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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. AMEN, SIR! Couldn't have said it more clearly. It's the way it is at every university I have attended. If you want "good game day parking" and benefits that the "regular" and casual fan may not have access to, well, support the program by joining their athletic foundation or other booster organization. Case in point...my wife and I wanted Army-Navy tickets a couple of years ago. I called the Navy ticket office to see what I could do, and I contacted my son who is a Navy Doc and has many Naval Academy grad friends...BOTH, told me the best way to assure tickets and to assure them on the Navy side is to join Navy's Blue & Gold Club. I did...all of $100 and I had no trouble getting tickets. While at the game I heard several folks complaining about how tough it was to get tickets that year...Hmmmmmm. Even with the lowest Blue-Gold Club donation we got very nice seats right in the Navy section. Great time...well worth the extra $100 spent. As one staffer once told me, Hey, no problem, it's always nice to be able to help someone who helps us! Amazing how that works sometimes, isn't it? Now, do I get each and every little "want or need" tended to exactly when, and how I would like. Heck, no....sometimes the response can be awhile in coming and it is at times not what I would like. But, I get it.
  2. Please do tell me, Sir...knower of all things...just who these people are in your opinion? To me they are a group who are now being led around by Big Union and other extremely liberal folks who want to further the agenda of the left. Seems to me that many of the sites were simply taken over by folks who had no clue why they were there (you did listen to the interviews of many of these folks on MSNBC, Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc., etc., right?), homeless folks looking for a place to stay within a group of folks who would feed their habits, provide food & shelter and protect them from the cops, a good number of folks with various addictions, a group of young college-aged idealists who are still on Mom and Dad's dime, a group of young and old who really did believe what they were saying, a group of unemployed who think the country owes them a living and it is everyones fault other than their's that they remain unemployed, etc. On top of that you had a small cadre of folks who actually believed in their cause and wanted to see it through. When everyone was "playing nice and within the law" I was simply amused at the so-called movement, but when several of the groups began to break the law and trample on others rights, welll...lost me completely and I went from being amused to being disgusted. So, tell me, what is this movement really? And, also tell me why many folks who think the Tea Party folks are the devil seem to embrace this "movement"? Like I said to Silver...it's only bad if it's not your cause, right? I am not a Tea Party guy either, but as long as they stay within the law and don't trample on other's rights, I am fine with their rallies, political activities, etc. Seems to me, the Tea party folks have pretty much obeyed the rules. Not so the Occupy folks in many cities.... So, oh wise one and seer of all...tell me who these folks really are...I can't wait. Yes, I believe this Occupy movement is now a sham and has been fully corrupted by big money folks and groups...much like the ones they cry foul over every day. My opinion...I am sure you have a entirely different view...no harm, no foul...just, please do give me your idealistic view of these folks...thanks. You know, the poor, the downtrodden, the disenfranchised, the weary...... I make no excuses about how I feel about this so-called "movement". It simply is what it is...my opinion.
  3. Me too...it's the only reason I hope the Pats go on to win the Super Bowl. That Mean Green connection means a ton to me!
  4. OK, I get it...abandoning babies at a site occupied by folks you support is not news and should not be discussed. OK, I get it. Time to move on...herad any juicy stuff about the Tea Party folks lately, Silver?
  5. Wow...racist overtones not appreciated here and adding "no offense" doesn't make it any the more appropriate. Dirk doesn't care for your slap at "white guys"...just sayin.....I don't think a person's skin color or race makes them any more or less an expert on basketball. Do you really think that?
  6. Excellent...very thoughtful comments from Tony.
  7. Agree 100%. A little background...there was a walkway in the original plans as I am told. The original stadium plans that is...not the Pavilion. Budget constraints necessitated some revisions...the walkway was something cut. Everyone interested is trying to find a way to create a walkway that is accessible for everyone to the Pavilion. Everyone realizes it is a problem. Just try getting to the Pavilion from any lot other than the one nearest the Pavilion and you will know what I mean. I don't have any info on what the status of the situation is, but I do know that it is being approached on several levels.
  8. Hmmmmm...you may have hit on something here.
  9. Well, winter didn't kill it off but it is being corrupted by "sponsors"...aka Unions, et al. The Occupy Dallas folks are going to ride Dart and protest wearing orange jump suits...gee, where are they getting all the matching orange jump suits I wonder? And, many of the once-peaceful protests have turned into illegal activities. The folks who saw this originally as a serious issue are abandoning the "movement" as they do not want to be associated with an "organized" movement, funded and run by what is, in effect, another big corporate America entity that they seem to dislike so much. It's a non-factor...lost its way rather quickly. Personally, i thought it was a joke from the beginning, but as long as they followed the law and held peaceful and legal demonstrations and did not interfere with other's rights, then so be it...good for them. It didn't stay that way long....
  10. Cute...you obviously have no creativity. Go back to work!
  11. Great get! Glad she decided to transfer to UNT! Welcome Hanna!
  12. Thank you. A calm voice of reason is a sea of snap reactions. Folks, Mac previously wanted this guy, but was turned down before the Bowen hiring. Bowen was offered the opportunity to go to the Big XII at his alma mater (I believe Kansas is his alma mater), and he took it...no firing! Since Coach Mac has a history with Skladany, as Skladany is an excellent recruiter by all accounts, since it is still recruiting season, as UNT needed an experienced coordinator since Bowen left.....well, I see no problems with this hire AT ALL, and I am VERY happy to see it took place quickly. Good for Coach Mac. Welcome Coach Skladany....
