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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. NO and NO...I have posted on numerous occasions that the announcement on Aug. 15th has NOTHING to do with the stadium...why can't people get that???? There are several "good things" being announced...Voertman's was one, the stadium is one, the Aug. 15th announcement is one....come on folks...READ PLEASE!!!! GO MEAN GREEN!
  2. NO...the announcement on the 15th has NOTHING to do with the stadium naming rights....see, like I told you, lots of good things are happening for UNT these days... It's a big day and a big day...see press conference tomorrow morning for the stadium announcement...see Aug 15th for another big announcement! YIPPEEEEEEEEEE...GO MEAN GREEN!
  3. Where's Coach Riddle's mention of the best deep snapper in the SunBelt Conference???? The Mean Green's own and my personal player selection, Troy Kokjohn????? Punts, field goal attempts, extra point attemps...none happen without this guy! Come on, I know deep snappers are the "forgotten specialists" on any tean until something happens, but, to not even get an "atta boy" from Coach Riddle????? I am SHOCKED...shocked!!!!
  4. On this...we can all agree! GO MEAN GREEN INDEED!
  5. Metzler's will be the caterer in the Alumni Pavilion and will be handling the beer service as well.
  6. So, you are taking Dan McCarney...and will we see your critique of the coach after each game?
  7. KRAM1

    UH, OH

    Oh, Ye of little faith!
  8. The news just keeps getting better and better for UNT. Congratulations to RV and company for getting this done in time for the opening game on Sept. 10th. Cannot wait for the news to be official! Also...an early THANK YOU shout out to the company or individual providing this help to UNT! Thanks so very much from a grateful member of the great Mean Green nation! Good things are continuing to happen for UNT these days...GO MEAN MREEN!
  9. Yep, I'm in for the unsung hero on the team...the deep snapper...Troy Kokjohn #78 on the jersey, but #1 in the hearts of Mean Green fans everywhere.
  10. Well, you will not find me predicting a Mean green loss...so, I'll say it will be: UNT - 31 FIU - 24 The D comes to play and Thompson and Dunbar make the FIU D look porous! There will be dancing on South Beach by the Mean green faithful lucky enough to see this game in person. Fans watching on the BIG SCREEN at the new stadium will be storming the field with joy...watch out for those brand new goal posts! GO MEAN GREEN...Yes, Why the heck not North Texas Indeed!
  11. Texas has ZERO interest in going independent. At least at this point according to my UT sources (these guys are VERY tied into the program and generally know what they are talking about when it comes to UT). Where the heck does this come from? Seems to me that lots of folks are crying foul over the new Texas network simply because they didn't think of it first or don't have the clout to pull it off. Unless Texas would agree to keep A&M on their annual schedule A&M isn't going anywhere without Texas no matter how much they scream and cry foul. The Ags are just raising a stink so they can take some of the shine off the new Texas network and try to make certain it doesn't have any recruiting advantages. If those TV networks were that great Notre Dame would have been back in the National Title hunt years ago. If A&M could have pulled this off they would have...so would OU, Tech, OSU, Nebraska, Arkansas, etc., etc. Stuck pigs squeal. The Ags have been stuck. That's all. If you don't like it, set up your own network if you are big enough to do it. If not, shut up and be happy that someone else in your conference is helping keep the revenues up for all the members. Look, I am not a "UT guy" at all, but all this whining and crying is ridiculous by all the poor step children...I haven't heard OU and OSU doing much public crying about it all or KState or KU or Baylor for that matter.... Now it's time to say....GO MEAN GREEN!
  12. The $8,000,000 from Paul Voertman has nothing to do with the "Big Announcement" being made on the 15th. The $8,000,000 is in addition to the amount being announced on the 15th. It's great to see this amount of support for UNT. And, i believe we will all see "more to come" sooner rather than later. These first two may just be the start of a string of nice announcements. Don't forget the recent $800,000 grant to the Library...that ain't chicken feed either. Really good things are happening for UNT these days...BE GREEN...BE PROUD! GO MEAN GREEN...WHY THE HECK NOT NORTH TEXAS INDEED!
  13. Beer will be available for purchase at the Alumni Pavilion prior to game time. Just one more excellent reason to join the Alumni Association NOW!
  14. So, Tasty...are you saying white guys can't play basketball? Hmmmmmmmmm...if JJ is at all interested I think I'd be leaving the evaluation up to him...or is it just Class 3A white guys who play at schools with very few Hispanics? I'm confused? I suppose if he were Greek your opinion would be different? Just teasin' you a little....
  15. This is the way it is done! The players are hitting and appear to be enjoying it. These coaches may not be "wonder workers", but they sure appear to know what they are doing and are bringing back the pride they players have in their team and their individual abilities. This is simply great stuff...bring us more! In the last few years there were way to many cases where missed tackles led to big plays from the opposing teams. I do not want to see players throwing themselves at the opposing team in the hopes of making contact...I want to see good old fashioned smash mouth tackling from this team. I think I will as something tells me that's important to this staff. Be still my heart!!!!! GO MEAN GREEN!
