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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Must be the AD's fault...they should fire that guy for just sitting around on his rear end doing nothing while all the other schools create great schedules for their loyal fans...come on, what's he doing all this time? He KNEW A&M be leaving the Big XII...why did he just sit around...man what a lazy guy!
  2. In case you tuned in late...and have not seen the graphic in the thread's original post (thanks Harry), the graphic of this year's T-shirt design for the game is found in the original post. Check it out...no need to reinvent the wheel here...Smitty (David Pyke) did a great job for us last year and has returned to update the logo for this year's game. Thanks to Smitty for another job well done and for donating his services to the cause once again. A very busy guy, but he never fails to step up and help us out for both our flag football and basketball games. Many thanks....
  3. So, let's see...C&T = dish it out... great...take it= not so much. I get it. Just glad I'm not on those same blocks you have "been around"...sorry if my comments hit a little too close to home for you. Happy to have any of your comments as long as you keep the offensive language off the board. I really don't think that's asking too much...nor is it being self-righteous any more than your using that language is self-aggrandizing. I'm done with this ... you may have the last word if you wish...
  4. Because you don't get it is a sign of the challenge you face. Using such words in a public forum is offensive and childish...the fact that you "don't get it" tells me something of your definition of a "grown man". Placing a smiley face icon after such nonsense in no way makes it acceptable. It is offensive and shows a lack of maturity in tyring to express one's opinion. You know it is, and you know better than that. You have shown the ability to make your points well, and to back them up...try sticking to that and then we can all see how a "grown man" does things...And, I doubt your 83 year old grandfather would be laughing at your post nor see any humor in it at all....it wasn't funny. It was offensive.
  5. You have to love a deep snapper...in this case the Mean Green's very own...Troy Kokjohn...with the "want to" and athleticism to run down field on punts to get in on the tackle. The kid could motor and if you watched was often one of the first down the field. That's AFTER making the snap. Has several tackles to his credit. Some folks may not think deep snapping is such a critical skill, but I do and I hope UNT's Dunham is ready to fill the big shoes left by young Mr. Kokjohn. GREAT PHOTO...Wall of Fame for sure! Thanks for the memories, Troy!
  6. Well, let's get your definition of a "grown man". Is it based only on age? The fact that you use such offensive language in your posts leads me to believe that you still have a little "growing up" to do. If you can only respond by using such language in a public forum then I would think you might want to re-consider what is and is not a "grown man". When the only response you can muster is in the form of foul and disgusting language, sir, you have definitely lost the debate.
  7. So say the talking heads...believe all that crap at your own peril. Anyone who thinks the election is a done deal at this point is just naive or simply delusional. Way too early to call this one for either side. But, I hope "your guy" is taking it as casually as some on here seem to be...go ahead, sit back and relax....it's not November yet. Got to love your enthusiasm Obama...glad you can see all the "warts on the R's", but turn a complete blind eye to the disaster that is the Obama presidency. Keep it up...good for your side. Keep thinking it's all over and keep listening to the "talking heads"...politics...ain't it great?
  8. Wanted to update everyone on our corporate sponsors that have signed on to date to help: METZLER'S BBQ MERIDIAN BANK CROSS TIMBERS EQUIPMENT M BENJAMIN DESIGNS In addition we have a few other folks looking at sponsorships, buying ads in the game day brochure/program and in making individual contributions. I have not listed all our individual contributors as I have not asked for their permission to do so, but just know that several folks have stepped forward as individuals to help out with this charity event in support of the UNT Cheer Squad. More corporate and individual supporters will follow I am most certain, but i did not want to delay in thanking those who have already come forward with support. Please remember these folks...and all our sponsors when you have a need for the services they provide...great people behind these businesses and all support the Mean Green!
  9. I would say "YES" indeed it is.....heck, with a bye UNT may not even play Saturday...men or women...so, Sunday and Monday and Tuesday could do the trick...we'll see how that goes by season end. Hope to see you in Hot Springs....FUN TIMES INDEED!
  10. GREATNESS! Thanks Scrap Eagle...priceless stuff!
  11. Well, there you go...the final word...let's just call the election off right now and save all the effort. Someone call Santorum and Romney and Gingrich and Paul and tell them it's over already. Why bother to carry on? Anyone who thinks this thing is over and no one of the candidates can beat Obama just isn't paying attention...way too early. Who knows...O might win again...indeed he can...especially if he keeps changing his position on things every few days...I find it laughable that people on both sides are already "calling it" one way or the other. It's a GUESS at this point and nothing more...one may GUESS right, one may guess wrong, but it's a guess and an opinion. That is all! Look, O can be re-elected for all I care if the R's win the Senate and keep the House...but, to those who think an R cannot beat Obama this time around, you are either too young or too lacking in political history or knowledge or insight to have any real feel for it this early...heck, even the so-called experts are hedging their bets right now. Come on folks, sit back and have some fun. This thing has a very long way to go.....seriously...calling it now? Really?
