good. Thank you Coach Mac and thanks to everyone who is helping to set these meetings up for Coach Mac. Excellent stuff...excellent!
  10. Folks, check out the PayPal donations site for the Andrew Smith Scholarship Fund...we now sit at $400!!!!! That is only $100 away from our stated on-line PayPal goal of $500...can we do it? YES! THANKS to a couple of new and generous donations (one being a rather large generous donation), we are within reach of this part of our goal. The overall goal for the game is to net $1500 for the Andrew Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund. With a $500 goal through the PayPal site we are on our way. So, we need $100 to make the PayPal goal...would you consider helping out with a contribution? BIG OR SMALL they all help and they are all very much appreciated. We simply cannot reach our goal without your help. So far including all sources we stand at a gross of $680.00. Obviously, there are expenses, t-shirts, printing, etc., but we are still well over a month away from kick-off, so time is still on our side. Won't you please consider a gift to the fund? Remember, you can wait and provide a contribution on game game day, so if you are not an on-line fan, no problem. Thanks to everyone who supports this project. By the way...have you noticed the BILLIARD FACTORY logo on the GoMeanGreen.Com site? Well, click on it and take a look at all the great and fun "stuff" the Billiard factory has to offer. The Billiard Factory is this year's game t-shirt sponsor. One of the Mean Green's own, and a player in the GMG.Com Bowl, unt88, helped us obtain this sponsorship. So, go see unt88 at the Billiard factory and let him know how much you appreciate the support for UNT when you are looking for some great game room equipment, tables, games, etc., etc. Click on the link here on the GMG.Com site...you'll be glad you did and surprised at the variety and quality of the items presented by the good folks at the BILLIARD FACTORY. Thanks to all our donors, sponsors and players to date...you are the one's who make this happen.
  11. How about for those of us who don't download music? Any way to buy a CD? I know, I know...dark ages stuff, but, hey, I'd like to help with a purchase. I just don't download music. Cave man, I get it...but......
  12. Working on it. I have been in contact with Scott hall and he would like to play. Has some logistical issues (new baby that doesn't like the car) to work out with the Mrs. and some commitments to check into, but is very interested in playing again this year...he said he'd touch bases with Andy as well. Right now we know Brian Futrell (UNT ex) will be playing and that Brandon Kennedy (Booger himself) has said he will be in attendance. Several other ex-players have been contacted, and we are awaiting response. Hopefully Scott and Andy will be able to commit soon. Will keep everyone updated.
  13. Coaches caravans to start soon. At least that's something and we have the stadium to watch...AND...we have the 8th Annual GMG.Com Bowl being played on June 11th at Fouts with a 1PM kick-off, tailgating before and after and some nifty items for a silent auction. The last officially sanctioned football game at Fouts Field. Working on getting several ex-players to play and/or be on hand such as Brandon Kennedy, Scott Hall, Andy Blount, Brian Futrell, Nathan Tune, Nick Bazaldua, Jason ball, etc., etc. Something to add to the mix are all the neat Mean Green (and other) Silent Auction items such as a framed watercolor of Andrew Smith, a couple of autographed Mini Helmets, Rangers Tickets, a 12-pack of craft beer, 2 Club Level Seats for the Nov. 19th W. Kentucky game, etc., etc, Time to mark your calendars...still time to sign up to play...still time to decide to come and watch...it's a form of football, right? Anything to bide time until the home kick-off on Sept. 10TH. GO MEAN GREEN!
  14. Good news...let me know so we can get them on the board with t-shirt sizes, stats for the draft, etc. Folks...like UNT 90 Grad ... if you know an ex-player let him know about this game...the more the merrier. Still plenty of time to sign-up to play. It's getting better every day...you really do want to be part of this... And, have I mentioned the PayPal site for donations? Probably not as the needle has not moved one bit since the first donation of $25 over a week ago. If you can help with the Andrew Smith memorial Scholarship Fund, even $5 or $10 it would be a great help. We are trying to raise a net of $1500 for the scholarship from this game. Your help is very much appreciated and very much needed. Give it some thought. If you don't care to use a PayPal site (you do not have to have a PayPal account to donate through PayPal), PM me and I'll give you info on where you can mail a check. Thanks....let's make this happen. Great fun in store on June 11th. GO MEAN GREEN!
  15. Micah Mosely...UNT's very own outstanding football player and scholar will be honored along with a few other local area athletes at Cowboy Stadium next Wednesday. It will take place during the third annual banquet of the National Football Foundation Gridiron Club of Dallas. Micah and eight other scholar-athletes will be honored for their achievements. Way to go Micah...you make the entire Mean Green nation very proud. Thanks so much for what you have done...and will continue to do...to shine a positive light on North Texas! SUPER young man, great athlete, great student...and...a member of the Mean Green's very own. CONGRATULATIONS and very well done. This honor is earned...it is not simply handed out like candy at a homecoming day parade. Micah, you earned it...GO MEAN GREEN! Click here to view the article
  16. Rick...great news...this is, indeed, going to be a great time...hopefully, Brandon can encourage a few others to come back...and attend or play. Are are welcome to come be part of the day by either attending or playing. Thanks for letting us know that "Booger" will be in the house on June 11th...EXCELLENT NEWS!
  17. Since I really do not watch that much baseball on TV, I was wondering...are folks baseball fans or announcer/color/play-by-play fans? I mean, if you really are a baseball fan, why get so worked up over the "new guy"? Give the guy a chance to settle in and then see what you think. It's a change and humans, as a general rule, do not like change. Give it 90 days and see what you think. In the meantime, if you really are a baseball fan...enjoy the games.
