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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. New Player Sign-Up.....we have KELLY RAMSEY in the house! Thanks, Kelly...and as for stats on Kelly...I am not commenting but I think there is something going on here with Hut, Tubby and Kelly...Kelly's stats reported to be: 6'0" 205 lbs Forty Time: 3.7 Bench: 555 lbs Vertical: 47 inches Squat: 997 lbs Hmmmmmmmmm...all seem to be a bit "better" than those posted for Hut! GREATNESS!
  2. Adding some player Info: HUT ALLRED: Forty Time: 3.9 Bench Press: 550 lbs Vertical: 45 inches Squat: 995 lbs. TUBBY COLEMAN: Forty: 5.9 Bench Press: 135lbs Vertical: 15 inches Squat: "Tubby can't squat anymore" OK, can anyone guess which of the two above forwarded the stats to me for posting????? I am telling you folks...this is going to be fun! BE THERE! Be part of it!
  3. NEW PLAYER ADDED.......HEATH MOODY.....come on now folks, this is getting better and better every day...you don't want to miss this one. Welcome Heath. We are really happy to have you participating this year...First year t play at Apogee!
  4. So, will a certain player get a chance to return to the squad that that Coach Aston has left for Texas? Haven't heard much posted here from our more ardent women's BB fans who feel they are really close to Coach Aston and the players, but I believe one of our better players was "dismissed" by Coach Aston just after the Sunbelt Tournament. maybe I missed that discussion, but a possibility of a return? I also have heard that several others were/might be considering transferring. Could be wrong, but haven't heard much about this situation. I know Coach Aston is a "take no prisoners" kind of coach, and she'll need that at Texas. Just wondering perhaps if some of our ladies return or stay to see if they new coach will accept them... I wish Coach Aston nothing but the best at Texas and sure wish she was staying at UNT, but cannot blame her in any way. It's her dream job and will pay a bunch more (but the pressure to win will be a bunch more as well). I like to think people should honor their contracts, but seems in sports at all levels that just is not the way it works. So, good for Coach Aston. I wish you nothing but success at Texas.... Now... "The Queen is dead...Long live the Queen" (whomever that might be for UNT in the near future)!!!!
  5. Folks we have added...drum roll please...Terrence "Tubby" Coleman to the list of players! getting better and better and more fun all the time...come on folks...you do not want to miss this...sign up NOW! Remember...player sign up deadline is THIS FRIDAY at 4PM!
  6. Thanks NT03 and All about UNT...really glad to have you guys "in" for the game. Thanks for the support. In addition, we have HUT ALLRED signed up. Played during the '94 - '97 years, so plenty of game left. In addition, Hut is with New Wave Fitness and he has agreed to help sponsor the event! So, let's hear it for Hut and New Wave Fitness! Really appreciate the support!
  7. Talked to a friend of mine recently who has a kid playing HS football...he said their HS football season tickets are pretty darn close to that if you want reserved seats in the middle of the field. Ticket prices at UNT are a bargain! There really is a price level for just about everyone....the ardent fan, the casual fan, the recent grad, the student...etc., etc. I understand what NT03 is trying to say, so no argument with the idea, but just feel that ticket prices at UNT are really decent and there are many ranges and price point levles...everyone who is at all interested should be able to come to Apogee and enjoy UNT football without breaking the bank.
  8. Got you down...looking forward to having you with us. Also...thanks for your support of our GMG.Com BB game this last Saturday as well...my wife and I really enjoyed chatting with you guys after the game at Metzler's as well. Really appreciate all your support for these events and for UNT and the Mean Green!
