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Everything posted by KRAM1
I think the Mean Green Club Rep program was a great idea and long overdue for the Mean Green. The folks UNT has hired to move this program forward are doing a great job of working with the volunteer reps and finding new members on their own. It's a start and I find some of those who tend to find something to complain about a bit like the "grumpy old guy" who thinks everything is dumb, bad or 'they should have asked me because I know better". Funny how some folks like to find the negatives in even some great news...like a paid staff for UNT working daily to help improve the program and gain supporters, ticket buyers, Club members, etc. What, does anyone here really think it's an easy job at UNT to increase support levels? Does anyone think it can be done overnight after all the years of neglect by UNT "fan base"? This "ain't easy", and it will not happen overnight, and, yes, there will be mistakes made along the way...so be it! Steps are being taken to improve this program every day...why knock the efforts being made? It is more fun to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem and part of the past. The past is the past and it's GONE! It's a new day for the Mean Green and one that has taken a pretty long time in getting here for the Mean green faithful. Time to leave the past behind and get on with the moving forward. All volunteers are welcome and all donations...big or small...are welcome. So, enjoy being part of the new Mean Green. It has really been fun so far, and it's only going to get better. See you in Ft. Worth for tonight's Caravan....I'm guessing that if you have been around this program for awhile you will not find the attendance "lame" as one of our members posted earlier. I remember meetings with Coaching staff members present when you could count the attendance on both hands and have a finger or two left over. Lame this new attendance is not...should there be more...OF COURSE...will there be more...ABSOLUTELY. Come be part of the solution. GO MEAN GREEN!
I'll be there...back from Alaska yesterday evening just so I could make this one....Looking forward to it...should be great fun. GO MEAN GREEN!
Well, maybe you have given me a new idea herer...how about a game set up between GMG.Com and the SMU board folks????? Once we take down the Ponies we could ask for a BCS challenge...maybe against the OSU posters in Stillwater. Road trip anyone? How about a GMG>com gathering at Eskimo Joe's in stillwater after taking down the "pokie Posters" in flag football? Road Trip anyone?????? Tasty, I did have a message from the Fiesta Bowl folks offering some "financial help" if we moved the game to Arizona!
Well, super idea, but we have already selected coaches and they are set for the draft....I think our two coaches will do a good job of selecting so the teams are not one-sided. Of course, as Commissioner and "He Who Will Be Blamed", I can use some draft over-ride if need be...but, I can all but assure you now that the draft will be handled very fairly and all will end up enjoying their teams and teammates. Looking forward to seeing you again this year at the Bowl Game....thanks for the idea.
WOW...super stuff...just got back from 10 days in Alaska without internet connection on a regular basis...and found out that with an I-Pad GMG.com is not compatible for tying replies...man was I out of the GMG.com loop....but, I see things are really going well and shaping up for a great event. Glad to see all the great new player additions...this is GOING TO BE GREAT FUN! Still time to sign up to play...the player draft is fast approaching and final day to sign up to play is also going to be here soon...THIS FRIDATY AT 5PM...(Friday, may 20th at 5PM). DRAFT is set for Sunday, May 22nd. Thanks to all for helping to make this a great event...much fun awaits...Let's get ready to rumble!!!!!! GO MEAN GREEN!
Stan...actually you are singing my song here and I actually thought about using "inexpensive" . My Dad used to always tell me when i used the word "cheap" incorrectly that..."son, cheap means inferior quality, if you mean something is inexpensive say so, but if you mean it is inferior go ahead with cheap". I was often, as is the case here, speaking more of the cost not the quality. Good catch, Stan, and I am glad you pointed it out...and my Dad would be very proud of you as well. GO MEAN GREEN!
Nba Playoffs
KRAM1 replied to KRAM1's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
I heard "YES" on the sports radio this morning, but really don't follow the NBA that close to know the rules on this. I hope the guy on the radio does. -
Don't see that this includes new colors or new graphics, but I, too, have to wonder why this sort of thing needs to be done every 5 years or so. If UNT is going to do it, let's get it right and go forward. I am hopeful that this is an "image" campaign not centered so much around the branding, but the overall image of the University in the minds of people...such as; "it's a commuter school", "it's a music school", "it's a small school", "it's a teacher's college", etc., etc. Even some of the grads of UNT seem to have a less than stellar image of their own university...see the thread answers on GMG.com regarding "would you send your kid to UNT' for proof of some of our own feelings. Image is a very important thing as the Ivy League, Duke, Rice, Notre Dame, USC, UT, OU, OSU, etc., etc., etc. will be very quick to tell you. If UNT can accomplish an image makeover, even in the eyes of its own, this could be a very good thing, but, on the other hand, it does seem that the timing may be a bit off with tuition and parking fee increases just recently being announced. These "consultants" don't come cheap! Good luck to Dr. Rawlins and UNT with this project. It can be a very good thing, indeed, if handled properly. I'll reserve judgement until we all see the results. Could be the best money ever spent or it could be just more money down the consultant rabbit hole. GO MEAN GREEN!
