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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Very proud of this team. It has returned UNT to the ranks of the "best" in college golf. It's a place where UNT can make some real "waves' on the national scene. Great run this year. I expect this team to advance out of the regionals next year. The future is very bright for both men's and women's golf these days! Well done! GO MEAN GREEN!
  2. Great stuff...and, yes, pretty darn good writing also by Brett. Kenny has worked hard and long to complete this journey and he has earned it the old fashioned way...by working his rear off to get it done. Did he have some bumps along the way? Sure, but just like his game, he never quit! CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Ken Lyons on a job well done. The entire Mean Green nation can take pride in this accomplishment. GO MEAN GREEN!
  3. I now have "official" notification that we will have not one but two...count 'em...two Autographed items by none other than UNT's own Mean Joe Green for our GMG.Com Bowl 8 SILENT AUCTION. A football and a mini-helmet. We can all thank All About UNT for securing these items for us. Folks, I personally know how much effort Jozef went to in order to secure these items for us...and, after obtaining the items what does he do? Keep them for himself as any green blooded member of the Mean Green nation would surly love to do? No! He gives them up for the benefit of the Andrew Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund and the GMG.Com Bowl 8 Silent Auction! I don't know about the rest of you, but, to me, this is going above and beyond for the benefit of the program. I can assure you that securing these items was not easy and involved a lot of work, effort and persistence. If for no other reason than to bid on these items, you will not want to miss this event...come out and be part of the fun on JUNE 11th at Fouts Field...3:00PM "kick-off". Tailgating before and after the game...bring your grill and set up or just bring a cooler full of "beverages", but come on out! Jozef...cannot thank you enough. I can't wait to see what these items bring for the scholarship fund!
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  4. Shouldn't you be resting or something? Luke will be up and hungry again soon.
  5. No problem. Definitely hope you will come out and watch the game and join in for the tailgate, silent auction, etc. Also...please make a point of looking me up and saying hello. Would love to meet you. Always love to meet members of the Mean green Nation and I am not sure we have ever had a chance to say hello. I'll have either a green or black shirt on with KRAM1 on the back. Green if I just act as commissioner and "he who will be blamed" and black if I add referee to my resume for the day. Hope to shake your hand on the 11th! GO MEAN GREEN!
  6. We have 10 ex-players signed up to play and 1 to help and watch (Brandon Kennedy) That makes 31 "regular" Joe's and Jenny's for a total player count of 41. Several others will be coming to watch and help out including Rick V. Trying to get another "special" honorary coach as well. Stay tuned. This will be an all time great Mean Green nation event....I hope lots of folks will want to come out and watch (free admission, but we might hit you up for a donation to the scholarship fund)...bring your tailgate gear and food and drink...we'll party before and after the game. Also don't forget those checkbooks for the silent auction...you will like some of the special items we have...rumor has it that we will have an autographed item from one of the best to ever don the Green! Thanks to all for participating, helping, sponsoring, etc. "See" you at the draft on Sunday! GO MEAN GREEN!
  7. Excellent news...I'll put him down for an XL unless I hear otherwise from you. Nicely done.
  8. BUMP...we should probably get this pinned at the top of the board....the draft may be as much fun as the game itself. GO GOMEANGREEN.COM BOWL 8 CLASSIC!
  9. You "pay at the door" when you register and pick up your shirt. Let us know as soon as you can about Paul Hartsfield...would be great to have him.
  10. Excellent...T-Shirt size please?????
  11. If you want to play we'd love to have you. Just "sign-up" in the game thread pinned to to top of the football board by today's deadline of 5:00PM (CST).
  12. THAT was darn good. Let's see more of this!
  13. Tragic indeed. My heart breaks for his family and friends as my prayers go out for them. One just wonders how this can happen to a kid who has so much in front of him and, from all reports, love what he was doing. RIP young man.
  14. I hope you are correct. I can only pray that you are. Wouldn't have too if so much info had not been released in the first place.
  15. I like...it's about darn time UNT got these home dates!
  16. Great stuff...maybe what Coach Mac can also help to do is to bring "home" many of our ex-players who have "lost" touch a bit with UNT over the years. Hard to listen to the guy without getting fired up about the program. Really glad to see Joe Greene being part of the focus. The guy is a legend indeed. GO MEAN GREEN! Why Not North Texas, Indeed!
  17. Excellent...thanks so much for bringing food to share....this is going to be great fun. BY the way...we have confirmation that Rick V. will be on hand and will serve as an honorary coach for one of the teams....let's get ready to rumble!
  18. GO MEAN GREEN...hit 'em long and straight to the pin! Very proud of how both our golf teams have stormed back into being in the elite of college golf. This is a great effort and a great improvement for UNT and one I am personally very proud to have seen develop. Go get 'em guys! FORE!!!!!! WHY NOT NORTH TEXAS!!!!!!!
