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Everything posted by KRAM1

  1. The funny part is...the staffers know who they are anyway. The thing that is funny to me is that they actually thought they COULD hide behind a different Avatar. That should tell you something right there...just sayin.......
  2. YEP...greatness, huh?
  3. It would be great fun to "out" those negative grump buckets on the other board...but, everyone...including the AD staffers...know exactly who they are...it's funny that they continue to pat each other on the back about what great fans they are, while knocking everything about the program and its fan base every chance they get. And, let us not forget...threatening to withhold support at every opportunity. Of course, all the while claiming to be the only true and best fans of UNT and the Mean Green. With "friends" like these, does the program and UNT need any enemies? How in the Sam Hill did I not make their list? They seem to still mention me on a pretty regular basis and always in such a kind manner...I wear that crap as a badge of honor as I am sure all the "listed" folks do. Grant, fear not...you have plenty of company...your support of the program and UNT is known and should serve as a guideline for other young grads. I, for one, appreciate your enthusiasm and your support for the Mean Green. UNT could use a lot more young grads exactly like you! Thanks. And.......... Welcome to the club...
  4. Sounds good to me. Like GrayEagle, this is not a program I'll be much involved in at all, but I like that it is doing something positive to engage our more "social media" types...which, of course, includes our student population. I see nothing to be negative about here, and see it as a way our Athletic Department is reaching out to our fan base.
  5. Thanks for the support!
  6. While I personally have never had a problem getting someone on the phone in the ticket office, I do know some folks who have, in the past, experienced some difficulties. And, these are not the folks who if there isn't some real problem to complain about they will just make up something or bring something up that happened 5-10 years ago just so they can be happy complaining about something. However, the same folks have told me recently that they feel the situation has gotten much better. This stuff happens...heck, I called a congressman's office recently and couldn't get through on the first try. And, I had someone recently tell me that they called my office and couldn't get anyone to answer. In case you didn't know this stuff happens...I seem to recall folks in Dallas recently claiming to have called 911 and couldn't get through...if that's true...that is a problem!
  7. Deep...no one asked us to do anything. This was simply a pure volunteer effort by a few folks willing to give of their time to try to do something positive for UNT and the Mean Green. I think most...MOST...fans of UNT appreciated the effort made. Even if they didn't...and we all know there are a certain few that did not...we all had a great time and were well received around the community.
  8. +1...Indeed!
  9. Petty...petty...petty! Everyone knows the rules that Coach Mac has in place...Anyone who cared could post an equal and/or longer list for the university programs that hold "closed practices" and scrimmages...who cares? Time to move on folks. Get over it and move on. If you just cannot live without seeing a practice, it seems Adler has posted exactly how you can do that...there are even places where there is shade. My guess, it's more about complaining and whining than it is about getting oneself out to actually watch some random football practice.
  10. Well...I ask...would it be that hard to walk up to the fence...stay outside of it and watch a little? As my bride and I got on I-35W to go to Ft. Worth this morning we could see the players on the practice field...was the scrimmage at the practice field near the athletic center? If so...if it is THAT important to someone to see a bit of practice, seems they could just walk up somewhat close to the fence and have a look see....faily hard to block everyone's view with only a chain link fence surrounding the practice field. I really don't know if this is possible or if anyone has tried it...I haven't as watching practices has never been that big a deal for me...and I am usually at work when practices are held. Like UNT90 said...I have graduated from 3 different universities and attended a 4th (U of Missouri)...at the time I was a student at these places...all practices were closed to the public on a very regular basis...don't see what the big deal is AT ALL with this policy...BUT, whatever floats your boat I guess. Early in the season at OSU, they would allow fans into the first 45min-1 hour of practice that usually included some punting drills, a few warms-ups and some position drills...then everyone was kindly shooed away...and the real practice started...don't know how long into a season that policy lasted...this was for the early season and pre-season stuff I happened to have seen.
  11. It's really bad when people have their private little pity and gripe parties interrupted by the facts. Really, folks...time to stop even trying to get some folks to "lighten up". You prove them wrong in one area and off they go to another little poop party...it's a no win situation. So, let's hope the multitudes that think seeing a closed practice is the best thing since sliced bread all show up...I hope someone takes roll to see if the folks who complained the loudest actually show up....they are all $1000+ per year donors, right? Really glad to see we can all put this little gripe behind us and move on...cannot wait to see what the pet complaint becomes next. What next "lie" will be uncovered by our crack Mean Green Club detectives next????? Too funny!