Good stuff. Thanks. Great job to open ahead of schedule...private enterprise at its best.
One might could say this about a lot of the past grievances so many of our Mean Green Nation members seem to hold on to and let continue to fester for years and years! There comes a time when it's just more fun and a lot less stressful to let bygones be bygones and get on with having some fun.
Make that two of us...thrilled is the word. We get a "big body" post and we get a great perimeter player back playing where she should be playing. In this signing it really is like getting two signees!!!! Be still my heart!
Mean Joe Greene Coming To Dallas Coaches Caravan
KRAM1 replied to UNT 90 Grad's topic in Mean Green Football
Come on out to the event...no requirement that you be a member of the Mean green Club to attend. Call Jennifer and RSVP...you are definitely welcome! Heck, you ight like it so much that you decide to join the Mean green Club! Are you pulling my leg a little here? Just sayin...... but, good point to make either way! GO MEAN GREEN! -
SILENT AUCTION UPDATE: Our shirt sponsor, The Billiard Factory, is also providing some RANGER GAME TICKETS for our game day silent auction. We have the following (you might want to make your plans now): JULY 10th vs Oakland A's - 2:05PM first pitch (2 tickets) - Sec. 17, Row 29 seats 9 & 10 (these tickets sell for $40/each, so an $80 value) AUGUST 28th vs Angels - 7:05PM first pitch (2 tickets) - Sec 17, Row 29, Seats 9 & 10 (these tickets sell for $40/each, so an $80 value) GREAT seats folks for a couple of division rivals...Thanks to Brian (UNT88) and The Billiard Factory for supporting our game and the Andrew Smith Scholarship Fund. Folks, look at your calendars and get ready to bid on either of both of these sets of tickets! This is going to be FUN! See you on the 11th of June. Let me also stress that this is a FREE event and open to one and all to come be part of the fun on June 11th...If you can't or do not want to play, we would love to see you (and your friends) out for the game. Lots of great UNT ex-players to meet and greet, the last official game at Fouts Field, tailgating, flag football game, silent auction...GREAT CAUSE...what's not to like? Come on out and be part of the fun on June 11th. 1PM kick-off at Fouts Field. GO MEAN GREEN!
Excellent! I like this concept. What type of facility were you building?
I am, for your information, shelling out that kind of money (and more) for the school. So, I am mocking no one except those with the chips on their shoulders who want to find something wrong with each and everything this administration does. It gets a little tirining...yawn...to see this stuff over and over again each and every time the department does something. How long ago was this process announced and how many times has it been explained? And now you come on and complain about the process. You know, they have these magic things called phones...even have little portable ones they call cell phones that don't have long distance charges....one could have called almost anytime if they were confused about the process or wanted more info on how exactly the process will work on selection day (OK, I'll give you the sarcasm thing on that sentence). To post there was "direct misleading" on the seat selection process is rather telling. What, might one ask, did you see as "directly misleading?" I would love to know what you felt was misleading as I have not experienced any of that so far. Maybe it's just because I pay really really close attention to things and ask a bunch of questions...even by phone, by email and in person, before I shell out the amount of money i am shelling out for seats. I know people who live a distance from Denton who have found it important enough to them that they have made the effort to get to Denton for an actual look-see. Sure not everyone can do that, but that does not mean that the opportunity was not presented. I will not be able to be present to select my seats...bummer, right? Maybe I should post how unfair it was that I have a family commitment that day/time and will have to miss and be hopeful that my proxy will select "correctly" for me". If not, I guess I can come on here and talk about how unfair everything was even though I fully knew the rules going into it. Sixty open seats per section seems like an opportunity to move location if you needed to do so to me...note I said opportunity, not sure thing. Just want to be clear so you don't think I am directly misleading anyone. You ask for an open house day to see the stadium...well, they have had tours available and have announced that for months. Sort of like an open house. Even if they had an open house, for sure it would be on a day when someone couldn't come and then it would be all the AD's fault that he didn't pick a different day. Cold chicken fingers at an athletic event...wow...really? I would imagine that everyone who ever has attended athletic events has experienced the "game day food" deal. No one will be throwing a dart at a board...unless of course the person they are selecting for did no pre-work and just said pick what's there! Ample time to let your proxy know exactly where you