  16. Welcome aboard, and thanks for venturing into this "den of thieves" where truth never seems to get in the way of a good story or rant. Just remember that deep down inside most of the folks who lurk and post here are members, and proud members, of the Mean Green nation. Glad to see you have ventured over to the exciting times that are GOMEANGREEN.COM. GO MEAN GREEN & WHY NOT NORTH TEXAS INDEED> As drex somewhat said and correctly indicated, buckle your chinstrap and enjoy the ride.
  17. Mean Green football has brought the "fun" back in supporting the program with this set of coaches, the new stadium and the effort the players are making. It's FUN once again to talk about the Mean Green and people all over the place have turned from being overly critical to be genuinely excited and happy once again. Good things are truly happening for the Mean green faithful! GO MEAN GREEN! WHY THE HECK NOT NORTH TEXAS INDEED!
  18. Unless you sold you have not lost a dime. GREAT buying opportunity...since you bought on the way down, you'll do fine whether you bought at the absolute low or not...just like in 2008. Right now on Tuesday the DOW is UP 38 points and both the NASDCAQ and S&P are also both up. The sky did not fall...it won't and there will be buying opportunities for those who do not panic. This is a temporary drop...chill out, relax and enjoy the ride. Anyone below the age of 65 should be buying! GO MEAN GREEN!
  19. I recall seeing the site when it was operational. Missiles were surface to air...non-nuclear Nike missiles. At the time folks were worried about an air attack by the Soviet Union. BIG TIME Cold War fear. As I recall, they were manned by US Army personnel. Pretty classified site at one time. Somehow made the folks around Denton feel a bit safer I guess. Part of Denton's varied and colorful past. GO MEAN GREEN!
  20. Absolutely 100% correct, sir. You have captured the brass ring. And to go one step further no one cares what non fans think about anything that is UNT.
  21. +1 for you, sir...greatness! GO MEAN GREEN!
  22. Very true, but let's not point that out to those who failed eco 101...like say, the President and his economic advisors who refuse to take responsibility for any of the failed programs they have tried...let's see, what's the unemployment number today? What's the nation's debt rating? What's the debt level? What's the GDP? Those "changes" just don't seem to be getting the job done, but I am sure this administration can figure out whose fault it is that nothing they have tried seems to work...surely they cannot have any part to play in this whole mess...let's just have a big birthday party, raise a few millions for the campaign and continue to stick our collective heads in the sand...carry on! Look, I know everyone is frustrated by the lack of leadership coming out of DC these days. The buck, however, stops with the President...I think even Harry Truman understood that. I think the administration would start getting much higher grades from the public if they would just own up to the fact that they have yet to figure this out, and tell the American public that they will continue to propose solutions, and will finally start to work with all sides in real and sincere compromise mode to get the US back on track. Blame...and the White House is great about blaming everyone but themselevs...gaming doesn't get us anywhere...just look how both sides came out immediately and blamed the other for the debt downgrade instead of honestly talking about why it happened, the consequences and how they all plan on getting us out of this mess. Congress is broken and so is the non-leadership in the White House...maybe WE can fix it come the 2012 elections. The "change" we got in 2008 sure hasn't been worth a crap. If you can't lead, get the hell out of the way and make room for someone who can!
  23. You jut have to believe...WHY NOT NORTH TEXAS INDEED! If you can listen to Coach mac and not believe then you have a real problem. If he gets the team to believe like he has the Mean Green faithful...watch out opposing teams! GO MEAN GREEN
  24. Didn't read the link, but assume by "lenders" you mean the folks who by US debt instruments...bonds, t-bills, t-notes, etc. that help fund this outrageously high debt of ours. Well, if no one buys, that indeed, would be a major problem. But, with a AA+ rating I am going to guess they will continue to buy, but will demand higher rates. When I say "higher rates" I am not talking about rates 2 or even 3% higher than they are now...that would, indeed, be a major issue, but higher than they would have demanded with a AAA rating. We will certainly all find out soon enough as the Treasury will be auctioning securities as soon as next week, I believe. People will definitely buy...question is...at what rate. That, folks, is the question we all need to find the answer to and soon enough we will. I would guess the markets next week will continue to be volatile as they have been the last few weeks with a bias toward a bit of down, but soon enough folks will settle down, the markets will balance and return to a more normal pattern. If the folks in DC actually show some leadership, and stop all the partisan bickering, the problem should not last long. It is, however, a big "if" regarding the DC crowd acting like adults...and by adults I do not mean shoving an unwarranted tax increase down the throats of the American public, but a sensible approach to figuring this growing debt burden out and doing something about it. Time to stop worrying about name calling and getting re-elected and to actually start being adults and doing the job they were sent to DC to do in the first place...it can happen. We'll all see if it does. Name calling and finger pointing and bowing to big labor, tea party advocates and any number of other special interest groups simply will no longer work. Get a grip, grow some backbone and get on with the rat killing.....
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