  9. Since I don't work in the athletic department nor at UNT I cannot tell you for certain, but I am sure we have plenty of "experts" here on GMG.Com (and other boards) that will be more than happy to give you their expert opinion which, of course, will be billed as "inside info" or the facts. However she got to UNT is really beside the point...she got here! And, after one year, looks like she is gone. That sucks, but good for her in landing her dream job. I hope she does very well at Texas for a long time to come and I thank her for her service while at UNT. Nice one-year and done job. Point is, this sort of thing happens all the time...sometimes coaches seek out vacant jobs and make the first call, sometimes AD's or someone else within the Athletic Dept. makes the first contact and sometimes a school administrator outside athletics makes the contact/suggestion...who cares? I understand your question and it's a good one just for information sake...to know if Coach Aston was the one interested at first of if UNT was...so I do not quibble with your question. My frustration comes from the fact that it will probably bring out the RV haters who claim he never has anything to do with hiring good coaches and has everything to do with hiring the ones who don't work out so well. I can just see it coming.....
  10. What a great time it was saturday...way too many people to thank....it could not have been done without the help and support of a lot of people within the Athletic dept and outside the athletic dept...BUT, without our players...it just doesn't happen! How about those great Cheer Squad students? Really fun having them with us and they worked very hard to help make the game a success. Just the preliminary numbers are in, and I still have a good deal of "collecting" to do, but the preliminary results are showing at net proceeds from this game to the Cheer Squad of $2500.00! Better than last year, folks, and you know who you are who helped make this happen. Several folks yesterday volunteered to help with next year's event already, and several ides were discussed as to how to make the game even bigger and better for next year...so.....stayed tuned! Thanks to everyone who helped to make this year's event a success....you know who you are.... What a fun day that was...if you missed it, plan on not missing it next year...you will be glad you were part of the "action". Thanks all...on to the Flag football Game!
  11. Just wanted to let everyone know that the player sign-up deadline is fast approaching...FRIDAY (THIS NEXT FRIDAY) APRIL 6th at 4:00PM (Central Time). We still need players...if you know people who would like to play...sign them up...the game is open to anyone who would like to play. Player fee is still $25 and includes a player t-shirt. This year's game will be played at beautiful Apogee Stadium for the very first time with a 10:00AM "kick-off" prior to the Annual Green-White Spring Football Game. All proceeds will once again benefit the Andrew Smith memorial Scholarship Fund! We need: PLAYERS - Sign-up right here on GMG.COM in the Flag Football thread that is pinned to the top of the football page on GMG.Com. SILENT AUCTION ITEMS - PM me if you can help GAME SPONSORS - PM me if you can help HERE WE GO...this is going to be fun...and let me remind everyone...the game is co-ed and open to both male and female players!!!! Come on ladies...you KNOW you want to play!
  12. Are you really saying that $24 is too much for a ticket in a season ticket package? Really? What do you think tickets to college football games go for these days? By the way...I think UNTFan23 sits right about the 40 yard line in the lower bowl area...great seats! And, you believe that $120 for a 5-game package is too much? I think I am a bit stunned here! And, as another poster mentioned...casual fans do not buy season tickets.
  13. SIGN-UP DEADLINE...FRIDAY - APRIL 6th at 4:00PM - (Central Time) I know that's QUICK folks...actually this coming Friday, but there is lots to do and the screen printers need time to get the shirts printed.... PLEASE...sign-up now and post your stats and t-shirt size...got to get this roll....AND PLEASE contact anyone else you know who might want to participate in this year's game.....we still need players!!!!
  14. I think this is a great idea. We have started having ex-players participate in the GMG.Com Flag Football game...maybe next year I'll work to get a few ex-BB players involved in this game as well. There are several still in the local area, so we might just have a shot. Anyone else care to comment on this idea for next year? Not that i am asking for any more work to come my way...but, this is a good idea in my opinion. Anyone care to comment or discuss? Anyone have contacts with some of our ex-players? In the case of Kenny Lyons, I would absolutely love to have him participate, and he's pretty "local" so it would be an easy ask to make, but he is close to a UNT fan who is not supportive of this event, so I don't know how that would work out. But, I'll do what I can as Kenny is a great guy and a UNT star!
  15. It's not...what are you seeing? I think you have already hit the beer before Saturday's game and it is affecting your eyesight! OK, just too it off...thanks for the head's up...maybe it was because I wanted it to still be OK.