  18. How can any regular season be any more meaningless than the NBA (except maybe the NHL's) when just about everyone makes the playoffs? Pro basketball has become a "sport of stars" where the rules of basketball do not apply to certain people. Pro basketball is doing a good bit to ruin the sport of basketball. But, to each his/her own. I guess that's why there are so many different sports. For me, nothing as great as the college game. No way does the pro game (in any sport) compare to the relationship one has with their college team.
  19. Very generous...I encourage anyone who downloads music to take Brant up on his offer. This is a very generous offer and one that truly gives back of both ones talent and treasure to UNT. I hope you will keep us posted on how this is going. Folks, this is a creative way to help, and it seems to be a real win-win. You get some great music by a UNT Alum AND you get to support the Andrew Smith Scholarship Fund as well...thanks so much. Just great.
  20. Micah Mosely...UNT's very own outstanding football player and scholar will be honored along with a few other local area athletes at Cowboy Stadium next Wednesday. It will take place during the third annual banquet of the National Football Foundation Gridiron Club of Dallas. Micah and eight other scholar-athletes will be honored for their achievements. Way to go Micah...you make the entire Mean Green nation very proud. Thanks so much for what you have done...and will continue to do...to shine a positive light on North Texas! SUPER young man, great athlete, great student...and...a member of the Mean Green's very own. CONGRATULATIONS and very well done. This honor is earned...it is not simply handed out like candy at a homecoming day parade. Micah, you earned it...GO MEAN GREEN! This post has been promoted to an article
  21. Micah Mosely...UNT's very own outstanding football player and scholar will be honored along with a few other local area athletes at Cowboy Stadium next Wednesday. It will take place during the third annual banquet of the National Football Foundation Gridiron Club of Dallas. Micah and eight other scholar-athletes will be honored for their achievements. Way to go Micah...you make the entire Mean Green nation very proud. Thanks so much for what you have done...and will continue to do...to shine a positive light on North Texas! SUPER young man, great athlete, great student...and...a member of the Mean Green's very own. CONGRATULATIONS and very well done. This honor is earned...it is not simply handed out like candy at a homecoming day parade. Micah, you earned it...GO MEAN GREEN!
  22. Excellent news...BUT, the Facebook "acceptances" have me a bit confused regarding their actual status...as we saw in the Facebook acceptances for the recent basketball game, a Facebook acceptance doesn't really seem to mean that they will be playing or attending the event. Some how, we need to communicate to these folks the need to go to the GMG.Com board and confirm that they will be playing, provide their stats for the draft and provide a t-shirt size and playing name for the game day shirts. I don't want to have any unhappy campers showing up on game day expecting to play just to be told we don't have shirt for them nor have they been drafted to a team. Man, I do hope Brandon wants to play and/or attend. That would be FANTASTIC!
  23. Big question...does Dallas even get by Portland and out of the first round? I am not that big of a pro basketball fan to know how the match-up really looks. But, Portland fans seem very happy to have drawn Dallas. What say the hardcore pro fans here on the board?
  24. Well, I do know that MGC memberships and renewals and total dollars pledged and committed through the MGC are ahead of pace as to where they were at this time last year. The MGC is doing this campaign much earlier than in prior years. In prior years it is my understanding (from contact with MGC paid staffers) that the majority of new memberships and/or renewals came in much later in the year...mostly around the time when season ticket sales geared up...July/August time frame. Being significantly ahead of that pace is an accomplishment. In addition 100% of the boxes have been sold at the new stadium and well over 490 of the 800 club seats. It is only mid-May. Also...season ticket applications are ahead of pace from last year. I'm am not saying that these folks are God's gift to the marketing world, but they are definitely more in number and significantly better at what they do than what we have ever seen before at UNT. I appreciate your perspective, I just see people working on development much more and much better than I have ever seen before. Remember, when we, as fans, are at games or evening functions having fun, these folks are still on the clock working...often seven days a week. Could it be better or smarter, probably so...could they use additional training? Sure, couldn't everyone in their positions? I understand your "they stand around and talk to each other" thing as that has been a pet peeve of mine for many years...but not just with UNT folks. Let's see where the MGC memberships are come Sept. 10th (and the scholarship dollars raised) along with the season ticket numbers before we are too "shocked" at the numbers. I guess I am comparing what I see going on and the numbers I have actually seen to those I witnessed the past many years. And, from my perspective, while improvements can always be made, it just seems the effort and success rate is way ahead of where it has been in previous years. Just as a small bit of perspective, in my Mean green Club Rep work I am seeing increases in giving levels far outpace any reductions in giving levels (in fact I have had only one reduction with eight increases in giving levels so far). I am told this is not that unusual for a Mean green Club rep. I know of another rep who has several...really more than several...brand new members already signed up and paid.
  25. UPDATE: We have our two game Captains... This year we have GreenStreet and FirefightinRick agreeing to serve as Captains. Get your plugs in now for your draft position. These two Captains will be drafting their teams on SUNDAY, MAY 22nd. Hopefully, the draft will take place here on the board for all to enjoy. Folks, the link for donations is up and ready for your kind use...Please consider a donation on top of your registration for this very worthy cause...even $5 would help a great deal. The Andrew Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund receives 100% of the donations from this event. Thanks. This is going to be a really fun event. If you cannot play, think about coming out and enjoying the game...may have some surprises in store for you. You do realize that this is the last officially sanctioned game at Fouts Field, right? And, that is probably a very good thing!
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