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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. You know, I hear you, but if it were just questioning that would be one thing...but it is far beyond "questioning"...it is always assuming the negative. That isn't questioning. I would say that many of those on here who are negative all the time have not earned the benefit of the doubt either because everyone knows that they will always assume the negative. They must be joys to be around most the time if they approach their whole life and everything around them the way they approach UNT. And, you don't think Dr. Rawlins has earned the benefit of the doubt? That man has done more in a shorter time to move UNT forward and to show UNT is a positive light than any one human being and certainly any UNT President in a great deal of time. If that isn't 100% apparent to folks, well, they just aren't paying attention or they want to "assume" negativity with all things UNT.
  2. Don't see that Dr. Rawlins is talking about UNT being in 3rd place. I think some are speculating and providing their own "reading" of the content. So be it...some see a glass as half full, others see it as half empty. But, one thing is for certain...a never ending truism...no matter what happens at, with or to UNT, some will alsways see the negative side. It's just one of those little things that is UNT.
  3. If I recall correctly, Sam Houston hit quite a few three's against UNT recently...that's what kept them in the game for so long. If UNT doesn't "get out" and defend those three's from Jackson State it might be another rough night. I'm guessing the team learned a bit from that San Houston outing and won't let that happen against Jackson State.
  4. Well, frankly, it was OK, but I noted some folks missing who had RSVP'd to attend. Strange, but it happens. We had about 20 attending not including Coach Jones, Coach Aston and our three Mean Green Club Staffers (Kendra Talkin, Jessica Hulsebosch and Jon Burkett). But, given the poor weather and the time of year...which is always a busy time for folks...I think we did A-OK and, I really appreciate all those who braved the elements and traffic to attend. We had folks attending from Trophy Club, McKinney, Carrollton, Dallas and Denton to name a few locations. Was happy to see a couple of football player parents in the crowd as well. This was a basketball focused event and to have these football parents show up in support of the event was nice to see as well. I think Coach Jones and Coach Aston were pleased with the turnout and I know the MGC staffers in attendance thought it went well based on the membership renewals, etc. that were turned in last evening...even signed up one new member and have another couple interested in joining. Food was good...as it always is at Metzler's BBQ. I hope folks realize how big a supporter of UNT and UNT Athletics that Roy Metzler is and has been for some time.
  5. Stupid is as stupid does...enough said. But, Rudy is 100% correct...he'll serve a short sentence...if any sentence at all...and then he'll be welcomed back with open arms by the NFL and everything will be just great! Never having to suffer the consequences of your actions is the by line for the NFL (NBA as well) these days..."come work here, screw up, go to jail for a short time and we'll get a sneaker named for you and guarantee you a roster spot" and a nice new payday. But, hey, it's free enterprise and the fans are paying the freight...much like Hollywood and the Music business....so, no reason to fret. You don't like it, don't buy the tickets and don't watch...your choice. Pretty simple one at that. You pick where your entertainment dollars go. Pretty simple. EDIT: I protest those who protest my post...faceless ninjas that they are....
  6. North Texas football related? How? Let's get this into another thread as it has so many possibilities...could be hall of fame worthy. Nothing such as this that Mike Leach does is any surprise to me....the guy just seems a bit "off" in so many ways...I am happy he has found his "dream job" in Pullman, but really wonder if they know what they are getting in the way of the "entire package"? Edit: Hmmmmmmmm...still not UNT football related. Still in this thread...Interesting how the rules are applied.
  7. Did you guys read the entire letter? Really good stuff from a really good leader for UNT. I see absolutely nothing negative about it, and am in no way "confused" by this letter to the editor. Come on folks, read it and give it more than superficial thought....
  8. Mo Green...what's the answer to your question? Did I get any where near close?????
  9. THIS...exactly this!
  10. Thanks to everyone who braved the elements last evening to come hear Coach Aston and Coach Jones. It was a really nice time being with so many Mean green fans and friends, and my wife and I very much appreciate your taking the time to attend. We had folks from Dallas, McKinney and Carrollton as well as Denton and other spots make it to the event, and I think it was well worth the effort hearing what Coach Aston and Coach Jones had to say about support and the MGC along with little interesting bits of info regarding their teams. I hope everyone enjoyed the appetizers, the camaraderie and getting to talk with the coaches as much as I did. We'll have to do it again sometime.... Thanks again...really appreciate the effort everyone made during this busy time of year to come... Merry Christmas...Happy Holidays to all...may your Mean Green wishes all come true!
