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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. http://www.foxnews.c...test=latestnews I paste this link without comment...no comment needed. Edit; Good grief...I didn't write the news story. I just posted it...I thought this thread was about this subject....
  2. Click on the photos of some of our Cheer Squad members and their coach in the Gallery here on GMG.Com to read what our support means to the Cheer Squad and how grateful they are for that support. Please consider supporting this event. PS: Thanks goes to Harry for helping get the photos and the Cheer Squad comments posted for us...thanks, Harry...apprecite you!
  3. I encourage everyone to click on the links in this thread or the photos of our Cheer Squad coach and members in the GMG.Com Gallery and read what our support means to them. I don't know if everyone is aware, but there are no scholarships available to UNT Cheer members other than those available to any other "regular" student enrolled at UNT. As you can see from some of their comments, a portion of the proceeds from our GMG.Com BB CLASSIC II will be used to help establish a Cheer Squad scholarship. I am proud to be part ...even a small part...of this effort, and I hope several others here who have not signed up to play or who have not considered donating to this worthwhile event will read these comments and think about possibly supporting UNT Cheer. Any amount would be greatly appreciated and certainly put to a very good use. Thanks for your help and support.
  4. One point he made that lots of people, young and old alike, should think about is that it "all comes down to mentality and attitude". How very true...I saw it every day in my banking career and I see it every day still. A great deal of the time, the folks who get done what they want done, are successful in their careers and develop into positive role models and leaders are those that have it when it comes to "mentality and attitude". As for Pat Knight...he's probably regretting what and how he said this....might have been much better in private and behind closed doors with his team and coaching staff. Saying such negative things about your own team and program in public does not make Pat Knight look good, does a disservice to Lamar University, and certainly hampers his ability to coach those seniors through the rest of the season. Mentality and Attitude, folks...praise in public, criticize in private...hard things for some folks to learn it seems....no matter how old one is it seems.
  5. I think you may well be on to something here...well played, Sir. Food for thought, Indeed.
  6. Excellent...thank you. I knew I had to be navigating EBay incorrectly. I wonder if the guy has sold any at the $1200 price. Seems to me that the worth of something is what a willing seller and a willing buyer will agree to in the transaction. I recall Dick Armey in my economics class one day talking about retail sales gimmicks...I paraphrase but he said something to the effect....wife comes home and says, Honey, look at this great table I bought today,...it was on-sale for $200 off the retail price. I got a great table and saved us $200! Dr. Armey's comment was...no, you sent "X" amount of money...you didn't "save" anything from an economic standpoint. If the table had been worth $200 more, you would have paid $200 more... Interesting thoughts from Professor Armey at the time...I've always thought of those comments when I buy something that is "on sale"...not saying I am in 100% agreement with the concept, just saying that it stuck with me and has merit. So, if the bobble head never sells for $1200 is it worth $1200? I WANT IT! But, I am certainly not willing to pay anywhere near $1200 for it. But, someone with a ton more disposable income/cash than I have may very well be willing...would be interesting to find out. Anyone know how long this has been on EBay? I'm thinking of contacting the seller to see if there is any wiggle room in the price...and if so...how much.
  7. Just for all you Texans and history buffs out there...today makes the 176th anniversary of the beginning of the siege of the Alamo during the Texas Revolution. Pretty significant day in the history of the Great State of Texas! Thirteen days later...on March 6th the Alamo fell. THIRTEEN DAYS TO GLORY INDEED! REMEMBER THE ALAMO!
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  8. Reserves say nothing about production. Yes, they do import oil...refined oil, if you will, but oil none the less...yes, due to their lack of refining capabilities...doesn't do anything to dispute what I previously said.
  9. Diets in order perhaps? Ok, couldn't resist. The "opening" was just too large.....
  10. EXACTLY...this is what gets the oil folks all i na stir, and creates such uncertainty in the markets. This IS a big deal even though Iran is not THAT big of a player when it comes to oil itself. In fact, they import oil as well.
  11. INDEED! Apogee is a stadium that impresses any and all who see it, and will be a very big asset for UNT...not just the football program...for years to come. The Mean Green Nation has a stadium to be very proud of and which should pay dividends for the university and the athletic program for many years to come...GREATNESS INDEED!