  12. Emmitt...no problem. I'll be more than happy to give you an answer to your question...in private and IN person...just you and me. Just let me know when you have time for a beer sometime. I never question the credentials of those who want better...I often, however, question the manner in which they go about expressing their "want for better". There is a time and a place for everything and there is a way to get folks "on your side" and a way to "not".....harshly criticizing every move made on a public forum is NOT the way to get a warm reception...anywhere! There is a way to be seen as part of the solution and a way to be seen by all as part of the problem. Everyone gets to pick...each way has it's rewards and consequences. Simple fact of life in every walk of life and in every relationship. Everyone is free to choose the way they want to go...they just need to understand the consequences of their actions. Anyway...beer time...just let me know. And, indeed...I have absolutely ZERO problem with your question. It's a fair one.....
  13. Keeping all fingers and toes crossed that it is ready for the first home game. I have heard conflicting views of that possibility for several months now and some quite recently from several different people, but no one has said that there is "no way" the bridge will be complete in time...each and every one said they get "conflicting" reports based on certain construction issues...all of which UNT has absolutely ZERO control over...so, still keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. One way or the other...it will open and it will open this season. So, all good. Hopefully the opening will be cause for great celebration...and increased attendance as one less excuse for not attending will be washed away. Excellent.
  14. Maybe a tad different way of thinking here...but I think the biggest victory in recent memoory had to the THE OPENING OF APOGEE STADIUM!!!! :goodjob: :thumbsu:
  15. AND....I wonder how many Ark State fans actively drive away donors and potential donors through their constant negativity and complain about everything that is Ark State Athletics and it's Athletic Director? I wonder what the history of giving is at Ark State and the size of their ACTIVE and dues paying alumni base? I wonder what history of past support the administration at Ark Styate has been to the athletic department and its AD in the area of fund-raising? I wonder if so-called fans at Ark State talk a good game but when it comes time to either put their money or talent where their mouths are they run for the hills and make as many different excuses why they don't give or join their Athletic Booster Club as they can think of and proclaim loudly why "it's not my fault". I wonder if Ark State and its fan base has the same "let someone else do it" and "if I don't get at least $150 worth of tangible items and perks for my $100 donation I am not going to donate at all" attitude that so many of UNT's fans and alums seem to have? How many alums and fans does Ark State have that if someone does something at any time ever and no matter how long ago it happened that someone doesn't/didn't agree with then they hold off on joining the booster club or donating forever and bring up the ancient slight time and time again? Come on folks...I doubt anyone here has any real knowledge of the back-story that led to this reassignment. Don't you too find it strange that a guy who they are now saying can't raise donations has been reassigned to a position that is a development/fund-raising position? It's Ark State, not UNT...some similarities but many more differences. Even when the AD and his staff raise funds some folks here say the guy and his staff had absolutely nothing to do with it...like they have a clue. I find it odd and more than a little disheartening that we have this sort of "stuff" come up every time the opportunity presents itself to some folks. Can we not find ways to help move the program forward and to bring new donors and supporters to the Mean Green instead of wanting to insinuate that things are not good and won't ever get better? Some folks like to say "it's not my job" and "isn't it sad and embarrassing that some fans had to do this or that"...as it's the AD's job....well, those saying that might just want to look around and get out a tad more...there are legions of fan volunteers doing all sorts of volunteer work for their various athletic departments all across this nation...not just at UNT. I, myself, have been asked to help volunteer for OSU...another of my alma maters...too bad it was on a day I was already out helping put up UNT football posters around town or I probably would have said yes. Gee...the athletic dept. folks should have been doing that....UNT has way too many who feel "it's not their job", feel "it's embarrassing" or like to belittle and demean those who do try to do what they can to help. Funny how folks who say they want nothing but the best for UNT seem to find fault with others who are just trying to do what they can. As I often say...these Mean Green folks are a funny lot...got to love 'em all though as "it's family"! I fully believe that some day this great Mean green nation of ours will come together and start pulling together as one. When that happens, the sky is no limit!
  16. Can we pick which words we would enjoy most?
  17. OK, so now I like the little add on items you seem to want to post ... and which make us all lkeep scrolling endlessly to get past them, but McKayla Maroney is pretty nice looking and her facial expression here is classic!
  18. It's football...players get hurt...you compensate and move on as a team. It creates opportunities for others to step up and show they deserve playing time...even the "great...yuck" OU is seeing a rash of injuries this fall already. Really hate to see this, but might be best that this was "caught" early...maybe the docs can fix it and he'll be back "better than ever"...I sure hope so. Will keep my fingers crossed. No reason AT ALL for doom and gloom. It's football, and it's happening to probably just about every team out there in our conference. But, the teams that seem to do the best in every sport are the ones who suffer the fewest injuries to key players during the season. Emphasis, of course, on KEY players. That can, of course, be a quality second team or younger player adding depth and reps to give the starter a rest along the way. Got to go with the players available...I think UNT has the coaching staff to get it done.