  12. Please nominate Obama...it will be even more wonderful. I don't like super pacs...they are illegal...oh, wait...I do like super pacs because you can't compete without them and now they benefit me...Obama at his best...ha...too funny.
  13. Yes, indeed it would open some eyes and yes, Scotty Young has several friends left at Ryan HS these days and at Guyer and at Denton HS. Plus, he would be chatting about UNT and bringing his family and friends with him to the game. This kid was a winner at Ryan and commands some local respect for the work he did while at Ryan, so, yes, indeed, it would be a positive...plus the kid can probably play! Would it change a lot of minds locally about playing at UNT...yes and no...you would still have the "I want to get away and I want to play for a bigger school" sort of thing working against you, but it would put a little crimp in that argument as the Mitchell, Williams, et al signings in BB have done. So, I hope young Mr. Young does come to UNT. It would have been a great place for him to sign in the first place, but "come on down" Scotty....I think you would look great wearing the Mean Green Green!
  14. PLAYER SIGN-UP DEADLINE: 5:00PM on FRIDAY MARCH 16th. I met with UNT staff and the Cheer Squad sponsor/coach to get some details for the event worked out yesterday afternoon, and the above deadline was set for player sign-ups and ads sales for the program, etc. This should give us time to get the player shirts printed and the game day brochure laid out and printed...so, please folks, if you would like to play, sign up as early as you can so we can get things together for the "Big Show" on March 31st. If you can't play or just simply do not want to play, please come out and support the event...no admission charge, and we'd appreciate the support on game day...plus, we may need folks to help carry out the players after the game...sore legs and feet and all that..... If you can and/or would like to help...please do so... 1) Sign up to play ($25 player fee) 2) Make a PayPal donation...any size, really, any size right here on GoMeanGreen.Com 3) Buy a game day t-shirt (pre-orders only please by the March 16th date - $20) 4) Buy an ad for the game day program...prices range from $25 to $100) 5) Be a game Day sponsor (PM me for costs and opportunities) 6) Sponsor the half-time free throw contest ($50) 7) Donate something for the silent auction...we need items for the auction...PLEASE.... Folks, this is for the Cheer Squad... no one...GMG.com, me...no one benefits except the Cheer Squad (and they definitely need and deserve some support for all the great work they do supporting UNT). You can always PM me here on GMG.Com for more info or to get my personal contact info....
  15. Brian....unt88...great to have you with us again this year...ABSOLUTELY...sign up that friend of yours...just give him a "playing name for his shirt", post his t-shirt size here and a few little bio items for the draft...will look forward to having him play.... Front shoulder shirt sponsoer is still open and would be a great help id f you have something in mind...really apprecaite the help. Just PM me eith the info on the sponsor and post the player info here...Good to have you "in" again this year!
  16. UPDATE: As of today we have nine (9) confirmed players: THOR Grant.UNT UNT90 FloMoGrad Smoothfresh meangreenacct Harry Aztecskin GreenStreet WE NEED PLAYERS!!! I have heard from several who are "thinking about it" or "looking at their schedules". I know are a few weeks away (MARCH 31st), but we do need to start getting this thing shaped up. So, please let me know if you would like to play...it all starts with the players! In addition...we seem to be stuck on $25 in the way of donations through the PayPal site...any help...any size donation will be really helpful and very much apprecaited...great cause folks...the UNT Cheer Squad! Thanks...sign up here!
  17. Bought my two from the UNT Ticket Office last week...$90/each! Seems like a decent deal to me given I'll be watching both the UNT men and women and perhaps a few other games as well. See you in Hot Springs!
  18. RUDY...you in this year??????
  19. While the refs were most certainly bad...they were bad for both sides. I saw lots of calls go our way, and lots that did not....you cannot put this loss on the refs. I was very proud of the way the Mean green battled and came back from the enlarging half-time deficit, but was disappointed in what appeared to me to be some very poor decision making and just plain turnover mistakes by the entire team. While Alzee had a monster scoring game, how many times did he take the ball all but the length of the court...often on a turnover by MT...only to drive the lane and lose the bucket...how many times did Trey Norris get rejected trying to shoot from inside under the basket, Tyler opens both halves with turnovers, even Tony throws the ball away...these guys played hurt and they played with passion and they played with heart last night, so no one should be down on them....they'll take out MT in the Tournament on the way to the Championship. I saw NOTHING last night that leads me to believe MT is any...any better than the Mean green. Even my wife...not the most astute sports fan by any means...said to me as we were leaving..."Well at least MT did not beat us"...I said what? Yes, they did...she replied..."no, looked to me like we beat ourselves tonight". She then followed that with, "we'll beat them in Hot Springs...no problem...I hope they are happy now because they won't be when it really counts". I think my wife summed it up pretty well...I left smiling at those comments... Proud of the way the Mean Green played...disappointed in some of the poor decisions made...The Mean Green take MT down in Hot Springs. Take that to the bank right now!