  12. Yes. Until the US actually has a policy and a program to get off the middle eastern, Mexican, etc. teet and become self-sufficient in oil and gas production, this will continue to happen. Few, if any, new refineries have been built in the US in some time (thanks environmental lobby and other tree huggers and frog lovers on the left as well), the Keystone pipeline was denied by Obama (again...thank you environmental lobby), off-shore drilling has been seriously curtailed, just today the Wall Street Journal reports that Obama is proposing increased taxes on the Oil and Gas industry, Alaskan oil exploration has been seriously curtailed (gee, thanks environmental lobby)...do we see a pattern here? Then we cry about rising gasoline prices, the threat from Iran to curtail oil shipments to England and France (funny, England and France get very little of their oil from Iran), the always present threat from OPEC (not just middle eastern members to OPEC folks) and on and on and on. I fully believe that if the US citizenry demanded it, like when Kennedy announced the US would be standing on the Moon in X amount of time, that this great nation of ours could be self-sustaining in oil and gas production/consumption within three to five years! And, that's WITH plenty of reasonable safeguards for the environment! No one wants to destroy the environment...no one, in spite of what the environmental whacko's will tell you. This is not just an Obama "problem"...I seem to recall every president in recent memory calling for programs to be sulf-sufficient in energy...every party...but when it comes time for the "rubber to meet the road" it's..."not in my backyard", "it will kill a tree", "it will add to global warming", "the jobs won't all be union jobs", "the jobs will all be union jobs", the polar baer won't be able to crap where he wants to", "we might kill a fish or two", "the reactor might melt down", and on and on and on.... The American public had been duped in a big way...there is more than enough energy reserves to power this great nation for the foreseeable future right here at home and in Canada. There is absolutely ZERO reason this nation cannot become self-sufficient within 3-5 years IF we, as a nation, made it a number on priority! It can be done, and it can be done quickly...however, we do not seem to have politicians who really care to do anything about it. Both parties talk a good game, but never get off the dime! Wait until gasoline is over $5.00 a gallon soon and listen to all the rhetoric flowing from DC, the Republican Party, the Democratic, etc. All just campaign talk..."All Hat No Cattle"!
  13. Shibby...EXCELLENT...got you and BMac down and appreciate your support for this event...and WELCOME to the GMG.Com board. Very happy to have you both...looking forward to seeing you and meeting you both on game day! I'll be easy to find...I'll be the one trying to run herd on this bunch of cats! Folks, it's getting better and better....thanks to all. I really am looking forward to seeing everyone on the 31st.
  14. WOW...indeed great that it has an Ebay value of $1200. Way cool, indeed. I just looked on Ebay and couldn't find it...I am sure I was checking the wrong categories or something. Can someone direct me to the correct category on Ebay? Thanks...Go Scrappy!
  15. Agree with this...cannot see any reason to lower the state flags to half-mast for Whitney Houston...or Willie Nelson when the day comes in Texas. As much as I like Willie...state falgs should not be lowered for entertainers, ballplayers, etc. Just my opinion....unless, of course, they had done something else to deserve such an honor. That is a possibility with some of our ballplayers, entertainers, etc.
  16. See Harry's post in the football thread regarding Sunbelt budgets and costs of sports...interesting stuff...baseball is the 3rd highest on the list. Far below football and basketball, but far above 4th place and below...interesting "cut" from # 3 down on the listing. Food for thought.
  17. Indeed...note the cost of baseball. Third highest of the varsity sports. Does UNT have the funds and/or donors to make this happen anytime soon? There seems to be, at least on the GMG.com board, lots of support for UNT adding baseball. Are those pushing for baseball willing to step up and help fund it? And, no, the "mystery guy" who is reported to be on board with a donation to get it going is not capable of doing it all by himself on an extended basis. If UNT adds baseball, it needs to add it the "right way" with excellent facilities, excellent coaching, adequate equipment and last but not least the full allowed complement of scholarships. So, are the resources there and would they be there on a sustaining basis for the long term? I hope so, as I would like to see baseball return to UNT. But, the attached report does make one wonder if UNT has the resources at the current time to make this happen? It will take donors and significant financial commitments on the part of the university and those donors to do this...is UNT prepared? I hope so, but tend to think it is still a few years away.