  19. Derogatory enough for you? Seems so for me. Tell me in all honesty that you were not referring to RV here? Lee (and I use your name here only because you did) I know you live in Arkansas and I know you support the Mean Green to the extent that you can. That's not the issue. I think you know that as well. But, honestly tell me...does the sort of post you made help move the program forward? Is it going to change any behavior? Does it help bring new donors and members to the Mean Green Club? I don't think in any way you could answer those questions with a "yes". So, as someone who supports the Mean Green, just what is your point? Spreading rumors from a few disgruntled fans who may or may not have the access to the AD and Dept. personnel that they once may have had? I think not, and doubt in your line of work that throwing such innuendos around is seen as a very good thing...I wonder what you would think if some folks started posting such inferences and rumors about you? Would you see that as beneficial and positive? I sure wouldn't. And, as you may recall, I have been on the receiving end of some fairly harsh words and comments and have been so accused of wrong doing...wrong in the minds of the persons doing the accusing since I didn't do what they wanted me to do or how they wanted me to do it. So, as a fan of the Mean Green and the supporter that you are, I only ask that you think about such posts in such a public venue and if they are meant to help or to injure.
  20. Lee, I know exactly who you are...just didn't want to plaster it all over the board. But, did you actually read what you posted? If that's not calling the AD out for telling an intentional lie to donors, well, I have a hard time seeing what else it might be (even with your "if it's true" line...so, can we can start selling tickets to the RV-Mean Green 93-98 showdown now for the Kick-Off Cookout? OK, that's a bit much...you know I wouldn't do that...unless of course it was guaranteed to make a ton of money for the Mean Green Club. Throwing around derogatory terms like this without, of course, any shred of firt-hand knowledeg is not right and its not helpful...and I think you know that. But, if you want folks to agree with you and who will keep up the "RV lies" facade, I think you know quite well when you can post that sort of thing.
  21. You are kidding, right? Once again we have someone calling the AD a liar using second and perhaps third hand information. In readily admitting that you are not a $1000+ donor you have no real first hand knowledge of this situation even after those who have donated $1000+ tell you from their first hand knowledge that invitations were made. First you say the AD lies to donors...then you say "I don't know if the allegations in this thread are true". Seems a bit "confused" to me. IF the AD lied TO YOU...let's have the facts. If you are repeating what you read here or hear from some disgruntled and so-ccalled fan, well, how about speaking for yourself? I have never ever been lied to by this AD or this department...nor anyone associated in an official capacity with UNT. That's my first-hand knowledge of the matter, and until or if that ever changes for me on a first-hand basis I'm good to go. Seems a few folks are really free when sitting behind Avatars to accuse folks of intentionally setting out to lie. Hey, here's an idea for you....would you mind showing up at the Kick-Off Cookout on Aug. 18th and discussing that with the folks in question in person? Maybe they can clear up the facts a bit for you. You know, something like "Hey, Rick, good to see you. When are you going to stop telling lies to your donors"? I'd pay to see that excahnge...maybe we could raise some good funds for the new basketball practice facility if we sold tickets...what do you think? Really, if you wouldn't say that sort of thing to the man's face, you might want to tap the brakes a little on here because as much as you think the avatars make everyone anonymous on here...don't ever kid yourself into believeing that one.
  22. PERFECT...I would give you 1000 +1's if I could. Thanks for your support and the fact that you "get it". I only wish we had 100,000 more supporters just like you. But, I'll do what I can...and I know you will as well...to help move this program forward and support UNT and our student-athletes in a positive manner. This (flyonthewall) post folks...this post 1000 times over. Hall of Fame worthy...
  23. INDEED THEY WERE...but, of couse, the folks complaining will never recognize that fact...some folks have just become characteritures of themselevs...and as long as we are talking about nostalgia here...I recall when most of these folks actually were very positive people and tried to help the program in any way they could and didn't post stuff negative about the program each and every chance they get...whether fully factual or not. If you will note...it's mostly third party heresay that gets posted here...like "some big donor told me" or "some folks I know"...and it seems to be the same folks relaying the same negative stuff from the same "some folks I know" over and over again...I thought they had their own little board for all that stuff where they can just complain away to each other on and on and on and on and..... Do we need to post here all the D1 schools that have closed practices? Good Gosh almighty.....And, in case one is wondering, my info on the closed practice invitation last season is from personal & first party knowledge. Seems to me that UNT does have fan appreciation Days...One is called the Kick-off Cookout and the other one is called the Spring Game where fans get up close and personal with coaches and players and often have autograph sessions, etc. Both are free and open to the public. Like Adman said...I think a brake tap is in order here...
  24. I think Baptists everywhere are embarrassed by the name of this so-called church.
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