  20. OK, Grand, if your point is that playing them is your opinion of mishandling the situation, I can buy that as your opinion. My opinion is that playing them is not mishandling the situation regarding the grades...no problem just an honest diffence of opinions that's all...To me playing them or not is the coaches decision and is a "team" issue not an academic issue, but I see where you are coming from. Thanks for the explanation.
  21. Wonder around in the wasteland until the Red Sea parts and spring ball begins in 8 weeks! Or, head over to the BB board for some "change of pace"....
  22. Well, agree completely with that...but how would the first time/causal ticket buyer even know what ticket prices were the year before? Students get in free so that's not a consideration. If you have not before purchased....how would you know unless someone who did said something about it and why would they to a new buyer. BUT, I too do not want anything to happen to turn away new fans....we need to do all we can to attract and maintain fans...thus my constant pleas to folks to talk positive about the problem in all public forums and do your complaining in private and with the proper authority. Just seems to make common sense to me.
  23. Not arguing the point...just wondering how you know they handled it so poorly? Could it have been JJ's call as to whether the kids got those minutes? Seems he is the head coach and can use players anyway he likes as long as they are eligible to play. How does anyone other than those within the dept. itself know exactly when and how this info was processed and how it was handled internally? While, if you or I had been in charge, and knew what RV, JJ and others knew, we may or may not have handled it any differently, but since I nor perhaps you don't have all those facts, I'll have to believe what RV and a few others I have chatted with have told me about the situation. This is on the kids.....and guess what...THEY KNOW IT!
  24. OK, I keep hearing that we'll pay the same price for 5 games that we paid for 6 last year. Where has that been said or written? I could have definitely missed it, but have not heard that or seen that as "official" anywhere. Even so...ever hear of ticket price increases? I think the Rangers, Cowboys, etc. do that quite often. Not saying I would likie it at all, but still want to see that in writing or hear it from someone "official" before I even think about how I feel about it. Clue me in if I have missed the official notice reagrding 2012 season ticket prices...please. Thanks. Very possible I did. EDIT/ADD: Appreciate the fact that you will still support UNT no matter the outcome on this with both season tickets and attendance. Nicly done, Sir!
  25. Well said...I go to UNT games to have a great time and to support UNT. Heck, I'd be there if they were playing the "Sisters of the Poor"! WHY...because it's UNT and UNT is MY UNIVERSITY...that's plenty enough for me. For way too long UNT's "so-called fans" have put conditions on their loyalty...which amounts to no loyalty at all. Indeed, that is a prime example of why we do have five home games next season. People who condition their loyalty, constantly find things bad to say about the university and its programs...yes on here and in any other board existing...continue to make it harder and harder for UNT to move forward. TRUE story...I head from one player's parent about a time a a spring game that they were sitting near a few UNT "fans"...he mentioned who they were by description....not to be named here, of course....with a running back prospect and his family. The group of fans were bad mouthing the program so bad that the family7 and recruit cut off contact with UNT and eventually signed with another program. If you think what you are doing and saying is private, you have another think coming. If you think people do not know who you are...on this board and any other because you have an avatar...you are sadly mistaken and rather naive in your thinking. THIS negative stuff matters...and it matters in a big way. To get the City of Denton to support the program, to get the students to actually come to games, to get alums "back" to the games, the current fan base needs to be positive and supportive of the program in all way in public! That's in any public medium...written, verbal, etc., etc. Say and do what you want in private...so be it....but if you care at all about UNT and helping it move forward, BE POSITIVE AND BE PROUD ALWAYS in public. As a proud UNT alum and supporter, I know there are some things that could be done better...name an organization where that isn't true? I also know that there are two sides to every issue and that "outsiders" often do not have the benefit of full facts, but if you have "challenges" take them up with the correct person, in private and in a professional way...offer potential solutions as well as pointing out what you see as a "challenge" and offer to help be part of the solution. Amazing how that works sometimes...anyplace...any organization. I know I am as much as "blowing in the wind" here in that it probably won't mean a thing to the folks it should...and I'll be mocked as a pollyanna, green kool-aid drinker or one who has a part of my anatomy stuck up some part of the AD's anatomy...so be it. You take those comments from where they come, but both Coach Mac and RV made reference to just this as recently as last night. If you do consider yourself a fan of the Mean Green and a member of the great Mean Green Nation it is something to at least think about.
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