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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. U.S. is up 1-0 early and looking great...GREAT goal by O'Riley...goal of the tournament so far! Amazing strike by O'Riley! USA...USA...USA!!!!!
  2. Agree...looks like a nice pick-up for Coach Aston and the ladies. I think we'll see several more good signings. The ladies program may just be headed in the right direction. It should be a bunch of fun to watch the ladies play this next season. I'll bet they will have a bunch more fun playing for Coach Aston as well.... GO MEAN GREEN!
  3. Really good news. Nathan is not only a great football player, but a great guy and will provide some excellent leadership to the young men on the team. All the best, nathan...I'll have to watch Celina football much more closer this year. GO Nathan...great news. GO MEAN GREEN!
  4. Man, my bride and I go to England for a wedding and some fun, and a thread about the "Stars and Bars" and slavery and all that starts up! That will teach me not to leave you guys on your own for any length of time. You simply must have adult supervision! I am not touching this one with a ten foot pole! Ha! But....... GO MEAN GREEN!
  5. Congratulations, Tony. It is so nice to see "North Texas" on that roster. cannot be anything but good news for UNT. Go get 'em Tony and company! GO MEAN GREEN!
  6. Well, in some cases it depends on what one's pom poms look like!
  7. If one is being realistic, this is about where UNT should be picked at this point by all the talking heads. The proof that UNT is better than 6th place will come on the field this fall. I really don't care where anyone picks the Mean Green to finish as it is all speculation at this point until we all see the results of Coach McCarney and company's work with the team. I think lots of people will be pleasantly surprised at what this team will accomplish this season. Many might even ask if it is really composed mainly of the same players that UNT fielded last season as it will look and play so differently under Coach Mac and company. GO MEAN GREEN!
  8. Hey, Army, I "got it"! Thought it was pretty funny too. Alas, the "fun" is missed by far too many. Bottoms up!
  9. Army...definitely agree about Bradley's use of subs. Nicely done. And, I, too, was happy to see Adu play and play well. the kid has really disappointed after coming on the scene with so much hype. maybe that was part of the problem. Too much hype way too soon for such a young kid. Freddy has great skills and he showed some against panama. I hope he does get on track, as the US certainly needs to find a few special players...and soon! GO USA...beat Mexico!
  10. Saw Tony at Chicken Express the day before he left for the tryout camp and IT IS definitely UNT's Tony Mitchell.
  11. USA! USA! USA! OK, you have to admit...that was one sweet pass from Donovan to Dempsey for the winning goal, right? Maybe Bradley knew what he was doining in sitting Donovan. Seems to be playing much better and with some "spunk". Yep, "away" game for the US, but they are used to that. The Rose Bowl should have a great crowd. The US just needs to do something unusual for it, score early, and take the crowd out of the game. That will be a tall order for this squad as they start so slow. But, it is Mexico, so the "want to" will be there on Saturday. This will be a tough game top win as Mexico seems to be on top of its game right now. Nice win against Panama...GREAT GOAL! Note to Matt...it's extra time, not overtime!
  12. Just a word of thanks to those who have posted on this thread about their positive experiences. Sometimes it takes a bit of time to understand the "value" in something and sometimes it takes a visit back to actually see things as they are today. The many successful professionals in almost every field that are graduates of UNT attest to the quality of the education one receives at UNT. It is true that one must then actually "work" and put forth the effort to achieve success in their careers. A degree from any university does not guarantee success. It is what you make of it and it is the choices one makes upon graduation. The success of UNT graduates is well documented, as has been attested to on this board many times. Appreciate the actual examples folks...keep 'em coming.
  13. All you have to do is ask if it interests you that much. Sometimes actual experience counts for something. But, if you actually do want to know, give me a PM and we'll set up a time to have a chat and a beer. Then again, you'll probably never take me up on that...offer stands.