  18. No where near too late to sign up...WELCOME SHOSS! Deadline to sign-up is 4PM on FRIDAY, March 16th. Bring 'em on! Thanks unt88...much appreciated, and again, welcome SHOSS! Still room for players...it's getting better and better every day folks...several items have been donated or promised for the silent auction and we are busy lining up sponsors and ad sales. The Cheer Squad is working on new sponsorships, ad sales and auction items, so let me know if you can buy and ad (prices start as low as $25, sponsor the event or part of it (sponsorships start at $50 and include a 1/4 page ad) or if you want to donate an item for the silent auction. We can use help with any/all of the above...including more players. Thanks to all for the support to date...you folks are fantastic!
  19. Excellent news. Great to have you back with the Mean green...even if your Doc has you on a "short leash" these days. What you can do in an hour takes a lot of other folks a whole day to do...just sayin.... WELCOME BACK COACH MAC!
  20. I actually think you missed the point, but I understand your thoughts...thanks. No way was I talking about attendance...I was talking about overall support and used Saturday football games AND the recent five year plan announcements as examples of where I believe they have "dropped the ball". That's all, but thanks for the comments...I think you have a point as well.
  21. My Letter to the editor of the Denton paper this morning...I wonder if they will publish it? 2-21-12 Letter to the Editor- Denton-Record Chronicle TO THE CITY LEADERS OF DENTON-ARE YOU WATCHING? Recently, some bad news flowed from the campus of TCU regarding some selfish students who made the decision to risk their futures and the reputation of their university by selling drugs on or near the campus of TCU. What was the response from the city leaders of Ft. Worth to this situation? Support…support for the major educational institution within their city. Very public and swift support followed by a call from the city leaders for everyone in the community to wear purple in support of TCU! How refreshing to witness Ft. Worth’s city leaders public support for TCU. When was the last time the city leaders of Denton seemed to even recognize the existence of UNT within its borders in such a public fashion? Heck, in Denton on a fall Saturday game day one could be on the Square, at the Golden Triangle Mall, or in any area of Denton and have no clue that a game was taking place that day. UNT recently unveiled an aggressive five year plan for progress. Where were the city leaders of Denton with any sort of proclamation or support for UNT, the largest economic engine and employer within the city? It is long past time that the city and business leaders of Denton recognized how important UNT is to Denton and its economy and started acting like they knew! Denton – are you paying any attention at all?
  22. Do not let anyone except Coach Mac or a member of his staff tell you no...make an appointment and go over and talk to Coach Mac. he is very approachable...you seem to have a passion to help the Mean green, and unless you try...you will never know for sure. Anyone who tells you "no" and is not officially associated with the Mean green football program IS NOT the person that can tell you "yes" or "no". And, reading the qualifications on a website...any website would not be the end of it if it were me. If you want it...go for it...if it is no for this year...at least you get on Coach mac's radar screen for next year... He might even give you a workout routine and some guidelines to follow in order to prepare for the walk-on...it could well help you determine just had bad you really want to do this. I appreciate your "want to" and I encourage you to see what can be done...what the heck do you have to loose...right now you are not part of the program....go for it and I'll wish you all the luck in the world.
  23. This idea actually has merit in my opinion and Benson should think about pursuing this option. I'd subscribe to Netflix if they did this, as I suspect many other SunBelt fans would step up as well. Excellent idea and seems to be a win-win...a win for Netflix in adding otherwise non-customers and a win for the Sunbelt in a better deal and in getting to actually see the road games. Could be some "incentives" in the agreement based on the number of subscribers gained by Netflix, etc. Stebo, I agree and think this could help Netflix "stay around" and prosper. EXCELLENT idea...hopefully, Benson and the SunBelt will look into it...anyone know how to send a note to the Conference offices suggesting this? Stebo...you should send the first note...your idea! Pretty interesting idea...deserves some serious consideration...
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