want your seats and what you priorities are for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. options. Don't you think that "throwing a dart" comment is a bit over the top and "mocking" in itself? If you think there will be a column in front of them you have done ZERO pre-work...Don't believe there are columns to be in front of anyone at the new stadium...another bit of hyperbole on your part it seems. Want to AD to do things top notch you say...well, how about a new 30,000 plus stadium designed by the same group that designed Cowboy stadium? That "top notch" enough for you? So, let's just stop all construction while groups of people wonder about the stadium unescorted on selection day. Man, OSHA would have a field day with that one I would imagine. Let's not worry about all the hazards and potential lawsuits that little deal would open the University up to. Sorry about those nose bleed NCAA seats...I agree that's a tough deal...any idea ahead of time where the seats would be located? Just asking. And, that shirt thing was definitely a cluster drill from the start to finish. Was that you that had that problem? And, yes, have heard horror stories about the festival parking thing, but I also saw lots and lots of people tailgating in the same spots at each home game. I would be interested in knowing why you had the problem and the others did not. Interesting, very interesting. Having graduated from three different universities, I can assure you that this stuff you mention is not unique to UNT...nor is it the common thing for all UNT fans. I wonder why it happens to the same folks over and over...really, that is pretty interesting. I wonder if it is like "finding what you are looking for". Don't know. Sure, i have had...and still do...my issues with things at UNT. But, have found through the years that it is often what you make of it that determines how the experience really ends. Besides, if folks can complain, why can't I not complain? If you can "mock" why can't I? I know...IT'S NOT FAIR!
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Ft. Worth for me.
Yawn.....ample opportunity to take a tour of the stadium going back several months. Don't think anyone will make a bad choice based on not being able to go sit in the seat ahead of time...especially when all the seats aren't in as yet. Plus...if you don't like your seats after selecting them, you will have ample opportunity to move to an open seat location later...from what i have seen of the stadium, there really will not be a bad seat in the place...sight lines are great from every angle i was able to see while on my tour.
Football Cheers From The Corridor Of Years
KRAM1 replied to letsgiveacheer's topic in Mean Green Football
Actually, I am agreeing with you....don't think you caught my drift. -
I don't recall it ever being mentioned that people would be able to go into the stadium to select seats. That's why I made sure to get a stadium tour before seat selection time. I was always under the impression that one would be selecting from a seating chart and also using the virtual view software without the benefit of being able to go into the stadium itself.
Football Cheers From The Corridor Of Years
KRAM1 replied to letsgiveacheer's topic in Mean Green Football
Gee, much like some of the posters on this board it seems. Where is that wrinkled $100 bill when you need one? -
POSTING FOR MONTEY STEVENSON... Folks...you better be able to avoid the rush...if not, if you are playing QB, you might want to brush up on your "evasion" skills...Here are the senior year stats from Montey: 49 tackles, 9.5 tackles for a loss, 3.5 sacks, I int, 1 TD and 1 FF......anyone else really glad this is a flag football game? Glad to have you in the game, Montey...see you on June 11th.
My hope is that the Mean Green will make its statement on the field this season. Based on UNT's record of recent past, where else would the "talking heads" list UNT? The Mean Green will take care of this on the field. Go Mean Green!
We Got Bin Laden
KRAM1 replied to CMJ's topic in The Eagles Nest (There Should be Pie For Everyone Forum)
Excellent news! Great job Navy Seals! Glad to see that it was "up close and personal" for OBL. This raid was performed to perfection. Great job. Who is next? Plenty more of these cowards out there, so let's get on with the rat killing! -
Indeed...GREAT story. Sadly one that is played out so very rarely today. This young man has the character and strength to be is own person and look for a higher calling. Congratulations! Anyone would be proud to call this young man "friend".
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Now, that is definitely some great work. Mike, you are 100% correct we OWE Debbie BIG TIME. Really great of her to take her time and talent to do this for us. Really shows how much fun this event was for all who participated. Cannot thank Debbie enough, and I second the idea...if anyone is looking for a photographer for a special event then please consider giving Debbie a call...you can see here that she does great work and she is a supporter of the fund-raising work we do. SUPER...Just super. THANKS SO VERY MUCH...great times! GO MEAN GREEN...