  13. Nice to see you adding substance to this thread. Thanks for that. What do you think you are accomplishing by continually doing this sort of thing? Really, just wondering? Why would a mod want to screw up a decent thread with this sort of thing time and time again?
  14. Folks, while Romney certainly has a "leg up" on the nomination after the close win in Iowa and the rout in NH, it is not over. It's the delegate count that matters and very few of those are set as yet. That's the technical version of the situation. However, the practical version is that if Romney indeed wins S. Carolina (where he did rather poorly last time, but where he is leading currently in the SC pools) and then takes Florida, the nomination is pretty much his and then it comes down to his running mate. Rubio, Ryan and even Santorum (who has stayed out of all the nasty attacks such as Newt is waging on Romney so far) are looking like possibilities. Of the three, Ryan would be the "rock star" pick, but it's a bit early to tell in that regard. While exit polls indicated a number of NH voters wished for "someone else" even after voting for the candidate of their choice, polls also show that Romney has the best chance of the candidates running to beat Obama in 2012. Like it or not, that's the way it is currently. Rubio, Santorum and Ryan will all bring something to add to the ticket that could help "less than thrilled" conservatives wander over to Romney should he get the nod in the primary races. The danger for the conservative bunch here is that Ron Paul or Donald Trump run a third party campaign. Each would take a bunch of votes away from the R side. While "The Donald" would be doing it out of ego he would pick off some votes that would have gone to Romney...Paul on the other hand might actually prove to be a serious threat to the party. He is very popular with the younger (40 and under) conservative and Libertarian crowd who like his stance of the military and many of his "out of the box" economic theories and ideas. Plus, there is that Tea party thing still lingering around. They tend to like Ron Paul to some large extent. So, no it is not over by a long stretch...the "Fat Lady" is no where near the building as yet on this thing, but after SC and FL...if Romney should win them both, well, she can start warming up.
  15. Signing day cannot get here soon enough to see how Coach Mac and staff do in hanging on to their commits....tough dealing with these 18-19 year old kids. I've got my fingers crossed for the Mean green, but am guessing that however the chips fall, Coach Mac will have a good class signed when all is said and done! This is cfertainly not Coach mac's first rodeo! He's got plenty of cattle to go with that hat of his!
  16. YEP!
  17. Well, that's an interesting question since the Athletic Dept. does not own or control the Super Pit. Strange as it seems that is the case and is a bit of a bone of contention these days.... But, I am sure someone can tell us....get out that pen and start writing! This looks like a good thing as just a little updating would really help the Super Pit as it remains a really great place to watch basketball. Maybe if we let the students play video games on the new boards after they are installed before the game and at halftime we can get more to show up! Just sayin......
  18. Well, we will just disagree on that one. I think the OSU offense would have hung at least 30 on that 'Bama defense. The "bama defense is really good, but last night they didn't need to be very good to beat that awful performance by LSU. That has got to be the very worst performance by a QB in a national championship game EVER! Why Miles stuck with him the entire game is any one's guess, but that entire LSU team...both sides of the ball looked scared. They were awful! If the game had been as it should have been OSU would have been playing LSU...not "bama, but you have to hand it to "bama...they destroyed LSU...They, of course, couldn't score anything but field goals, but had they been able to they would have hung 40+ on the Tigers. Did anyone else think that the LSU receivers "gave up" on running decent routs because thay knew the ball would be thrown no where near them????? Talk about a "deer in the headlights" look on that LSU QB all night long...he had ZERO clue! I think Richardson "upped" his draft day stock...."Bama QB is a soph. and he looked poised and ready to lead the Tide to a bunch of wins in the next couple of years....early Heisman candidate perhaps.... Actually, however, another fairly boring game...just like the first one...I know lots of folks will disagree...but, that's OK as we can never know what OSU would have done against either of these teams. So, good for 'Bama...they beat the snot out of a pretty bad performing LSU team last evening...they did what they had to do....they won it when it mattered...much like OSU did against Stanford (that was an exciting ball game by the way)...They'll get the #1 nod. Bring on next year!
  19. Ridiculous comment...stick to basketball!
  20. Congrats Tony!
  21. Could Tebow be one of those players who look "wrong", but who just find a way to win when it counts? Don't know...too early to tell...and could he ever "fix" that throwing motion...given a couple of more years in the NFL? You watch the guy and you think...what? How ca he play QB in the NFL...much less be a starter, but the guy has the Broncos in the divisional round of the playoffs. I seriously doubt that the "magic" continues and that this is the end of the season for the Broncos, but stranger things have happened...heck, they beat Pittsburgh (beat up Pitt and all that). Don't know, but what I do know is that Romo and the 'Boys are sitting home watching while this kid keeps his team in it when it counts the most. Not only can that not be said of the Cowboys, there are several other teams with "better QB's" sitting home right now as well. Along with all the so-called "experts" I don't get it, but the Broncos play on.....
  22. OK, no problem...we can certainly return to the very interesting uniform talk......
  23. good to know...thanks. Didn't realize I had started a poll.
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