  19. Just a reminder that the deadline for player sign-up is THIS FRIDAY, MAY 20th at 5:00PM (CST). The PLAYER DRAFT will take place SUNDAY, MAY 22nd beginning at 1:00PM (CST). There will be a Chat Room set up for the draft so all can enjoy the fun as our game day captains, GreenStreet and FireFighterRick, draft their respective teams. BTW...the official/unofficial coin has been tossed and GreenStreet will captain the WHITE TEAM while FFR will captain the GREEN TEAM. Harry will post details regarding the draft day chat room soon here on GMG.com. Game Day is JUNE 11th with a start time of 3:00PM. FOUTS FIELD----the last "official" game at Fouts! Player fee is $25 and can be paid at the time of the game when game day shirts are distributed. Cash or Check only please...no access to credit card payments on game day. ALL net proceeds go to the Andrew Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund at UNT. Our net goal is to raise a minimum of $1500 for the fund from this game. You may make a contribution over and above your playing fee and you can do it right here on GMG.Com on the Forum Home page using the PayPal sight set up specifically for that purpose. We DO need some help in reaching our goal. We will also have a silent auction on game day with such items as Rangers Tickets, Club Seats for game, Andrew Smith watercolor print, autographed UNT mini helmets, etc. Everyone is welcome to come and watch the fun and participate in the game day tailgate festivities as well .... strong rumor has it that a Member of the Mean green nation will be cooking up some great brisket to share...everyone is encouraged to bring food, beverages, etc. to the game for their own use and to share with others. Hopefully, we can make this a "community" event and tailgate party...before and after the game. So far we have a dozen or so ex-players from UNT participating in the game...I should say GREAT Ex-Players...this is going to be fun. Still need a referee or two...anyone interested? If so, send me a PM....PLEASE & THANK YOU. Thanks to all who have agreed to play, referee, help set up, who have made donations, who have agreed to sponsor...THANK YOU Brian Futrell and the Billiard Factory...to provide auction items, to cook for the tailgate, etc., etc. Thanks to Harry and GoMeanGreen.Com for all the work and for the sponsorship of this event, to the athletic dept. and staff who have provided us with a place to play and help in arranging game day needs...the list just goes on and on....cannot do this without the help of many. This is going to be great fun. COME OUT and be part of this...you really don't want to miss out! You might even get a chance to meet one of the newest members of the Mean green Nation...young Master Luke Hiatt who is not yet even a month old. Luke's proud grandpa will be doing some great brisket for us......See everyone on the 11th for a fun Saturday!
  20. Unfortunately, there is WAY too much info about this mission in the public arena. The administration allowed way too much to be disclosed about the mission from the very beginning. While the names of those executing this mission have not been released their unit name, base of operations, number of those involved, etc., etc. has been released and this may very well put both the actual members of this team at risk as well as many others who had no part to play in this mission. This is the type of mission where details should never be used for "bragging rights" or a "we got him" show. Simply release the fact that the guy was killed during a successful an covert operation in Pakistan. Leave the rest up to speculation and plausible deniability for the safety and protection of those involved, their families and associates. The entire unit and base and all attached are now at an increased risk of reprisal. The press and other media outlets can do as they wish and Pakistan can release what it wants, but the US should not be the one releasing anywhere this much info on this operation. Should not even have mentioned that it was a Navy Seal team that headed the mission. Our son is a Naval Lt. and he (and all is Naval associates) was quite disturbed that so much info was released by Washington. He and his friends are convinced that this Seal Team Unit and its base of operations is now in much more danger that it would have been if so much info was not released. Sure, it might have eventually come out, but why so quickly from Washington? May God bless and protect all those who serve this great nation of ours!
  21. LongJim...so that was you sneaking in about 45 min. late???? I agree with LongJim, it was a great evening, and if you cannot get excited about this program and where it is heading now, then you must have ice water instead of blood running through your veins or are ready for the local undertaker. These coaches are fired up and the time is right NOW to get behind this program. Well worth the effort to get to this Ft. Worth event. I would estimate 40-45 in attendance....should have been 100-200, but that will come. Great evening to be with the Mean Green Nation. Thanks to the UNT staffers who worked hard and gave lots of extra hours to make theses Caravans happen. I hope there is a large turnout for the final stop in Grand Prairie. GO MEAN GREEN!
  22. From reading some of your posts it makes me wonder how well you might have done in these same classes?
  23. ONE THING...we need a couple more volunteer refs for this game...so far only FLYER is signed up to ref. Last year it would have helped to have a couple more....$ would be nice...so, if you don't want to play, but would like to help, we could use you as a ref. OK, sure, you would pay the $25, of course, but you would get a nifty swell keen BLACK GMG.Com Bowl T-shirt as a collector's item to have and to hold and to cherish forever. What say you? Anyone have an interest in doing the ref thing? Ask Flyer...it's easy and no one throws anything at you or even calls you a bad name....well, at least not last year! HELP...refs needed!!!!!!
  24. Glad to know you will be in attendance...see you there. GO MEAN GREEN!
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