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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Here's my question for folks...and I am not looking for a fight here, just opinions of people who actually ate at the Tomato...like I did while a student at UNT... Here goes...was the pizza really THAT good or was it the whole package including location, atmosphere, friendly management and decent to good pizza with hours of operation convenient for students, and prices that "fit" in most student budgets? I liked the pizza and ate there from time to time, but usually because a group of friends was there or I was "in the mood" for pizza and on campus. I never found it to be such that it would obtain this "cult status" if it were up to the product alone. Now that it is in Sanger I have not felt the urge to go that far out of my way to give it a try. I probably would if it were in Denton because the ownership was great and it was local. So, just thinking about what some others felt about the greatness that was the Tomato.
  2. No one in Florida knows McCarney? Really? I believe he was on Florida's national championship team's coaching staff. Do you think a guy with the fire and personality that McCarney has just sat around the offices at Florida and never was seen in public? Really? Every staff in the Big XII and the SEC (to name just a couple of conferences) knows Coach Mac and so do many of the opposing fans whose teams played against Florida and Iowa State. He is a "Fry guy" and that makes him pretty well known to folks who follow college football, to high school coaches across Big XII and SEC territories and to coaching staffs across the nation. Nobody knows the guy, really? I'd take Coach Mac each and every day of the week over Leach...for many reasons. I want UNT to win and to win with respectability. I don't want a coach who is popular because he is a clown around the media, and one who really hasn't won anything...did I miss the year Texas Tech won the Big XII conference crown?
  3. http://www.forbes.com/sites/merrillmatthews/2011/08/15/can-obamacare-survive-an-unconstitutional-mandate/ I hope the above link works for everyone. It is a piece that our (Institute for Policy Innovation) resident scholar Dr. Merrill Matthews recently wrote and was published in Forbes regarding the mandates issue.
  4. This Leach stuff will just not go away....As far as I am concerned...anybody except UNT...and Oklahoma State. Don't want to be associated with that guy in any fashion. Just sayin.....
  5. If you do stay home it is as good as a vote for Obama...the Obama campaign is counting on people who will stay home that would have otherwise voted against him. Think VERY VERY seriously about this before you give up your opportunity to vote. If you don't vote, it's the same as saying you like where Obama has and continues to take this great nation of ours. If that's the case, then stay home or go and vote for Obama...it's pretty much the same either way. No rant, just the way it is... I see I must have picked up an Obama fan with the -1. Ha!
  6. You can forget the death penalty...SMU paid that price for every one else EVER! Miami will not see the death penalty...the NCAA is too weak in its enforcement and would just be sued into oblivion if it even thought about giving any "big time" school the death penalty...ever! The NCAA enforcement arm is a joke. Each time a "big dog" gets caught we all see what a "weakling" the NCAA really is....too bad! But, haven't we always known that Miami runs a dirty shop???? Where's the news? Well, maybe that they got caught at all.
  7. 1. Yes - see my earlier post 2. Yes, and too many plaintiff attorneys and too many government agencies, and too many taxes on manufacturing 3. I don't get this one...what are "closet pricks" when it comes to MD's and how do you sort them out before med school? 4. Absolutely...see my earlier post 5. Stupid - no need to even respond to this. 6. GO MEAN GREEN!
  8. Nicely done, but then that is the "norm" for you guys...congrats and thanks. GO MEAN GREEN!
  9. Gray Eagle...Green59 pointed out to me that today was YOUR DAY...and a milestone one at that! Congrats on the 80 years...but most of all I wanted to say Happy Birthday and thanks so much for your loyal and longstanding support of UNT...not only in athletics but for the university in general. The Mean Green Nation stands to salute you, Sir! This is your day, make it a great one...you own it! Happy Birthday, Jack. GO MEAN GREEN!
