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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. Indeed. I recall when Coventry City was the team that always beat off regulation at the end...they even wrote a book about it...I think the Title was "Staying Up" or something like that. I have the book...good read. However, once Coventry City was relegated, they have not made it back...yet! What West Brom did in these back to back wins is the stuff of legend! GREATNESS INDEED on the pitch.
  2. Priceless! I wonder if Kentucky will repeat? Does Kentucky rebuild or reload? The NBA really should be paying KU as a Triple A franchise.
  3. Thanks so much...happy to have the help......appreciate it! Folks...this is the one and only offer of help...is there not a few more folks that can lend a hand? We'll make it happen one way or the other, but sure could use a tad bit of help here....besides...it's going to be great fun and IT'S AT APOGEE!
  4. Folks, we need some non-playing game day help for our game Saturday. Right now I have one referee...I could use a couple more who would like to come out and have some fun, and I need some folks to run the chains and down markers, etc. So, if you are thinking about coming out to watch the game Saturday...and I hope you are...PM me and let me know if you would like to give us a hand in making sure the game is fun for all...heck...close up view of the action, right? This is not limited to the male category....any ladies out there that would like to help...referee, chains, registration, silent auction table, etc., etc. are also more than welcome...probably do a much better job than those hairy legged guys anyway...just sayin...... If you would like to support this event and have some fun, we could use a little help in various areas...let me know. Your kind assistance would be very much be appreciated....and you will enjoy yourself....I promise. Thanks in advance.
  5. Anyone else notice that the Athletic Department's Ad in the Denton Record Chronicle that lists spring game day activities had the GMG.Com flag football game at 10:00AM listed as one of the day's events????? Way cool. That's really great, and is some nice PR for the event.....the support we are getting from the athletic department for our FB and BB events is simply OUTSTANDING! And...it is VERY much appreciated! EDIT: You are kidding me! I'd sure like to know who the "grumpy old man" or person was that could -1 the above comment. Some folks really do need to get a life...sad state of affairs here...obviously the person who did it does not have the "you know what's" to identify himself. Amazing...simply amazing.
  6. Oh, my....maybe RV owes Coach mac and apology.....too funny...HOF worthy there Lifer! +1 for you, Sir!
  7. Folks...I know for a fact this poster knows what they are talking about! I mean really....if literrific says it's a "great find", that darn sure good enough for me... Thanks for posting.....bring raquel back to the Mean Green now! OK, just wishing.....
  8. You know what is really interesting...some of the same folks that are always ragging on RV and who at times call for his head will be at the announcement event today at Apogee running around talking about how wonderful things are and how they are excited...will probably want their photo taken with the new HC and RV....I wonder where in the dictionary I can look up the definition for that sort of thing? Maybe in the "H" scetion...or the "P" section.....
  9. Working on it.......stay tuned.
  10. Just wears you out with these folks, doesn't it. Always the same from always the same crowd...looks like a very nice hire...out of the ACC, lots of experience, etc., etc. Welcome Coach...let's keep it moving forward. Welcome to the great Mean green nation....please pay the negative folks no mind as they try to wear you out as well........the vast majority of the Mean green nation are very happy to have you on the team!
  11. WOW...as RV said...he wanted it completed quickly...looks like he was true to his word...and to think that some folks once again were being negative and saying that RV would dismiss the women's search to concentrate on the men's coaching search. These folks just wear me out with the negativity....which more often than not is from an inane position in the first place. This is very good news....official announcement this afternoon....welcome to the great Mean Green Nation, Coach Peterson. You have some pretty big shoes to fill in keeping the Mean Green on their recovery track. I am sure you are up to the task.....let's get this going!
  12. True...so very true, but that's never stopped anyone before.....
  13. As promised, I wanted to let everyone know the net total of funds raised for the UNT Cheer Squad from our recent GMG.Com Basketball game....drum roll please............ The net (after all expenses) is..... $ 2,653.00 !!!! This represents a very nice increase from what we were able to accomplish last year. My sincere thanks to every one who helped to make this event a success...from the great folks who were so helpful within the UNT Athletic Dept., to the Cheer Coach and Squad, to those who sponsored the event and bought ad space in the game day program, to those who donated silent auction items and concession items, to those who worked the event, to those who donated to the event, to those who came to watch the game and most of all to those who signed up and played in the game! We had a great time, and the results show that we all made it a good day for the UNT Cheer Squad. These funds will go a long way in staring a scholarship fund for the cheer squad...it happened because of some very unselfish people who gave of their time, their talent and the treasure to help support the game. It is always great to see the generous spirit of so many fans of the great Mean Green. You know who you are and you know that you are making a very positive difference. Thanks so much...planning is already underway for next year's event...which I hope will be even better and bigger. You folks are GREAT!
  14. I'm fine with the guys we have at QB. It's not the QB spot that concerns me going into the fall. The DB's and DL's are where the Mean green can make or break the season...that and the OL of course. Injuries to these spots can be the big difference between a 7+ win season or something less. Our QB's are fine...and will be for several years with the guys "in house". Now, would I like to sign another QB this year or next...absolutely.
  15. Thanks for the memories, Coach Jones. For me, you will always be wearing the Green of the Mean Green. I know this is a dream job for you, and I congratulate you on "going home". Just sad for the Mean Green Nation. Thanks for all you did to help put the Mean green back on the basketball map...well done, Sir...and you did it with class. I wish you nothing but success with the Tigers. Welcome Home...you will be missed.