  14. Why not? Drinking games are "fun"!
  15. Silver...you have to be kidding...what a horrendous example you cite. I am not offended, just amazed that anyone would use that as an example. You can do much better than to use that example...it doesn't even work! Note" You are correct that "realistic" doesn't have to mean negative...but many folks who are negative by nature often use "realistic" as their cover excuse. Don't believe it...sit in a few business meetings where some colleagues make negative comments as a general rule...ask them about it and they'll say something to the effect...I was not negative, i was just being realistic...while everyone else in the room rolls their eyes and knows the truth. How do I know...well, I led such meetings and attended such meetings during a 30+ year banking career...and, I WAS one of those people for a short period in my career. Even had it pointed out to me by a very close friend. After that, it didn't take me long to see it for what it really was and return to a more positive attitude and outlook. Got a lot more accomplished and had a much more successful team after that revelation. Experience in that world is a great teacher. You are also correct that it doesn't change many people's minds very often or change the way they look at life, but just on the oft chance one person is able to sit down and take a good hard look (as happened to me), it might just help a small bit for someone. Going through life looking for the negatives just doesn't seem like a good idea to me. Bad things happen, and you definitely cannot put lipstick on that pig. The pig example is much better than your Auschwitz one, by the way...But, the pig farmer sees lots of beauty in his pigs and the folks working on those pig farms have jobs, and I do love ham, bacon and pulled pork sandwiches. Lots of good can come from that pig....lipstick or not. And, calling a pig a pig is not negative in the first place. So, yes, calling a pig a pig (which it is) is very realistic...calling UNT's campus ugly is not realistic, it is negative and simply an opinion. Calling UNT a school of last resort is being negative, not realistic and is definitely some one's opinion. I think I'll leave it at that.
  16. And, the challenge with the half-empty folks is that they tend to be negative about just about everything. They can't see the "good' for all the things they define as "problems" and want to "fix"...as long as it is "fixed" they way they think it should be "fixed". They claim they "just want UNT to be better", yet nothing is ever "better" for them. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. One's opinion that the campus is "ugly" or that UNT is a "college of last resort" in no more valid than any other opinion, yet the half-empty folks are as convinced that they see it as everyone else sees it as the half-full folks are convinced otherwise. One can see problems around every corner or one can look to see the positive. Neither is 100% correct nor 100% incorrect. All a matter of perspective and what your general outlook on things is...start from the position of positive or start from the position of negative. Your choice...and it is a choice. Funny how folks that have a more positive outlook cannot for the life of them figure out why someone would want to have a more negative outlook (they often refer to it as a realistic outlook as cover for their negativity), and those with a more negative outlook on things cannot figure out how others can always find something positive in most every situation. Funny how that works, isn't it?
  17. This is true about the service academies that are in DI. For the Merchant marine Academy and the Coast Guard Academy (both DIII schools in the NCAA world), athletes MUST meet the exact same selection criteria as all midshipmen. Athletes, while recruited and can get a few favors when it comes to late nominations and late entry, are Midshipmen first and athletes second. Since Army, Navy and Air Force compete in DI they simply need some "help" in recruiting or they would no longer be able to play in DI. As I understand it, the athletes (especially football and basketball) at Army, Navy and Air Force often have "softer academic schedules as well and "miss" some of the regimental duties...not so at Coast Guard and the Merchant Marine Academy. This in no way is to mean that Army, Navy and Air Force athletes do not have rigorous academic and regimental schedules...quite the contrary and athletes at "non-service academy schools would be amazed at how much more these service academy athletes are required to do...it just means they often get a bit of a break that other Cadets and Midshipmen do not get. Much can be attached to the fact that they have to spend so much time at their sport. Each who graduate will be fully prepared to be commissioned an officer in their service branch and trained to be one of our great nation's young leaders of the future. My hat is off to each and every one.
  18. So nice to click on the link to "Tony Mitchell" in this article and see "North Texas" listed! Thanks, GreenBat, for posting this article.