  10. Or ignore it completely and complain that "no one told me anything". As someone recently replied to one of my posts..."Patience Grasshopper"...all in due time. I hope! The concerns are legitimate as the fans at UNT have worked long and hard to create a great tailgate atmosphere on game day. I do not believe the first few games would "KILL" tailgating as Flyer implies as things will definitely sort themselves out over time, but why risk it if you don't have to do so? This is definitely something I hope the AD staff are really focusing on for the fans. It would, of course, be a mistake if they are not. I would imagine it is very important to them and they are working all the details out and will let folks know before game day. What will be important is that all the fans follow the directions to the very best of their abilities whether they agree with them or not. If it doesn't work the first game or two...changes will be made, but this is new for everyone and even the best made plans have a way of slipping when actually enacted...ask any soldier about battlefield pre-planning before and then how it actually happened come "game day". Patience, Grasshoppers, patience. All in due time.
  11. I really don't think THAT would be a very good idea. The children might have to go to time out again. Why oh why do you insist on stiring the pot? Just can't handle peace and tranquility, can you?
  12. Or, just show up and complain about it all long and loud and ruin the day for yourself and everyone around you! That would make a great impression on everyone I am sure....especially our guests from Houston. While none of US can control the traffic and parking challenges that will most definitely happen on the 10th, we can most definitely control our own reactions and attitudes. Staying calm and doing the best one can will certainly make a challenging situation better. Now, the athletic dept. and the campus police need to do their part as well, and get the info out to folks as soon as possible and in as many ways and as clearly as possible. Will everyone read the info and act accordingly...not on your life, so there will be challenges. Deal with them the best you can and ENJOY the day...you are making an impression on many other people as well. DON'T BE THAT GUY!
  13. Silver...just had to give you a plus one for that one....ZING POW!!!!! Never been called "Norman Vincent Peale" before. I am sure some of the "youngsters" on here will have to google that just to see what you are talking about! HeHe. +1 for you sir!
  14. We have our answer to the question of will it be "man up" time or "all hat no cattle" time. All hat no cattle wins...anyone surprised?
  15. Seems the Aug. 19th exhibition game against Monterrey, Mexico has been cancelled. Too bad...was looking forward to a sneak peek at the ladies of the Mean Green before the season officially kicks off. But, it does free up that Friday afternoon for a bit of golf, so "it ain't all bad", just a little bad! GO MEAN GREEN!
  16. I like the schedule so far, and have no problem with a New Year's Eve game...probably an afternoon affair...even if not, it's early enough to still party away after the game. Like was posted earlier...what better way to ring in the New Year than with some (I hope a lot) of the Mean Green faithful? Only problem will be the lack of student turnout due to the holiday break. But, plenty of students are in the DFW area, and i would hope many come for the game. It's going to be a very bad New Year's eve for Troy...I can tell you that right now! If Coach Ashton and Coach Jones start doing the Coach Mac "be here or be square" tours with students and student organizations I would expect to see a much bigger student turnout this season...including on Dec. 31st. Glad to see the schedule coming out...means Mean green basketball is getting closer and closer...and that's a good thing indeed! GO MEAN GREEN!
  17. THIS...everyone has PLENTY of warning...let's have no whining come game day if you don't arrive early. You can do this. Stay calm and just come early. Even early there will probably be some confusion. Remember, this is the first game for the UNT Police, the Denton Police, the Parking folks, the UNT staffers AND the fans. So, everyone is in exactly the same boat. Do your part by staying calm, listening to instructions, arriving early, car pooling as much as possible, obeying all traffic regulations (yes, including the crazy stuff regarding the Denia neighborhood), and by keeping a smile on your face. All here have waited for this day for a long time...let's enjoy it and not let anything take away from that enjoyment...especially not some issues with parking, tailgating, etc. We are probably in control of over 90% of how the day's experience turns out...for me...NOTHING is going to spoil that day! GO MEAN GREEN...simply cannot wait!
