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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Just heard from a UNT Dean yesterday that UNT has not had even one case of COVID due to "community spread" to date. There have been 40 confirmed cases (5 faculty/staff and 35 student), but not one of the cases originated "on campus". The cases were brought onto the campus from off campus. That is really amazing considering what has been going on at other university campuses such as Texas Tech. Fingers crossed the precautions UNT has in place continue to work well and that the campus can "open up" more for the spring semester.
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  2. Not to throw cold water on everyone's excitement, but UNT hasn't "landed" anyone here. Until this kid actually signs he is still on the market, and we have all seen how these "commitments" go these days. I absolutely love the fact that, at this time, he has "committed" to UNT, but my excitement over him will begin the day he signs that UNT scholarship offer sheet. Kid has some pretty decent offers, including ours, out there and has some playing yet to do before college.
  3. Why not reschedule the OSU game? Seems fairly possible for basketball...could play any day of the week. Many more options to reschedule than with football.
  4. We do have a ticket exchange thread on the board. Just in case folks know ahead of time which games they will miss and would like to give folks a bit longer head's up.
  5. For me, this is THE game of the season...even bigger than any potential bowl game. However, until a certain group decides this is THE GAME and not "just another game" the results might just continue as they have the last few years. I just never get the sense that "this group" (no I will not name them specifically) sees this game as anything more than "just another game" on the schedule. It simply put, IS NOT ", just another game on the schedule". It is the game. SMU is winning the recruiting battles, the public relations battles, the bragging battles and on and on. And, until that certain group sees this as the important game that it is SMU will continue to win these battles. I just never sense any "fire in the belly" with this game...nothing at all like Arkansas vs Texas (back in the day), Texas A & M vs Texas (before Texas chickened out), Texas vs OU, Army vs Navy, TCU vs SMU (to just use a few local examples). This is our "line in the sand" game, and I, for one, am getting really tired and frustrated of being on the wrong end of the score so often. Here's hoping the change starts this Saturday at Apogee with a win for the Mean Green...the good guys!
  6. Maybe if CUSA has a Commissioner worth having?
  7. You just can’t help your little woke self can you? The mark of true wokeness...when you have nothing to say ... pull out the racist card. I’ll just consider the source of this ... first you mock the victims of 9/11 (oh, sorry you “snark” the victims of 9/11) and then pull out the racist card. Is there no level you won’t descend to prove your wokeness?
  8. It IS that very “snark” as you call it (I call it mocking”) to which I was referring. Call it what you wish...I call it most disrespectful.
  9. As expected...no answer. Carry on. You may be the only person I have ever seen that mocks the 9/11 attacks.
  10. And, your response to the 9/11 attack would have been?
  11. So Alabama takes down So Miss on the road. First road win for So Alabama in a looooooooog time. Had the longest road losing streak in the NCAA (Div 1). Gee, thanks So Miss...making CUSA proud. 🤦‍♂️
  12. Did you not read Emmitt’s earlier post? Do you not know what position Emmitt holds?
  13. Thought I heard somewhere that we will be doing "throwback" style unis for every home game this season....was I dreaming that or did anyone else see/hear that?
  14. They cause a mess that someone has to pick up perhaps. And, if folks start throwing those, might some asshat throw something more dangerous than a tortilla? Just better, knowing how folks just love to follow rules these days, to outlaw throwing anything onto the field. Just guessing of course.
  15. HaHa! In a Tweet Brett Vito called me the "ultimate homer" (which from him I take as a compliment) after I asked how he got us to 6-6 when we only play eleven games. I had not read his article and did not intend too, but after the "homer" comment, I decided to read it...he has us at 12 games after including a prediction for another blowout loss in a bowl game against K State. Damn, I want to beat SMU soooooooo bad this year! Make it so Mean Green! 🤷‍♂️🤪🤪🤷‍♂️ Edit: I see the downvote. I guess Brett didn’t think it was as funny as I did. 🤣🤣
  16. Man, wearing that mask on the “student side” might be a tad warm for awhile too. I am guessing folks will lower them when they get to their seats. Don’t know “official” policy on that, but who would be there to enforce it except some self-made “mask policeman” sitting near you? One thing I did learn at the Radio Show last night is that the dept. is hoping to be able to ease up on some restrictions as the season goes along IF people play nice and follow the guidelines....which hopefully keeps the virus away from Apogee and it’s fans. So, the more folks that “play nice together in the sandbox” the better chance we have at seeing more fans, more tailgating, etc., etc. Also...no march in by the team and band we were told. Will “verify” that at HBU game, but seems appropriate. Why have players slap hands with random folks who may or may not have the virus? Lots of changes...no halftime or pregame band on field, no Cheer Team on field (the only CUSA team without its Cheer team on the field for games), etc. Let’s hope that by Saturday and the HBU game or at least by the SMU some of this changes for the better. Fingers crosses! Play nice people.
  17. You can’t see inside, by “turning around and looking up”. Unfortunately, a portion of the Hub Club folks rarely come out To their seats. Too busy being social, enjoying the bar or watching the game on TV along with their other “favorite” team. It is something that really “gets me” about the Hub Club folks, but, they have paid the donation and bought the tickets. They get to do as they wish. The Hub Club, at last report, was virtually sold out. Can’t say that about the bowl. So, once more, Hub Club is not the issue.
  18. You are trying way too hard. Simple..Bowl has 25% capacity...Hub Club and suites 50%. Hub Club and suites not the issue...and, if you were actually paying attention, you would have read the reports that largest segment of the population catching and spreading COVID 19 now are those in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. I realize it’s hard for you, so I have tried to pare it down here in real simple terms for you. Nice try at crawling your way out of the disrespect to certain folks, but no one is buying it. And, for some comment or slur to hurt you, one must actually respect the person making the slur. So....no problem for me at all.
  19. Now..try to follow along..I said the people you are disrespecting are not. Simple enough for ya this time?
  20. Hmmmmm...believe you had Hub Club tickets...so, you know that statement is a pile of hooey...Hub Club will be at 50% capacity with bowl at 25% capacity...so, doubt the "grey hairs and some walkers" are an issue...
  21. I'm thinking this HBU QB and his receivers might shock a few folks here. He is likened to our very own Mason Fine in his ability to make things happen...and as Coach Littrell said on the Radio Show last night...he makes some throws that most QB's will not attempt. Oh, yes, I do think UNT wins this one by a decent margin, but no runaway. Still too many unknowns for UNT to feel like this would be a cake0-walk. I am going with UNT 31-HBU-17
  22. Don't miss the important item above...game time is listed as EASTERN TIUME. Game kicks off at Apogee at 6:30PM Central time...just sayin.....
  23. Glad you could make it. Great having you with us! Way to go answering the trivia question too!
  24. We lose to HBU and my prediction goes to 3-8 and no bowl even with the lack of teams to fill bowl slots this season. You heard it hear first...the Mean Green does not lose to HBU. Period. End of story. Book it Danno! Aside: Damn I hope HBU isn't Portland State!
  25. If you are in the area...come to the Radio Show Tuesday at 7pm at Rudy's...or aT LEAST TUNE IN AND LISTEN.
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