  19. I did not realize it at the time (and even argued to get out of it with the registration folks as a freshman in the fall of 1966) when they placed me in "Advanced English" due to my SAT/ACT scores. that I would not be required to take that exam. I thought I would "crash big time" in Advanced English, but what it did was get me out of having to take that awful "Student use of English" test. I would have probably had to take that thing multiple times to pass it, but never had to even try. Advanced English did not waste time with grammar, outlining sentences, punctuation drills, etc., etc., but rather concentrated on literature and writing...which, as it turned out was "way cool". I had a Texas Poet Laurette for a prof, Dr. Sampley for my first semester and then followed him up with the semesters of Maxine Turnage. I was lucky to get to go this way...both were excellent, and no "Student Use of English" exam. It tells you how much that exam was dreaded in how vividly I can recall my first UNT registration and my English class experiences. That exam was a killer...it sucked! many a student left UNT never having been able to pass that thing...do not tell me that UNT is or ever was a "college of last resort". If you thought so, you were sadly mistaken. I know a guy who couldn't pass at UNT and transferred after sitting out a couple of years to UT..his degree is now from UT! Don't know how that worked, but true story! So, should we conclude from this that UT is much easier than UNT? Of course not...just as no one should conclude that UNT was or is a "college of last resort". Stupid thinking and shows a lack of both knowledge and experience if one feels that way.
  20. Wait for it...wait for it.....armchair quarterbacking to start soon........
  21. Interesting article in today's Wall Street Journal regarding "The NCAA's Last Innocents". It seems there are only 17 FBS schools left that have not been in big trouble with the NCAA over rules violations, etc. UNT is one of the "innocents". The list includes: University of North Texas Boston College Northwestern Penn State Stanford Air Force Boise St. Bowling Green Central Mich. Colo. St. Fla. Atlantic Kent St. Ohio Rice Troy UAB W. Mich Interesting list. These are schools that, TO DATE, have never been found guilty of any major rules violations. It's an interesting read, but unfortunately UNT gets no further mention than a listing in those comprising the "Last Innocents". WSJ, page D6, June 22, 2011. GO MEAN GREEN!
  22. Once more we have some of UNT's own seeing the glass as half-empty. I challenge anyone to find any real evidence to support the fact that UNT was or is "a collage of last resort". The campus, while not the most scenic I have seen, is certainly much nicer on the eyes than it was when I was an undergrad in the late 60's. There are hard courses and easier courses at every college and university in this great nation of ours, including Harvard and Yale and all the ivy league schools and the military academies, etc. UNT has, and has had, tremendously well respected academic programs in many areas. I find it simply incredible that some want to find something to criticize and belittle UNT about at every opportunity. People choose a college or university to attend for any number of reasons...should I say I chose to attend UNT because I didn't get into Yale and therefore UNT was my college of last resort because it had lower academic standards? BS, plain and simple. I chose UNT (never applied at Yale by the way) for any number of reasons, and am darn happy I did, and proud of being a member of the great Mean Green nation. Never once have I considered the campus "ugly", the buildings unsightly or the programs of anything but a high standard. My two degrees from UNT have served me and my family quite well...thank you very much. Like most things, your college experience and the worth of your degree is what you make of it! Time for UNT alumni and friends to start believing in the greatness that is UNT and thinking a bit more of themselves than to think they went to a "college of last resort". Stupid thinking...or "stinking thinking" as has been said...
  23. Oh, goodness, say it isn't so! E-gads, you mean PETA is "less than what it appears"??? This is pretty typical of the far left and far right wings of most issues. They yell, scream and cause lots of press to follow their every move (ie: Green Peace, PETA, etc.) yet when the bright lights of real inspection fall upon them they are often exposed for what they are...fringe groups just trying to push an agenda...with the agenda being the most important thing....that and preserving their own organization and egos. PETA it seems doesn't actually care as much about "animals" as it does moving it's press loving and radical agenda forward. It's the thought that counts, right? Not those "pesky animals" that get in the way of their own self-righteousness. Say it isn't so!
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