  16. Where and why? So, some "guarantee" of lifetime employment is the only factor? I think that is perhaps one factor, but the only one? Seems to me that any good employee, hard working employee including profs and teachers should have enough self-confidence to not need the guarantee...sure, in the academic world there probably should be some safeguards regaring academic freedom, but one's quality and quantity of work should be the determining factor, yes?
  17. It shouldn't have to be justified to you.
  18. That ad is GREATNESS! However, Santorum's candidacy is about as dead as the description of Obamaville...maybe Romney can pick these up going forward. ha! Loved it......
  19. Excellent, unt88, but as you know...I already had you down as a player...good to see it posted as "official", however...need the stats for the player draft and all that....Welcome aboard!
  20. Folks, I have just received word that we can expects some "special guests" at this year's GMG.Com BB Classic II game Saturday....We expect.... Form our Women's Team: Brittney Hudson From Our Men's Team: Kedric Hogans Alonzo Edwards Tyler Hall And from our BB managerial staff: John Kelly and Matt Walsh. All are attending with the knowledge and support of their respective head coaches and because they want to show support for the Cheer Squad who has done such a good job supporting them. GREATNESS! Love to see our students and student-athletes supporting one another. Come say hello to these fine students and student-athletes. Great to have them with us for our event Saturday. EDIT: OK, we have a note from compliance that only seniors who have exhausted eligibility can attend the event. So, we have had to revise the expected guest list...still excellent and still really great that these student-athletes can help and are willing to do so. We certainly do not want to do anything that could even remotely hamper eligibility for any of our student-athletes. So, we will definitely abide by the rules and are happy that the compliance folks responded with a ruling for us.
  21. Greatness...yep, Johnny and RV just sit around and do nothing for this program and University....too funny. It's amazing how some folks just think whatever good happens has nothing to do with RV and Company while all the so-called bad sits right on his desk. Watch...there will be some claiming that neither RV or JJ had anything...anything...to do with this great news for UNT and the BB program. This is really good news for UNT...and just one of several pieces of really good news flowing out of UNT and the Athletic Dept. lately...WOW...Thanks, really great to see this news!
  22. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...not 100% sure of this from what I have heard from her over the last couple of days. But, am also sure that if her mind was, indeed, fading that the court itself would take some sort of action. We'll see how this plays out....
  23. Works for me. I am very much in favor of this move. Should also be done in all federal, state and local governments, school districts, etc,., etc. And each and every state in the nation should adopt "at will" work policies for their citizens. Hey, just my opinion...if you are a labor union guy you will probably disagree...
  24. This is really great stuff listening to the court proceedings. One day to go, and then we'll all have to wait until probably June for the decision to be announced. It is obvious to most that the three of the most liberal judges have already made up their minds to support the mandates and Obamacare. No surprise these as there is not much surprise that our more conservative judges seem to favor striking down the mandates. But, it will be a close vote in the end, and as is usually the case Kennedy could (will) be the swing vote. Tough to read him at this point, but he seems to be asking some questions that point to him leaning toward striking the mandates. But...and it is a very big "BUT"...anyone who thinks they can read the case and KNOWS which way it will go at this point is simply guessing! Yes, it appears that Verilli is getting his rear end handed to him, and, has indeed need support from the liberal ladies on the bench to even explain himself at times...but his position is a challenging one at best from a Constitutional standpoint and his arguments clearly reflect that point. One day left...which ever way it goes it will have major repercussions for this great nation of ours going forward. Truly a historic decision coming regarding the power of the federal government to "compel" its citizens to act in a certain way. If the mandates are upheld, you can bet your rear that in his final four years (should Obama be re-elected) his administration will unleash a torrent of new mandates and regulations as he works hard to increase the power of the federal government over its citizens. If the mandates are stricken, it will be historic to see what happens to the rest of the Obamacare legislation and how the nation moves forward in this health care debate. WOW...interesting and historic times these.
  25. Now that's funny!
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