  11. Harry...at least you gave me a good laugh...until SMU starts scheduling UNT on a regular basis there is no way on God's Green earth that SMU is a rival. Seems a bit of a stretch to justify why this is in the UNT football thread...but, you are the man...so the rules are yours to make and break. Go for it!
  12. I love it and think it serves several very positive purposes including a "notice" to the conference realignment folks...It "plays nice" with TCU and SMU sending a subtle message that UNT would love to play them in football, basketball, etc. Two, it tells the folks that Athletics is important at UNT once again, and three...it just gets the word out that UNT has a President who cares and sees UNT as an integral and valuable part of the metroplex higher ed opportunities. Most of all...it's a really good..."folks, we are here and we are moving forward" little piece. Glad to see it! Probably much more to it than any of us might realize...never really know what's happening behind the scenes in the ivory towers at UNT, but I trust Dr. Rawlins to know exactly what he is doing and why he is doing it.....
  13. Would that be the UNT Alumni Ambassadors perhaps? Who ever is getting this together, many many thanks. It's things like this that draw people back to UNT and keeps them connected if they "never left". My second guess would be the UNT Development Staff folks....I know we have a great new development staffer that is working the Austin/San Antonio area...a great thing indeed. Am I close? Really appreciate you helping get this going for the UNT fans and alums in the Central Texas area...I hope you need that back room. By the way folks...this is a great Mexican food place. If for no other reason than the food, you owe it to yourself to come to this event...whether you plan on going to the game or not. Heck, you might even re-connect with some UNT Alums you didn't know were in the area!
  14. Well...one way is to stop by the Mean green Club happy Hour this evening from 6-8PM at Metzler's BBQ on Londonderry Lane in Denton to hear from Coach Jones...and Coach Aston...about their teams and the season ahead. Perhaps a T Mitch and Patton update in the making here...who knows. That seems like a great way to spend some of those 96 hours!
  15. GREAT...good to have you guys! Might even get both a T Mitch update and a Patton update at the same time...looking like a fun evening...happy to know you guys will be in attendance. Thanks. We need a good crowd for our head coaches who are taking time out of a busy schedule to be with us Thursday evening.
  17. Harry...is this Mean Green football? Shouldn't it be moved?
  18. I hear Leach is going to be his campaign manager.
  19. BUMP...let's ahve a good turnout for Coach jones and Coach Aston. Just RSVP to Kendra Talkin with the Mean Green Club at kendra.talkin@unt.edu
  20. Yes....about that pathetic excuse Jones used for staying after ASU told him to take a hike. But, I see your point.
  21. Why "only in soccer"? You think Jerry Jones wouldn't be doing this if the league allowed it? Silly boy...yes, in professional soccer they actually allow teams to have their sponsor names on their jerseys as well...is there some problem with professional teams trying to make money? Thought that's why they are called "professionals". Looks like a pretty good marketing idea to me...I'll bet the fans who pay to have their photo on the jersey will also buy a replica jersey. You think?
  22. If Romo could only have hit a wide open Miles Austin with a little over 5 min. to play we probably wouldn't be having to talk about another December disaster. Do the Cowboys even have a secondary? For God's sake...make a play when it counts sometime! Very very disappointing loss for the Cowboys and probably sets them up for another year at home during the playoffs. Too bad, but the 'Boys just must learn how to win in December. What's the draft looking like for secondary players this year? Rob Ryan? master D specialist? Really? Blitz, blitz, blitz all the while your secondary cannot cover Manning's grandmother one on one? Really?
  23. I am so ready for T Mitchell day at UNT! Bring it on!
  24. Yep...if it's all about the money, don't bother with the Service Academies. If it is something more than the $$$$, the service academies are exactly what you are looking for in a coaching job. Tough places to coach due to the financial constraints, the academic qualifications, the admission process, size limitations, etc., etc., but the guys that do heed the call are not having to collect food stamps either. Can you imagine coaching a group of young men like those attending any of the service academies? Wow! It would be an honor!
  25. Want a T mitchell update? Come to the MGH Happy Hour Thursday. All are welcome...RSVP to Kendra Talkin at kendra.talkin@unt.edu
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