  16. Certainly would not be the first time my "sources" were wrong...and I am sure it won't be the last. They are "decent" sources who should know what they are talking about, but they are "sources" none the less....probably no better or worse than yours...so, since Scotty did not sign here, we have to assume there is a reason....either he wanted to and was not offered or he really wanted to have the option of baseball but was playing his hand the best he could. Don't blame the kid AT ALL, and I darn sure wish he was going to be wearing the green of the Mean Green. But, my sources said UNT was never his first choice...maye the coaches knew that and were pursuing another option. I don't know from UNT's coaching point of view..that's not where my sources were on this one..... Good luck to Scotty...unless of course when LA TECH might just be playing the Mean Green!
  17. ?????? If you are referring to me hating you are dead wrong. KRAM doesn't hate....but KRAM gets darn tired of so many people always assuming the staff at UNT dropped the ball or screwed something up. When, in fact, they have little to ZERO real info and have talked to no one who has any real idea of what may or may not be going on. I know its a message board, but, good grief...some folks need to get a grip AND a life. IT AIN'T THAT BAD! In fact, it's pretty darn good! All one needs to do is open their eyes and come out from that pessimistic attitude they seem to carry around with them all the time or the hard they apparently have on for one staffer or another at UNT.
  18. Grass always greener somewhere else and UNT never makes the right decision.....YAWN! The kid was not signing with UNT. All the conspiracy folks and UNT dropped the ball folks can calm down. Scotty Young was not going to transfer to UNT. I know this will come as a surprise to some folks, but UNT knew this! At least this is what I have been told by three folks who definitely should know...even ones outside the department with close ties. Is it always going to be that folks who claim they support UNT feel that UNT is so inept that it's amazing how the staff finds their office each Monday morning? Why are so many so-called supporters of UNT always so quick to assume the worse and not the best of UNT personnel? How many of you folks ever sat in a meteeting where the first question that was asked was "how are we going to screw something up this week?" Well, that's what it appears several folks here seem to think the Athletic Department staff does each and every Monday. Man, people make enough REAL mistakes, and plenty have been made through the years at UNT both within and outside the Athletic Dept. Let's not join the conspiracy and rumor mill folks who always look for the bad when more often than not...no bad existed in the first place. Rumors are worth nothing. Now, I must admit that my info did not come from "the horse's own mouth", so like the rest of us, I can not be 100% certain. But, I'll place my sources in the matter against any one's else who is a s close to the situation as mine are and we'll see where it takes us. But, as you know...a real man never tells...so sources will remain simply unnamed sources....I, too, wish Scotty Young all the best at La Tech. Always wish local kids well. I would have loved to have seen him sign at UNT coming out of Ryan HS, but that was not to be...hopefully, he has found a home.
  19. This is priceless! My goodness aren't we full of ourselves? So, do tell please...what makes you seem to fell that anyone would listen to your opinion on RV even if you were standing in the front what probably would be a very short line? Just asking as you seem pretty confident in your ability to influence RV's job status and all....and this due to some message board speculation no less. Good grief, man, get a grip!
  20. Grand...you are most likely correct. The possibility that JJ would be leaving would seem to have ZERO to do with this...who even knows for a fact that UNT was really in the mix for this kid? The rumor mill can be a strange thing when it is running wide open. At least this is taking away from all the conference realignment rumor BS that floats around here from folks who may or may not have any clue about what is really going on...but, that a chat board and that's what makes it fun.
  21. This is what concerns me here...it's Florida...home of hanging chad and Casey Anthony debacles. The charges brought by the prosecutor are about as tough as she could have made them. I think that has something to do with "public opinion" and not as much the search for real justice. But, hopefully, the system will work...it usually does, and the Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackon's of the world will stop running around trying to get their 15 minutes of fame in this deal and let the court and jury do its job. I wonder if a change of venue might be in order here? This will be interesting to watch...all kinds of conspiracy nut cases already out on this one, and it does not look good for Zimmerman due to the press situation. Has there been a talk show created that the parents of Trevon have been on or a news cast? I don't have a dog in this hunt, so maybe I can be a bit more impartial in saying I have no clue if Zimmerman is innocent under Florida law or not. That remains to be seen...but the guy has certainly been tired and convicted in the court of public opinion...shame on everyone who had a hand in that.... Tragedies always take their toll and this is certainly a tragedy. Interesting how people find themselves in the situations they are and it is interesting to look back and see how the paths of these two people crossed and what might have been if either of them had made a few different choices. Sad...very sad. Even "sadder" when you think how the media whores and self-serving folks have weighed into the deal.
  22. One must also wonder what this young woman was thinking. The risk she was taking, while not as large as Petrino's in terms of family and finances and career, was still a big one. Is this married fool the best she could do? Or, was she in it for some other reason? Always amazes me how these things happen....But, just wait...within a week or two this one will be long gone from the headlines as another fool will be caught doing the same thing......or close to it, and the headlines and talking heads will be all over that one. Folks I feel for right now are Petrino's wife and kids.
  23. Indeed...well said, Silver!
  24. SMU said to have offered up to $2,000,000! Wow...that's not chump change and being as close to Denton as Dallas is JJ would not have to move his family. Tough rebuilding job or not...$2,000,000 or close to that might make it much easier to take. Don't know if JJ would get that size an offer, but it says how much SMU is willing to pay to get a decent coach. Now that Forrest has interviewed at K State we see yet another one of UNT's "can't coach coaches" getting interviewed by more so-called prominent and big-time schools. Seems to me UNT's Athletic Dept. is getting pretty good at finding good Head and assistant coaches...Aston took two assistants with her....you will recall. While I might not like the possibility of losing JJ to LSU, SMU or any other school...nor would I care to lose Forrest nor did I care to lose Aston...it does say something about UNT coaches...and that's a good thing. BTW...I was told by a person on that other board that some derogatory comments were made about Coach Aston! What????? I think someone might just owe Coach Aston an apology. Ha! Just couldn't resist. Too funny....
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