  18. SMU is not ready to play the on even par with the majority of the Big XII schools and I find it highly unlikely that SMU would even be considered at this time...for one, their stadium is way too small. June Jones had a great quote that may even be applicable to UNT at the moment...when asked the question "How does SMU become a bigger player in conference realignment?" his response was...."Just keep winning". I think that pretty much hits it on the head. As to Rep. Branch...well, he is doing exactly what i would hope the Reps. in UNT's district are doing...what they think is best for the folks they represent. Why be upset with Branch for simply doing his job? One might look to the Reps. in UNT's area and ask, "what are you doing to support UNT in realignment?" I would love nothing better than to play SMU each and every year. It's the best natural rivalry possible at this time for UNT...and, I think, SMU. So, like some here, I definitely would not mind being in the same conference with SMU. Can you imagine the fun on game days, and the size of the crowd UNT would have when playing in Dallas? So very much fun, and think of the "chatter" that would take place leading up to the annual game. Be still my heart! GO MEAN GREEN!
  19. Gee, I guess not...anyone out there with any updates or info????? Radio silence is deafening.
  20. So great to see the pride for UNT coming out here instead of the usual and personal complaints that often don't mean much at all in the scheme of things. Perhaps this is what has been needed to rally the Mean Green faithful to actually unite behind the school and the athletic department and really find ways to be positive in moving the program forward, in being part of the solution and not part of the problem, in speaking highly about UNT in public, etc. For those who did not believe that "good things were happening for UNT" this last week or so should really turn the tide and prove that indeed, this is a great time to be a member of the Mean Green Nation. I welcome each and every "bandwagon" hopper-on, and have to think they will now stay on that bandwagon with the rest of us. If you are not excited about YOUR university now, I really don't think there is much hope for you. Let's keep this momentum going...if you have not already done so: BUY SEASON TICKETS! JOIN THE MEAN GREEN CLUB! JOIN THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION - SUPPORT THE PAVILION PROJECT! DONATE TO YOUR ACADEMIC AREA! WEAR MEAN GREEN COLORS! TELL EVERYONE YOU SEE ABOUT THE GREATNESS THAT IS UNT! WHY NOT NORTHJ TEXAS INDEED! GO MEAN GREEN!
  21. Thank you Ms Cole and Duxiana! This is great news. The news just keeps getting better and better for UNT these days...as has been said..."Good things are happening for UNT" these days. And, the good news just keeps coming. Very generous and very much appreciated AND needed. Things like this tend to build on themselves as more and more alums and friends of UNT see the greatness that is UNT these days. Very nice indeed. Great and significant gift! WHY NOT NORTH TEXAS INDEED!!!!! GO MEAN GREEN!
  22. OK, so I am back from the announcement, and as I was shamed into doing, I have turned on the computer to report. Yes, indeed the gift is $22,000,000.00 to be split between the Colleges of Music, Engineering and Business. I posted a bit more about this in the UNT News thread. The interesting thing was that the announcement was handled via teleconference from Thailand where Mr. Charn Uswachoke spoke. The Dean of the School of Music was also present with Charn in Thailand for the event (Mr. Uswachoke actually prefers to be called simply Charn...and he was referred to simply as Charn the entire evening. A high point for me came when Charn spoke about it being time for others to also start supporting UNT in its quest to become a major Tier One International University. Representatives from The Alumni Association, the Board of Regents (past and present), the Athletic department (RV, Cooper, Matt), development and various other administrative and academic areas were well represented. It was a great evening in Denton (morning in Thailand) and an even better look at the future of the greatness of what UNT is and will become. This donation is a pivotal moment in the history of UNT...history was indeed made! Edit: Waiting to see if a certain poster "man's up" or shows to be "all hat and no cattle".
  23. If that includes your forever ceasing to post on this board under any pseudo or real name I think that might just be a winner. Please tell me this is a promise and not just an idle threat. OK, couldn't resist...just kiddin', but you left yourself wide open for the possibility.
  24. Shall we just round up the "usual suspects" now or wait for their ever delightful and positive prose regarding all that is UNT?
  25. OK, you get your +1 now. That's better! GO MEAN GREEN!
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